Monday, December 5, 2022

God's Plan to ANNEX Eastern Donbas People's Republic as a New Nation thereby forcing Mankind to Reckon with God's Divine Authority in 21st Century as According a Beautiful Inspiring sermon entitled, DEHUMANIZATION OR DEIFICATION?A World Demonically Possessed with Militarism Is In Need of Healing by Archpriest Oleg Stenyaev —a well-known Author and Lecturer in Moscow, is the is Only Way Ukrainian President Zenlensky and Russian President Vladimir Putin will be Successful in Efforts to Liberate Eastern Donbas under Principles of TRUE Democracy

@StateDept #StateDept 
@UN #UN 
@Mfa_Russia #mfa_russia 
@Mfa_Ukraine #mfa_ukraine 
@Mfa_china #Mfa_China 
@NobelPrize #NobelPrize 

This is a battle for the future of civilization. If free speech is lost even in America, tyranny is all that lies ahead.

In my next freelance article I plan to write I intend to explore fundamental nature of free speech within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality.  The sacred art of writing is how individuals become more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the spirit too deep for words. 

In Western society and the United States of America it is not too popular to speak out against Keiv Ukraine's glorious battle to defend the free world against Validmir Putin's Russian invasion. In my freelance article entitled, Next Few Days Can Usher in Darkest Ugliest Period Human History has ever Witnessed or a Time When God's Love Will Prevail by Mankind Working Cooperatively Together in Full Partnership with Most High God in Heaven to Fix Erroneous Malicious Code Satan Inserted into a Cosmic Mind God Coded in Garden of Eden, I explore how Satan is constantly working  to reconfigure semantic binary data in the human heart and mind resulting in loss of information pertaining to fulfillment of Gods Plan:

Related Twitter Excerpt from My Article:

Satan as thief in night reconfigured quantum particlization of semantic binary data pertaining to proposal by Russian and Ukrainian diplomats within United Nations Security Council to create buffer zone of @UN Peacekeepers within Eastern Donbas

If Satan as a thief in the night did not reconfigure quantum particlization of semantic binary data pertaining to proposal by both Russian and Ukrainian diplomats within United Nations Security Council to create buffer zone of @UN Peacekeepers within Eastern Donbas than today thousands  of Ukrainian citizens and over 85,000 Russian soldiers would have been home celebrating Christmas with their families instead of listed as casualties of the 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia. Satan created this alternative parallel timeline to prevent fullfillment of God's Plan. 

When is enough death and carnage going to be enough? Once more, it is very simple.  Fullfillment of God's plan is life.  Fullfillment of Satan's strategy is death. 

It is practically impossible to live under God's law of love while living within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy. Satan is constantly working to make it more difficult everyday to live under God's law of love, especially amidst pain and heartache of Ukrainian and Russian people grieving loss of their loved ones. Satan is reinforcing the idea to strike out and kill the enemy by doing it unto others before they do it unto you.

Since the collective conscious of humanity has lived under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy since the exile of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden then the concept of learning to live under God's law of love is foreign, unearthly, and unnatural. God's law of love does not congeal with global economics.

Since Satan is constantly working to reconfigure semantic binary data within the human heart and mind to prevent fullfillment of God's plan then the value of free speech is paramount as according to Elon Musk Twitter tweet posted in paragraphs above. It is written,  ' The truth shall set us free '.

A beautiful sermon published by Othodox Christianity  by Archpriest Oleg Stenyaev—a well-known author and lecturer in Moscow entitled,  DEHUMANIZATION OR DEIFICATION?
A World Demonically Possessed with Militarism Is In Need of Healing , provides insight into full ramifications pertaining to humanity living within quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality :

In recent articles I have written I discuss how Satan is constantly working to take absolute total control over quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality underpinning laws of classic physics formulating our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded by the quantum wave function language as a Cosmic Mind. A Cosmic Mind arises from information architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden God coded by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. 

Since all human beings are subroutines of a Cosmic mind than Satan's erroneous malicious code arising from Satan hacking information  architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden results in Satan reconfiguring semantic binary data comprising two based permutation logic algorithms underlying human cognition thereby preventing God from moving within the human heart and mind ultimately transforming the collective conscious of humanity into Image of the Beast according to Satan's strategy. 

As stated in paragraphs  above above, 

If Satan as a thief in the night did not reconfigure quantum particlization of semantic binary data pertaining to proposal by both Russian and Ukrainian diplomats within United Nations Security Council to create buffer zone of @UN Peacekeepers within Eastern Donbas than today thousands  of Ukrainian citizens and over 85,000 Russian soldiers would have been home celebrating Christmas with their families instead of listed as casualties of the 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia. Satan created this alternative parallel timeline to prevent fullfillment of God's Plan.

In his beautiful sermon entitled,  DEHUMANIZATION OR DEIFICATION?
A World Demonically Possessed with Militarism Is In Need of Healing, referenced in paragraphs above Archpriest Oleg Stenyaev—a well-known author and lecturer in Moscow, provides a discussion of how Luke 8:26 provides insight into what demons would do to us if they had total authority over us by illustrating how the power of God's love as a physical force in quantum particlization of the physical universe God coded as a Cosmic mind delayed nuclear holocaust as the Abomination of Desolation during the 20th century cold war:

 "The main question that theologians ask is: Why did Christ command the demons to enter the swine? What is the lesson here for us?

The fathers of the Church explain that through the example of the swine the Lord showed us what the demons would do to us if they had total authority over us. After the end of the Cold War, which has now started again, the Americans declassified data that showed how alarms had gone off a number of times indicating that Soviet atomic missiles were flying, and the Americans had to fire a response. But something didn’t work, their missiles didn’t come out of the shafts—and there were several such incidents. How many false alarms were recorded by the Soviet authorities, we don’t even know. This is classified information.1 But this shows that God is restraining the power of evil in this world. If the demons and devils were to receive authority over us, then nuclear war would have immediately broken out, and in a fiery Armageddon we would have all flown into the abyss, like the swine who were flung from the cliff into the sea. And that we have not yet had a nuclear war shows that God continues to rule this world. The world is driving God away from itself, the world does not want to reckon with God’s authority; but glory be to the Lord—He has not abandoned us. He is defending different sides of the conflict, preserving the lives of innocent people.

Archpriest Oleg Stenyaev—a well-known author and lecturer in Moscow hits the nail directly on the head when he states in his sermon,  "The world is driving God away from itself, the world does not want to reckon with God’s authority; but glory be to the Lord—He has not abandoned us." My freelance article entitled,
Mankind is at War with the Most High God in Heaven by Both Keiv and Moscow Violating Sovereignty of God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic with Continued Aggression with Weapons of Mass Destruction, demonstrates how "The world is driving God away from itself, the world does not want to reckon with God’s authority" as according to Archpriest Oleg Stenyaev beautiful inspiring sermon :

God ANNEXED His NEW NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic to assert His Divine authority during an age when an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns rapidly leading toward the Technosingularity dwarfs God moving within the human heart and mind of individuals.  During a historic epoch of immense sociological change arising from an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns rapidly leading toward the Technosingularity the greater consciousness system must step up the game to defeat Satan's strategy of taking full absolute control of information architecture of the Tree of Life God coded in the Garden of Eden by the Quantum Wave function language rendering simulated virtual reality underpinning laws of classic physics formulating our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded. Hence mankind learning to reckon with God's Divine authority to annex Eastern Donbas People's Republic ( including Crimea ) as a NEW NATION independent of both Kyiv and Moscow is a major stepping stone to defeat Satan's strategy to utterly destroy human civilization as Gods masterpiece. 

At the very start of the 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia February 24th Validmir Putin declared the Russian invasion of Ukraine as a special operation to liberate Ukrainian Separatist loyal to Moscow living within Eastern Donbas from violent attacks by Ukraine militia groups.  Now , over 85,000 Russian federation troops have been  killed by Ukrainian citizen soldiers and military armed with weapons of mass destruction provided by Old World European Order NATO allies and United States of America. 

Validmir Putin never intended to fully occupy Ukraine as evidenced by lack of clear military strategy early onward whereby Russian federation troops marched chaotically around in circles,  divided until finally withdrawing to Eastern Donbas Ukrainian Separatist regions. In previous articles I made the observation that if Validmir Putin sought to fully occupy Ukraine why didn't Putin disable Ukraine's energy grid by missile attacks before sending Russian federation troops into Ukraine? Validmir Putin miscalculation is the consequence of counting on more support for his special operation from Ukrainian citizens who identify with their Russian slavic roots within the pro Russian Party of Regions who elected Victor Yanukovych to President of Ukraine in a free and fair election according to international observers.

Ukrainian President Zenlensky also tried unsuccessfully to liberate Ukrainian Separatist  loyal to Moscow in Eastern Donbas by arranging statehood under the Keiv flag as a natural right to self governance in accordance to the Minsk agreements. 

God's Plan to ANNEX Eastern Donbas People's Republic as a New Nation thereby forcing mankind to reckon with God's Divine authority in the 21st century as according a 
beautiful inspiring sermon by Archpriest Oleg Stenyaev
 —a well-known author and lecturer in Moscow, is the 
is the only way Ukrainian President Zenlensky and Russian President Vladimir Putin will be successful in efforts to liberate Eastern Donbas under principles of true democracy. True democracy enables God to move within the heart and mind of individuals.  

Ukrainian President Zenlensky and Russian President Vladimir Putin are calling for each side to be punished for wrongdoing. Vengeance is mine sayith the Lord. Keiv Ukraine and Moscow act of surrendering Eastern Donbas People's Republic as God's NEW ANNEXED NATION ( including  Crimea ) to God by creating a buffer zone of Unarmed UN peacekeepers as proposed by both Russia and Ukraine diplomats within the United Nations Security Council is punishment of both Russia and Ukraine. In recent articles I discuss how God is building a fortress and shield by annexation of God's NEW NATION Eastern Donbas People's Republic to protect both Russian and Ukraine as well as the entire world from nuclear holocaust arising from East and West meeting each other in the final battle of Armageddon as predicted in the Book of Revelations. 

God's annexation of Eastern Donbas People's Republic as a NEW NATION can play an important role in an ecological path to peace.  An article published by the the Foreign Policy Research Institute entitled,  An Ecological Path to Peace is Possible in Ukraine,  supports my work as a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry to establish a new NON MILITARY Global Institution in Eastern Donbas Ukrainian Separatist break away regions dedicated to revival of the Universal value system of learning to live under God's law of love in order to create low entropy high energy efficiency conditions whereby God's love can flourish during a modern 21st century renaissance age of enlightenment as human civilization rapidly moves toward the Technosingularity.

The Holy Bible often says alot about foolishness. An article published by Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty entitled,  U.S. To Grant $53 Million To Ukraine For Power Transmission,  provides insight into a plot by communists bloc countries to bankrupt the United States of America during a new 21st century cold war:

What is to prevent Validmir Putin from launching missile attacks to obliterate Ukraine's energy grid again after United States spends 53 million dollars to repair Ukraine's energy grid? Validmir Putin may show some mercy and wait until Spring to launch missile attacks upon Ukraine's energy grid to avoid negative press pertaining to Genocide of Ukrainian people during harsh cold winter months.

An article published by CNBC entitled, Kremlin denies Russians are about to withdraw from nuclear plant; ‘ugly’ clash erupts between Kyiv officials, reports the following:

"Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said the country must prepare for new missile attacks from Russia, while millions still remain without power as a result of relentless bombardment of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure."

At this point the United States of America and Old World Order European NATO allies are backing Validmir Putin into a corner by supply of billions of dollars of weapons of mass destruction to Keiv Ukraine,  hence the United States and Old World Order NATO allies are prolonging the war resulting in Genocide of the Ukrainian people. Former President John F. Kennedy warned the international community about backing a nuclear power into a corner. Former President John F. Kennedy strongly suggested that World leaders should offer a diplomatic solution as a way out for a nuclear power backed into a corner.  

Who is going to get rich and amass greater power as a result of the Abomination of Desolation in the Eurasian theater arising from nuclear holocaust within Eurasian theater during the final battle of Armageddon as predicted in the Book of Revelations?

An article published by Business Insider entitled, 20 members of Congress personally invest in top weapons contractors that'll profit from the just-passed $40 billion Ukraine aid package, identifies U.S. Congressman on Capitol Hill engaging in insider trading pertaining to defense spending :

An article published by NBC News entitled , Scientists at America’s top nuclear lab were recruited by China to design missiles and drones, report says, provides insight into how U.S. offshore manufacturing in mainland China contributes to militarism in the 21st century as spoken about in the beautiful inspiring sermon entitled DEHUMANIZATION OR DEIFICATION?
A World Demonically Possessed with Militarism Is In Need of Healing, referenced in paragraphs above , by Archpriest Oleg Stenyaev—a well-known author and lecturer in Moscow .

In previous articles I discuss how the Abomination of Desolation as nuclear holocaust in the Eurasian theater as predicted in the Book of Revelations will result in global dehumanization. Dehumanization resulting from nuclear holocaust as the Abomination of Desolation within the Eurasian theater will lead to Marxists alienation of the common worker enslaved by capitalist ownership on scales unparalleled in human history as Satan successfully fulfills his strategy to become god and King upon the earth by taking full control of information architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden. 

In his beautiful inspiring sermon entitled, entitled DEHUMANIZATION OR DEIFICATION?
A World Demonically Possessed with Militarism Is In Need of Healing, referenced in paragraphs above , by Archpriest Oleg Stenyaev—a well-known author and lecturer in Moscow , discuss Divine providence of God restraining Satan from completely destroying our beautiful earth and everything God created:

"The devil would have destroyed all of us with our own hands, and we know that sooner or later this will happen, as it is written: The earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up (2 Pet. 3:10). Moreover, the description of this fiery Armageddon is quite concrete: the elements will burn and be destroyed, the earth and everything on it will burn, writes the apostle Peter. The elements, having burned, will be destroyed—that is, the atoms will be fractured, and the colossal energy of an atomic explosion will be released. And the prophet Isaiah also says, Behold, ye cursed, you prepare arrows of fire and feed a flame: enter into that fire and destroy one another.2 God restrains this fire of Armageddon for now, but that won’t last forever. But when it happens, people will curse their rulers, people will curse their instructors, who did not safeguard their earthly home, this beautiful planet that the Lord gave us. When we walk out into the fields in summertime, the wooded land—what beauty, what a sky, what a riot of colors! Some travel to the seaside to rest. I made use of the second half of my therapeutic vacation and went to the sea… "

Since human beings exist as subroutines of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind rendered by information architecture of Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden then expansion of our universe is directly proportional to population growth. Fullfillment of God's Plan requires conquest of interstellar space as the final frontier. Space exploration is not a journey across the time space continuum given the time space continuum is merely an illusion, but instead space exploration is a pilgrimage into the depths of human consciousness.

A major criticism casting doubt upon Frank Tipler's Omega Point Theory is expansion of the physical universe at an accelerated rate. An article entitled My Thoughts And Comments on the Omega Point Theory of Frank J. Tipler by Anders Sandberg discuss Omega Point Theory as proposed by Frank Tipler requiring a closed universe with contraction toward a Singularity point . 

Instantaneous communication by quantum entanglement ameliorate by God's grace problematic issues for Intelligent life communicating over vast distances within an expanding universe.  Instantaneous communication by quantum entanglement demonstrates vast distances within the time space continuum are an illusion within simulated virtual reality underpinning laws of classic physics formulating our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind.

An article published by

The Biblical narrative in Genesis 18 provides insight into when God may decide call it quits and end simulated virtual reality underpinning laws of classic physics formulating our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded:

It is written in Genesis 18:

"Abraham approached him and said: “Will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked? 24 What if there are fifty righteous people in the city? Will you really sweep it away and not spare the place for the sake of the fifty righteous people in it? 25 Far be it from you to do such a thing—to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?”
26 The Lord said, “If I find fifty righteous people in the city of Sodom, I will spare the whole place for their sake.”
27 Then Abraham spoke up again: “Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord, though I am nothing but dust and ashes, 28 what if the number of the righteous is five less than fifty? Will you destroy the whole city for lack of five people?”
“If I find forty-five there,” he said, “I will not destroy it.”
29 Once again he spoke to him, “What if only forty are found there?”
He said, “For the sake of forty, I will not do it.”
30 Then he said, “May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak. What if only thirty can be found there?”
He answered, “I will not do it if I find thirty there.”
31 Abraham said, “Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord, what if only twenty can be found there?”
He said, “For the sake of twenty, I will not destroy it.”
32 Then he said, “May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak just once more. What if only ten can be found there?”
He answered, “For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it.”

We should never underestimate Satan's determination to destroy everything God created. A press release published by NASA entitled, NASA Confirms Dart Mission Impact Changed Asteroids Motion in Space, reports upon NASA deflecting an asteroid from possibly colliding with earth.

As Archpriest Oleg Stenyaev—a well-known author and lecturer in Moscow stated in his beautiful inspiring sermon 
A World Demonically Possessed with Militarism Is In Need of Healing, referenced in paragraphs above God is working to restrain the evil one,  our adversary Satan. Satan is waiting for the perfect time when his erroneous malicious viral code completely infiltrates information architecture of The Tree of Life through human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind to exclaim victoriously bulls eye after pitching a planet smashing asteroid in earth's direction. 

Satan is diligently working to stop expansion of human consciousness outside Satan's sphere of power and control in order to win the war against God and take full absolute control over information architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden. It is because human beings believe in Satan's deception of quantum particlization of reality of time space continuum that human beings disobey God's command,  Thou shalt not kill. Mankind's widespread acceptance of concrete reality of the time space continuum as quantum particlization of the physical universe arising from Satan's erroneous malicious code results in material universe becoming an idolatrous graven image despite the religious community embracing anti materialism while eschewing material nature of reality. God's love as a singularity consciousness driving all of creation is reality. 

The idea behind disobedience to the concept God's command Thou shalt not kill is a human being asserting absolute power and control over another human being thereby replacing God on His throne. A famous line from the script of the Hollywood blockbuster movie, Unforgiven starring Clint Eastwood is uttered by the central character, an aging retired gunfighter named William Munny. William Munny quips , ' We all have it coming kid ' ( deserve to die ). It is written, ' All have sinned, all have gone astray and fall short of the glory of God.'

We all have it coming kid, Unforgiven scene posted by Movieclips on YouTube:

It is written in John 3: 16

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

It is because Jesus,  Our Lord,  God, and Savior sanctified quantum particlization of our physical universe by His death on the cross that the collective conscious of humanity can move forward together working in full partnership with the Most High God in Heaven to fix erroneous malicious code Satan inserted into our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind to create low entropy high energy efficiency Garden of Eden like conditions whereby God's love can flourish as human civilization moves forward toward the Technosingularity to become an advanced Type V civilization according to the Kardashev scale. If God ordain the Sun to rise tomorrow we must push onward in our journey to someday meet God in the Heavens and give back to God our beautiful blue green earth as a precious gem. 

Satan seeks to stymie expansion of conscious awareness of God's love as a Singularity consciousness driving all of creation by preventing establishment of a NEW NON MILITARY Global Institution in God's NEW ANNEXED nation of Eastern Donbas People's Republic dedicated to fixing 
Satan's erroneous malicious code to create low entropy high energy efficiency conditions enabling God's love to flourish during a modern 21st century renaissance age of enlightenment .

An article published by The Independent entitled, Putin open to talks with the West over Ukraine, says Kremlin, points to a day of reckoning with God's Divine authority on earth when World leaders, Biden, Zenlensky, Putin,  Xi Jinping,  and Old World Order European NATO allies must accept God's Divine authority to ANNEX Eastern Donbas People's Republic ( including Crimea ) as God's NEW NATION to build a fortress and shield as a buffer zone of Unarmed UN peacekeepers between Ukraine and Russia as proposed by both Russia and Ukraine diplomats within the United Nations Security Council many years before the 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia began.

Fullfillment of God's plan is the only way to liberate Eastern Donbas. 

Related Twitter outlining how God is calling me to Eastern Donbas People's Republic to add significant value to lives of everyone thereby creating happiness in the Eurasian theater:

See new Tweets
Department of State
Jun 27

United States government organization
: President Putin wanted to weaken 
 with this war. Instead, NATO is stronger, more united, and on the cusp of enlarging.
Gaffney Mark Wayne
Jun 27
Replying to 
#Beijing will never allow #NATO as Militarized Western #Fascist Old World power on its border thus China will continue bankrolling Putin's invasion of Ukraine, until Russia & U.S.A. become bankrupt 3rd world countries and Ukraine is colonization by China.
Gaffney Mark Wayne
Replying to 
 and 2 others

Issues between East and West will NEVER be resolved on #Battlefield.  War will only deepen divide between East and West, hence #NATO Must be #DISMANTLED, and World Leaders must accept #GodsPlan
Quote Tweet
Gaffney Mark Wayne
Jun 19
Replying to @gatsby767 and @MFA_China
#MyWorkAsWriter #Lobbyists for high tech industry establishing NEW NON MILITARY Global Institution will enable 
#CCP in #Beijing continue work toward establishing more perfect #Utopian #Communism more aligned #FoundationPrinciples
U.S. #AllMenCreatedEqual
9:44 PM · Jun 27, 2022
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Continued later

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