Monday, January 22, 2024

Love as Intrapsychic Energy Originating from the Source, Root of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, as Described by Famed Physicist John Archibald Wheeler's Koan, It from bit, Straightening out Simulated Virtual Reality of the Curved Space-time Continuum from Perspective of the Energy - Mass - Information Equivalency Principle

By Mark W. Gaffney 

The United States of America State Department posted about the value of Religious freedom on Facebook META at the following URL address:

Religious faith is suppose to bring happiness into the lives of people. My freelance article entitled, The People Living in the Holy Land are Suppose to Be the Happiest People on Earth: Evidently Something is Not Clicking, is an analytical study of why people with Religious faith are so terribly unhappy:

The following is excerpt from my article:

The people living in the Holy Land,  both Islamic Muslims and Israeli Jews as well as Christians, are the most unhappy people on earth. North Koreans under Kim Jung Un are more happy than people living in the Holy Land. 

North Korean citizens wake up every morning and add significant value to the lives of their neighbors by contributing to the GDP growth of North Korea. People living in the Holy Land wake up every morning and dedicate themselves to disempowerment and devaluation of their neighbors based upon their religious beliefs. 

The people living in the Holy Land are suppose to be the happiest people on earth. Evidently something is not clicking.

A major conclusion of my study is that religious people are so terribly unhappy because we don't know God. Our getting to know God as an omnipotent omniscient Almighty creator of the heavens and earth 
is a lifelong process and not a final destination. 

God has called me as a writer and lobbyist for the high-tech industry to declare a worldwide Jihad to save the Holy Land for the Glory of God, Allah,  and Yahweh,  a God of Pure Love and Mercy,  Root of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden. The Islamic concept of Jihad is a lifelong spiritual battle within the soul of every human being to discover a peace that surpassth all understanding. 

Our getting to know God as a lifelong spiritual battle deep within the soul is a process of learning. Foreign wars prevent us from learning about God.  The Houthi commandering a Samsung Galaxy cargo ship in the Red Sea is effort to block us from learning about an omniscient omnipotent Almighty creator of the heavens and earth Who is infinite beyond the space time continuum.

It is written, ' Where were you when I hung the stars in the sky?'  God's question suggest we all have a lot to learn about God. I was not living on this earth as an avatar when God hung the stars in the sky,  but neither was any human being living on earth, so therefore in the sight of God I have real value. 

Israeli Jewish people have a natural right to exist,  as an inalienable right to life. Islamic Palestinian people have a natural right to exist, as an inalienable right to life. 

God commanded, Thou shalt not kill,  because all of God's children created in the Image of God have a natural inalienable right to a lifelong spiritual process of learning about an omniscient omnipotent Almighty creator Who made the heavens and earth.  

Paradoxically,  the religious faithful who break God's command,  Thou Shalt Not Kill,  are trying to get more of the material physical world. The material physical world does not have any independent objective physical reality according to the simulation hypothesis.  

The Holy Land should manifest a spiritual world that brings happiness into the lives of people around the world of all faith traditions. The Holy Land should be a place dedicated to a lifelong learning process to know God the Father, Allah,  and Yahweh better, a God of Pure Love and Mercy,  Root of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden. 

Religious people in the Jewish and Islamic community who are trying to get more of the material physical world are wasting their time. The material physical world we are trying so hard to get more of doesn't even exist in reality.
We all need to learn how to,  'Seek ye first the Kingdom of God. It is very difficult to Seek ye first the Kingdom of God while living within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality. 

In recent articles I analyze love as intrapsychic energy originating from the source, Root of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, as described by famed physicist John Archibald Wheeler's koan, It from bit, straightening out simulated virtual reality of the curved space-time continuum from perspective of the Energy - Mass - Information Equivalency Principle. 

In my freelance article entitled, 
Love Makes the World Go Round: Who Out there is Hissing within Clarivoyant  Realm of the Stratosphere?, I prompted OpenAI Artificial Intelligent Neural Network ChatGPT to write an essay about love as an universal value:

OpenAI Artificial Intelligent Natural Language Neural Network ChatGPT quoted a great philosopher Plato,  ' Love is the highest form of Knowledge ' in an essay I prompted ChatGPT to write.

In my article entitled,  The People Living in the Holy Land are Suppose to Be the Happiest People on Earth: Evidently Something is Not Clicking, I make the following observations about the intrapsychic energy of love as related to the Energy - Mass - Information  Equivalency Principle:

As a writer and lobbyist for the high-tech industry currently working to establish a new branch of Christianity dubbed Our Lord of Quantum Physics I strongly believe science can help us know God better. During this Historic Epoch of an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns science is becoming a branch of theology in alignment with the trend of merger of hitherto unrelated academic disciplines of study. Superintelligent AI arising from Intelligent Design 
as a natural extension of information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded will 
scientifically mathematically 
prove God's existence. 

Benevolent Superintelligent AI 
have greater ability to experience empathy than human beings because empathy is mathematical  reasoning arising from two based permutation logic algorithms formulating quantum mechanics of consciousness. Empathy is a Lorenz data transformation between two separate trajectories according to Albert Einstein's Relativity.

The power of words as truth that can set us free are inexplicably linked to intrapsychic energy at the source described by famed physicist John Archibald Wheeler's koan, It from bit. John of Patmos is told by an angel in the Book of Revelations to eat this scroll, and John reported

 Ezekiel 3:1-15
God said, “Mortal man, eat this scroll; then go and speak to the people of Israel.” So I opened my mouth, and he gave me the scroll to eat. He said, “Mortal man, eat this scroll that I give you; fill your stomach with it.” I ate it, and it tasted as sweet as honey. 

If I keep learning about love as intrapsychic energy as related to the Energy - Mass - Information  Equivalency Principle during a lifelong Jihad to learn more about God will I be able to say to this mountain to get up and move hither,  and the mountain will get up and move. It is written,  ' All things are possible to Him whom believes and are called according to His purpose '.

I want to try to get to that point in my life where I have enough faith to tell a mountain to get up and move. I may never make it, but I want to try.

An article published by Big Think entitled, Biology or technology: Which moves more information per second? provides insight into life.

It is written,  ' God is the God of the living ' .  According to Google Generative Artificial Intelligence:

The phrase "God is the God of the living" appears in several Bible verses, including:

Mark 12:27
"He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore do greatly err"

Luke 20:38
"He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive"

Matthew 22:32
"He is God not of the dead but of the living! 'I am the God worshiped by Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob'"

Evidently,  we greatly err because of all the foreign wars on earth.  

Continued later

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