Monday, August 28, 2023

Do GOP Candidates for Office of President of the United States of America have a Plan, Any Plan Whatsoever, to End Genocide of the Ukrainian People?

Citizens within the Peoples Republic of China, Russia,  Ukraine,  Middle East, Old World European Union,  etc. will not Like it when China and Russia Swing more to Left to become more Totalitarian like North Korea After Building a New 21st Century Berlin Wall in Eastern Donbas 

By Mark W. Gaffney 

Sadly,  I missed the first GOP debate due to censorship of mass media outlets blocking reception of the live debate. Streaming channels download computer viruses that control what people are allowed to watch.

I cannot find the GOP debates aired on National television on any channel.  Evidently,  the powers that be do not like God's Plan. Evidently, the powers that be seek to follow Satan's strategy.  

I thought that debates for Office of President of the United States of America are aired on a number of channels for easy access by all American citizens.  Are only certain people allowed to watch the GOP debates?  

How am I as an American citizen suppose to know who to vote for if I am blocked from watching the debates?

Obviously,  the American people truly are defrauded from a free and fair election process.

I was blocked from watching the first GOP debate due to my proposal to lawfully forbid any public official on the left or right to run for any public office, including President of the United States of America, after unruly street protests during an election year destabilized a free and fair election. If this injunction is passed than President Joe Biden,  Kamala Harris,  Donald Trump,  Mike Pence,  Nikki Haley, should not be allowed to run for president.

I could  not find any record of New Jersey governor Chris Christie ever serving in the Trump administration,  so therefore his being allowed to run for President is debatable. Chris Christie ties to the Trump administration should be closely examined. Any local, state, and public official who is elected during an year of unruly street protests that destabilize a free and fair election process should forfeit right to hold office and any public officials associated with that administration should be forbidden to run for any public office on the local, state, or federal level again.

Candidates for public office must learn they cannot strong arm their way into office by capitalizing from unruly street protests.  The American people will not succumb to fear tactics,  coercion,  or intimidation of any kind, either from the left or right. 

I wanted to watch the GOP debate because I wrote an article asking if GOP candidates have any plan whatsoever to end Genocide of the Ukrainian people or if the plan is to keep sending Kyiv billions of dollars every year until the United States of America is driven into bankruptcy to become an impoverished 3rd world country?

In previous articles I discussed how local, state,  and Federal elected officials no longer work for the American people,  but instead elected officials are Chinese, Japanese,  Saudi,  Old World European Order bureaucrats who work for their foreign National business partners and friends.  If the United States of America is driven into bankruptcy to become an improvised 3rd world nation after building a new Berlin Wall separating East and West than this will 
exacerbate detachment by local, state,  and federal officials from representing the American people.  

My freelance article entitled, The People's House, including Legislative Assemblies and Judiciary, Should be About Conducting the People's Business,  and Not About Using Legislative and Judiciary Processes as a Battering Ram to Destroy Political Opponents
and Win Elections, I discuss an application of artificial intelligence to dramatically improve grassroot level organization to bolster representative government within dynamics of small groups comprised of every race, creed, gender,  and ethnic origin in order to prevent bad players from destroying the United States of America,  land of the free home of the brave:

What is the most important issue GOP candidates for office of President of United States of America should address tonight August 23, 2023 in the GOP debate aired on national television?

Fullfillment of God's Plan Vblog Facebook META live reel now available:

We shall either build the 3rd Temple where Jesus feet will touch the ground when Jesus returns in glory in the clouds today or billions of years from now in God's new ANNEXED nation of Eastern Donbas People's Republic or we shall build a new 21st century Berlin Wall separating East and West according to Satan's strategy resulting in China and Russia swinging to the left to become more totalitarian like North Korea during ascendency of a communist fascist empire within the Eurasian theater.  

We should immediately declare an international referendum for all global citizens around the world in China,  Russia,  Ukraine,  Old World European union,  Middle East,  India,  etc. to vote for Moscow and Kyiv to surrender God's NEW ANNEXED nation of Eastern Donbas People's Republic to God by withdrawal of all military troops,  IMMEDIATE CEASEFIRE,  and deployment of an UNARMED peace keeping force. I volunteer to lead deployment of UNARMED battalion of United Nations #UN @UN peacekeepers. Citizens within the Peoples Republic of China, Russia,  Ukraine,  Middle East, Old European union,  etc. will not like it when China and Russia swings more to left to become more totalitarian like North Korea after building a new 21st century Berlin Wall separating East and West. 

Vote for Fulfillment of God's Plan for peaceful resolution of the 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia today.  Many years of violent bloody gory warfare as a consequence of continuation of 
the 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia will result in colonization of both Ukraine and the Russian federation by Beijing during reconstruction.

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