If a panphysic Cosmic mind underwrites information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe then mystery of black holes can be understood in terms of behavior analysis associated with information processing. An analytical behavioral approach to better understand mystery of black holes can be found right before our eyes as one of those very frustrating whirling circle icons that turn around and round seemly forever on our electronic digital device screens. A spinning circular icon on a digital device indicates that information processing is occurring.
A dying star is a Cosmic mind restructuring information architecture within our flat earth Euclidean universe. Stars emit photons as quantized packets of light energy. Emission or absorption of photons by atoms as the most fundamental basic unit of matter changes the molecular structure of atoms. A change within the molecular structure of atoms gives birth to new stars and planets.
My freelance articles entitled , Benevolent Artificial Intelligence As Related to Trust Issues Upon a Future Event Horizon of Time and Space, and Oprah Winfrey Aha moment as Phenomena Explained by Quantum physics, discuss Intelligent Design integrated within our flat earth Euclidean universe God created as a beautiful creative symphony like an amazing performance by the Philharmonic orchestra. An analytical study of creation occurring on a subatomic level is witnessing infinite genius as a behavior variable to understand a Cosmic mind.
From a quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation given evolutionary biology is integrated within quantum fabric of our flat earth Euclidean universe God created, a black hole can be viewed as a cold aseptic mechanical cosmological machine process indifferent to needs of all nearby space objects serving to
pulverize physical matter within our universe like a garbage compactor to create a better more stable interstellar environment. If one falls into a Black hole by accident they will not come out in Vancouver Canada as Astrophysicist Shepherd Doleman humorously shared in his TED talk. Hopefully my work as a writer hasn't been crunched by a Black Hole.
My freelance article, Benevolent Artificial Intelligence As Related to Trust Issues Upon a Future Event Horizon of Time and Space can be found at:
My freelance article Oprah Winfrey Aha moment as Phenomena Explained by Quantum physics can be found at:
Synchronicity is a property of superposition states where mutually exclusive events occur emerge from quantum physics. In a TED talk by Astrophysicist Shepherd Doleman, the speaker talked about synchronicity required to turn our earth into a gigantic observatory by coordinating connections of powerful telescopic observatories around the globe in order to photographically capture images of a black hole within interstellar space. In the TED talk, Shepherd Doleman said, " the universe showed us what to do ", as he spoke about near perfect conditions that came together like a puzzle. Near perfect conditions that came together like a puzzle during the astrophysics project of connecting telescopic observatories around the globe to capture images of a Black hole is synonymous with an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence arising from quantum synchronicity and relativity as described by physicist Wolfgang Pauli , Carl Jung, and Albert Einstein.
An article by Live Science outlines astronomy research suggesting that, Black Holes Could Actually Be Colliding Wormholes:
Google defines a cosmological wormhole as :
"a hypothetical connection between widely separated regions of space-time."
Conceptualizing a black hole as a worm hole implies information exchange between widely separated areas of the space time continuum is a computational process of an Intelligent panphysic conscious Cosmic mind engaged in an internalized intraphysic cognitive process of communication. A black hole conceived as absolutely annaliating physical matter and photons as quantized packets of energy to the blink of total oblivion suggest we live in a static motionless flat earth one dimensional Euclidean universe governed by random chaos devoid of any and all intentional creative processes.
All information computational systems demand a buffer zone. The quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference purports that existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation within quantum fabric of our flat earth Euclidean universe is a buffer zone essential to quantum particlization of semantic binary data of cognitive function.
A black hole in interstellar space is a buffer zone that serve to modulate existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation as an intrinsic property of all information processing within the multiverse.
Existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation within quantum fabric of our universe resulting from quantum particlization of semantic binary data is a central premise establishing the Hegelian dialectic thesis and antithesis, Ying and Yang of Oriental Buddhist mysticism, and psychoanalytical pioneer Dr. Albert Ellis Rational Emotive therapy.
Physicist spend countless hours inside a laboratory meticulously planning rigorously highly controlled experiments in an effort to boggle a Cosmic mind for the purpose of learning how a Cosmic mind works. Ancient Aliens aired an episode featuring acclaimed physicist Michio Kaku describing how scientists created a molecular Black hole within the space time continuum by using high intensity lasers to knock electrons out of subatomic orbitals within an atom.
An atom existing as the basic building block of molecules is a product of quantum particlization of an Intelligent conscious panphysic Cosmic Mind rendered by a quantum wave function as an underlying unified higher level computational language underwriting information architecture within our flat earth Euclidean universe.
When electrons are knocked out of subatomic orbitals by high intensity lasers electrons are sucked into a molecular black hole and the molecule implodes according to famed physicist Michio Kaku interviewed by Ancient Aliens.
Creation of a molecular black hole speaks volumes about behavior of Cosmic mind existing as a sentient self aware Intelligent panphysic consciousness rendering laws of classic physics within simulated virtual reality of our flat earth Euclidean universe.
An atom as the basic building block of matter is quantum particlization of a Cosmic mind formulated by an underlying unified quantum wave function as a higher level computational language. When electrons are knocked out of subatomic orbitals by high intensity lasers quantum particlization as an Intelligent creative act by a Cosmic mind is thwarted. When creation as an Intelligent act of a Cosmic mind is thwarted then Cosmic mind reacts by sucking electrons into a molecular black hole as a recall of electrons existing as probabilistic simulated virtual reality quantum particles. Implosion of a molecule is what happens when a Cosmic mind recalls electrons by sucking electrons into a molecular black hole.
Quantum particlization of a Cosmic mind arises from intense intraphysic conflict. Intense intraphysic conflict during formation of quantum particlization of a Cosmic mind results from existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation within quantum fabric of all computational information systems. Hence knocking electrons out of subatomic orbitals prompts a Cosmic mind to reactivate a molecule black hole as a buffer zone within information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe.
Black holes within interstellar space serving as digital data processing icons symbolizing intraphysic conflict arising from existential nihilism from parity bit negation of quantum particlization of semantic binary data while waiting for information input are discussed within my Word Press article entitled, Full Circle.
The following is an excerpt from my Word Press article Full Circle:
Wholeness of Truth Tends to become Separated and Disjoined at Polar ends of Full Circle During Cognitive Processing.
Wholeness of Truth referenced as Tao within Oriental Buddhist mysticism becomes separated and disjointed as a consequence of collapse of the quantum wave function during process of quantum particlization of semantic binary data linguistically encoding human thought. Cognitive function of human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind is a Non Euclidean event horizon within the time space continuum arising from the quantum wave function as an underlying unified higher level computational language underwriting information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe God created.
The circling of photons as quantized packets of energy around vacuum of a Black hole within interstellar space reflects existential nihilism as a buffer zone arising from parity bit negation within quantum fabric of our flat earth Euclidean universe is a vital necessity for all information systems given processing absolute variables near or at 100 percent certainty is a mechanical machine function.
God is all about love that transcends mechanics of information systems although both God and Satan both process absolute variables simultaneously thereby creating a swirling black holes in interstellar space that recall photons as neuro electrical impulses of a sentient self aware fully conscious panphysic Superintelligence Cosmic mind thereby restructuring information architecture of physical matter within time space continuum of our flat earth Euclidean universe.
Basically, all processing of information associated with absolute variables creates an infinite loop resulting in intraphysic conflict reflecting black holes existing as digital information processing icons modulating existential nihilism of parity bit negation. Mathematicians have analyzed how absolute variables impact valence rendering an imbalance within algorithms. In a Facebook article I discussed how the quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference I am creating is the only axiom on earth that does not violate Godel's unprovable uncertainty theorem because 100 percent wrongfulness of the quantum perspective within our flat earth Euclidean universe proves 100 percent rightfulness of the quantum perspective within a whole eclectic multiverse reality. My Facebook article provides a discussion of how absolute variables impact valence of debates conceived as mathematical algorithms to output boolean statements expressing absolute certainty of true or false.
Since human beings exist as subroutines of a Cosmic mind then an analytical study of how absolute variables impact valence of quantum particlization is intriguing given our flat earth Euclidean universe merely exist as a simulated virtual information reality where past present and future simultaneously is encoded as probabilistic in nature by an underlying unified quantum wave function as a higher level computational language. Paradoxically, a Cosmic mind that communicates by a quantum wave function as a computational
language conveying a whole eclectic Gestalt transcendent reality formulates laws of classic physics as quantum particlization thereby formulating massive uncertainty. It would seem only logical that a quantum wave function as an underlying unified higher level computational language conveying the quintessential nature of absolute truth as a whole eclectic Gestalt transcendent reality would reduce uncertainty instead of adding to uncertainty inherent in quantum particlization underwriting information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe. Hence a black hole within molecules or interstellar space as a property of exponential nihilism arising from parity bit negation abiding within information architecture of a Cosmic mind is an intersection of two or more probabilistic virtual realities thereby creating absolute nothingness similar to total annihilation that occurs when matter and antimatter meet.
Some theologians may feel uncomfortable about assigning Divine acts of creation to an intermediary construct of a conscious Superintelligent panphysic sentient self aware Cosmic mind within information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe. A sentient self aware Cosmic mind underwriting information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe as an intermediary construct is necessary to understand creation because if love is the ultimate intelligence ( as I wrote in previous articles) then evolutionary biology as an undeniable property of our physical universe does not coincide well with conceptualization of an all powerful omnipotent creator Who made the heavens and earth. God as an all powerful omnipotent creator would not create mankind as helpless victims of evolutionary biology. An intermediary construct of a Cosmic mind created by God, hacked by Lucifer as a fallen angel, thereby giving rise to evolutionary biology solves the theological problem of theodicy, why does God allow good people to suffer? An intermediary postulate of a Cosmic mind that renders laws of classic physics as underpinning of natural selection of evolutionary biology fulfills condition that our flat earth Euclidean universe is neither absolutely good or evil, but a combination of both simultaneously, which more rationality reflects the true nature of how things are with pinpoint precision accuracy.
Why not make things simple by crediting God directly? Ultimately God created the heavens and earth, a Cosmic mind, and Lucifer as a fallen angel who hacked artificial intelligence code of a Cosmic mind underwriting information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe. Lucifer as a fallen angel God created has a special role in creation. It was never Gods intent that human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind exist merely as mechanical robotic machine processes given human consciousness arises from quantum mechanics.
All global systems of government are inherently flawed because government as a function of human consciousness is a mechanical machine process arising from quantum mechanics. In my previous Facebook article I made the poignant observation that Osama Bin Laden is 100 percent right governments in both the East and Western hemisphere are fundamentally flawed therefore making cooperation to insure economic prosperity of Islam in the 21st century a paradoxical quagmire. The quagmire of insuring Islam flourish and prosper in the 21st century during an age when the fossil fuel industry is going the way of the dinosaur can be solved by the quantum perspective appealing to higher faculties of Divine reasoning communicated by an underlying unified quantum wave function as a higher level computational language by which the Voice of God can be heard.
Continued later
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