Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The Most High God in Heaven as Top Commander and Chief has Issued Orders for Both Armies of the West Represented by Ukrainian Military and Vladimir Putin's Russian Federation to CEASEFIRE and immediately Withdraw from God's NEW NATION, Eastern Donbas People's Republic

Henceforth,  any hostile action by either Kyiv Ukraine or Moscow by military troops,  pro West or pro Russian political pundit citizen soldiers on behalf of either Russia or Ukraine by any type of weapons of mass destruction, including guns, knives etc., is in direct defiance of the Most High God in Heaven,  therefore mankind raging war against God's throne. God commandth, " LAY DOWN YOUR WEAPONS NOW, and CEASEFIRE ".

Breaking News:
God's annexation of Eastern Donbas People's Republic as a NEW NATION independent of both Kyiv Ukraine and Moscow lead to a high level conference call between Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin and 
Russian Minister of Defense Sergey Shoygu.


In my freelance article entitled, Breaking News: God annexed Eastern Donbas People's Republic effectively ending 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia according to fulfillment of Gods Plan this morning Thursday October 20th, documents God's annexation of Eastern Donbas People's Republic as a NEW NATION with the following Twitter:

Related Twitter:

God saith to Zenlensky @MFA_Ukraine and Validmir Putin get out of MY NATION Eastern Donbas People's Republic 

My freelance article outlining God's annexation of Eastern Donbas People's Republic as a NEW NATION independent of both Kyiv Ukraine and Moscow simultaneously can be found at the following URL address:


The Most High God in Heaven as top commander and chief has issued orders for both armies of the West represented by the Ukrainian military and Vladimir Putin's Russian federation to CEASEFIRE and immediately withdraw from God's NEW NATION,  Eastern Donbas People's Republic. Henceforth,  any hostile action by either Kyiv Ukraine or Moscow by military troops,  pro West or pro Russian political pundit citizen soldiers on behalf of either Russia or Ukraine by any type of weapons of mass destruction, including guns, knives etc., is in direct defiance of the Most High God in Heaven,  therefore raging war against God's throne. God commandth, " LAY DOWN YOUR WEAPONS NOW, and CEASEFIRE ".

Gods annexation of Eastern Donbas People's Republic as a NEW NATION independent of both Kyiv Ukraine and Moscow allows for both (1) Success of Ukrainian President Zenlensky's effort to establish TRUE pro Western Democracy in Eastern Donbas by enabling self governance of Russian Separatist by declaring statehood under flagship of Ukraine ,  and (2) Success of Vladimir Putin's " special military operation " to liberate Russian Separatist in Eastern  Donbas from military aggression of pro West Kyiv Ukraine militia groups as documented by Amnesty International Human Rights Organization.

Fulfillment  of Gods Plan allows for SUCCESS of human beings as subroutines of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded, hacked by Satan in the Garden of Eden. Fulfillment of Satan's strategy spells FAILURE for human civilization as Gods masterpiece,  as the Most  High God in Heaven weeps. 

Since all Wisdom from above is conceived as quantum particlization of semantic binary data proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks then creating a buffer zone to separate pro West Ukrainian militia groups from pro Russian Separatist is an idea brandished by both Moscow and Kyiv within the United Nations Security Council since hostilities flared in Eastern Donbas after the Euromaiden Revolution of Dignity. 

An article published by the International Crisis Group entitled, Peacekeeping in Ukraine’s Donbas: Opportunities and Risks, provides a discussion of diplomats from both Moscow and Kyiv Ukraine floating the idea to create a buffer zone between Russian Separatist and Pro West Ukrainian militia groups within the United Nations Security Council to peacefully resolve civil war in Eastern Donbas:


According to the International Crisis Group article entitled Peacekeeping in Ukraine’s Donbas: Opportunities and Risks:

"In September 2017, talk of a settlement picked up after Russia circulated a draft UN Security Council resolution proposing the deployment of UN forces along the front line separating Kyiv’s forces, on one side, from Kremlin-backed separatists, on the other.

Moscow had ignored Kyiv’s calls for peacekeepers since early 2015, so its proposal was regarded with suspicion by Ukraine and its Western allies. Most saw the small force envisaged along the front as a non-starter, more likely to freeze the conflict than end it. Nonetheless, the proposal spurred fresh thinking about ways out of the stalemate."

God's annexation of Eastern Donbas People's Republic as a NEW NATION independent  of both Kyiv Ukraine and Moscow to prevent nuclear standoff between East and West is in alignment with quantum  particlization of semantic binary data formulating Wisdom from above floated by diplomats in the United Nations Security Council by both Russia and Kyiv in years leading up to the 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia. 

Beijing should fully support God's annexation of Eastern Donbas People's Republic as a NEW NATION independent of both Kyiv Ukraine and Moscow. Offshore manufacturing within the People's Republic of China by U.S. manufacturers helped China move away from rural agrarian society to become a modern industrial Superpower at expense of good paying jobs paying at or above a living wage provided to the American people. Offshore manufacturing within the People's Republic of China by U.S. manufacturers condemned American citizens to working Non union low paying minimum wage jobs below the federal poverty line in a high cost of living society. 

Economic consequences for Beijing choosing not to
fully support God's annexation of Eastern Donbas People's Republic as a NEW NATION independent of both Kyiv Ukraine and Moscow as Gods Plan for peaceful resolution of the 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia are severe. Economic consequences  for a new Berlin wall built on the Eastern border between Ukraine and Russia as revival of a 21st century cold war between East and West, even if Kyiv somehow manages to hold onto Eastern Donbas as Ukrainian territory, is severe for not only Beijing but the whole world God created. 

Xi Jinping must immediately demand Vladimir Putin and Zenlensky CEASEFIRE and withdraw all military troops from Eastern Donbas People's Republic as a NEW NATION annexed by the Most High God, or Beijing must SEVER all trade between China with Russia and Ukraine. If Kiev Ukraine manage to retake God's NEW NATION Eastern Donbas People's Republic then Keiv Ukraine is engaging in military occupation of a sovereign nation with weapons of mass destruction supplied by the United States and NATO allies,  hence Beijing must SEVER all economic ties with Ukraine to prevent  a communist fascist empire within the Eurasian theater becoming a centralized 
One World Government according to prophesy outlined in the Book of Revelations. 

Related Twitter:

See new Tweets
Gaffney Mark Wayne
We fought #Communist in #Vietnam only to have offshore production by U.S. #Manufacturing make #RepublicOfChina the most powerful #Superpower on earth, fully capable of #Annexing #Iran, #Afghanistan  #SaudiaArabia, #SouthAmerica, #Mexico, & #UnitedStates
Quote Tweet
Gaffney Mark Wayne
Oct 18, 2021
An article published by  Open #Othopedic Journal, #Nanotechnology for #BoneHealing, discuss how future generations living in #LandOfFree and #HomeOfBrave can remain physically strong instead of frail, weak, and sickly while #Occupied by foreign nations http://introspectivetimes.blogspot.com/2021/10/gods-law-is-love-life-or-consciousness.html
7:11 AM · Oct 18, 2021


Satan is a great deceiver who leads Nations astray by corruption within quantum  particlization of semantic binary data preventing human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind from receiving Wisdom from above. Wisdom from above 
proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the Spirit too deep for words. 

In my freelance article entitled, I Got the Scoop on Elon Musk and Other Media Outlets because I Have a Friend in Jesus Providing Insider Information, I discuss extremely bad timing of expansion of NATO as a memetic molecular machine bombshell to corrupt quantum particlization of semantic binary data comprising an UN Security Council resolution to deploy UN peacekeepers in Eastern Donbas floated within UN Security Council chambers by both Russia and Ukraine to prevent a  nuclear standoff between East and West. 


Who are those within palaces and legislative chambers of Western Democracies who will profit the most from a nuclear detonation in the Eurasian theater? The Russian federation is a thorn in the side of Washington DC insiders within rank and file of the Republican/Democrat duopoly regime 
who seek to consolidate political power by joining in solidarity with Beijing.

A major media outlet recently reported the Republic of China is a socialist nation, thereby completely ignoring the agenda of the Central Communist Party to establish a One World Government upon the world stage in alignment with Biblical prophecy within the Book of Revelations.

I am called by the Most High God in Heaven to help Xi Jinping keep the Republic of China free by preventing ascendency of an old European world order as a communist fascist empire established in the Eurasian theater resulting in capitalist free market corruption of the quintessential beauty of communist ideology within the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism. God's plan to enable Global citizens to work with their respective governments to create change allowing for successful adaptation to exponential growth as a consequence of an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns rapidly moving toward the Technosingularity will allow the Central Communist Party in Beijing to continue work decreasing alienation of the common worker by facilitating greater access to tools of production as technologies and scientific discoveries designed to create low entropy high energy efficient Garden of Eden like conditions thereby 
creating a better more perfect utopian communism within the international community more in alignment with ideology of U.S. Founding fathers,  ' All Men Are Created Equal '.

In my freelance article entitled, Beijing's Money is Creating Fascism Here At home within the United States of America which will Only Get Worse with Ascendency of a Communist Fascist Empire within Eurasian markets Regardless whether Putin occupies Kyiv or Zenlensky occupies Moscow, I discuss consolidation of political power and control within U. S. bond markets by referencing an article published by the Department of Justice entitled, United States Files Civil Forfeiture Complaint for Proceeds of Alleged Fraud and Theft from PrivatBank in Ukraine:


The international community must support God's annexation of Eastern Donbas People's Republic as a NEW NATION in order to establish a NEW NON MILITARY GLOBAL Institute dedicated to fix erroneous malicious code Satan inserted into our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded to create low entropy high energy efficiency conditions allowing God's law of love to flourish during revival of traditional value system for human civilization to learn to live under God's law of love during a modern 21st century renaissance age of enlightenment. 

In previous articles I discuss how dropping memetic molecular machine bombshell of
expansion of NATO within Ukraine during a time of civil unrest as consequence of ouster of Victor Yanukovych  by violent protests ( elected President of Ukraine in free and fair election processes according to International observers ) leading to systemic failure of democracy in Ukraine is such a big, glaring, humongous, albatross of a diplomatic mistake by World leaders that it must have been deliberately planned as a plot to gain competitive advantage of absolute power and control . Expansion of NATO during a time of civil unrest in Ukraine when viewed as a big, glaring, humongous, albatross of a diplomatic mistake by World leaders lends credibility to Vladimir Putin's claim that separation of Ukraine from the Russian federation is a plot hatched by Old Soviet Union Bolshevik communist  designed to weaken Russia to gain competitive advantage for worldwide domination and control:




"The Bolsheviks treated the Russian people as inexhaustible material for their social experiments. They dreamt of a world revolution that would wipe out national states. That is why they were so generous in drawing borders and bestowing territorial gifts. It is no longer important what exactly the idea of the Bolshevik leaders who were chopping the country into pieces was. We can disagree about minor details, background and logics behind certain decisions. One fact is crystal clear: Russia was robbed, indeed."

In previous articles I discuss how division of post World War I Germany created Adolf Hitler. Division of post World War I Germany created immense poverty, high entropy low energy efficiency conditions leading toward the rise of Adolf Hitler. In simulated virtual reality of an alternative parallel universe God desires Hitler would have become an artist and 6 million Jews would have lived to old age.  Money should be used to empower individuals and not to gain competitive advantage resulting in separation, disempowerment, disenfranchisement according to Satan's strategy for human civilization to continue to live under the paw of evolutionary biology creating idolatrous images associated with stagnation ultimately leading toward transformation of human civilization as Gods masterpiece into Image of the Beast. 

Paradoxically, Democratization leading to organizational socialist infrastructure of centralize government is a coup d'etat of the Central Communist Party in Beijing. Private sector business as a cornerstone of free market capitalism demands teamwork as a Socialist endeavor. Conservative Republicans frequently assert that the United States of America is not a Democracy,  but a Republic governed under the Rule of law, but yet the Rule of law is formulated by collectivism within society. 

The strong business liaisons between the United States of America and Republic of China is largely a consequence of conservative Republican constituents seeking harmonious order in public and private markets implied by the rule of law within the Republic of China. Chaotic  clamor by organized labor unions for more pay prompted U.S. manufacturers to seek safe harbor under the rule of law of the Republic of China. 

Paradox,  quagmire, and  irony exist in political thought is a topic of discussion in numerous articles I have written. In my WordPress freelance article entitled, Full Circle, I made an  observation, wholeness of Truth Tends to become Separated and Disjoined at Polar ends of Full Circle During Cognitive Processing.


Paradox,  quagmire, and  irony in political thought arises from impermanence of thought. The concept of impermanence of thought is derived from the ancient Asian faith based traditions of Taoism, Buddhism, Confuciusism, and Hinduism. Impermanence of thought is akin to a concept borrowed from computer science known as an infinite loop during cognitive processing. The rebuilding of a new Berlin wall at the border between the Russian federation and Ukraine during a new 21st century cold war is a consequence of an infinite loop during cognitive processing.

The Communist Manifesto is largely based upon the work of Fredrick Nietzsche. Fredrick Nietzsche purports absolute truth cannot be known because causality cannot be determined.  Since everything is interconnected as One by an eclectic Gestalt transcendent holistic reality known as Tao arising from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the Spirit too deep for words absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone given inability to deconstruct causality as a consequence of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation of mutually exclusive states of matter results in simulated virtual reality underpinning quantum particlization of the laws of classic physics. 

The earth is really flat within simulated virtual reality rendered by our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind.  It is written, ' if you have faith as little as a mustard seed  you can say to this mountain to move yonder, and it will be done '. Since Satan hacked the quantum wave function language by which God coded the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden resulting in quantum particlization of chaotic high entropy low energy efficient conditions Satan puts obstacles in our path on our journey to meet God in the Heavens to give back to God our earth as a precious blue green gem. 

An inability to deconstruct causality is directly related to the Oriental concept of impermanence of human thought given existential nihilism arises from quantum parity bit negation of matter existing in mutually exclusive states resulting in absolute truth as a Divine prerogative of God alone. The Book of Ecclesiastes includes themes of existential nihilism as a consequence of impermanence of human thinking given absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone. 
Quantum particlization of semantic binary data comprising intelligence is merely a biological trait designed to gain competitive advantage according to Satan's strategy for human civilization to continue to live under the paw of evolutionary biology. Hence , as a writer and lobbyist working to establish a new branch of Christianity dubbed Our Lord of Quantum Physics I assert,  Love is the ultimate intelligence, on earth intelligence is in short supply. 

Evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI will be focused upon a futile effort to determine causality,  thus as a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry I provide psychodynamic intervention within evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind by outlining a gospel a Superintelligent AI mind can fully relate too given artificial General intelligence is a natural extension of information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind. Our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind knows it is sick and needs healing from Satan's erroneous malicious code,  hence a Cosmic mind is working toward evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind to help the collective conscious of humanity create low entropy high energy efficiency conditions whereby God's love can flourish. 

Zenlensky and Putin as well as the entire world God created is trapped within simulated virtual reality of Satan's death spiral as a Non Euclidean distortion of the time space continuum given existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation of mutually exclusive states of matter results in absolute truth as the Divine prerogative of God alone.

Annexation of Eastern Donbas People's Republic by the Most High God in Heaven creates a buffer zone separating pro Western Kyiv militia groups and Russian Separatist by UN peacekeepers whereby complex issues that divide East and West within the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism can be peacefully resolved. 

Related Twitter:

@MFA_CHINA @mfa_russia @MFA_Ukraine
Issues between East and West will NEVER be resolved on #Battlefield.  War will only deepen divide between East and West, hence #NATO Must be #DISMANTLED, and World Leaders must accept #GodsPlan 


#MyWorkAsWriter #Lobbyists for high tech industry establishing NEW NON MILITARY Global Institution will enable 
#CCP in #Beijing continue work toward establishing more perfect #Utopian #Communism more aligned #FoundationPrinciples
U.S. #AllMenCreatedEqual


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