Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Treason Against the American People

By Mark W. Gaffney 


Funding any war anywhere on earth,  either between Ukraine and Russia or the Israel Hamas war is unconstitutional.  CBS 60 Minutes reported that mountains of money and gold was buried in bunkers under Afghanistan.  If those precious economic resources were used for scientific research purposes than millions of people would not have died needlessly during the Covid-19 pandemic.  

A vaccination would have been discovered before the pandemic began.  A Nuremberg like trial should be convened, and all those responsible sentenced to death by hanging for the crime of worldwide genocide. World leaders acted as the foolish servant by burying coins from their master under the ground as spoken in Jesus parable. 

All foreign wars are nothing but Satan's drones working on all sides to stymie medical advances enabling longevity and allowing American citizens to live a more full life as American citizens are entitled too by hard work.  Satan's drones seek to drag us all down into the hell they are making on earth. 

The Global Luddite Movement want to prevent people from being uploaded during the Technosingularity to become Transhuman because uploading doesn't fit into personal plans of Satan's drones to transform the collective conscience of humanity into Image of the Beast. We are already uploaded within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality.

Satan's drones want us to crawl on our belly on the ground like the serpent ready to strike to do it unto others before they do it unto you. Repent of your foreign wars and go into the Mosques, Synagogues,  House's of prayer,  cathedrals to find God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh,  a God of love and mercy,  Root of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden.

Satan's drones are ready to strike like the serpent crawling on the ground on its belly. Foreign wars help Satan's drones become god and king on the earth. 

We shouldn't be apart of any of it. If they want to kill each other than we as American citizens shouldn't have to pay for it. Let the red army march through the world and solve their problems with a baton to the knee caps while implementing Hong Kong national security laws. The wailing wall of the 2nd Temple of Solomon and Holy Dome of the Rock Islamic Mosque can both be pushed off the Temple Mount by bulldozers and replaced by newly built emperor palaces for a communist fascist empire constructed on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. 

Satan's drones seek to prevent us from breaking free from quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality  by working in full partnership with God as co-creators to help human civilization as God's masterpiece become a Type V civilization according to the Kardashev scale during a modern 21st century renaissance age of enlightenment when God's law of love can flourish. Satan's drones don't believe in God's law of love.

U.S. Politicians working as bureaucrats for foreign nationals are betraying the American people. The Declaration of Independence says that all human beings have certain inalienable rights, among these are Life, liberty,  and the Pursuit of happiness.  The American people should not be punished because people across the Eurasian theater are dying of solid organ tumors as a consequence of the chernobyl melt down. Plus they are exporting cancerous grains around the world,  including use in baby formula. The funding of foreign wars is treason against the American people.

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