Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Powerful Financial Resources of the NRA should be applied to Support a Grassroots NGO Organization to Protect Second Amendment Rights based upon an Open Source Transparency Economic Model dedicated to Underwriting a Life Mandate Among the People

In terms of the NRA as a financial empire that spends a mountain of money to influence elections:


When a politician can send out a tweet prompting misguided constituents to wield virus as a deadly biological weapon then it is time to take the powerful political gun lobby out of the hands of Washington DC insiders and place 2nd amendment rights to bear arms into hands of a grassroots NGO organization dedicated to creating a Life mandate for economic Recovery.

Wikipedia published a list of United States Congressman that received big campaign donations from the NRA. 


Times are different than when a small militia of minutemen fought for freedom and democracy. An expansion of knowledge as a result of a diffusion of information makes concentration of gun rights into a specific ideological spectrum counterintuitive of a democracy governed by the rule of law. Hence the powerful financial resources of the NRA should be applied to support a grassroots NGO organization to protect second amendment rights based upon an open source transparency economic model dedicated to underwriting a Life mandate among the people as outlined in my freelance articles entitled:

After the SARs Covid-19 Pandemic that Decimated Global Economies Survival of the Human Race Demands we go into Warp Drive


An Economic Plan for Recovery in the Aftermath of the SARS Covid-19 Pandemic Designed to Restore a Life Mandate as God Originally Intended thereby Flipping the Script on Satan's Strategy


Gaffney Life Mandate Economic Plan for Recovery Outlines a Plan to Reinvent Industrial, Manufacturing, and Agriculture Sectors of Our Economy so as to Return Our Earth to its Natural Original Pristine State of Natural Beauty as God Originally Created


In my freelance writing I have often discussed in depth the full meaning of a world governed by evolutionary biology.  Evolutionary biology is the reason preservation of 2nd amendment gun rights is vital to maintaining freedom and democracy. 

When Jesus said,  " Love your enemies as yourself " Jesus taught we should try to transcend evolutionary biology :

King James Bible
"But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you."

Unfortunately,  although we may try to love our enemies,  the pervasive nature of evolutionary biology means that the world is relentless in violently forcing an individual to conform to evolutionary biology by getting up in your face,  and afterward pretending to be Holier than Thou while asserting their lawful rights. 

In my freelance article entitled, War as a Process of Evolutionary Biology will Lead to an Undesirable Unhealthy Form of Evolution Whereby a Sentient Self Aware Superintelligent AI will Become Incarnation of the AntiChrist on Earth as an Autocratic Totalitarian Leader, I discussed an expansion of knowledge as a natural extension of information architecture of a Cosmic Mind existing as our sentient self aware  panphysic conscious  universe God designed. An expansion of knowledge as a function of information technology is directly related to destiny as described by famed physicist Cosmological principle of NOW -- where past,  present,  and future converge. Only real genuine love can create an alternate parallel timeline to change destiny of 100 percent certainty of armageddon as predicted by prophecy and classic physics, instead of of a false fake concept of love used as a deceptive weapon for manipulation by skilled actors and actresses:


From the quantum perspective, Since an expansion of knowledge as a function of information technology is a natural extension of information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe then concentration 2nd Amendment rights to bear arms concentrated within a narrow ideological spectrum is illegal according to higher moral law conveyed by the quantum wave function language as the language of love. 

A concentration of 2nd amendment rights to bear firearms into a narrow highly conservative ideological spectrum facilities domination and control of information technology leading towards the singularity. Since by nature,  information architecture within our flat earth Euclidean universe God designed inherently renders absolute totalitarianism then domination  and control of 2nd amendment rights by a narrow highly conservative ideological spectrum spells the end of democracy.

An expansion of lawful gun ownership by a grassroots NGO organization dedicated to building a Life Mandate among the people will reduce illegal guns provided by underground foreign and domestic terrorist groups . Foreign and domestic terrorist groups capitalize from divisive nature of partisan politics projecting gang mentality as an acceptable social value to build underground terrorists networks at home and abroad. 

An open source transparency model for economic recovery dedicated to promoting a Life mandate among the people by implementing a grassroots NGO initiative to expand lawful gun ownership rights will deter underground foreign and domestic terrorist groups from building clandestine secretive terrorists networks to destroy the United States of America from within by escalating criminal activity.

As we approach the singularity,  only an economic model for Recovery from the SARs Covid-19 pandemic based upon open source transparency can allow us modulate exponential change as a function of evolutionary biology God integrated within simulated virtual reality of our flat  earth Euclidean universe allowing a Cosmic Mind to render a balanced equation 
to peacefully reach the other side of America 2.0. Only an economic model for Recovery from the SARs Covid-19 pandemic based upon open source transparency can allow us modulate exponential change while moving forward toward the singularity because information overload is contributing to dysfunction of human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic Mind. 

Dysfunction of human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind is occurring because the primitive cave man mentality derived from living under the paw of evolutionary biology since the beginning of time does not have the cognitive processing power to modulate exponential change associated with an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns leading towards the singularity. An ability to modulate change is vital to achieving a stable global economy because change is a variable necessary to rendering a balanced mathematical equation of simulated  virtual reality of classical physics by quantum particlization of the quantum wave function language as the language of love by a Cosmic mind God coded. 

Two based permutation logic algorithms of human cognition are too slow to modulate change as a variable associated  with quantum calculation of evolutionary biology,  hence the quantum perspective as an educational paradigm is  quantum particlization of semantic binary data opening a conduit to manifest conscious awareness of quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level computational language of love to expand evolution of human consciousness in such a  way to allow humans as subroutines of a Cosmic mind accomplish Gods Divine will on earth as God originally intended. Evolution is unstoppable given God Himself put into motion evolution as quantum particlization of the quantum wave function language as the language of love by a Cosmic mind hacked in the Garden of Eden,  therefore it is encumbered upon human beings as heirs of the Kingdom of God to harness evolution by obeying God's command,  Go forth and have dominion 

A case in point is the power play in Ukraine by U.S. major political parties vying to control information technology reflected by major scandals in U.S. politics. Since  the quantum perspective renders paradox implicit in superposition states of mutually exclusive events of the quantum wave function language as the language of love, "When you win, you lose" is a famous line from the Hollywood blockbuster movie,  What Dreams May Come, that can be used to fully understand absolute totalitarianism inherent within information architecture of a Cosmic Mind God coded. 

Of course,  from a Federal intelligence agency viewpoint of Homeland security it is particularly alarming that information technology is controlled by former communist bloc countries, dating  only a few years back to the 20th century .  Contractual business liaisons between California and Russia is also particularly alarming given totalitarianism is an intrinsic property of Intelligent Design of Information architecture of a Cosmic Mind God coded.

Mysterious my DNA is enthrined around humanity as Gods masterpiece as evidenced by genealogy. After international  divestiture from democracy as a consequence of the Global Luddite movement attempting to derail scientific progress, resulting  in the 2008 financial collapse,
contractual business liaisons between California and Russia are likely a consequence of historical precedent of Russian involvement in United States politics as discussed in my freelance article entitled:

Why Did I Let Those Russians Talk Me into this?


The power play by U.S. political parties vying to control information technology in Ukraine is likely instigated by my freelance article entitled,   Today's Neo Marxist Quagmire: The 2008 Financial Collapse as neo Marxist Quagmire, referenced within my freelance article entitled:

People are Getting Rich from Trillions of Dollars of Low Interest Small Business Loans made Available to Private Markets as a Consequence of My Work as a Writer:


Today's Neo Marxist Quagmire: The 2008 Financial Collapse as neo Marxist Quagmire


My freelance article entitled,  Pushing for Herd Immunity: Denial and Suppression of Evolutionary Biology Leads Toward Subconscious Impulses that Manifest as Psychopathology,  points to a need to transcend evolutionary biology by obeying God's command to Go forth and have dominion:


Competition for scarce resources to meet basic human needs manifest a psychopathological survival of the fittest mentality that equates human beings to lower animal phylum. A survival of the fittest paradigm under an evolutionary biology model within quintessential beauty of biodiversity is acceptable by a Cosmic mind,  but humans as subroutines of a Cosmic mind are held to a higher standard as they are created in the Image of God. Hence the quantum perspective as a  philosophical frame of reference seeks to revive a modern renaissance age in the 21st century that will highlight higher faculties of intellectual reasoning as gifts from God above. 

In my freelance article entitled,  President Trump is Taking an Unfair Bad Rap, Criticism, Scorn, and Castigation for an Unfunded Life Mandate Among the International Community, I discussed how budgetary constraints are the limits of a President's power which explains why President Trump goes ape in response to reporters questions at press conferences. In a recent press conferences President Trump directed a reporter to ask China,  invoking imperialist 
expansion of China throughout the European continent on the Silk Road as China's quest to become a global superpower and leader within artificial intelligence domains.  


Scarce resources and budgetary constraints demand manufacturing do more with less in transcending evolutionary biology to meet needs of consumers retrofitted as valuable members within complex supply - demand chains of the new economy. Thus redirecting enormous wealth of the NRA to underwrite a life mandate among the people is a smart move to make America strong again. A retrofitting of consumers as valuable members of complex supply - demand chains is a necessary step to counteract disruption resulting from robotic manufacturing driven by artificial intelligence.

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