Sunday, November 20, 2022

Next Few Days Can Usher in Darkest Ugliest Period Human History has ever Witnessed or a Time When God's Love Will Prevail by Mankind Working Cooperatively Together in Full Partnership with Most High God in Heaven to Fix Erroneous Malicious Code Satan Inserted into a Cosmic Mind God Coded in Garden of Eden

Time is drawing nigh when the final battle  of Armageddon will begin according to Satan's strategy. The 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia is untenable and cannot continue given genocide of countless Ukrainian citizens perpetrated by Biden administration,  Zenlensky, Validmir Putin,  Old World European Order NATO allies, and Xi Jinping. In a matter of days , if not hours, NATO allies and U.S. forces will have to cross the border into Ukraine to directly confront the Russian federation to restore order in Ukraine to end Genocide of Ukrainian people. The recent episode where Ukrainian missiles fell on Polish soil is a cry for help from Ukraine for NATO allies to enter Ukraine to fight the Russian federation side by side with the Ukrainian army in order to restore order and end Genocide of Ukrainian people. 

World leaders, Biden administration,  Zenlensky, Validmir Putin,  Old World European Order NATO allies, and Xi Jinping, must immediately meet in an emergency session to end Satan's murderous rampage  upon Ukrainian citizens by accepting God's Plan for peaceful resolution of the 2022 war between  Ukraine and Russia by God's annexation of Eastern Donbas People's Republic as a NEW NATION. God's NEWLY Annexed Sovereign NATION of Eastern  Donbas People's Republic is built as a shield and fortress to protect both Ukraine and Russia by creating a buffer zone of UN peacekeepers to separate Russian Separatist from Ukrainian militia groups. 

Ukraine and Russia is locked within whirlwind of Satan's death spiral as a consequence of a civil war border dispute in Eastern Donbas that picked up hurricane gala forced winds to become a confrontation between East and West rapidly leading toward nuclear holocaust. Russian and Ukrainian diplomats proposed a buffer zone of UN Peacekeepers within the chambers of the United Nations Security Council in years leading toward the 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia. 

Satan as a thief in the night reconfigured quantum particlization of semantic binary data pertaining to proposal by Russian and Ukrainian diplomats within United Nations Security Council to create a buffer zone of UN Peacekeepers within Eastern Donbas. Satan is constantly working to reconfigure quantum particlization of semantic binary data within mind of human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind to prevent fullfillment of God's plan. 

Fullfillment of God's Plan is life. Fullfillment of Satan's strategy is death resulting in the Apocalypse outlined in the Book of Revelations as Biblical prophecy. 

An article published by ABC News entitled, Winter could bring health crises to Ukraine, WHO says, reports upon dire conditions within Ukraine where Ukrainian citizens are dying from hypothermia and disease:

Moscow will not stop missile attacks upon Ukraine until NATO allies and United States STOP providing Kyiv weapons of mass destruction. Russia and Ukraine are both violating sovereign airspace of God's NEWLY ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic by continued use of weapons of mass destruction to attack each other. 

Russia and Ukraine must immediately CEASEFIRE and withdraw all military troops from God's NEWLY ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic. United Nations must be prepared to deploy UNARMED UN Peacekeepers with full body armour within God's NEWLY ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic. Elon Musk must be ready to deploy Starlink Internet telecommunications services for peaceful applications of troop withdrawal and deployment of UN Peacekeepers within God's NEWLY ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic. 

The next few days could usher in the darkest ugliest period of human history or a time when God's love will prevail. Write your Congressman today to urge World leaders to accept God's plan for peaceful resolution of the 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia. 

Related Twitter:

💬 #Nechaev: The minute the Russian forces pulled out from Kherson and parts of the Kherson Region, the Ukrainian neo-Nazis resumed what they do best, harassing civilians.

❗️ We strongly condemn their shameful and inhumane methods.

Gatsby767 replied

@POTUS @MFA_China 
Russian withdrawal from port City of Kherson is motivated by following:
Russia and China as communist fascist empire within Eurasian theater need certain number of Ukrainian citizens alive to rebuild Keiv as modern Chinese Imperial Ukrainian city by slave labor

World leaders attempting to pin blame on each other to justify nuclear holocaust as abomination of desolation within Eurasian theater to help Satan win. East and West will have to meet each other on battlefield soon during final battle of Armageddon to STOP Genocide Ukrainian people perpetrated by Biden administration,  Zenlensky, Validmir Putin,  Old World European Order NATO allies, and Xi Jinping.

Ukraine refuses to accept it was behind Poland missile strike, despite NATO forgiveness

Gatsby767 replied:

@UN #UN 
@StateDept #StateDept @mfa_russia @MFA_Ukraine @MFA_China
@NobelPrize #NobelPrize 
@elonmusk #elonmusk 
It doesn't make any difference where missiles came from that landed on Polish soil killing two people

Mankind is at war with the Most High God in Heaven by both Keiv and Moscow violating sovereignty of God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic with continued aggression by use Weapons of mass destruction

Putting development first is the key to bridging digital divide. Multilateralism is the way to go for more effective digital governance.

Gatsby767 replied:

Nuclear holocaust in Eurasian theater as abomination of desolation predicted in Book Revelations will manifest quantum particlization conditions whereby a totalitarian centralized One World Government will deploy Artificial General  Intelligence ( AGI ) to micromanage immense human suffering according to Satan's strategy to be god among men

World leaders attempting to pin blame on each other to justify nuclear holocaust as abomination of desolation within Eurasian theater to help Satan win. East and West will have to meet each other on battlefield soon during final battle of Armageddon to STOP Genocide Ukrainian people perpetrated by Biden administration,  Zenlensky, Validmir Putin,  Old World European Order NATO allies, and Xi Jinping.

God's New Annexed Nation East Donbas People's Republic will bridge digital divide by establishing NON MILITARY Global Institute dedicated to creating low entropy high energy efficiency conditions whereby God's love can flourish during 21st century renaissance age enlightenment

An article published by Newsweek magazine entitled, Replacing Putin—Be Careful What You Wish | Opinion, reconfirms a central supposition within my articles as shared on Twitter:

See new Tweets
Gaffney Mark Wayne
Nov 6

If Validmir Putin is somehow removed from power than any future leader of Russian federation will work to establish strategic international partnerships to gain competitive advantage within global markets
Gaffney Mark Wayne
Someday, sooner or later, Ukrainians will have accept their Russian neighbors by establishing diplomatic relations with #Russia no matter who presides within #Kremlin
Quote Tweet
Gaffney Mark Wayne
Nov 3
@mfa_russia @MFA_Ukraine @MFA_China @StateDept #StateDept @UN #UN #NobelPrize
Eastern Donbas People's Republic Always Belonged to God, and Always will Belong to God, from Very Beginning, because God Owns everything, all Nations and Peoples on all the Earth
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1:48 PM · Nov 6, 2022
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Gaffney Mark Wayne
Nov 6
Replying to 
New Berlin Wall built on border between Russia & Ukraine to create new 21st century cold war between East and West will prevent fulfillment of Gods plan to create low entropy high energy efficiency conditions whereby God's law of love can flourish

Continued later 


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