Wednesday, January 10, 2024

ALL of Us Human Beings on Earth Need to REPENT before God and Find a New Way Forward Starting Today with a Day of Reconciliation

By Mark W. Gaffney 

The Wall Street Journal published an article entitled, Israel Plans for Next Phase of Gaza War, Defense Minister Says,

God speaks to me while writing His Word in my heart. This current article is the second installment of my article entitled, Thus Sayeth the Lord, Go Forth and Declare a NEW COVENANT, currently published on my Facebook META webpage Fulfillment of God's Plan.

In paragraphs above I write, All of us human beings on earth need to REPENT before God and find a new way forward starting today with a Day of Reconciliation. I want to write a new article explaining how people shouldn't look for a NEW COVENANT from me or any other human being on earth. World peace begins in one's heart, but the 'peace that surpassth all understanding ' is illusive given we live within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality. 

Everything is so very upsetting. It is not surprising so many people end up on the television evening news in America.

The good news is God did not abandon us within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality. The redemptive sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross is sanctification of mankind's journey to meet a Preexisting God in the Heavens at the Omega Point regardless of whatever any given human being may believe.  A Preexisting God has the power and authority to guide the collective conscience of humanity to the Omega Point to return our beautiful green earth back to God as a precious gem. 

Our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ,  the Prince of Peace is born in Gaza and West Bank of Palestine where the war between Israel and Hamas rages according to Satan's strategy,  and this should be upsetting to every human being on earth irregardless of religious faith.

Satan is diligently working within all our hearts and minds to convince us that a NEW COVENANT does not exist. We must live by the old ways, a tooth for a tooth,  an eye for an eye.  Satan may be right. Satan is a smart fellow. Satan has been around and around the block for a long time.

We can't blame it on Satan.  Satan is trying to free us. You can't pull the wool over Satan's eyes.  Satan knows phony bologna when he sees it.  Satan has regurgitated too much phony bologna in civilizations across the entire universe. When will there be no end to these lies , thinketh Satan. 

Since God the Father,  Allah, and Yahweh is a God of Pure Love,  Root of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, than worshipping idolatrous graven images of guns, knives, bombs, tanks, fighter jets while living outside God's Divine providence while fighting foreign wars is phony bologna of idolatry.  All God's children,  sons and daughters of God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh must lay down their guns, knives, missiles, dismantle their bombs, tanks,  fighter jets,  and humbly kneel in REPENTANCE before God.

Look what you have done to the Holy Land. The great prophets cry out from the grave. ALL OF US HUMAN BEINGS SHOULD HUMBLY KNEEL IN REPENTANCE BEFORE GOD, Jewish, Islamic, Christian,  and all other faith traditions. 

Wikipedia webpage, Zabur,  provides insight into God's Plan for teachers of the Qur’an going into impoverished radicalized Islamic neighborhoods throughout the Middle East and underground into the tunnels to declare a NEW COVENANT between God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh with all God's children, true heirs of the Kingdom of God on earth. The Wikipedia website, Zabar, provides insight into the great prophets within the Abrahamic faith tradition crying out from the grave :

Indeed, We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], as We revealed to Noah and the prophets after him. And we revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, the Descendants, Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon, and to David We gave the book [of Psalms].

— Qur'an 4:163[8], Sahih International Translation

And your Lord is most knowing of whoever is in the heavens and the earth. And We have made some of the prophets exceed others [in various ways], and to David We gave the book [of Psalms].

— Qur'an 17:55[9], Sahih International Translation

And We have already written in the book [of Psalms] after the [previous] mention that the land [of Paradise] is inherited by My righteous servants.

— Qur'an 21:105[7], Sahih International Translation

My becoming more knowledgeable about Islam and the Qur’an from reading Wikipedia demonstrates how the Information Superhighway  is destiny arising from Intelligent Design to help the collective conscience of humanity work in full partnership with God to become a more advanced civilization where God's law of love can flourish as human civilization moves toward becoming an advanced Type V civilization according to the Kardashev scale. A knowledge based society is directed linked to the Energy - Mass - Information Equivalency Principle.  Love is intrapsychic energy. The Prophet Elijah as an earthly avatar encoded within information architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden without any independent objective physical reality on earth is taken up into heaven without dying. Elijah is very much alive within simulated virtual reality of the physical universe. 

On earth, there will never be a communist fascist One World Government ruled by either a Jewish Zionist empire or Islamic OPEC oil producing nations. God the Father, Allah, and Yahweh,  a God of Pure Love and Mercy,  Root of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden,  owns the entire world and all people's in it, least we forget by killing our brothers and sisters with idolatrous graven images forged by human hands. We are all one human family, both Isaac and Ishmael. 

Related X Twitter:

 @UN #UN @StateDept #StateDept @TimesofIsrael @HumanFraternity @POTUS @Palestine_UN @NobelPrize #NobelPrize #Jihad @mhdksafa
ALL of us human beings on earth need to REPENT before God and find a new way forward starting today with a Day of Reconciliation

The two state solution will never work for as long as the sovereign Jewish state of Israel must provide its own security.  The International Islamic community must do more to guarantee security for Israel in Gaza and the West Bank

In return for a pledge of security for Israel by the International Islamic community, Israel must be prepared to help people of all faith traditions within the International community to rebuild a strong, vibrant, prosperous Islamic Palestinian state

Continued later

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