Saturday, October 28, 2023

Movie Review of Blockbuster Hollywood Movie Oppenheimer as Related to American History and Current Events

Spoiler Alert,  Oppenheimer Could Not get a Good Night Sleep Because of Nightmares Concerning Global Thermonuclear Warfare

By Mark W Gaffney 

Watched the Hollywood blockbuster movie Oppenheimer the second week soon after release of the blockbuster film.

I am proud of my ancestry. Contributions of my ancestors gave birth to a new nation conceived by liberty and justice.

Sometimes I don't think people believe me when I talk and write about my kinship with former President Harry Truman, my 3rd cousin 3 times removed. Our common ancestry is with Kentucky pioneer Michael Goodnight.

A Swiss German named Hans Gutknecht had three sons to immigrate to the United States of America: Michael, George, and Christian Goodnight. My 7th cousin 1 time removed,  former President Barack Obama, based upon Barack Obama's maternal ancestry, is a descendant of George Goodnight.

Michael Goodnight was scalped by Indian's and his daughter taken hostage into British Canada during raid of British backed Indian tribe in 1780. The scalping of Michael Goodnight and his daughter held hostage in British Canada led to the War of 1812. 

Spoiler alert,  Oppenheimer could not get a good night sleep because of nightmares concerning global thermonuclear warfare. My 3rd cousin 3 times removed dropped the bomb to save lives. 

Recently, Ukraine President Zenlensky compared destruction of Bakhmut Ukraine by Russian missiles to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The quick jab with negative connotations pertaining to American military history flew over the head of almost everybody, accept this writer. 

The comparison of Bakhmut Ukraine with Hiroshima and Nagasaki suggest negative connotations pertaining to the decision of former President Harry Truman to end the war by dropping the Atomic bomb.  After  the brutal violent bloody gory fight in Okinawa,  a blood bath awaited both Japanese and allied soldiers when allied troops marched into Japan. 

Mankind's war upon God during the 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia is dishonorable on all sides. The decision to drop the Atomic bomb to end the war and save lives by my 3rd cousin 3 times removed, former President Harry Truman, is an honorable decision that cannot be compared to destruction in Bakhmut Ukraine. 

Although Zenlensky's comment comparing Bakhmut to Hiroshima and Nagasaki may have been unintentional,  the negative connotations associated with the comparison reinforces the views of hegemony regarding the United States of America involvement in the Eurasian theater. Zenlensky's comment comparing Bakhmut to Hiroshima and Nagasaki does not bode well for United States of America foreign policy in the Eurasian theater in the event that the United States of America and NATO allies help Zenlensky occupy Moscow. It is likely that the United States of America will be labeled as a warmonger and booted out of the Eurasian theater if Kyiv Ukraine occupies Moscow. 

In my freelance article entitled, Beijing's Money is Creating Fascism Here At home within the United States of America which will Only Get Worse with Ascendency of a Communist Fascist Empire within Eurasian markets Regardless whether Putin occupies Kyiv or Zenlensky occupies Moscow, I discuss the impact upon bond markets within the United States of America by establishment of a communist fascist empire within the Eurasian theater:

I wrote an article defending the decision of my 3rd cousin 3 times removed former President Harry Truman:

In recent articles I discussed my kinship with former President Harry Truman as an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity. Famed physicist Wolfgang Pauli,  Carl Jung,  and Albert Einstein defined
the Metaphysics phenomenon of Unus mundus as a pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity that defies statistical probability. 

In my freelance article entitled, Validmir Putin's Overture for Peace,  I describe my 3rd cousin 3 times removed speaking from the grave through me as a spiritual medium as an Unus mundus  pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity that defies statistical probability as evidence for the simulation hypothesis:

The following is an excerpt from my article:

Complete destruction during armageddon is reminiscent of the last act of the stage play Hamlet that my 3rd cousin 3 times removed, former President Harry Truman, desires to vicariously play on stages throughout the Eurasian theater,  including China,  Russia, and Ukraine to promote a heightened state of consciousness during this historic epoch of massive sociological change and display the power of spooky action at a distance. 

Continued later the movie is starting

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