Saturday, May 27, 2023

The United States of America Acted Honorably to End Horrific Bloodshed of World War II by using the Atomic Bomb in Hiroshima

By Mark W Gaffney 

The New York Times published a video of Ukraine President Volodymyr Zenlensky comparing Hiroshima with Bakhmut. The comparison of Hiroshima to Bakhmut is a revisionist version of human history that should be carefully examined within context of current events. Although Zenlensky may be incensed by unwillingness of NATO allies to step in to end Genocide of the Ukrainian people, every effort must be made to give peace a chance to avoid World War III eventually culminating in the final battle of Armageddon as predicted by the Book of Revelations. The United States of America should be a worldwide leader in promoting peace by pressuring both sides of a conflict to negotiate a settlement at the bargaining table.

Don't forget about the blood bath that prompted use of nuclear weapons in Hiroshima to save lives.

The comparison of Hiroshima to Bakhmut is particularly disturbing since the analogy implies the United States acted dishonorably in trying to stop the bloodshed during World War II. Carnage and death toll of Ukrainian civilians wrought by Moscow's missile attacks upon schools,  hospitals,  etc is especially brutal military tactics thus comparing Hiroshima to Bakhmut implies the United States of America acted dishonorably to end the blood bath of World War II by using the atomic bomb in Hiroshima. The use of  the Atomic bomb in Hiroshima saved countless lives by ending World War II.

Although Validmir Putin's brutal missile attacks upon civilian populations cannot be excused given military occupation of any people is against God's law of love,  a certain degree of empathic understanding of Putin's special operation to defend sovereignty of the Russian federation can be gleaned from contemplating certain glaring facts often ignored by the Western political pundits. Foremost,  Validmir Putin's miscalculation for his special operation to send Russian troops into Ukraine to defend Donetsk and Luhansky independent Republics is based upon the fact that at one point in Ukrainian history the pro Russian political party of Regions was the largest political party in Ukraine. It is a mystery where all the Ukrainian citizens loyal to their Russian Slavic roots who once belonged to the pro Russian political party of Regions have disappeared. 

 In addition,  the Russian infantry has suffered heavy casualties since the war between Ukraine and Russia began in February 2022. One can appreciate the heavy losses suffered by the Russian infantry when one compares the number of soldiers the United States of America lost during many years the Vietnam war raged with the far greater military casualties suffered by Russia in few short brief months fighting in Ukraine.

An article  published by Yahoo News entitled, Putin has lost more troops in Ukraine than US did in whole of Vietnam war – report, provides a grim statistic pertaining to Russian casualties:

The high number of casualties among Russian federation troops is largely due to weapons of mass destruction provided to Kiev by NATO allies and United States,  hence Validmir Putin retaliated for carnage of Russian military by brutal missile attacks upon civilian populations. Furthermore,  Validmir Putin's special operation to deter NATO expansion in Ukraine is supported by lack of strategic military planning early onward in the 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia.  If Validmir Putin sought to fully occupy Ukraine he should have launched missile attacks to take out the energy grid in Ukraine before sending Russian troops into Ukraine.  Early onward during the Russian invasion of Ukraine Russian battalion's were divided and marched in random chaotic circles with no clear strategic military plan.

It should not be forgotten that Yuri Yanukovych was elected President of Ukraine in a free and fair election according to international observers that monitor elections around the world.  The removal of Yuri Yanukovych from office of President of Ukraine during the Revolution of Dignity is tantamount to right wing protesters removing Joe Biden during the January 6th Capital Hill riots or left wing protesters removing Donald Trump from office of U.S. President in Lafayette Square.  NATO expansion into Ukraine should have never been on the table until civil war within Eastern  Donbas Ukraine was peacefully resolved. 

An article published by The Guardian entitled, Ex-Nato head says Putin wanted to join alliance early on in his rule, provides insight into Democratization of the Russian federation after fall of the Berlin Wall lead to collapse of the old Soviet union:

The deeping trade ties between the United States of America and Beijing hampered Russia joining the NATO alliance and futher Democratization of the Russian federation. Understandably, Biejing did not want a pro democracy Western state in modern Russia flanking its border therefore political pundits in Washington DC acting as Chinese bearucrats created obstacles for successful trade agreements between Moscow and the European union. 

The United States of America acted honorably to end horrific bloodshed of World War II by using the atomic bomb in Hiroshima.

Zenlensky knows at this point provoking Moscow to use nuclear weapons is likely the only way to destroy the Russian federation in order to claim victory. If fighter jets provided to Ukraine by the West violate Russian airspace to strike deep within Russian territory 
then this will likely provoke Moscow to use nuclear weapons.  

The use of nuclear weapons by Russia will result in direct NATO confrontation with the Russian federation on the battlefield in Ukraine which is exactly what Zenlensky hopes to happen.  Ukraine can only win the war with direct NATO military ground forces sent into Ukraine to directly confront the Russian federation on the battlefield. 

Recently Ukraine missiles fell upon Polish soil in efforts of Kyiv to drag NATO into the war to directly confront the Russian federation on the battlefield inside Ukraine thereby starting World War III.  It is highly probable that fighter jets provided to Ukraine by the Western NATO alliance will stray into Russian airspace to strike deep within Russian territory in order to provoke Russia to use nuclear weapons to end the war. 

The use of nuclear weapons by Russia will lead to direct military confrontation by NATO with Russian federation troops.  Russia cannot defeat NATO as a superior military power,  hence Zenlensky will occupy Moscow with help of NATO forces.  The Russian federation will be dismantled. It is likely Xi Jinping will put Validmir Putin into a Chinese prison in order to win favor with the international community. After Russia is provoked into using nuclear weapons in the Eurasian theater by deep strikes from NATO fighter jets within Russian territory,  colonization of Ukraine under Beijing rule will occur during reconstruction of Ukraine. 

Zenlensky will become czar of the EuroAsian theater when NATO forces help Kyiv occupy Moscow. As czar  of the Eurasian theater Zenlensky will merely replace Putin to build a communist fascist empire within the Eurasian theater.  It is likely after spending billions of dollars in Ukraine the United States of America will be labeled a warmonger and kicked out of the EuroAsian theater.  The new communist fascist empire may groom some bureaucrats in Washington DC to enslave the American people while exercising power and control over our political and socioeconomic system.  U.S. politicians will be appointed as demogages by a communist fascist empire within the Eurasian theater to serve as bureaucrats 
appointed to high offices in Washington DC and throughout state legislatures.

Military occupation of any sovereign nation is against God's law of love.  World leaders should know that mankind can only win by accepting God's Plan for peaceful resolution of the 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia.  Moscow and Kyiv must immediately agree to CEASEFIRE and withdraw all military troops from God's NEW ANNEXED nation of Eastern Donbas People's Republic in an act of surrendering Eastern Donbas People's Republic to God to end Mankind's war upon God. Human civilization as God's masterpiece must begin work on building the 3rd Temple in God's NEW ANNEXED nation of Eastern Donbas People's Republic where Jesus feet will touch the ground when Jesus returns in Glory either today or billions of years from now.   God's NEW ANNEXED nation of Eastern Donbas People's Republic will become a major global hub for Economic commerce whereby all nations and people around the world will work in full partnership with God to create low entropy high energy efficiency Garden of Eden like conditions to become an advanced Type V civilization according to the Kardashev scale during the Technosingularity
whereby God's law of love can flourish during a modern 21st century renaissance age of enlightenment.

An ability for an individual like myself with a special calling from God to use telecommunications internet social media technology to question Zenlensky's revisionist version of human history arising from a gut raw anger at unwillingness of NATO to end Genocide of the Ukrainian people by direct confrontation between NATO and Russia federation troops on the battlefield in Ukraine is testimony to how God's good gifts associated with an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns is leading to expansion of consciousness thereby allowing God's light shine in the darkness in the dungeon of quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality of the physical universe where we are imprisoned. Hence,  fraudulent manipulation of markets by Satan's drones to stomp on 1st amendment rights sent by Tech giant billionaires and enemies of democracy for data mining gentrification scams is especially egregious especially given I am the 3rd cousin 3 times removed of former President Harry Truman. The sacred art of writing is how individuals become attuned to Wisdom that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks, and for con artist backed by Tech giant billionaires and enemies of democracy to stomp on 1st Amendment rights by sophisticated gentrification scams is Unholy and unamerican.

Jesus is the epitome of consciousness, therefore Jesus is the Divine light Who will guide us into the future.

Although Volodymyr Zenlensky may not have intended to imply the United States of America acted dishonorably by using the Atomic bomb to stop bloodshed during World War II, allegations of 
atrocities committed by Validmir Putin by Western political pundits creates negative connotations when comparing Hiroshima to Bakhmut thereby implying the United States of America acted dishonorably.  Volodymyr Zenlensky may have simply intended to emphasize massive destruction inflicted by Russia at Bakhmut. However,  even if
Volodymyr Zenlensky may not have intended to imply the United States of America acted dishonorably by using the Atomic bomb to stop bloodshed during World War II, misinformation and disinformation can  contribute to revisionist versions of human history even when a misinterpretation of quantum particlization of semantic binary data is unintended. As a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry I can empathize with both Volodymyr Zenlensky and Validmir Putin's strategic position in terms of defending sovereignty of borders of their respective nations although as a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry I have been highly critical of the 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia in many articles I authored.

Many political pundits have argued that the use of atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was not necessary given Japan was on the brink of defeat. Armchair political pundits argue that because Japan was on the brink of defeat the used of Atomic weapons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was unnecessary therefore a dishonorable act.

An article published by Smithsonian Magazine entitled, The Bloody Hell of Okinawa, describes how after Okinawa the Truman administration girded their loins for bitter bloody violent warfare across mainland Japan. Look how many casualties civilian populations in Ukraine inflicted upon Russian federation troops and armchair political pundits should deduce the bloodbath that awaited American troops as well as Japanese civilian populations. Japanese leaders were sworn to fight to the bitter end to avoid disgrace of surrender.

According to the article published by Smithsonian magazine:

"Before the Battle of Okinawa even ended, on June 22, 1945, Truman had come to the conclusion that he had no choice but to drop the atomic bomb in order to avoid “an Okinawa from one end of Japan to the other.”

An article published by American Heritage Magazine entitled, The Biggest Decision: Why We Had To Drop The Atomic Bomb, describes the Japanese resolve to fight to the bitter end to avoid disgrace of surrender:

According to the article, 

"Reports from Tokyo indicated that Japan meant to fight the war to a finish. On June 8 an imperial conference adopted “The Fundamental Policy to Be Followed Henceforth in the Conduct of the War,” which pledged to “prosecute the war to the bitter end in order to uphold the national polity, protect the imperial land, and accomplish the objectives for which we went to war.” Truman had no reason to believe that the proclamation meant anything other than what it said."

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