Monday, October 23, 2023

BREAKING NEWS: Santa Clause Ain't Coming to America 45 Days from Now Thanks to U.S. Lawmakers Short Term Spending Legislation

@POTUS #POTUS @StateDept #StateDept @Mfa_Ukraine @mfa_russia @MFA_China 
#Mfa_Ukraine #mfa_russia #MFA_China
@NobelPrize #NobelPrize

In an article entitled, Live updates: House passes bill to keep government open for 45 days, sends it to Senate, NBC News is publishing live updates to the United States federal government shut down, now only hours away.

My article entitled, The Russian Ministry of Defence did not want Progozhin to Spill the Beans about Involvement of the Russian Ministry of Defence in Staging a coup d'état against the Kemlin, describes quagmire, paradox, and irony surrounding the convoluted twisted storyline surrounding the 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia:

The following is an excerpt from my article:

If either the proxy war by #NATO allies on behalf of Beijing succeeds or Validmir Putin succeeds at crushing Western democracy in the Eurasian theater on behalf of Beijing than the heads of Russian military commanders will be on the chopping block after colonization of both Ukraine and Russia by the People's Republic of China. According to Satan's  strategy, Decapitation of Russian military command will most likely occur when Beijing successfully colonize both Russia and Ukraine during reconstruction resulting in ascendency of a communist fascist empire within the Eurasian theater. 

Our beloved country, the United States of America, Home of the Brave Land of the Free,  is trapped within quagmire within Ukraine. Let me make this clear. Our cluster bombs, tanks, missiles, fighter jets,  navel vessels,  nor any other weapon of mass destruction will free us from quagmire within the Eurasian theater. 

Only appealing to quantum particlization of semantic binary data formulating 
WISDOM that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks can free us from the finely crafted snare Satan set for us in Ukraine as a quantum quagmire.

The Joker character within the Hollywood blockbuster Batman movie franchise could not have done a better job at devising this finely crafted snare as a quantum quagmire within the Eurasian theater pulling the United States of America down like quicksand.

Barter and trade within world markets is primarily a capitalist enterprise regardless if World trade is dominated by the Western or Eastern bloc. Capitalism defiles the quintessential beauty of communism upon the World Stage.

It is time for Kyiv and Moscow to stop genocide of the Ukrainian people by ending mankind's war upon God. It is time for Kyiv and Moscow to surrender God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic to God by immediate CEASEFIRE and WITHDRAW of all military troops. It is time to start reconstruction of Ukraine by building the 3rd Temple in God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic where Jesus feet will touch the ground when Jesus returns in glory in the clouds either today or billions of years from now. 

Once more, I have volunteered to lead a battalion of UNARMED @UN #UN peacekeepers comprised of engineers, architects, construction workers, accountants, Journalists, public relations experts and other professionals with special skills to build the 3rd Temple in God's NEW NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic. 

I will be on sabbatical soon. When I return from sabbatical CEASEFIRE and WITHDRAW of all military troops from God's NEW ANNEXED nation of Eastern Donbas People's Republic should be completed. 
At that time I shall travel to Ukraine for Fulfillment of God's Plan. 

U.S. lawmakers are working on 
short term spending legislation to keep the government open for 45 days. Santa Clause ain't coming to America 45 days from now thanks to U.S. lawmakers short term spending legislation. 

A familiar idiom is, " Misery loves company". Misary loves company is the central theme of Dr. Seuss How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

The quintessential definition of  the inalienable right to happiness is an UNSELFISH act of either saving lives and/or adding significant value to lives of others thereby creating happiness in lives of other people. In previous articles I declare that God is calling me to bring happiness to the Eurasian theater. 

The world is hurting.  Material wealth is not the answer for pain people around the world feel in their heart. Material wealth is merely a means to the end of either saving lives and/or adding significant value to lives of other people to create happiness. 

When material wealth becomes the central focus of life as the ultimate end or goal that people around the world strife to achieve than cherished values are dismissed while individuals, governments, corporations,  and other organizations pursue goals in a Michovellian fashion whereby " the end justify the means ". 

The fundamental essence of guiding ideologies of both Democracy and communism is 
about uplifting and empowerment of individual citizens. War leads to disempowerment and devaluation of people around the world. 

If the West slides deeper into more corrupt depravity of fascism with help of Beijing's money then Beijing will be less able to free the common worker from alienation within industrial manufacturing sectors. Likewise, continuation of bloody violent warfare in Ukraine leading to disempowerment and devaluation of American citizens will result in greater reliance upon centralized government in the United States of America and Western European countries. Also, continuation of bloody violent warfare in Ukraine will create greater dependency and reliance upon China by the United States of America. 

Over reliance upon centralized government can be counterintuitive and counterproductive to building a better stronger relationship with God. Marxist reduction of alienation of the common worker is about helping Chinese citizens connect with a Higher Power.  The great Chinese philosopher Confusious and Saint Paul both agree that individuals who live according to a Higher Power are no longer under mankind's law.

An accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns rapidly leading toward the Technosingularity demands that the collective consciousness of humanity confront these issues and renew dedication to cherished values of both Democracy and communism. Construction of the 3rd Temple in God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic will create an international platform whereby human civilization can confront these issues.

An accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns demands the collective conscience of humanity confront and conquer our demons in order to Fulfill God's Plan.  Foremost,  English teachers outraged and up in arms for use of the word "ain't" in the title of this article, BREAKING NEWS: Santa Clause Ain't Coming to America 45 Days from Now Thanks to U.S. Lawmakers Short Term Spending Legislation, may have to come to terms with how other people choose to express themselves.

The reference to Santa Clause as an icon of materialism in America shouldn't get anyone's goat. Joy and happiness surrounding the jolly old fat man in the red suit is about Saint Nicholas serving as an exemplary role model for the quintessential definition of happiness as an UNSELFISH ACT of giving in order to add significant value to the lives of others and/or saving lives. Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind should be dedicated to creating more happiness on earth. 

The world is outraged at the emphasis upon materialism within American culture. If the United States of America as the Home of the Brave Land of the Free is somehow dethroned as a Superpower within international markets then whatever country may replace the United States will face the same problems of corruption in capitalism by an autocratic fascist elite ruling class. Artificial Intelligence can confer greater power and control to an autocratic fascist elite ruling class.

International competition within free markets should not lead to establishing economic cartels to crush democracy. Democracy is a spiritual journey that justify communism, hence from a quantum perspective Democracy and communism are complimentary ideologies instead of mutually exclusive. Marxist reduction of alienation of the common worker is designed to enable a spiritual journey of an individual . Marxist reduction of alienation of the common worker is designed to prevent the common worker from becoming a piece of machinery within the manufacturing process owned by Capitialist overlords.

As a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry I propose that China's humanoid robots be manufactured within the United States of America in order to correct for corruption in capitalism defiling the quintessential beauty of communism within the hot flaming melting pot furnace of socialist capitalism within international markets. 

Since Beijing is ensnared by capitalist corruption within world markets then humanoid robots controlled by Beijing will lead to slavery of Chinese citizens unless values of individual liberty and freedom are instilled within core fundamental artificial Intelligent algorithms of humanoid robots deployed in the Republic of China. 

The Central Communist Party may ask, why should China do something stupid like allow China's humanoid robots to be made in the United States of America.  Central Communist Party leaders may satirically quip, ' those Americans really are crazy '.

The Yin and Yang of SinoAmerican diplomacy is that Marxist reduction of alienation of the common worker to prevent slavery of Chinese citizens by Capitialist overlords arising from corruption from socialist capitalism rooted in Beijing depends upon the American value of individual freedom and liberty.  Humanoid robots made in America instilled with the American value of individual liberty and freedom will be committed to a reduction of Marxist alienation of the common worker in China.  Since, Communism and democracy are complimentary ideologies, instead of mutually exclusive, than communism nor democracy can exist without the other given all things are interconnected as one within a transcendent, Gestalt, holistic, eclectic reality known as Tao.

The establishment of a more perfect utopian communism around the world is very complicated.  The collective consciousness of humanity must work together to address these issues instead of building a new Berlin Wall to separate East and West during a new 21st century cold war.

Continued Later

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