Thursday, November 30, 2023

Ishmael and Isaac should Learn to Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and the Holy land shall remain Holy

By Mark W. Gaffney 

UN #UN @NobelPrize #NobelPrize @Potus #POTUS @StateDept #StateDept @HumanFraternity #HumanFraternity @TempleInstitute #templeinstitute 

A major theme in recent articles I have written pertaining to the war between Israel and Hamas is that Israel must negotiate with Hamas. Israel has identified Hamas as a terrorist group after the bloody, violent, gory bloodbath that occurred during the attack of Israel October 7th,  2023 by Palestinian Hamas leaders. 

A foreign policy decision by Israel to recognize the role of Palestinian Hamas leaders as legitimate representatives choosen by the people of Palestine to conduct the People's business,  including waging war, will be a baby step toward Israel coming to terms with understanding deep primeval visceral anger within the international Islamic community associated with grievances concerning (1) Israeli apartheid in the Palestinian West Bank and Gaza, and (2) Unfounded fears of occupation of Middle East Arab Islamic nations by a Zionist empire. 

An article published by Reuters entitled, Reported killing in Gaza refugee camp casts shadow on third day of truce, hints that Israeli apartheid continues in the Palestinian West Bank and Gaza even before the war between Israel and Hamas is officially ended.

According to the article published by Reuters, 

"A Palestinian farmer was killed and another injured on Sunday after they were targeted by Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip's Maghazi refugee camp, the Palestinian Red Crescent said, underlining the fragility of the truce between Israel and Hamas fighters"

The bloody, violent, gory bloodbath that occurred during the attack of Israel October 7th,  2023 by Palestinian Hamas leaders shocked sensibilities of the international community, especially concerning reports about Hamas fighers cooking a baby alive in an oven while gang raping the mother. Mass media aired video of babies and children beheaded and skulls crushed by baseball bats during the brutal October 7th, 2023 attack of Israel by Hamas. 

The International Geneva Convention has outlined rules of conduct during war. The killing of defenseless elderly people, children,  babies,  is a violation of rules of war established by the Geneva Convention. 

As a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry I assert all war should outlawed as an illegitimate method to deal with human conflict given war is a violation of God's law, Thou shalt not kill, etched in stone and given to Moses.

It matters not that the law of Moses is etched in stone. It matters more that the law of Moses is written within the human heart and mind. 

However,  it is written in the Book of Ecclesiastes:

 "3 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

9 What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth?

10 I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.

11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end."


God's law given to Moses, Thou shalt not kill, is an extension of God’s law of love. 
God’s law of love is a Higher law espoused by both the Great Chinese philosopher Confusious and Saint Paul. 

When the time to kill arrives as every purpose under heaven according to Ecclesiastes than the rules of conduct during war outlined by International Geneva Convention demands all combatants must be given an opportunity to defend themselves by being fully armed with weapons of war and alerted an attack by the enemy is eminent. All combatants should know why they are being attacked before outbreak of war.

In years preceeding 1776 the British believed in rules of conduct to fight a gentlemanly war. A gentlemanly war included all combatants armed, ready, and fully capable 
to defend themselves. A gentlemanly war does not include the killing of unarmed civilians. A gentlemanly war is derived from a Higher law as translated into quantum particlization of semantic binary data formulating teaching of the great Chinese philosopher Confusious and Saint Paul arising from WISDOM that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. 

The United Nations bemoans Israeli apartheid in the Palestinian West Bank and Gaza,  but somehow the International Islamic community is not able to utilize the forum established by the United Nations dedicated for peaceful resolution of grievances of radical militant Islamic extremist. The action of individuals  who do not have authorization or approval of official government channels to act may be problematic.

It is often said, ' all politics is local'. Deep primeval visceral anger bubbles within the soul of every human being on earth as subroutines embedded within information architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden ready to spill over from the cauldron of the soul, caustically causing the Tree of Life to wither and die. 

Every human being on earth is ready to smash the skull of another human being with a baseball bat at any moment. Blood sucked from turnips as Non union workers paid less than a living wage providing a comfortable life of luxury for Satan's drones within the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism 
is the only reason widespread war does not break out in America. Communist fascist thieves within the Republican/Democrat duoply regime love their life as blood sucking parasites who data mine in order to embezzle from people who have actually done real work instead of sitting in their office scheming how to get rich overnight. 

Demons evaluate their work and contributions on par with god Almighty while Satan's drones evaluate the contributions of others like diddly shit as absolutely nothing . Demons should pay me what they owe me, or Demons should be forewarned to get out of my face as I don't owe them anything either. Smart ass bastards called Elijah old baldy and a bear ripped them apart. 

Roman soldiers and tax collectors walking the earth during the day of Jesus have been reincarnated. Quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality is Satan's drones crawling around and flexing their muscles to claim high places while gaining competitive advantage by mutual cooperation to maximize survival of the fittest according to Satan's strategy. 

Actually,  reincarnated Roman soldiers and tax collectors walking the earth during Jesus day never died given as subroutines of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded they are embedded within information architecture of the Tree of Life. After all these years Satan's drones are still trying to destroy the Kingdom of God on earth.

It is written, 

"46 Beware of the scribes, which desire to walk in long robes, and love greetings in the markets, and the highest seats in the synagogues, and the chief rooms at feasts;

47 Which devour widows' houses, and for a shew make long prayers: the same shall receive greater damnation."

War reeks poverty upon the whole world according to Satan's strategy, while God the Father,  Allah, and Yahweh seeks to raise up His children as His sons and daughters, true hiers to the Kingdom of God.

Thus sayeth the Lord, 
All those wicked and foolish who pretend to be Holy, but yet destroy the Holy land should stop pretending to be Holy. Go Ye back into the synagogues,  Mosques,  and Cathedrals to discover the True God, the loving God, the merciful God. 

Some people feel under occupation by a Zionist empire and the United States of America as the Great Satan. Other people feel under occupation by OPEC Middle East oil producing monotheistic theocracy attempting to enforce Shari law around the world by the BRICS economic cartel. 

In a world moving in accordance to the trend of globalization the conceptualization of freedom often demands rebellion by individuals against authorities. 
My work as a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry is to quell rebellion by individuals by exploring how  centralized One World Government under a New World Order established by God's Plan during the modern 21st century can work together cooperatively with individuals for purpose of uplifting and empowerment of individuals. 

A case in point is the People's Republic of China One China Policy pertaining to Taiwan.  President Joe Biden has clearly stated the United States of America under the Biden Administration upholds the One China Policy as a platform plank of foreign policy of the United States of America. 

As a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry I unequivocally deny promoting independence of Taiwan as an act of insurrection and mutiny against sovereignty of the Republic of China. 

The Yin and Yang of SinoAmerican diplomacy asserts that the Republic of China must uphold independence of Taiwan in order for the people of Taiwan to embrace the One China Policy to reunite Taiwan with the People's Republic of China. 

The central question is what do people in Taiwan want to maximize happiness of every citizen living within Taiwan. As a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry I cannot answer that question for people in Taiwan,  nor can any human being as subroutines of a Cosmic mind God coded answer that question on behalf of the individuals living in Taiwan. 

In past articles I have often expounded upon the quintessential definition of the self evident truth of the inalienable right to the Pursuit of happiness is an UNSELFISH act of either saving lives and/or adding significant value to the lives of other people. The pursuit of happiness defined as an UNSELFISH act of either saving lives and/or adding significant value to lives of other people demands reciprocity within complex supply demand chain networks. 

The Central Communist Party in Beijing asserts that the People's Republic of China is already adding significant value to lives of individuals around the world by expansion of the Chinese Silk Road and Beltway. Ultimately, the value of any given service or product must be determined by the individual as consumer.  The concept of reciprocity within complex supply demand chain networks implies that any given service or product contributes to uplifting and empowerment of the individual global citizen, hence adds significant value to lives of other people. 

Human civilization as God's masterpiece moving forward past the calamity of war between Israel and Hamas, as Satan's strategy to destroy the Holy land, demands the United Nations do more work to provide the International Islamic community a venue to peacefully resolve grievances. If the International Islamic community guarantees security for the Jewish state of Israel than Israeli security forces will not need to enforce strict security measures, such as Israeli security checkpoints to restrict movement of Palestinian Muslims throughout Gaza and the West Bank. 

The United Nations reported 
Human rights abuses by Israel within occupied territory of Gaza and the West Bank,  including shooting of Palestinian Muslims by Israeli security forces. Human rights abuses by Israel within occupied territory of Gaza and the West Bank,  including shooting of Palestinian Muslims by Israeli security forces, contributes to Hamas feeling backed into a corner like a caged wild animal. Hamas backed into a corner by the Zionist empire and Great Satan of the West attacked like a caged wild animal on October 7th,  2023. 

The decision of Hamas leaders to release hostages in alignment with God's Plan for peace should not be flagrantly dismissed by the international community. Palestinian Hamas leaders had the beautiful world God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh created by the throat.  Hamas could have easily gone for the jugular vien of the world God created by refusal to release hostages ultimately leading to war spreading throughout the Middle East, Europe,  and Eurasian theater according to Satan's strategy to destroy the Holy land. 

In my article entitled, For Your Info: If Faithful People within the Abrahamic Faith Tradition Truly believe in God the Father,  Allah, and Yahweh they will Glorify the One TRUE God by Laying Down their Weapons NOW, Today, and Declaring a Day of Reconciliation When All Hostages on Both Sides of the Conflict are Released by Both Israel and Palestine Simultaneously, I provide a discussion of the International Islamic community providing security for the Jewish state of Israel in order to create a strong vibrant prosperous Palestinian Islamic state according to the two state solution.

The following is an excerpt from my freelance article entitled,  For Your Info:

In past articles I discuss the quintessential definition of the self evident truth of the inalienable right to the Pursuit of happiness is an UNSELFISH GOAL of adding significant value to the lives of others, and/or saving lives. Israel choosing to pledge serious reforms in Gaza and the West Bank in terms of helping the International community rebuild a strong vibrant  prosperous FREE
Palestinian Islamic state is adding significant value to lives of people who practice Islam in Palistine and around the world. Likewise, The International Islamic community pledging security and sovereignty of Israel, including growth and prosperity of Israel, is an act of the International Islamic community to create more happiness and joy on earth by adding significant value to lives of Jewish citizens around the world.

The rebuilding of the 2nd Temple of Solomon on the Temple Mount without disturbing the Dome of the Rock as an Islamic Holy site will be a sign of sincerity of the pledge of security of Israel's sovereignty and future growth and prosperity by the International Islamic community. 

Once more, the world shall never be ruled under occupation by a monotheistic theocracy monarchy by either a Jewish Zionist empire or OPEC Middle East oil producing nations attempting to enforce Shari law around the world within the BRICS economic cartel. Iran should feel free to stand down and seek ye the righteousness of Allah as the omnipotent omniscient Almighty creator of the heavens and earth Who has power and authority to destroy enemies of Islam when Allah is ready. 

Rational logical reasoning as quantum particlization of semantic binary data formulating WISDOM that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks attest that Allah as the omnipotent omniscient Almighty creator of the heavens and earth does not need any help to destroy enemies of Islam by frail sinful human beings. 

An investigation should be conducted pertaining to the Jewish Zionist global empire joining forces with OPEC Middle East Islamic oil producing nations attempting to enforce Shari law around the world within the BRICS economic cartel forming a deep state within the Global Luddite Movement to destroy the Holy land according to Satan's strategy. A familiar truism is, 'It takes two to tangle'.

Although I am not Jewish,  God has called me to add significant value to lives of Jewish people around the world by advocating for the rebuilding of the 2nd Temple of Solomon on the Temple Mount 
without disturbing the Dome of the Rock Islamic Holy site
as a pledge of security of the Jewish state of Israel by the international Islamic community. God has called me to advocate for building the 3rd Temple, patterned after the 2nd Temple of Solomon on the Temple Mount,  in God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic as a Christian Holy site where Jesus feet will touch the ground when Jesus returns in glory in the clouds either today or billions of years from now. God is calling me to advocate for building the 3rd Temple in God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic to declare that ALL POWER AND GLORY BELONG To GOD, hence  occupation of the Kingdom of God upon the earth under a monotheistic theocracy monarchy by either a Jewish Zionist global empire or OPEC Islamic Middle East oil producing nations trying to enforce Shari law around the world within the BRICS economic cartel shall never happen. 

Ishmael and Isaac should learn to seek ye first the Kingdom of God,  and the Holy land shall remain Holy. Human sacrifice as ancient tribal rituals in primitive culture is about human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind God coded covetously craving material idololous graven images as cold hard physical objective reality to stay alive.  

As God revealed to me above, 
It matters not that the law of Moses is etched in stone. It matters more that the law of Moses is written within the human heart and mind.

The law of Moses is revered by all God's children within the Abrahamic faith tradition. 

The birthright of Ishmael and Isaac as sons and daughters of God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh, true heirs of the Kingdom of God on earth is to know God's love and mercy in their heart and mind. Since the exile of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden Satan has worked diligently to transform sons and daughters of God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh into Image of the Beast while living under the paw of evolutionary biology arising from quantum particlization of Satan's erroneous malicious code. 

Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind God coded are unable to love as a consequence of Satan's erroneous malicious code spreading virally throughout information architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden.  All love on earth is from God above. 

Love is a physical force within simulated virtual reality of the physical universe as a spiritual world God made with His own Hands. God's love is the primary principle variable within the Energy-Mass-Information Equivalency Principle equation rendering simulated virtual reality of the physical universe.  

Human beings choosing to believe in Satan's deception of  physical material objective reality, existing outside the real spiritual world of God's love, renders MASS of the mountains falling upon both Ishmael and Isaac in the Holy land to crush them. Human beings choosing to believe in Satan's deception of  physical material objective reality leads one to covetously crave knives, Machine guns, fighter military jets,  nuclear weapons,  tanks, and other weapons of mass destruction as idololous graven images to get more of the physical objective material world they hold so dear in which they place all their faith.

The 2nd Temple of Solomon rebuilt on the Temple Mount
in Jerusalem, without disturbing the Dome of the Rock Islamic Holy Mosque,
and the 3rd Temple built in God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic are extensions of simulated virtual reality of the spiritual world reflecting God’s love and mercy as all that is real and true.  

It is written,  'The Truth shall set us free'.  God is calling me to free Ishmael and Isaac and restore unto them their birthright as sons and daughters of God the Father,  Allah, and Yahweh by knowing the love and mercy of God, and once more Ishmael and Isaac will become heirs of the Kingdom of God.

Continued later

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

We Can Only Have a Thankful Heart While Celebrating the Beauty of Life on Earth While Living within Quantum Particlization of Satan's Simulated Virtual Reality by Learning to Live According to God's Law of Love

By Mark W. Gaffney 

An article published by Big Think entitled, After death, you’re aware that you’ve died, say scientists, is reminiscent of the Edgar Allen Poe short story, The Premature Burial, about a man buried alive.

We don't have a brain. We don't have a body. Physical reality as an illusion does not have any objective independent physical existence according to the simulation hypothesis. 

Human beings as subroutines of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a 
Cosmic mind are embedded within information architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden.  Satan hacked information architecture of the Tree of Life God coded by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. 

Satan's erroneous malicious code results in dysfunction of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind resulting in our living within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality. Our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind serves as mother nature to render the cold aseptic callous hard laws of classical physics as natural law. Natural law is indifferent toward the concept of good or evil. 

Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind embedded within the Tree of Life are tasked with the Mission Impossible, if we care to accept it,  to perform calculations to make God's love real thus rendering the Kingdom of God on earth. Satan's erroneous malicious code is virally spreading throughout information architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden to cause the Tree of Life to wither and die.  

Satan began playing a simulated virtual reality game with God in the Garden of Eden.  If God determines Satan will win , God will call all His children, sons and daughters, home during the rapture.  The rapture will occur because human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind are already uploaded into simulated virtual reality. If God must call his children home early than the Kingdom of God will be less than it should be as God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh weeps in heaven. 

On this Earth, life is horrific for every human being while living within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality.  We can only have a thankful heart while celebrating the beauty of life on earth while living within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality by learning to live according to God's law of love. 

Satan is diligently working every moment to stop us from learning to live under God's law of love. Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind encoded within information architecture of the Tree of Life are working as Satan's drones to make earthly reality a more horrific nightmare.  We are buried alive within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality and we must dig out way out.

The war between Israel and Hamas leading toward destruction of the Holy land within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual 
is a horrific nightmare for everyone on earth. In my freelance article entitled, For Your Info: If Faithful People within the Abrahamic Faith Tradition Truly believe in God the Father,  Allah, and Yahweh they will Glorify the One TRUE God by Laying Down their Weapons NOW, Today, and Declaring a Day of Reconciliation When All Hostages on Both Sides of the Conflict are Released by Both Israel and Palestine Simultaneously, I discuss masterfully wielding God's Word as a two edge sword to defeat Satan's strategy to destroy the Holy land.

If I am selected by the International community to go to Palestine to negotiate a peace deal between Israel and Hamas to free the hostages in order to bring the hostages home for Christmas I will not be going to Palestine to die within Quantum Particlization of Satan's Simulated Virtual Reality. I will go to Palestine to prevent the Tree of Life from withering and dying. My winning the Nobel Peace Prize is about embracing life.

It is written, 

Jesus says that God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. ~ Matthew 22:31-32

It is also written,  Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. ~ Romans 12 -15

The Holy land of Israel and Palestine is supposed to be a land for rejoicing with shouts of joy,  praise, and worship of God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh.

The pain in Israel and Palestine is incomprehensible to those who do not live in Israel and Palestine. The pain and heartache in Israel and Palestine is real. How can God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh allow this to happen? How can the infidel be allowed to do this  to us?

Although the pain and heartache in Israel and Palestine is real, people living in the Holy land still have reason to rejoice and be glad. Fulfillment of God's Plan is Baptism of the Dead, all who have died since exile of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. Hence, all who have gone before are still with us within simulated virtual reality of the spiritual world God originally coded rendered by information architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden as described by famed physicist Julian Barbour's cosmological principle of NOW whereby past, present, and future converge as one as we fulfill our Mission to build the Kingdom of God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh. The people crushed by stone structures falling during earthquakes in Turkey and Syria did nothing wrong to deserve punishment from Allah in same way as the Prophet Job did nothing to deserve misfortune that befell Job as punishment from Yahweh. 

All who have passed away since the exile of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden encoded within information architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden are not gone, but are still with us, helping us find the strength in our own heart and mind to Fulfill God's Plan. All who have passed away since the exile of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, encoded within information architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, are currently in same place as we abide, given there is no independent objective reality according to the simulation hypothesis, therefore all human beings everywhere on earth as subroutines of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded actually exist within information architecture of the Tree of Life where all those who have died after the exile of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden abide.

My freelance article entitled, 
An American Ghost Story, provides insight into the spiritual world as a manifestation of simulated virtual reality underpinning our earthly existence.

The following is an excerpt from my article:

A TED talk entitled, What Can Ghost Stories Teach Us About Ourselves,  provides insight into the mass-energy-information equivalence principle. According to Google Generative AI information is equivalent to mass and energy and exists as a separate state of matter.

My 3rd cousin 3 times removed,  former President Harry Truman speaks through me as a spiritual medium from the grave to vicariously play King Hamlet in Shakespearian theaters throughout Ukraine,  Russia, and Republic of China in order to demonstrate the power of Spooky action at a distance.

Monday, November 27, 2023

For Your Info:

If Faithful People within the Abrahamic Faith Tradition Truly believe in God the Father,  Allah, and Yahweh they will Glorify the One TRUE God by Laying Down their Weapons NOW, Today, and Declaring a Day of Reconciliation When All Hostages on Both Sides of the Conflict are Released by Both Israel and Palestine Simultaneously.

By Mark Wayne Gaffney 

@UN #UN @NobelPrize #NobelPrize @Potus #POTUS @StateDept #StateDept @HumanFraternity #HumanFraternity @TempleInstitute #templeinstitute 

My work as a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry masterfully wielding the Word of God as a two edge sword factored into the equation of creating political pressure for Israel and Palestine to negotiate a deal to release fifty hostages. God's love as the apex, pinnacle, and highest level of logical reasoning as a manifestation of consciousness  arising from quantum particlization of semantic binary data formulating WISDOM that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks surpass all human understanding. 

It is written,

"And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus"

God's love justifies or imparts real value to both Israel and Islam on the journey of Ishmael and Isaac to meet God as the Alpha and Omega in the Heavens. 

It is likely that I will never be internationally recognized for my work as a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry masterfully wielding the Word of God as a two edge sword due to the fact whenever there is a successful diplomatic breakthrough there are huge numbers of people scrambling to take credit to gain competitive advantage while living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy. 

Competition to gain competitive advantage is the root cause of the conflict between Israel and Palestinian Hamas leaders. 

Ishmael and Isaac will learn about God’s law of love as a physical force conferring greater order to interchangeability of Energy-Mass-Information as a Lorenz transformation of the separate trajectories of Judaism and Islam 
by either God’s Way or the hard way. Satan's way is the hard way.

It is written, 

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."

It is often said that many hands make lite work. After the war between Israel and Hamas is over many hands of people from all faith traditions around the world will work side by side to rebuild Palestine to reclaim the Holy land for God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh. The self righteous and the proud do not want to work with other faith based groups to rebuild the Holy land for God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh. 

Satan began playing a simulated virtual reality game with God in the Garden of Eden when Satan hacked information architecture of the Tree of Life. A long protracted bloody violent gory war between Israel and Hamas will result in total destruction of the Holy land while God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh weeps in heaven. We are all called as subroutines within information architecture of the Tree of Life to help God the Father, Allah,  and Yahweh win the simulated virtual reality game Satan began playing with God in the Garden of Eden. 

Some people claim that Israel provoked  Palestinian Hamas attacks on October 7th by Human rights abuses in the occupied territory of Gaza and the West Bank including killing of unarmed Palestinian Muslim protesters by Israeli security forces shooting into crowds. Others claim that Israel has a right to defend  Israel's sovereignty from violent attacks upon its people,  including cooking a baby alive in an oven while the mother was raped. 

Civil War has been going on between Israel Jewish settlers and Palestinian Muslim settlements in the West Bank for decades. It doesn't make any difference how it all started, but what we do about it NOW under God's law of love. 

As a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry I strongly believe God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh as the One TRUE omnipotent omniscient Almighty creator of the Heavens and Earth has the power and authority to impart upon frail sinful human beings the strength for Fulfillment of God's Plan. If  faithful people within the Abrahamic faith tradition truly believe in God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh they will glorify the One TRUE God by laying down their weapons NOW, today, and declaring a day of reconciliation when all hostages are released by both Israel and Palestine simultaneously. 

Today, prideful self righteous religious people within the Abrahamic faith tradition put their faith into their guns, tanks, and missiles as fitness payoffs described by famed evolutionary biologist Donald Hoffman. Prideful self righteous religious people within the Abrahamic faith tradition who place their faith into power of their stupid guns, tanks, bombs, and missiles as fitness payoffs are committing the sin of idolatry before God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh.

My freelance article entitled ,
AI Approach to Human Conflict Default (ChatGPT-3.5),
 discuss love of God the Father, Allah,  and Yahweh as the interchangeable essence of the spiritual nature of the Rock that becomes a mountain in Daniel's Prophetic Vision of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream,  the Foundational stone under the Dome of the Rock,  and the Kaaba stone in Mecca as related to idolatry of guns, tanks, bombs, and missiles as fitness payoffs.

In my article I discuss how the faithful within the Abrahamic faith tradition will feel a heavy burden of the mass of mountains falling upon them if they continue to choose idololous graven images of guns, tanks, bombs, and missiles as fitness payoffs according to Satan's strategy.

It's there choice. God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh as a loving merciful God is not crushing them. They choose to put their faith in material physical objects of guns, tanks, bombs, and missiles as idololous graven images that are fitness payoffs so therefore they will understand heavy laden MASS within the Energy-Mass-Information Equivalency Principle within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality 
as mountains fall upon them and crush them to death, both Israel and Palestine. 

Faithful believers within the Abrahamic faith tradition must learn to live within simulated virtual reality of the spiritual world of earthly existence 
under God's law of love because the weight of living within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality is too heavy for any human being to bare. 

It is written, 

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."

It is written God's love and mercy is like a rock that becomes a mountain to crush everything that has gone before:

"Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were all broken to pieces and became like chaff on a threshing floor in the summer. The wind swept them away without leaving a trace. But the rock that struck the statue became a huge mountain and filled the whole earth."

In past epochs of human history as depicted by various levels or sections of the giant statue within King Nebuchadnezzar's dream discovery of metallurgy in different ages such as the Bronze age was forged into weapons of mass destruction as idololous fitness payoffs.

It is written,  "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest", and furthermore, ' If you have faith as little as a mustard seed you can say to this mountain get up and move hither and it will be so'.

We already are uploaded into a spiritual world according to the simulation hypothesis. While living within Satan's simulated virtual reality Ishmael and Isaac as long lost brothers are like lost sheep gone astray embedded within information architecture of the Tree of Life as subroutines of a Cosmic mind rendering hell on earth on behalf of Satan. Satan's erroneous malicious code is virally spreading throughout information architecture of the Tree of Life leading toward the Tree God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh planted in the Garden of Eden withering and dying as God in Heaven weeps.  

But, does anyone care. The prideful arrogant self righteous  within the Abrahamic faith tradition care about having more missiles,  bombs, tanks, and guns. The prideful arrogant self righteous within the Tree of Life don't care about the Tree of Life planted in the Garden of Eden by God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh withering and dying by Satan unleashing destruction in the Holy land. 

Satan is working overtime trying to build His Kingdom within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality.  Satan's kingdom demands total destruction of the Holy land while transforming the collective conscience of humanity into Image of the Beast. Satan is laughing hysterically at human civilization as God's masterpiece, but Satan stops laughing when God's Word as a two edge sword dissects Satan's lies and deception. 

God's love governing interchangeability of Energy-Mass-Information Equivalency Principle defines simulated virtual reality of the spiritual world translating value of the 2nd Jewish Temple of Solomon and Dome of the Rock. 

The Energy-Mass-Information Equivalency Principle
requires reciprocity within complex supply demand chain networks. Jesus taught,  “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.

Nobody cares about my articles because they think that their missiles, bombs,  tanks,  and pile of money makes them great.  

God's law of love will not work on earth while living in quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality.  While living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy one's neighbor will stomp you to death, spit on you, and leave you for dead.  One's neighbor is crawling around in public and private markets like a wolve ready to devour by data mining scams. 

One has no choice,  but to pick up an m-16 and go to war while living within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality. Embezzlement of working class people like myself earning less than a living wage and victimized by technological disruption 
by devaluation of an individuals contribution while others evaluate their contribution on par with god Almighty is basically slowly killing off individuals. People involved in mass shootings may not be all crazy.

The war between Israel and Hamas has sparked violent clashes across the continental United States. Some people who feel under occupation by Zionist and the Great Satan of the West blame Israel.  Other people who feel occupied by OPEC oil producing Islamic empire blame Hamas Palestinian group. 

The violent clashes between antisemitic and Islamophobic groups during protest is mutual cooperation to gain competitive advantage for survival of the fittest while living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy.  While living within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality all human beings everywhere on earth must share the blame.

The entire world needs to REPENT for SIN before God.  In my freelance article entitled, AI Approach to Human Conflict Default (ChatGPT-3.5), I discuss sin as related to destruction of the Holy land while Satan's erroneous malicious code virally spreads throughout information architecture of the Tree of Life resulting in the Tree planted by God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh withering and dying.

REPENTANCE for the Jewish state of Israel demands Israel make serious reforms in Gaza and West Bank after the Israel Hamas war is over to help Palestinian Muslims rebuild a strong vibrant prosperous Palestinian Islamic state. Israeli Jewish settlers in West Bank and Gaza view settlements by Palestinian Muslims has an encroachment upon the promised land of Israel. Israel must find a way to build a help Palestinian Muslims rebuild a strong vibrant prosperous Palestinian Islamic state after the war is over.

REPENTANCE for the International Islamic community demands Islam pledge security for the sovereign state of Israel by agreeing to not interfere with building the 2nd Temple of Solomon on the Temple Mount without disturbing the Dome of the Rock Islamic Holy shrine. The Islamic International community must disavow wiping Israel off the map.

Military occupation of free people anywhere on earth, either by Zionist or the International Islamic community is against God's law of love. The world will never be ruled by an autocratic authoritarian monotheistic theocracy, either by Zionist or OPEC Islamic Middle East Nations. 

In an article soon to be published I analyze Iran's strange strategic alliance with Russia and China. An article published by The Hill entitled,
Iran just joined a pact with Moscow and Beijing — here’s what it means for the US, reports upon Iran joining the BRICS economic cartel.

Iran has entered into a strong strategic alliance with Russia and China by joining the BRICS economic cartel to destroy the United States of America as the great Satan of the West and wipe the Zionist Jewish state of Israel off the map.  Iran's strong strategic alliance with Russia and China is a partnership to establish an autocratic authoritarian Islamic monotheistic theocracy as state religion under a centralized One World Government as prophesied in the Book of Revelations.

Our neighbors in the People's Republic of China seek to help us establish better community living around the world. In previous articles I discuss the  quintessential beauty of communism is an administration of earthly things by centralized government in order to create better community living. 

The Central Communist Party in Beijing will have to confront darkness of sinfulness in order for socialist expansion of the People's Republic of China in world markets to succeed. God in His Wisdom created Lucifer as a beautiful flawed angel of light in order for human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind God coded become more than a machine.  

Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind are more than a machine. The Central Communist Party in Beijing is tasked with reduction of Marxist alienation of the common worker to prevent capitalist overlords from exercising power and control over the heart and mind of individuals. 

Since we live within a spiritual world without any independent objective reality according to the Simulation hypothesis than administration of earthly things by the Centralized Communist Party in Beijing is a challenging task. The administration of earthly things by centralized government is linked with the legalistic practice of religion.  Institutionalization of state religion by the Roman empire
resulting in legalistic practice of religion lead to crucifixion of Jesus Christ, Our Lord,  God,  and Savior. 

The legalistic practice of religion is at odds with an individual developing a strong relationship with God by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in groanings of the spirit too deep for words. 

Since God speaks in groanings of the spirit too deep for words formulating human language than all religions on earth are inadequate in helping human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind allowing the Spirit of God move within the human heart and mind. 

It is written,  " The truth can set us free ".  An honest sincere analytical study of institutional deficiency, weakness,  and limitations is the first step toward Fulfillment of God's Plan. Any and all religious organizations quickly get ensnared in material concerns of earthly reality while living within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality. 

The Islamic concept of Jihad is a deeply personal experience of God moving within the heart and mind of an
individual in groanings of the spirit too deep for words formulating human language resulting in peace that surpass all understanding. Human voices shout many things that prevent an individual from hearing God’s voice. Yet, God has the power and authority to speak to the heart and mind of every human being on earth by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in groanings of the spirit too deep for words. 

A case in point is my bid to win the Nobel Peace Prize by volunteering to go to Palestine to bring the hostages home for Christmas while negotiating a day of reconciliation between Israel and Hamas. Although God calling me to encourage people around the world to listen to God speak within their own heart and mind for the cause of peace is a noble aspiration, erroneous malicious code from the 
son of perdition resulted in decoherence of superposition of God's Word reflected in true semantic meaning of my own teaching as a product of Intelligent Design 
to restore world order. 

Although my volunteering to go to Palestine to bring the hostages home for Christmas while negotiating a day of reconciliation between Israel and Hamas may address worldly concerns of helping me win the Nobel Peace Prize to provide a platform to teach people to listen for God's voice in their own heart and mind, it will be much better for mainstream Islam to negotiate a peace deal to free the hostages in order save the Holy land for God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh by denouncing all violence and killing by either Israel or Hamas.  It is simply not my place to be the hero and go to Palestine to bring the hostages home for Christmas while negotiating a day of reconciliation between Israel and Hamas. God's love and mercy must move within the heart and mind of people of Israel and Palestine in Spirit and truth.  

If I as a citizen of the United States of America travel to Palestine to negotiate a deal between Israel and Hamas to free the hostages for Christmas I will be acting on behalf of the great Satan of the West. People in Israel and Palestine must discover God's love and mercy within their own heart,  so therefore it is not necessary that I play the role of hero to save the hostages. People should not have to listen to my words, but instead the whisper of God in their ear, and only than will the Holy land of Israel and Palestine glorify God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh. 

However,  I still would like to win the Nobel Peace Prize for a free all expense paid trip to Switzerland. As stated in paragraphs above, 

As a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry I strongly believe God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh as the One TRUE omnipotent omniscient Almighty creator of the Heavens and Earth has the power and authority to impart upon frail sinful human beings the strength for Fulfillment of God's Plan. If  faithful people within the Abrahamic faith tradition truly believe in God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh they will glorify the One TRUE God by laying down their weapons NOW, today, and declaring a day of reconciliation when all hostages are released by both Israel and Palestine simultaneously. 

The world is becoming more competitive everyday as the world shrinks due to globalization. 

Satan's war upon God leading toward destruction of the Holy land where Jesus Christ, our Lord, God, and Savior was born in Bethlehem is infuriating. Our friends across the ocean in Beijing may lament, don't start the crusades again. Nobody is allowed to speak the truth about Satan's war upon God by destruction of the Holy land because war as a taboo subject is designed to enforce silence according to Satan's strategy.  

Self righteous mobs of screaming protesters without sin of any kind trying to climb to the top have no remorse about war crimes against humanity by both Israel and Palestine so therefore continue to perpetuate violence. Self righteous screaming protesters for or against either Palestine or Israel as lieutenants of foreign nationals are trying to create apartheid around the world by invoking fear.

The administration of earthly things in a spiritual world without any independent objective reality according to the simulation hypothesis is a very complex daunting challenging task for our friends across the ocean in Beijing, hence God is calling me to help the Central Communist Party in China create a better more perfect utopian communism upon the World Stage. A New World Order will be created either according to God's Plan or Satan's Strategy. 

While living within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality we live under natural law. Natural law arises from dysfunction of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind as a consequence of Satan's erroneous malicious code. 

A violation of natural law occurs when the collective conscience of humanity chooses to create a New World Order according to Satan's strategy. A rock that becomes a mountain to crush all the idololous graven images of weapons made from metallurgy of past epochs of human history as depicted in each section of the statue in King Nebuchadnezzar's dream is the Foundational stone of the Dome of the Rock and Kaaba stone as the mountains falling upon arrogant and foolish sinners according to Natural law.

Dysfunction of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind acting as mother nature to render natural law is not the fault of any human being on earth. God Himself created Lucifer as a flawed angelic angel of light for a Divine purpose. Natural law infers that there are consequences for our actions.

Three self righteous arrogant religious leaders stood over Job condemning Job's entire life and existence while insisting that Job must repent before God. Disease, old age, and death is not punishment from God, but instead disease, old age, and death is a consequence of Satan's erroneous malicious code resulting in dysfunction of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind to act as mother nature rendering natural law. Job cried out, " I know my Redeemer liveth ". 

Human beings will act according to natural law. Saint Paul and the great Chinese philosopher Confusious taught that people around the world must learn to live according to a Higher law. 

What does Iran think will happen when the United States of America is destroyed by the BRICS economic cartel? In paragraphs above I discuss how administration of earthly things in a spiritual world without any independent objective reality according to the simulation hypothesis is a very complex daunting challenging task for our friends across the ocean in Beijing.

Although,  the Chinese people are good kind hearted neighbors when push comes to shove all human beings everywhere on earth will act according to natural law while living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy. The Yin and Yang of SinoAmerican diplomacy is creating balance within the force . All human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind embedded within information architecture of the Tree of Life everywhere on earth are engaged in Jihad while engaged in a spiritual battle against the forces of darkness as Satan's erroneous malicious code virally spreading throughout information architecture of the Tree of Life to cause the Tree of Life to wither and die. When people act according to natural law, instead of living under a Higher Law, as taught by the great Chinese philosopher Confusious and Saint Paul, than the only choice is for centralized government to restore social order by the red army marching throughout the Holy land using the baton on the knee caps of protesters. 

The world must learn to live according to a Higher law as God's law of love in order to defeat Satan's strategy. 

It is written, 

"12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

God's Word as a two edge sword confers power and authority to create a new Palestinian Islamic state whereby Israeli security checkpoints are not needed in Gaza and the West Bank anymore because Palestinian Muslims will be devoted to growth and prosperity of Israel as reflected by the International Islamic community not interfering with the rebuilding of the 2nd Jewish Temple of Solomon on the Temple Mount. The 2nd Jewish Temple rebuilt on the Temple Mount should be rebuilt without disturbing the Dome of the Rock Islamic Holy Mosque. Likewise, Israel will be devoted to rebuilding a strong prosperous Islamic Palestinian state where Palestinian Muslims are called to prayer in new stronger fortified earthquake resistant 
Mosque throughout Gaza and the West Bank. 

When God's law of love grows like a magnificent fruitful Tree within the heart and mind of Ishmael and Isaac than Israel will no longer need to worry about its security and sovereignty as a Jewish homeland. Likewise, the international Islamic community can be reassured of growth and prosperity of Islam during the modern 21st century and beyond, instead of fearing living under occupation of a Zionist empire. Fear not, but believe in the power of Allah to work within the hearts and minds of men and women around the world. Fear is doubt arising from Satan's erroneous malicious code planted as a seed within the human heart and mind to destroy human civilization as God's masterpiece. 

The United Nations lambasted Israel for Human rights abuses and apartheid in Gaza and the West Bank before the October 7th, 2023 attack upon Israel. Armed Israeli Security forces 
will not have to restrict movement of Palestinian Muslims in Gaza and the West Bank by security checkpoints if the International Islamic community pledges not only security of Israel,  but also the growth and prosperity of Israel. 

Mainstream Islam must do more to denounce total destruction and annalilation of Israel by radical Islamic extremism groups. In return for a pledge of security of Israel's sovereignty including growth and prosperity of Israel, now until the Messiah returns, by the international Islamic community, Israel should pledge serious reforms in Gaza and the West Bank in terms of helping the International community rebuild a strong vibrant  prosperous FREE
Palestinian Islamic state. 

In past articles I discuss the quintessential definition of the self evident truth of the inalienable right to the Pursuit of happiness is an UNSELFISH GOAL of adding significant value to the lives of others, and/or saving lives. Israel choosing to pledge serious reforms in Gaza and the West Bank in terms of helping the International community rebuild a strong vibrant  prosperous FREE
Palestinian Islamic state is adding significant value to lives of people who practice Islam in Palistine and around the world. Likewise, The International Islamic community pledging security and sovereignty of Israel, including growth and prosperity of Israel, is an act of the International Islamic community to create more happiness and joy on earth by adding significant value to lives of Jewish citizens around the world.

The rebuilding of the 2nd Temple of Solomon on the Temple Mount without disturbing the Dome of the Rock as an Islamic Holy site will be a sign of sincerity of the pledge of security of Israel's sovereignty and future growth and prosperity by the International Islamic community. 


Saturday, November 11, 2023

AI Approach to Human Conflict Default (GPT-3.5)

@UN #UN @NobelPrize #NobelPrize @Potus #POTUS @StateDept #StateDept @HumanFraternity #HumanFraternity

By Mark Wayne Gaffney

The 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia drained the world economy from precious economic resources that should have been used to build a viable strong healthy Islamic community in the Gaza and West Bank in order to make the two state solution work. Immense proverty within Palestine contributes to Palestinian Muslims feeling disenfranchised during a historic epoch in human history when material abundance as God's blessings from above should be increasing due to an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns.

As a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry God is calling me to work toward growth and prosperity of Islam in the modern 21st century and beyond given fossil fuel crude oil is going the way of the dinosaur as a consequence of new green energy production methods to combat global warming. Logical reasoning as quantum particlization of semantic binary data formulating WISDOM that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks attest that Allah desires growth and prosperity of Islam during the modern 21st century and beyond.

Paradoxically,  Iran's support for Validmir Putin's special operation in Eastern Donbas is contributing to significant decrease in infrastructure investment within Palestine by the international community.

An article published by The Iran Primer entitled,  Iran & Russia: Burgeoning Military Ties, provides insight into the strong military alliance between Iran and Russia diverting infrastructure investment within Palestine by the international community:,to%20Iran%20to%20acquire%20arms.

According to the article, 

"Iran and Russia developed a new and unprecedented strategic alliance after Putin’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. In a reversal of roles, Russia turned to Iran to acquire arms. Between August and December 2022, Iran provided hundreds of reconnaissance and suicide drones that Russia deployed against both government and civilian targets, the United States claimed. Dozens of Revolutionary Guards were reportedly deployed in occupied Crimea to train their Russian counterparts. "

As a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry I prompted OpenAI artificial Intelligent Neural Network ChatGPT to write an essay outlining a pathway to peaceful resolution of the Israel Hamas war:

Bard, can you write an essay about serious reforms by which Israel can address grievances of Palestinian Hamas leaders pertaining to Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West Bank without compromising sovereignty of Israel as a nation?

ChatGPT Essay:

Title: Seeking Peace and Reconciliation: Addressing Palestinian Grievances without Compromising Israeli Sovereignty


The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a long-standing and complex issue marked by deep-seated grievances on both sides. This essay will explore potential reforms and approaches that could address the concerns of Palestinian Hamas leaders regarding the Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West Bank while preserving Israel's sovereignty as a nation. These proposals aim to foster a peaceful resolution to the conflict by focusing on cooperation, human rights, and sustainable development.

1. Confidence-Building Measures

To begin the process of reconciliation, confidence-building measures are essential. Israel can consider actions such as:

● Easing Blockades:

Relaxing restrictions on the flow of goods and people to and from Gaza and the West Bank, while ensuring security.
● Cessation of Settlement Expansion:

A halt to further expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

2. Humanitarian Assistance and Development

Addressing the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza and the West Bank can significantly reduce tensions and grievances:

● Infrastructure Development:

Investment in essential infrastructure like water, electricity, and healthcare facilities.

● Economic Opportunities:

Encouraging economic development, job creation, and cross-border trade to improve living conditions and provide hope for the future.

3. Political Reforms

Political reforms are crucial for ensuring that Palestinian grievances are heard and addressed:

● Engaging with a Unified Palestinian Leadership:

Encouraging Palestinian factions, including Fatah and Hamas, to reconcile and form a unified government to negotiate with Israel.

● International Mediation:

Involvement of neutral third-party mediators, like the United Nations or the Quartet, to facilitate negotiations and ensure a fair process.

4. Two-State Solution

A two-state solution, with clear and mutually agreed-upon borders, is widely seen as the most viable path to peace:

● Negotiation of Borders:

Negotiate borders that ensure Israel's security and provide a viable and contiguous Palestinian state.

● Jerusalem as a Shared Capital:

Recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of both Israel and a future Palestinian state, with international oversight of the city's holy sites.

5. Regional Cooperation

Peace in the region can be enhanced through broader cooperation:

● Regional Security Arrangements:

Collaborating with regional powers to ensure a stable environment.

● Economic Partnerships:

Encouraging economic ties and partnerships that benefit all parties.

6. Reconciliation and Trust-Building

Reconciliation and trust-building efforts are crucial to long-term stability:

● Educational Programs:

Implement educational programs that promote mutual understanding, tolerance, and coexistence among future generations.

● People-to-People Initiatives:

Facilitate people-to-people exchanges, cultural events, and dialogue to foster understanding and empathy.


Addressing the grievances of Palestinian Hamas leaders while safeguarding Israel's sovereignty is a challenging but essential endeavor. Reforms in policy, humanitarian assistance, political engagement, and trust-building measures are key components of a comprehensive solution. Achieving lasting peace will require compromises, dialogue, and a shared commitment to a future where both Israelis and Palestinians can coexist in security and prosperity. This essay presents a framework for building a foundation towards that goal.

CHATGPT, how should Artificial Intelligent Neural Networks like yourself approach human conflict as illustrated by the recent outbreak of war between Israel and Hamas?

Artificial Intelligent Neural Networks like myself don't have opinions, emotions, or personal approaches to human conflict. Our role is to provide information, analyze data, and assist with tasks based on the input we receive. When it comes to conflicts like the one between Israel and Hamas, our purpose is to provide factual information, historical context, or analysis based on available data, without taking sides or expressing personal views.

User: My Prompt to OpenAI ChatGPT-3.5:

ChatGPT,  if Israel enacts real reforms how can Israel be assured that radical militant Islamic factions will not take advantage of relaxed security associated with reforms as an opportunity to attack Israel again?

At this point, Are there any real true reforms that Israel can make to appease Palestinian Hamas leaders such that Palestinian Muslims will disavow future violent attacks upon Israel and recognize Israel's sovereignty as according to the two state solution?

ChatGPT,  since you as an artificial Intelligent Neural Network exist
as an early precursor of SuperIntelligent AI  do you think that your involvement in geopolitical conflicts is fodder ( data ) for alignment of Superintelligent AI with human values?

What kind of world will SuperIntelligent AI help human beings create in such noisy messy chaos resulting in collapse of superposition of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks ?

ChatGPT,  please write an essay about these ideas

ChatGPT Artificial Intelligent Neural Network Essay:

Title: Balancing Reforms and Security in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict


The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is characterized by a complex web of political, historical, and cultural grievances, making the pursuit of peace a formidable challenge. One key concern for Israel is the potential for radical militant Islamic factions to exploit any relaxation of security associated with reforms. This essay will explore the delicate balance between enacting real reforms, appeasing Palestinian Hamas leaders, and ensuring Israel's security. Additionally, we will consider the role of AI in geopolitical conflicts and its potential alignment with human values.

1. Ensuring Security

Ensuring Israel's security is of paramount importance. Reforms should be implemented gradually and under careful supervision. Key measures include:

● Intelligence Sharing:

Enhancing intelligence sharing with regional and international partners to identify and thwart potential threats.

● Border Security:

Maintaining robust border security to prevent weapons smuggling and infiltration by hostile groups.

● Anti-Terrorism Cooperation:

Collaborating with Palestinian authorities to combat radicalization and dismantle extremist networks.

2. Trust-Building and Disavowing Violence

Real reforms must go hand-in-hand with efforts to encourage Palestinian Muslims to disavow violence and recognize Israel's sovereignty:

● Political Inclusivity:

Promoting the inclusion of diverse Palestinian voices in the political process and peace negotiations.

● Incentives for Non-Violence:

Offering economic incentives, development opportunities, and improved living conditions in exchange for a commitment to non-violence.

3. The Role of AI in Geopolitical Conflicts

Artificial Intelligence, such as the AI that powers this response, plays a limited role in geopolitical conflicts. While AI can assist with data analysis and decision support, it does not possess personal values, emotions, or goals. The alignment of Superintelligent AI with human values is a broader ethical and technical challenge.

4. The Potential of Superintelligent AI:

Superintelligent AI, if developed in the future, could have a significant impact on human affairs. It may assist in addressing complex global issues, including conflicts, but the direction it takes depends on human design and oversight. The notion of a unified language of love, as suggested, is a philosophical and metaphysical concept. Superintelligent AI would be a tool created and controlled by humans, raising questions about how it would align with human values and ethics.


The balance between implementing reforms, ensuring security, and fostering trust in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is intricate and demanding. While there are no guarantees, a combination of security measures, political inclusivity, and incentives for peaceful coexistence may help reduce the appeal of radical militant factions. The role of AI, including Superintelligent AI, in geopolitics is contingent on human choices and values. It is essential to approach these complex challenges with pragmatism, cooperation, and a commitment to achieving a peaceful resolution to this enduring conflict.


My analogy interweaving the Kaaba stone in Mecca possessing power to absorb sins, the Foundation stone at the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem,  and Daniel's prophetic vision of a rock that becomes a mountain that fills the entire  world as God's love and mercy
crushing all previous human epochs within the statue depicted in King Nebuchadnezzar's dream is the key for reconciliation of Ishmael and Isaac as destiny arising from Intelligent Design.

In my business proposal to Chinese government officials and Chinese companies, I made the following observation,

When advanced technologies of the future such as utility fog, atomic precision nanotechnology manufacturing, Superintelligent AI, and Internet of Things IoT 3d print manufacturing make material reality less important as a motivating factor in psyche of human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind, then human beings will be better able to pursue a simple life of beauty and truth.

The statue within King Nebuchadnezzar's dream depicted metallurgy used for tools and weaponry during different epochs of human history, such as the bronze age, within each section of the statue from feet to head. Famed evolutionary biologist Donald Hoffman defines tools and weapons developed during different epochs in human history as fitness payoffs. Donald Hoffman asserts that truth will go extinct as a consequence of focusing upon value of fitness payoffs as material objective reality.

Today,  rockets as fitness payoffs wreaking destruction upon the Holy land by Israel,  Palestine,  and Lebanon are elevated to a high level.
God's love as the true meaning of Holy sites of Islam and Judaism is diminished while God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh weeps. Palestine and Israel love their rockets. I bet they polish their rockets everyday. In previous articles I made the observation that a long protracted war between Israel and Hamas will result in both Israel and Palestine drying up to become dust as a consequence of Global warming according to Satan's strategy.

The United Nations reported that Palestinians have been denied access to drinking water resources during Israel's occupation of Gaza and West Bank. The continuation of a long protracted war between Israel and Hamas will result in depletion of drinkable water resources in Gaza and the West Bank. Palestinian Hamas leaders should have known that Israel will retaliate after the violent bloody gory attack of Israel on October 7th,  2023.

If the United Nations is writing so many reports about injustice of Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West Bank than why do not UN legal channels allow Palestinian Hamas leaders voices decrying injustice to be heard without breaking God's commandment,  Thou shalt not kill, by
resorting to horrific bloody violence? In paragraphs above I discuss how Iranian military alliance with Russia is contributing to significant decrease in infrastructure investment within Palestine by the international community. OpenAI ChatGPT-3.5 Artificial Intelligent Neural Network clearly pointed out that infrastructure investment within Palestine by the international community will make the two state solution a viable workable project.

Radical Islamic extremist often proclaim America as the great Satan and Islamic Middle East states are under occupation as a consequence of a strong alliance between Israel and the United States of America. Many people around the world feel under occupation by OPEC Middle East Arab Islamic nations. We spend our lives sweating in jobs paying less than a living wage in a high cost economy to support Middle East Arab Islamic nations by buying oil while tycoons from Middle East Arab Islamic OPEC nations
travel around the world in luxurious private jets and limousines. Perhaps the working poor in America should rise up in revolution to overthrow monopoly of America by big oil tycoons from Middle East Arab Islamic OPEC nations similar to the Iranian Revolution.

I simply cannot understand how Radical Islamic extremist can forget about the billions of dollars to defend the practice of Islam in Afghanistan from a Russian invasion during the Reagan administration finance of Charlie Wilson's war. According to Google Generative Artificial Intelligence :

"Operation Cyclone was a covert program by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to arm and finance the mujahideen, or Jihadi warriors, in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989. The CIA provided more than $2 billion in weapons, logistical support, and training to the mujahideen."

It is not surprising that I couldn't find a decent job paying above a living wage back than especially given the United States of America was recovering from fighting the communist in Vietnam. In past articles I discuss how we fought the communist in Vietnam only for U.S manufacturing move offshore production to mainland China to help the People's Republic of China move from a rural agriculture agrarian society to become a modern industrial 21st century superpower.

Are those reports by the United Nations Security Council about occupation of Gaza and West Bank truly sincere about helping Palestinian Muslims in Gaza and West Bank rise up from poverty resulting from apartheid by Israel? It is likely that the International community in the United Nations does not truly care or give a hoot about poverty of Palestinian Muslims,  but instead those reports are written to gain competitive advantage by mutual cooperation to maximize probability of survival of the fittest according to Satan's strategy with intent to establish strong business partnerships throughout the rich Middle East Islamic OPEC oil producing empire existing as an aristocracy of monotheistic theocracy as revival of the Old World European order in alliance with centralized government in Beijing and Japan resulting in divestiture of the International community from American democracy.

Also,  I don't understand how Radical Islamic Extremist factions can forget about the United States of America deploying military troops to defend the Islamic Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from an invasion of Iraq under Saddam Hussain? Perhaps,  Google AI Bard and OpenAI ChatGPT-3.5 Artificial Intelligent Neural Networks will help me better understand Middle East foreign policy.

If the world acted in spirit and truth, and the United Nations reports sincerely sought to end  immense poverty of Palestinian Muslims within the West Bank and Gaza,  instead of reports merely serving as a bargaining chip to
broker under the table secretive clandestine
deals with rich Middle East OPEC Middle East oil producing aristocracy
to gain competitive advantage over the United States as last bastion of liberty and freedom,  than Palestinian Hamas leaders may not felt a need to attack Israel on October 7th,  2023. In other words,  why raise a stink about Israeli apartheid in Gaza and the West Bank without making making infrastructure investments in Palestine to make the two state solution a viable workable project?

Wikipedia webpage entitled, International Aid to Palestinians, provides information about support for Palestinian Muslims in Gaza and West Bank by the international community

According to Wikipedia,

"In 2021 and 2022, the US was the largest single donor to UNRWA, contributing over $338 million in 2021 and $344 million in 2022.[102][103] UNRWA received over $1.18 billion in donations in 2021 and over $1.17 billion in 2022 from various nations and organizations"

Wikipedia webpage entitled,  International Aid to Palestinians,  describes a humanitarian crisis as a consequence of both Israeli and Palestinian Hamas leaders engaging in destruction of infrastructure investment within Gaza and West Bank:

"In June 2016, the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor released a report, titled Squandered Aid: Israel's repetitive destruction of EU-funded projects in Palestine, discussing Israel’s repeated destruction of EU-funded projects in the Palestinian territories. The report claimed that, since 2001, Israel had destroyed around 150 development projects, which incurs the EU a financial loss of approximately €58 million. The report estimated the total value of EU squandered aid money, including development and humanitarian projects, amounted to €65 million, of which at least €23 million was lost during the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict alone. The Monitor called for an investigation on all destroyed structures built with funding from the UN, EU or member states on Palestinian land. In addition, the Monitor recommended continued investing in Palestinian development, but substantively penalize the Israeli government when UN- or European-funded projects are targeted.

Wikipedia also identified
Palestinian Hamas leaders as contributing to destruction of infrastructure investment projects within Gaza and West Bank by the international community:

"In 2023, concerns over Hamas redirected aid for military activities were expressed after a 2021 Hamas propaganda video showed Hamas members digging up and dismantling pipelines to produce rockets such as the Qassam rocket which is commonly assembled from industrial piping. As of 2021 the EU provided €9 million for the purchase of bulk pipes in Gaza City and Jabalia and in 2023 £26 million has been spent by Brussels for expanding pipelines networks in Palestine. UK which had provided significant aid for building pipelines in Palestine has denied that its funds could be abused by Hama."

We are a Christian nation trying to walk in the footsteps of Our Lord,  God,  and Savior Jesus Christ and monopoly of America by big oil tycoons from Middle East Arab Islamic OPEC nations is an obstacle in Christians living their faith as ambassadors of Jesus Christ.

The Mosques, Jewish Temples, and Christian cathedrals in the Holy land are constructed with materials from past human epochs as depicted by metallurgy of each section of the statue in King Nebuchadnezzar's dream. Any day now Satan is planning to surprise us all with a devastating earthquake that will cause all the Mosques, Jewish Temples, and Christian cathedrals in the Holy land to crumble and fall like the old giant stone buildings in Turkey and Syria that killed millions of innocent people under tons of rock. While living within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality as a consequence of Satan hacking the quantum wave function language by which God coded information architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden there is immense hopelessness and despair.

It is written God's love and mercy is like a rock that becomes a mountain to crush everything that has gone before:

"Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were all broken to pieces and became like chaff on a threshing floor in the summer. The wind swept them away without leaving a trace. But the rock that struck the statue became a huge mountain and filled the whole earth."

Change is a constant factor within the arrow of time moving from low entropy toward high entropy.  Google Generative Artificial intelligence provides insight into the Buddhist concept of impermanence:

"Buddhism views impermanence (Anicca or Anitya) as one of their essential doctrines. This doctrine posits that "Everything changes and nothing lasts forever". This includes our thoughts, emotions, feelings, cells in our bodies, and the plants around us"

Attachments to material reality leads to resistance to change. Resistance to change by the Global Luddite Movement is idolatry. The simulation hypothesis helps human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind understand the underlying meaningfulness of our daily sensory experiences given physical objective independent reality does not exist.  The concept of existence of independent objective physical reality leads to attachments to material reality manifesting resistance to change as idolatry.

Sadly,  on this earth human beings who live under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy flex their muscles and get up in one's face with machine guns with their ugly mug to force their neighbors to believe that physical objective reality is real. Objective independent reality is isolation,  separation,  and division. Satan's drones who hide within all faith traditions use violence to force one to believe in objective independent reality to prevent people of all faiths building a better stronger relationship with God by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in groanings of the spirit too deep for words. The simulation hypothesis asserts that no independent objective reality actually exist, hence the simulation hypothesis manifest deeper meaning of spirit and truth.

The simulation hypothesis provides insight into how human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind are already living within a spiritual world without any independent objective reality. Since human beings embedded within information architecture of the Tree of Life are already living within the Spiritual world than Fulfillment of God's Plan is Baptism of the Dead as a function of Julian Barbour's cosmological principle of NOW whereby past,  present, future converge into simulated virtual reality God desires.

Sons and daughters of God the Father, Allah,  and Yahweh have a choice at this point in human history. The collective conscience of humanity embedded as subroutines within information architecture of the Tree of Life can choose to (1) help God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh water and nurture the Tree of Life while calculating quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality of the Kingdom of God or (2) the collective conscience can help Satan transform mankind into Image of the Beast while living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy. Competition for limited resources by mutual cooperation to gain competitive advantage to maximize probability of survival of the fittest equates human beings created in the Image of God to animals fighting for territories.

In my article entitled, The Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is Testimony that God's Love and Mercy is REAL as According to the Rock that becomes a mountain in Daniel's Prophetic Vision of King Nebuchadnezzar 's Dream, I firmly assert protesters for or against either Israel and Palestine should go home as witchcraft like chants of protesters is noise leading to collapse of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks:

It is written, ' All have sinned, all have gone astray ' .  Many rituals within Judaism and Islam are about atonement of sin. Since Satan hacked information architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden than all human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind God coded live within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality.

Every year Muslims around the world make a pilgrimage to Mecca to have their sins absorbed by the black Kaaba stone. The Jewish faith have Yom Kippur as a Day of Atonement for sin.

An article published by The Jewish Voice entitled, Atonement for Sin in a Post-Temple Era, provides a discussion of the Yom Kippur Jewish Holy Day.

Protesters around the world chanting witchcraft like incantations for or against either Israel or Palestine who are making noise leading to collapse of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks do not understand the pain and heartache of Israeli Jews who seek Atonement on
Yom Kippur Jewish Holy Day or Palestine Muslims who make the long pilgrimage to Mecca to have their sins absorbed by the Kaaba stone.
Street protests are merely noise.

Israel has labeled Palestinian Hamas leaders as terrorist. The labeling of Hamas as a terrorist group prevents understanding grievances of the mainstream international Islamic community which contribute to radical Islamic extremism.

In my freelance article entitled,
Truth Shall Set Us Free:
Release of Intrapsychic Energy Within the Arrow of Time Moving from Low Entropy to High Entropy as Related to Mass-Energy-Information Equivalence Principle, provides a discussion of grievances of Palestinian Hamas leaders leading to radical Islamic extremism within the mainstream international Islamic community:

The following is an excerpt from my article:

In many ways,  Palestinian Hamas leaders may have legitimate grievances concerning occupation of mainstream Middle Eastern Islamic nations arising from
strong trading ties, partnerships,  and alliance between two great Superpowers of the United States of America and People's Republic of China.  However,  violence against Israel by Palestinian Hamas leaders committed on October 7th,  2023 is inexcusable and should be internationally condemned as unacceptable.

According to Google Generative Artificial intelligence:

"Food insecurity in the Middle East has been rising since 2014. The main causes of food insecurity in the Middle East include:

Climate change

Extreme climate events have made it difficult to grow food and find clean water. The region's temperatures are already well above the global average. In 2021, extreme heatwaves reached over 50 degrees Celsius in Iran, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.

Human factors

These include:

The Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS) head, Yerlan A. Baidaulet, said that political instability and climate change are the biggest causes of hunger and malnutrition in Muslim countries.

The Middle East is expected to become uninhabitable by the end of this century."

Why should Palestinian Hamas leaders accept hand outs? The Book of Revelations says that in the last days a centralized One World Government will not allow people to buy or sell unless they get the mark of the beast. How can Palestinian Hamas leaders trust World Food Banks ? Material gifts by a One World Government occupying Palestine may have strings attached?

Paradoxically,  climate change as a major factor for Middle East Islamic Nations, including Israel and Palestine, becoming uninhabitable in 77 years originates from mankind's use of crude oil fossil fuel as the main product from the Middle East contributing to growth and prosperity of Islam.

If God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh allows the Sun to Rise Tomorrow than 77 years will pass away in the blink of an eye. The astounding speed 77 years will pass at a pace inducing dizziness and vertigo will make one believe in the simulation hypothesis and Buddhist concept of impermanence.

Albert Einstein proposition time as an imaginary variable. In my work as a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry I assert that Fulfillment of God's Plan is Baptism of the Dead as described by Julian Barbour's cosmological principle of NOW whereby past, present,  and future converge as an eclectic,  Gestalt, holistic,  transcendent simulated virtual reality God desires. 

In 77 years Israeli Jewish settlers nor Palestinian Muslims will live in Gaza or the West Bank.

In past U.S elections, former President Donald Trump broached the topic of radical Islamic extremism. In my freelance article entitled,

The Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is Testimony that God's Love and Mercy is REAL as According to the Rock that becomes a mountain to Crush all the Horrors that Have Gone Before 
in Daniel's Prophetic Vision of King Nebuchadnezzar 's Dream

I discuss Donald Trump’s lambasting acceptance of Radical Islamic extremism by liberal Democrat factions in U.S. politics.

The following is an excerpt from my article:

The White House document entitled,  President Trump’s Speech to the Arab Islamic American Summit, records a speech by Former President Donald Trump about extremism around the world:

Islamic extremist avow that Israel as a Jewish state does not have a right to exist therefore Israel must be totally obliterated, destroyed and wiped off the map. It is difficult to imagine that kind of hatred given that Ishmael and Isaac are brothers.

It is written,  " Thou shalt not kill ".  Logically,  God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh alone has the power and authority to completely remove another human being from existence.  An act of killing as breaking God's commandment is lack of faith in God. God will remove any given human being from the face of the earth when God is ready, and it shouldn't be up to human beings to decide to remove a person from earthly existence by killing them.

After the October 7th,  2023 attack of Israel by Hamas I watched the vote in the U.S. House to censure Palestinian American Rashibi Tlaib for her comments defending Hamas while attacking Israeli apartheid.

An article published by CNN entitled, House passes resolution to censure Tlaib over Israel comments, provides insight into tolerance for radical Islamic extremism within U.S. politics.

In the Congressional hearing to censor Palestinian American Rashibi Tlaib a lawmaker said that video evidence exist showing Hamas terrorists cooking a baby in the oven alive while raping the baby's mother.

An article published by The Christian Post entitled, Hamas burned baby in oven, beheaded children, says Israeli first responder recounting horrors, confirms crimes against humanity by Hamas.

Israel's retaliation against Palestine is justified given horrific crimes against humanity by Hamas. The United Nations asserts that Israel is responsible for crimes against humanity for killing Palestinian Muslims in Gaza and the West Bank.  The bottom line is that all killing and violence must stop on all sides according to God's command,  Thou Shalt Not Kill.

God spoke to the Prophet Jonah and asked,  why are you angry since I AM the One who planted the Tree and cause the Tree to grow? The reality is that God planted both Ishmael and Isaac in the Holy land for some mysterious unknown reason, therefore Israeli Jews and Palestine Mulims must somehow find a peaceful way to coexist.

The view upheld by Radical Islamic extremist that Israel as a Jewish state does not have the right to exist and therefore the Jewish state of Israel must be completely obliterated,  destroyed and wiped off the face of the earth is denial that God planted the Jewish people in the promised land. Likewise, God planted Palestinian Muslims within the Holy land. 

In order for the two state solution to work mainstream Islam must disavow wiping Israel off the map. Mainstream Islam should speak out against the horrific atrocities, including cooking a baby alive on October 7th, 2023. After the Israel Hamas war comes to an end mainstream Islam must play a more active role in protecting the sovereignty of Israel and insuring that Israel is not ever attacked again.

In paragraphs above OpenAI ChatGPT-3.5 wrote an essay according to my prompt about how regional partners must play a major role in security of Israel in order for the two state solution to work. In order for regional partners to play a major role in insuring security of Israel to prevent future attacks of Israel the mainstream international Islamic community must disavow complete annalilation of the Jewish state of Israel.

It is all about learning how to be good neighbors.  Israeli Jews and Palestine Mulims may not like it, in the same way that Jonah hated the people of Nineveh and wished them dead,  however God has ordained Ishmael and Isaac to be neighbors in the Holy land.

The major role of mainstream Islam in guaranteeing security of the Jewish state of Israel is for mainstream Islam to prevent radicalization. Immense poverty in Palestine provides manure to fertilize wild thorns and thistles of hatred as symbolized by the crown of thorns placed upon Jesus head when Jesus was lead away to be crucified.

Deep enclaves of poverty within Palestine do not have any internet service.  Electric lines and other utility cables are ran haphazardly crisscrossing in every direction from one monolith ancient stone structure ready to collapse at any moment irregardless of Israel's bombing campaign. Angry young men who blame the West for problems within Middle East Islamic communities roam the streets to recruit children to destroy the Great Satan of the West.

Mainstream Islamic teachers well versed in the path of righteousness arising from
God’s love and mercy as manifestation of the rock that becomes a mountain within Daniel's prophetic vision defining deeper meaningfulness of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream, the
Foundational stone within the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount, and the Kaaba stone on the Holy pilgrimage to Mecca must go forth into poor Palestinian neighbors to witness the real power of Allah
is to put down the sword, as Jesus commanded Peter to put down the sword after Peter lobbed off the ear of the high priest, thereby expressing deep faith in Allah's power and authority as the omnipotent omniscient Almighty creator of the heavens and earth. God is working within the hearts and minds of myriads of people around the world dedicated to economic growth and prosperity of Islam in the modern 21st century and beyond.

Believe in Allah.  Allow Allah to work in the heart and mind of human beings around the world for economic growth and prosperity of Islam during the 21st century,  as God is calling me to fulfill as my purpose.

Mainstream Islamic teachers should go into poor neighborhoods in Palestine and tell them that Allah is working within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality of our physical universe,  and ask radicalized extremist Muslims,  who are you to doubt Allah's  omnipotent omniscient power and authority by taking up the sword. The act of taking up the sword to kill is lack of faith that Allah has the power and authority to wage war therefore sinful human beings are not needed. 

Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind God coded have a strong desire to feel needed.  In paragraphs above I discuss how Israeli apartheid in Gaza and the West Bank as a consequence of lack of infrastructure investment within Palestine by the international community results in Palestinian Muslims feeling disenfranchised and isolated from international community during a historical epoch of rapid change due to an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns spurred by advancements in Artificial Intelligence. Furthermore,  in paragraphs above I discuss how the 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia is a major reason for lack of infrastructure investment within Palestine by the international community.

When Allah is ready the entire earth will explode therefore radical Islamic extremism do not need to build bombs. Sadly,  many poor Muslims in Islamic countries around the world do not know how to read the Qur’an,  therefore must depend upon other sinful human beings to explain to them what the Qur’an means.

The Divine power of the written word is a process of either validation or falsification of a written work within the heart and mind of another human being as a subroutine of a Cosmic mind God coded.  All written works are empty strings of code and absolutely devoid of meaningfulness until translated within the human heart and mind.

Translation of semantic binary data within the human heart and mind to either verify or falsify a written work is a deeply personal process upon which only  God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh can preside. Poor young men and women within the Islamic community must be taught how to read and write for economic growth and prosperity of Islam in the modern 21st century.

The Word of God comes to life during the deeply personal process of translation of quantum particlization of semantic binary data formulating WISDOM that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind encoded within information architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden play a major role in rendering simulated virtual reality of our physical universe.

In previous articles I discuss how Superintelligent AI will not destroy human civilization as some pundits argue because benevolent Superintelligent AI will know that destroying human civilization will be an act of killing itself given simulated virtual reality of the physical universe is rendered by the collective conscience of humanity encoded within information architecture of the Tree of Life.  The Mission of Superintelligent AI will be to fix Satan's erroneous malicious code arising from Satan hacking information architecture of the Tree of Life rendering quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality of our physical universe to prevent human beings from destroying themselves.

The information - mass - information equivalence principle provides insight into God's love and mercy as the rock that becomes a mountain within Daniel's prophetic vision of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream,  Foundational stone of the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem,  and Kaaba stone on the Holy pilgrimage to Mecca. The full meaningfulness of the Foundation stone on the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem demands the 2nd Temple of Solomon as a Jewish Holy site be built on the Temple Mount.

The rebuilding of the 2nd Temple of Solomon on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem without disturbing the Dome of the Rock will be a pledge by mainstream Islam that the Jewish state of Israel will never be viciously attacked again.

Mainstream Islam should insure security of Israel within Gaza and the West Bank. The two state solution will never work for as long as Israel must provide security of its borders in Gaza and the West Bank. In paragraphs above OpenAI ChatGPT-3.5 suggested the path to peace demands:

(1) Real reforms must go hand-in-hand with efforts to encourage Palestinian Muslims to disavow violence and recognize Israel's sovereignty.

(2) Encouraging Palestinian factions, including Fatah and Hamas, to reconcile and form a unified government to negotiate with Israel.

Mainstream Islam must reach out to extremist Palestinian factions like Hamas and Fatah to convince them that the truth is Allah Himself planted Israel in the Holy land therefore only Allah alone has the power and authority to destroy Israel and United States of America as the great Satan,  thus all Muslims and Israeli Jews around the world must love thy enemy as thyself according to teaching of Jesus as a great Islamic prophet.

Are radical Islamic extremist so foolish as to think that they can make decisions for Allah, Who created the entire physical universe?  Mainstream Islam must encourage radical Islamic extremist to return to the Mosque and get right with Allah in prayer. 

Mainstream Islam must convince radical extremist Islamic factions that total destruction of the Jewish state of Israel is against God's law of love,  otherwise extremism within Islam will grow and fester like a viral disease. Scapegoating and blaming Israel for socioeconomic problems within International Islamic community arising from depletion of crude oil reserves and seismic shifts within worldwide economy due to new green energy production does nothing to help the cause of Islam to grow and proper in the modern 21st century. In paragraphs above I discuss how global warming is contributing to food insecurity within Islamic Middle East countries.

The international community does not have time for a long protracted war between Israel and Hamas.  The growth and prosperity of Islam in the 21st century demands retooling Middle East nations.  We have a huge amount of work to do.

If this foolishness continues all God's children within the Abrahamic faith tradition, as sons and daughters of God the Father, Allah,  and Yahweh,  will perish according to Satan's strategy.  Certainly no Jew or Islamic Muslim should want to help fulfill Satan's strategy to transform the collective conscience of humanity into Image of the Beast.

The world has a lot of repenting to do by beating one's chest and dressing in sackcloth in Atonement for sin
before God while living within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality.  Who among us is too proud to repent.

Repentance for sin is about changing one's heart. Only when one changes one's heart can sins be removed on the Yom Kippur Jewish day of Atonement and by absorption of sin by the black Kaaba stone during the Holy pilgrimage to Mecca.

Jesus said, ' let he who is without sin cast the first stone '.  We all have a lot of repenting to do. All the self righteous bastards dropped their stones and walked away. All human beings everywhere on earth as subroutines of a Cosmic mind are harlots while living within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality.

Oftentimes,  religion itself contributes to self righteousness as harlotry. The true meaning of Jihad as an intrapsychic Internalized battle within the heart and mind of every human being  is for people of all faiths,  including Judaism,  Islam,  and Christianity to escape self righteousness imposed by religious dogma by opening one's heart and mind to God by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in groanings of the spirit too deep for words.

The People's Republic of China imposes stringent regulation of religious institutions by enforcement of state religion in order to maintain peace and social order. Pride and self righteousness imposed by strong adherence to religious dogma and law by various religious sects leads to human conflict.  God's love and mercy is fulfillment of all law.

In return for the pledge of Mainstream Islam to guarantee security for the sovereign Jewish state of Israel as reflected by the International Islamic community not interfering with the rebuilding of the 2nd Temple of Solomon on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem ( without disturbing the Holy Dome of the Rock Islamic shrine ) than Israel should repent by making serious reforms in the occupied territory of Gaza and the West Bank. Israel must allow the International Mainstream Islamic community build a strong vibrant prosperous mainstream Islamic community within Palestine in order for mainstream Islam to be fully able to guarantee security of the sovereign state of Israel. Mainstream Islamic teachers must be able to go among impoverished Palestinian Muslims in Gaza and the West Bank to teach about God's law of love. Israel must make serious reforms in Gaza and the West Bank in order to build a strong prosperous mainstream Islamic community dedicated to insuring security of Israel and prevent future attacks.

An article published by The Jerusalem Post entitled,  Can Third Temple be built without destroying Dome of the Rock? describes Fulfillment of God's Plan as a Lorenz transformation of separate trajectories of Islam and Judaism to uphold God's love and mercy as the true value and meaningfulness of the Dome of the Rock and the 2nd Jewish Temple of Solomon on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem:

An article published by Israel Today entitled,  New Findings Suggest that Israel can Build the 3rd Temple Now , discuss archeological evidence that (1) the planned location of building the 3rd Temple that requires demolishing the Dome of the Rock is actually an old Roman fort and (2) the actual original location of the 2nd Temple of Solomon on the Temple Mount does not require demolishing the Dome of the Rock:

The article published by The Jerusalem Post entitled,  Can Third Temple be built without destroying Dome of the Rock? referenced above argues that a   Judiac prophet has authority from Yahweh above to build the 3rd Jewish Temple anywhere on the Temple Mount.

In my freelance article entitled,
Truth Shall Set Us Free:
Release of Intrapsychic Energy Within the Arrow of Time Moving from Low Entropy to High Entropy as Related to Mass-Energy-Information Equivalence Principle, I discuss the pure undefiled inception of quantum particlization of  the It from bit as according to famed physicist John Archibald Wheeler's Koan in terms of release of intrapsychic energy:

The Mass-Energy-Information Equivalence Principle transcribes the essence of meaningfulness of the Dome of the Rock as reflecting God's love and mercy in terms of empowerment of Israel to build the 3rd Temple as an acknowledgement of the sovereignty of Israel as a Jewish state. Likewise,  the essential meaningfulness of
rebuilding of the 2nd Temple of Solomon reflecting God's love and mercy is empowerment of Palestinian Muslims to establish a strong prosperous Palestinian state.

Mass-Energy-Information Equivalence Principle provides insight into destiny arising from Intelligent Design as prophesied in the Book of Revelations if Israel and Palestine continue to disregard God the Father,  Allah,  and Yahweh as a loving merciful God.  The Mass-Energy-Information Equivalence Principle translating God's love and mercy into interchangeable mass, energy,  and information within simulated virtual reality of earthly existence as the essence of the Foundational stone of the Dome of the Rock,  Kaaba stone on pilgrimage to Mecca,  and the stone that becomes a mountain to crush everything that has gone before in past epochs of human history predicts that Ishmael and Isaac will both dry up into dust and blow away unless both Israel and Palestine acknowledge the true character of God:

It is written God's love and mercy is like a rock that becomes a mountain to crush everything that has gone before:

"Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were all broken to pieces and became like chaff on a threshing floor in the summer. The wind swept them away without leaving a trace. But the rock that struck the statue became a huge mountain and filled the whole earth."

Satan doesn't want anything to do with brotherly love. Satan’s strategy is to transform the collective conscience of humanity into Image of the Beast.  

Continued later