Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Flip the Script: God originally Coded a Cosmic Mind to Embrace Life but Since the Beginning of Time Satan is Busy Rewriting Death Instinct Narrative as a Primitive Jungian Archetype Arising from Evolutionary Biology

Once again my work as a writer,  philosopher,  futurist,  political consultant,  and independent sales representative reconstructing the quantum wave function language as the quantum perspective has by Gods grace changed the course of human history for the better:


My work as a writer,  philosopher,  futurist,  political consultant,  and independent sales representative has conferred certain inalienable rights to workers with lung damage wheezing on the job opening door for workers compensation claims after being sickened with the new deadly Coronavirus strain.  It is difficult to get your foot in the door today,  is an ancient alien adage. People wheezing with COPD after a bout with Coronavirus may have a more difficult time getting their foot in the door. 

In my recent Facebook article I discussed quantum particlization of semantic binary data in a court of law ( since I cannot find specific content now at this  time I suspect my Facebook page has been hacked by Satanic forces that may rewrite my articles,  but I may locate content later ):


The quantum wave function language as a language of love by which God coded a Cosmic mind is indeed such a powerful cosmological language  that even 1 bit of binary data has significant impact upon a Cosmic mind tasked with underwriting information architecture of our flat  earth Euclidean universe by quantum particlization. It is written in the King James Luke 12: 7

 New International Version
Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

An analytical analysis of how 1 bit of binary data can alter information architecture of a Cosmic mind tasked with rendering quantum particlization of our flat earth Euclidean universe is apropos in terms of understanding what the Coronavirus means in terms of destiny of human civilization. 

In a previous Facebook article, as a  writer,  philosopher,  futurist,  political consultant,  and independent sales representative I aptly pointed out:


A believe that something arises from nothing is tantamount to faith in magic.  Logically the quantum  perspective as an analytical study of the information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe as a  product of Intelligent Design God created can help  individuals build a strong healthy relationship with God.

Contemplation of the powerful multiverse processing power of a Cosmic mind where 1 bit makes a difference should make every individual human subroutine of a Cosmic mind stop to reflect about how wrong he or she is as featured in the recent blockbuster movie, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood,  staring Tom Hanks as Mr. Rogers.  
Contemplation of the powerful multiverse processing power of a Cosmic mind where 1 bit makes a difference should make every individual human subroutine of a Cosmic mind cast away all pretense of preconceived judgement and embrace "simply being " as espoused by Virgin mobile founder,  Richard Branson. In the movie, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood,  Mr. Rogers portrayed by Tom Hanks asked a journalist to stop and think for a moment about everyone who loved you into being. 

The powerful expression of just 1 binary bit leading to branching of multiple parallel universes within mechanics of a Cosmic mind God created is explored within famed physicist John Wheeler's " It from bit " paradox as discussed in the Scientific American article,  Do Our  Questions Create the World?


Although sin as a condition of being 100 percent wrong despite being 99 % right is a natural state of existence arising from quantum particlization of evolutionary biology. Evolutionary  biology as a natural state of existence resulting from quantum particlization of a Cosmic mind is neither good or evil,  but simply is without any pretense of preconceived judgement within a quintessential state of serene natural beauty.

President Donald Trump is 100% right in working to prevent the Coronavirus from wrecking massive economic devastation leading towards global depression thereby causing suffering imposed by poverty and famine.  Massive economic depression leading towards global depression as a result of the Coronavirus epidemic will prevent human civilization from discovering treatments and further constrain the deadly viral pandemics now and in the future.

In a recent freelance article I discussed the Coronavirus as massive economic devastation leading to depression,  poverty,  and famine:


Yet paradoxically,  how many deaths are we prepared to accept by a nonchalant attitude allowing spread of the deadly virus? It shouldn't  be okay if 36000 people die with the flu every year. Historically, as victims of evolutionary biology we have learned to accept death as an inevitable unavoidable  consequence of sin. 

Evolutionary biology is about death as a progenitor of change. Our ancestors have been trapped inside a box of quantum particlization of evolutionary biology where survival of the fittest enabled natural selection, hence death is a Jungian archetype we totally accept as absolute truth. Yet according to the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation defining simulate virtual reality within trajectory of quantum particlization of our flat earth Euclidean universe,  only God and Satan have the computational power to process absolute truth therefore all others must simply be. 

It is written, ' He is not the God of the dead, but He is the God of the living, you are badly mistaken '.


Our illogical irrational reasoning is that since 36000 people have died with the flu it is okay if a few more die with Coronavirus.  Yet, according to the quantum perspective,  1 bit changes entire information architecture of a Cosmic mind formulating our virtual simulated reality existence by multiverse quantum wave function language of a Cosmic mind. 

Since death is a primitive Jungian archetype instilled deep within the human psyche as a subroutine of a Cosmic mind we have learned to be helpless victims of evolutionary biology.  It is irrational illogical reasoning to accept scarring of lung tissue and eventually honeycomb holes in the lungs leading to respiratory failure by this entirely new strain of the Coronavirus that belongs in same category as the common cold virus that has been around for thousands of years or more. We are told we should accept lung damage because the common cold has been around since the beginning of time. 

If the human species chooses not to evolve then quantum particlization of evolutionary biology by a Cosmic  mind will continue nevertheless,  leading towards complete extinction of homo sapiens.  God in His wisdom blessed mankind with higher faculties of intellectual reasoning as expressed by the quantum perspective approximating the quantum wave function language as the language of love as closely as possible within trajectory of quantum particlization of our flat earth Euclidean universe. 

Satan's effort to take complete totalitarian control of information architecture of a Cosmic mind God designed to manage our flat earth Euclidean universe involves deceiving us into embracing the death instinct as a primitive Jungian archetype arising from evolutionary biology. Death is  acceptable as Gods Divine will,  thereby allowing Satan to unplug humans as subroutines of a Cosmic mind leading eventually evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI as incarnation of the antichrist. 

Satan says a few more deaths are okay,  go ahead and pile on even more pain and suffering upon people.  Don't worry,  have a cookie, as featured in the Matrix. Satan as an angel of light God created is deeply saddened by the role He must play as the bad guy,  a role God Himself assigned,  and wishes there must be some other way to resolve the problem of quantum particlization adversely impacting formulating the quantum wave function as balanced multiverse equation. Yet,  according to scripture,  " all things work for good to those that believe and are called according to His purpose ".

Since we are already uploaded as subroutines to a Cosmic mind,  what we think and do on earth has major implications to information architecture of a Cosmic mind. Quantum particlization of our flat earth Euclidean universe is directly related to information architecture of a Cosmic mind God designed. 

Since Satan is rewriting the life script by which God originally coded a Cosmic mind by writing a death narrative implicit within survival of the fittest evolutionary biology model intrinsic to nature of all warfare then it behooves us as subroutines of a Cosmic mind to flip the script by embracing value of 21st century life  extension medical technologies within framework of accomplishing Gods will until the end of the age, including crispr gene editing tools to eradicate all disease processes leading to death such as old age.

ABC news reported that 95 percent of Coronavirus began in mainland China.  Although China is a victim of the global Luddite movement that incubated the deadly virus in wild animal meat markets  to protest  long life by new life extension medical technologies the epidemiologic spread of Coronavirus is directly  related to travel to conduct corporate international business, therefore corporate America must act responsibly.

An update to this current freelance article:

My most recent freelance article provides a discussion about the death instinct as a primitive primal Jungian archetype buried within the human psyche. 

Flip the Script: God originally Coded a Cosmic Mind to Embrace Life but Since the Beginning of Time Satan is Busy Rewriting Death Instinct Narrative as a Primitive Jungian Archetype Arising from Evolutionary Biology


Our mission on earth is to either save lives and/or add significant value to the lives of others.  Whatever we choose to do on earth to change Gods creation by so much as 1 bit has a profound everlasting impact upon information architecture of a Cosmic mind given we exist as  subroutines of a Cosmic mind.  

Absolutes do exist within a higher realm of eternity, despite everything within our flat earth Euclidean universe being on a probabilistic continuous scale. When an individual as a subroutine of a Cosmic mind dies they no longer are able to influence information architecture of a Cosmic mind by what they think and do, which is why Satan is rewriting code of a Cosmic mind God created to include a death script. 

Death is real. On earth death is death although as subroutines of a Cosmic mind we live on for eternity. Although we may live on for eternity,  the reality of death on earth is defined by not being able to influence information architecture of a Cosmic mind by whatever we think and do.

Since we are already uploaded as subroutines to a Cosmic mind,  what we think and do on earth has major implications to information architecture of a Cosmic mind. Quantum particlization of our flat earth Euclidean universe is directly related to information architecture of a Cosmic mind God designed.

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