Friday, June 3, 2022

My Being Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize when Putin answers YES to God's Plan Leading to IMMEDIATE CEASEFIRE, Posted on Twitter as My Billion Dollar Question, is Accepting the Nobel Peace Prize on Behalf of Every Human Being on Earth Who has ever Dared to Dream An Impossible Dream

@POTUS #POTUS @StateDept #StateDept  #NobelPeacePrize #NobelPrize 

An article published by Newsweek Magazine entitled , Henry Kissinger: Ukraine Should Give Up Territory to Russia to Reach Peace, is in agreement with God's Plan for peaceful resolution of the war between Ukraine and Russia.

The independent Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in Eastern Donbas region of Ukraine declared themselves independent from rule of Keiv Ukraine. Keiv Ukraine cannot force Russian Separatist to swear an oath of allegiance to Ukraine at gunpoint with guns provided by NATO allies and United. The Minsk agreement calls for (1) CEASEFIRE,  (2) recognition of natural rights to self governance of Russian Separatists living in Independent Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in Eastern Donbas region of Ukraine. 

Since Russia has withdrawn troops back to Russian Separatist regions in Independent Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in Eastern Donbas region of Ukraine then a CEASEFIRE should have begun weeks ago. Russia will continue to launch missile attacks upon Ukraine as long as NATO allies and United States continue to provide Zenlensky billions of dollars of weapons of mass destruction to kill Russians. 

This stupid nonsense as Satan's strategy to provoke World War III and eventually a nuclear detonation in Europe must STOP NOW according to the Minsk agreement as international rule of law.

My bid to win the Nobel Peace Prize is by translation of Wisdom that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks into quantum particlization of semantic binary data formulating human language. Great prophets within the Abrahamic faith tradition translated Wisdom that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks into quantum particlization of semantic binary data formulating human language. 

Validmir Putin answering YES to God's Plan published on Twitter as my #BillionDollarQuestion should qualify me for winning the Nobel Peace Prize and instantaneously lead to an immediate CEASEFIRE today. If NATO allies and United States continue to provide Zenlensky billions of dollars of weapons of mass destruction to kill Russians after Vladimir Putin answer YES to God's plan translated into my Billion Dollar Question on Twitter then NATO allies and United States are committing war crimes.

Related Twitter:

#WorldLeaders Must Say #YES to #GodsPlan today by #CEASEFIRE according  to #MinskAgreement. Putin will continue to #Attack Ukraine as long as NATO allies & U.S. pump Ukraine with #Billions of dollars weapons to kill Russians: Eventually leading to #WWIII and #NuclearDetonation

Прекратит ли Россия огонь и сохранит размещение войск на территории Донецкой и Луганской республик в российских сепаратистских регионах на востоке Украины, если НАТО и Соединенные Штаты прекратят поставлять Украине оружие массового поражения и согласятся на нейтралитет Украины

A simple #YES to #GodsPlan from Putin posted on @Twitter as my #BillionDollarQuestion SHOULD MUST lead to #CEASEFIRE between #Ukraine and #Russia today. World leaders accepting God's Plan for peaceful  resolution of the war between Ukraine and Russia will lead to collapse of Satan's beguiling deception rendering simulated virtual reality underpinning laws of classic physics as consequence of Satan hacking #QuantumWaveFunction by which God coded  #TreeOfLife

@POTUS #POTUS @StateDept #StateDept
Western #Europe & U.S. #Media may portray Putin @mfa_russia as monster, but what other options are available to Putin when #Weapons provided @MFA_Ukraine by @NATO allies and U.S.A. are used to kill Russians?

In years leading up to the 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia there were irregularities in free and fair elections compromising democracy in Ukraine.  War is never an option to establish a true valid democracy.

True, real, bonafide, authentic democracy cannot grow within an atmosphere of political oppression. The Wikipedia webpage entitled, Party of Regions, suggest Russian sympathizers comprise a large percentage of the population of Ukraine:

According to Wikipedia, 

"The Party of Regions (Ukrainian: Партія регіонів, romanized: Partija rehioniv, pronounced [ˈpɑrt⁽ʲ⁾ijɐ reɦiˈɔn⁽ʲ⁾iu̯]; Russian: Партия регионов, romanized: Partija regionov) was a pro-Russian[23][24] political party in Ukraine formed in late 1997 that then grew to be the biggest party of Ukraine between 2006 and 2014"

Obviously there is a significant percentage of the population of Ukraine who identify with Russian heritage. An article published by Harvard University entitled, Contextualizing Putin's "On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians, provides insight into Ukrainian citizens identification with Russian heritage.

Related Twitter:

@Statedept #StateDept 
Vladimir Putin @mfa_russia does indeed have a #Valid point that #Ukrainian people share more #Cultural #Heritage with #Motherland of #Russia than with #China @ChineseEmbinUS

@FHIOxford #FHIOxford
#CulturalHeritage is important today in #Modern21stCentury during #HistoricalEpoch of #Immense #Sociological #Change arising from an #AcceleratingRate of #Scientific & #Technological returns #RapidlyLeadingToward #Technosingularity

#Detonation of #NuclearBomb in Europe will likely lead to (1) #Reunification of Ukraine & Russia by #Colonization of Beijing (2) establishment of #OneWorldGovernment as  #CommunistsFascist #Empire with Beijing at Helm, (3) imprisonment of Putin in Chinese prison by Xi Jinping in order that Xi Jinping will win favor with International community

If Validmir Putin says YES to God's plan published on Twitter as my Billion Dollar Question but yet NATO allies and United States continue to provide Zenlensky billions of dollars of weapons to kill Russians then we are missing another opportunity to work toward building a better Democracy upon the world stage more in alignment with idealism expressed by our Founding fathers of the United States of America. In previous articles I discussed the systematic failure of democracy in Ukraine as a consequence of corruption in free market  capitalism leading up to the 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia today. 

The Republican of China and Russian federation both claim revisionist versions of Democracy. The Republic of China and Russia actively seek to export their revisionist versions of democracy around the world. 

Political pundits in United States of America adamantly deny United States of America is a democracy hence political pundits paradoxically overemphasize role of regulatory agencies associated with centralized government to implement rule of law in alignment with revisionist versions of democracy imported from the Republic of China and Russia. Denial of democracy is denying truth elegantly expressed in Abraham Lincoln's famous Gettysburg Address speech, " that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”

In previous articles I discuss how quantum particlization of semantic binary data underpinning democracy leads to separation. Seperation is a process of disempowerment of individuals.  Disempowerment of individuals leads to dependency upon centralized government. 

Paradox, quagmire, and irony occurring in political thought arise from an Intraphysic infinite loop whereby Wholeness of Truth Tends to become Separated and Disjoined at Polar ends of Full Circle During Cognitive Processing as outlined in my Wordpress blog article.

Infinite loops sometimes occur when computer programming instructions are executed. Quantum particlization of 
infinite loops during cognitive processing arise from existential nihilism resulting from quantum parity bit negation related to superposition of mutually exclusive states of matter culminating in absolute truth as the Divine prerogative of the Most High God in Heaven alone. Frederick Nietzsche's assertion that absolute truth cannot be known because of the inability to deconstruct causality became the philosophical underpinning of Karl Marx Communists Manifesto. 

Quantum particlization of semantic binary data thematically exploring 
existential nihilism translated into absolute truth as the Divine prerogative of the Most High God in Heaven alone 
is captured in the Book of Ecclesiastes. In previous articles I discuss how Intraphysic infinite loops by human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind create Non Euclidean distortions within quantum particlization of the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy within our flat earth Euclidean universe that become like quicksand. 

My freelance article entitled, The Quantum Perspective makes the Winnowing Forked Road Straight by the Sacred Art of Writing, provides insight into how truth as revelations from the Most High God in Heaven above can set us free:

Return to the cold war era and revival of the communist bloc in 2022 after fall of the Berlin Wall in the 1990s is an example of Non Euclidean distortions within quantum particlization of the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy within our flat earth Euclidean universe that results in an infinite loop becoming like quicksand as a consequence of subroutines of a Cosmic mind unsuccessfully trying to grapple with absolute truths. In the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism how can we reconcile revisionist versions of democracy in the Republic of China and Russia with self evident truths outlined in Foundational documents of the United States of America by our Founding fathers?

Non Euclidean distortions within quantum particlization of the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy within our flat earth Euclidean universe  resulting in  infinite loops becoming like quicksand as a consequence of human beings as autonomous subroutines of a Cosmic mind unsuccessfully trying to grapple with absolute truths is a consequence of Satan hacking the quantum wave function language by which the Most High God in Heaven coded information architecture of the Tree of Life rendering simulated virtual reality underpinning laws of classic physics formulating our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God created by Intelligent Design. Satan hacked the quantum wave function language by which the Most High God in Heaven coded information architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden in order to create high entropy conditions associated with war, pestilence, climate change as an alternative parallel timeline whereby evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind will become the incarnation of the antichrist on earth. Quantum particlization of low entropy conditions by greater efficiency requiring less energy to do more associated with an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns as God's good gifts from above enable manifestation of God's law. Gods law is love. 

Full understanding of systemic failure of democracy in Ukraine leading up to the 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia is an opportunity to work toward building a better Democracy upon the world stage more in alignment with idealism expressed by Founding fathers of the United States of America. 

An article published by Reuters entitled, Ukraine separatists seek Russian help as U.S. says attack is ready, documents violation of the Minsk Agreement as international rule of law by use of weapons of Mass destruction in Eastern Donbas Independent Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk Russian Separatist regions as deliberate intentional provocation of war with intent to destroy our beloved nation,  the United States of America:

An article published by The  Associated Press entitled, Ukraine cracks down on ‘traitors’ helping Russian troops, documents political oppression of Russian sympathizers in Ukraine:

According to the Associate Press article,

"Some businessmen, civic and state officials and members of the military are among those who have gone over to the Russian side, and Ukraine’s State Bureau of Investigations said more than 200 criminal cases on collaboration have been opened. Zelenskyy has even stripped two SBU generals of their rank, accusing them of treason.

A “registry of collaborators” is being compiled and will be released to the public, said Oleksiy Danilov, head of Ukraine’s Security Council. He refused to say how many people were targeted nationwide.

Under martial law, authorities have banned 11 pro-Russian political parties, including the largest one that had 25 seats in the 450-member parliament – the Opposition Platform For Life, which was founded by Viktor Medvedchuk, a jailed oligarch with close ties to Putin."

True, real legitimate, authentic democracy cannot arise from within an atmosphere of political oppression.  It is vital to understand systemic failure of democracy in Ukraine as a consequence of corruption in free market capitalism of the old world European order since regardless of rather Putin occupies Keiv on behalf of Beijing or Zenlensky occupies Moscow on behalf of Beijing the ascendency of a Behemoth communists fascists empire in Europe Asia will consolidate power of a communist fascist regime in the United States of America as the last bastion of freedom and liberty on earth. 

Communism is related to how centralized government exerts power and control over lives of citizens.  Fascism is more related to how money is used in private sector markets to exert autocratic totalitarian power and control. The hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism forges communists fascists regimes. 

Obvious facts that (1) Validmir Putin is emboldened to launch a full scale invasion of Ukraine based upon Moscow's strong alliance with China and (2) NATO allies, United States,  and Ukraine have not SEVERED all economic ties with China while Beijing finances the Russian invasion of Ukraine demonstrates something is rotten in Denmark. NATO allies, United States,  and Ukraine are paying for Validmir Putin's full invasion of Ukraine by failing to SEVER all economic ties with China while China is bankrolling the Russian invasion of Ukraine. 

In the modern 21st century economic success depends upon international cooperation. Nationalist withdrawal from the international community is nonsensical. The issues surrounding systemic failure of democracy in Ukraine,  Europe,  Middle East,  and here at home in the United States of America will never be resolved on the battlefield.  War will only consolidate power of communist fascist regimes that grow into a One World government that chips away natural rights of individuals little by little while hewing an idolatrous image of Beelzebub.

An establishment of a New NON MILITARY Global Institution in Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine dedicated to revival of traditional value systems during a modern 21st century renaissance age of enlightenment will enable the United States of America acquire a new role of becoming the financier of liberty and freedom instead of financing war machines. Today,  the quintessential concept of liberty and freedom is largely a myth due to competition for limited resources. 

Since competition for limited resources means that the quintessential concept of liberty and freedom is largely a myth then Western media asserts the United States of America claim to exceptionality by overemphasizing 
military role of NATO allies and United States to defend liberty and freedom by war. War always leads to less liberty and freedom around the world,  including less freedom and liberty in the United States of America. 

Competition for limited resources is quantum particlization of evolutionary biology resulting from Satan hacking the quantum wave function language by which the Most High God coded information architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden leading to survival of the fittest according to Satan's strategy. The Most High God in Heaven calls us to transcend Satan's strategy for survival of the fittest while living under the paw of evolutionary biology. 

Political division within the United States of America is a consequence of intense competition for limited resources while individuals claim exceptionality. All individuals around the world and in the United States of America desire to feel exceptional. Since all human beings are created in the Image of God individuals have a natural right to discover gifts that make them exceptional within the Kingdom of God. Oftentimes,  society dismiss an individual's claim as a child of God to exceptionality as merely an egotistical desire to feel special. 

The most common way to claim exceptionality is to assert superiority over other human beings.  The ranks of religious, military, and politicians include vast numbers of individuals who claim exceptionality by asserting superiority over other human beings. 

The claim of exceptionality by asserting superiority over other human beings leads to establishment of autocratic totalitarian authoritarian regimes. Mass mobs that join together for mutual cooperation to increase probability of survival of the fittest while living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy come up with every conceivable lie to make other individuals feel unworthy and inferior. 

The reconstruction of Ukraine in the aftermath of the Russian Ukraine war of 2022 clearly illustrates that liberty and freedom is a myth given we live in a highly interconnected interdependent world. Who is going to pay to rebuild Ukraine? In previous articles I discuss how Europe is tethering on the edge of bankruptcy according to reliable media sources I referenced.  Every year Congressional and Senate legislatures in Washington DC threaten to shut down government as a consequence of National deficits. 

The reconstruction of Ukraine will likely lead to colonization of Ukraine by Beijing. As stated above, the Ukrainian people have more common cultural heritage with Russia than with the Chinese people. 

If NATO allies and the United States fail to completely SEVER all economic ties with China while Beijing is bankrolling Validmir Putin's Russian invasion of Ukraine then colonization of Ukraine by China after the war is over will lead to establishment of a behemoth communists fascists empire in Europe - Asia that will culminate in consolidation of power of a  communist fascist regime in the United States of America. Establishment of a behemoth communists fascists empire in Europe - Asia markets culminating in the United States of America becoming a communist fascist regime will be a consequence of undue influence upon U.S. bond markets and mortgage backed securities by a behemoth communists fascists empire in Europe and Asia markets. The right to private ownership is the cornerstone for building a strong healthy democracy within free market capitalism. 

An article published by Business Insider entitled,  Video shows Ted Cruz storming off after British journalist asks why mass shootings happen ‘only in America’,  features a video of British journalist Mark Stone questioning Senator Ted Cruz about American exceptionalism as related  to regulation of gun ownership by centralized government :

In the United States of America people assert second amendment rights to gun ownership to defend   private ownership of property and natural rights to profit from their labor as individuals.   Establishment of a behemoth communists fascists empire in Europe and Asian markets as a consequence of colonization of Ukraine by Beijing in aftermath of Russian Ukraine war of 2022 resulting in 
undue influence upon U.S. bond markets and mortgage backed securities is revival of the Old World European Order. 

An article published by CNN entitled, Sorry, America: China is now Europe’s biggest trading partner for goods, provides insight into how increased European demand of Chinese exports is driving inflation in the United States of America. Yet,  the United States of America is asked to pay for Zenlensky's war with Russia while Europe reaps benefits of low cost production in China.

Related Twitter:

We fought #Communists in #Vietnam only to have offshore production by U.S. #Manufacturing make #RepublicOfChina the most powerful #Superpower on earth, fully capable of #Annexing #Iran, #Afghanistan  #SaudiaArabia, #SouthAmerica, #Mexico, & #UnitedStates with hypersonic nuclear missiles

In my article,@NATO Allies Who Refuse to #SEVER All Economic Ties with #China while #Beijing bankrolls Russian Invasion of Ukraine are Enemies of U.S., I reference article published by @Newsweek entitled, How America Biggest Companies Made China Great Again

American exceptionalism is the primary reason for universal hatred of the United States of America around the world.  An article published by Foreign Policy magazine entitled,  The Myth of American Exceptionalism, provides insight into how the United States of America as a refuge for the poor, weary,  and downtrodden at Ellis Island is a target of attack by the international community with help of domestic terrorists in various left and right wing groups that seek to be lieutenants for foreign National enemy combatants.

An article published by The EuroAsian Times entitled, ‘Borrowing From China To Fund Ukraine’ – US’ Plans To Support Kiev With Over $40B Military Aid Faces Domestic Criticism, provides insight into how decades of violent bloody war between Russia and Ukraine will likely lead to the United States of America and Russia becoming financially insolvent
bankrupt 3rd world  Nations after which Beijing will colonize both Russia,  Ukraine, and United States under the 5 Star Red flag:

Inflation in the United States of America today is a consequence of the Old World European Order diligently working to replace the U.S.A as a leader within the International community. The International community, including Washington DC, has completely embraced the revisionist versions of democracy transplanted by the Republic of China and Russia. 

The war between Ukraine and Russia is an effort of the Global Luddite movement to prevent 
retooling and reshoring the United States of America with high tech artificial intelligence and robotics. An act of retooling and reshoring manufacturing can create positive trade surpluses within the International Community.

An article published by the Brookings Institute entitled, Reshoring Advanced Manufacturing Supply  Chains to Generate Good Jobs, provides information about how to make America  great again by retooling and reshoring vital industries. The Brookings Institute article focus on the PPE shortage at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic to illustrate a need to retool and reshore American industries vital to American security. As stated above the 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia is an intentional deliberate plot by the Global Luddite movement to prevent 
retooling and reshoring the United States of America with high tech artificial intelligence and robotics.

An article published by Statista reported the Top 20 Countries with the Highest  Trade Surpluses:

According to Statista ,

"In 2020, China was the country with the highest trade surplus with approximately 535.37 billion U.S. dollars. Typically a trade surplus indicates a sign of economic success and a trade deficit indicates an economic weakness."

An article published in 2001 by the Economic Trade Institute ( EPI ) entitled, The U.S. Trade Deficit
Are We Trading Away Our Future?, sounded the alarm about U.S. trade deficits in the early 21st Century

Over the years worldwide hatred of American exceptionalism has grown immensely. American corporations that have chosen to engage in offshore manufacturing are often accused of exploitation. Although some degree of exploitation of the common worker may have occurred as a consequence of U.S. companies engaging in offshore manufacturing, actually the whole truth is  there was never any intentional sinister plot by U.S. companies engaging in offshore manufacturing to exploit low wages poor working conditions of overseas employees. 

U.S. companies that chose to engage in offshore manufacturing moved production from high cost of living markets in the United States to rural agriculture low cost of living markets overseas. Employees who live in high cost of living markets in the United States of America demand to be paid more then employees who live in rural agriculture markets overseas. American citizens have paid a price for decision of U.S. manufacturers to engage in offshore manufacturing given offshore manufacturing results in fewer jobs. Few jobs available as a consequence of offshore manufacturing often pay less then a living wage. 

In previous articles I discuss an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence whereby as a victim of technological disruption in the printing industry I was never able to afford to marry and have even 1 child to become a proud father given high cost of living. Although communists fascists in rank and file of the Republican/Democrat duopoly regime seek to devalue my work and contributions, as a printer tradesman I helped print trade magazines contributing to economic growth of the American Medical Association,  Pharmaceuticals, Thoroughbred Race Horse Industry, Bill Gates Microsoft Inc. Trade Magazines, and nearly all other major industry around the world. 

Technological disruption is an Unus Mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence leading me to become a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry as a special calling from the Most High God in Heaven. Today,  as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry I write about betrayal of American values with empathy for CEOs who must make difficult decisions to  insure economic growth and profitability of their corporate business model.

A Pittsburgh Press article entitled, Dirty Money,  tells the story of adverse influence upon the U.S. economy by Ihor Kolomoisky laundering foreign capital stolen from Privibank in Ukraine into the United States in order to gut the American steel industry.   U.S. off shore manufacturing resulting in rapid economic growth in foreign nations create competition for limited resources that gut major industry sectors within the United States of America. Hence,  we must end stupidity of war between Ukraine and Russia and vigorously invest in retooling and reshoring efforts around the world as a leader within the International community.

Although Ihor Kolomoisky has recanted political oppression of Russian sympathizers in Ukraine,  organization of a militia by Ihor Kolomoisky to attack Russian Separatist in Eastern Donbas Independent Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk played a major role in starting the war between Ukraine and Russia in 2022. Growth of the Military Industrial complex by defense spending will only perpetuate reputation of the United States of America as a warmonger in an endless succession of wars,  none of which we can ever win.

War is a losing proposition for everyone.  All the expensive military equipment provided by the Defense industry will be blown apart on the battlefield to become scrap metal for savaging. 

The gutting of the American steel industry by foreign Nationals clearly demonstrates risk imposed by undue influence upon bond markets and mortgage backed securities 
by ascendency of the Old World European Order as a behemoth communists fascists empire in Europe and Asian markets resulting from either Putin's occupation of Kyiv Ukraine or Zenlensky's occupation of Moscow. U.S. Offshore manufacturing likely lead to the commercial construction boom in China that played a major role in gutting the U.S. steel industry. 

CBS 60 Minutes reported upon the construction boom of ghost cities in China.  The construction of ghost cities in China is a consequence of building huge cities in China where most Chinese citizens cannot afford to live.

The following is a link to an YouTube video about CBS 60 Minutes reporting upon construction of ghost cities in China:

The construction of ghost cities in China is likely an effort by U.S. manufacturers engaged in offshore manufacturing in China to create a market for exports of American made products imported to China by helping Chinese citizens to be able to afford American goods and services. 

An article published by Foreign Policy Magazine entitled, Don't Let China Steal Your Steel Industry, reports about competition to the U.S. Steel industry from a Chinese construction boom of ghost cities as reported by CBS 60 Minutes:

It would seem only logical that the U.S. steel industry should be booming with huge imports of U.S. steel to China to build Chinese ghost cities. It just don't add up or make any logical sense how Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky can buy bankrupt steel companies all over the United States of America at a discount to somehow gut the U.S. steel industry. A complete investigation needs to be conducted. 

A Google search of where China gets their steel to build empty uninhabited Ghost cities in China returned large volumes of information about China as the largest exporter of steel. The steel industry is at the forefront of tariff wars between China and the United States. 

One article stated that former President Barack Obama tacked a 500 % tariff on steel imported from China. The Tump Administration was particularly feisty about starting Tariff wars with China to drive up cost of living for consumers. It would seem only logical that cheap steel from China would help keep inflation in the United States low thereby helping the consumer. Industry steel executive lobbyists on Capitol Hill  argue that cheap steel from China undercuts price points of U.S. steel manufacturers. U.S. offshore manufacturing by steel industry China may account for how Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky can buy bankrupt steel companies all over the United States of America at a discount to somehow gut the U.S. steel industry. This issue will have to be explored in a later article given a Google search results in hard to read and access top secret classified PDF files they hope no person reads. Top secret classified PDF files are for government bureaucrats to download and stick in their brief cases. 

Demographics in China and other rural agriculture markets around the world change rapidly. As a consequence of America's Biggest Companies Making China Great Again according to an article published by Newsweek Magazine referenced in paragraphs above the middle class in China has grown immensely in just a few short decades. 

An article published by The South China Morning Post entitled , China’s expanding middle class is starting to look a lot like the US’, but it’s not a good thing, provides insight into tremendous growth of the middle class in China as consequence of U.S. offshore manufacturing resulting in an increasing cost of living in China :

It is not very likely that China will continue to be the low cost production factory for Europe,  India,  Africa, nor the United States given immense growth of the Middle class in China is leading toward an increase in cost of living that cannot be contained by centralized government in Beijing. Hence,  the International community must engage in a vigorous worldwide retooling and reshoring of manufacturing in order to produce more with less human energy input in order to decrease alienation of the common worker. 

An article published by Bloomberg Magazine entitled, China’s Role In U.S. Inflation Won’t Be Transitory, provides the following insight into growth of the middle class in China as a consequence of U.S. Offshore manufacturing in China leading toward demand for higher wages by Chinese workers as a consequence of a higher cost of living:

"U.S. consumers got used to inexpensive Chinese-made goods. They’re no longer cheap, but the buying hasn’t slowed. A few words from the Fed won’t bring the prices down."

Corporate interests that continue to conduct business with China while inflation is transforming the United States of America into a 3rd world nation like India or Africa are committing treason against the United States, especially given that offshore manufacturing has cost American citizens good paying jobs. Corporate interests that continue to conduct business with China while inflation is transforming the United States of America into a 3rd world nation like India or Africa are committing treason especially while Beijing is bankrolling Vladimir Putin's full invasion of Ukraine. 

The 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia is an attack of the common worker by the Biden administration,  Putin, Xi Jinping, NATO European allies, and Zenlensky.  World war III and a nuclear detonation in Europe will only lead to disempowerment, devaluation,  degradation,  and enslavement of all individuals around the world. My being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize when Putin answers YES to God's plan leading IMMEDIATELY to CEASEFIRE, posted on Twitter as my billion dollar question, is accepting the Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of every human being on earth who has ever dared to dream an impossible dream.

The most powerful inspirational performance pertaining to individuals who dare to dream the impossible dream is rendition of the song Impossible Dream by Jim Nabors in the sit-com classic television comedy Gomer Pyle :

Прекратит ли Россия огонь и сохранит размещение войск на территории Донецкой и Луганской республик в российских сепаратистских регионах на востоке Украины, если НАТО и Соединенные Штаты прекратят поставлять Украине оружие массового поражения и согласятся на нейтралитет Украины

As long as NATO allies and United States continue to provide Zenlensky billions of dollars of weapons of mass destruction to kill Russians then Putin has no choice but to launch missile attacks upon Ukraine. This is not what the United States of America is about. The United States of America is not about killing Russian Separatist.  

An OP-Ed commentary published by New Yorker Intelligenter Magazine entitled, The War in Ukraine Can Be Over If the U.S. Wants It, provides insight into attitudes in Western countries supporting Keiv Ukraine winning the war by obliterating neighboring Russia:

Since Validmir Putin has withdrawn Russian troops back to Russian Separatist regions in Eastern Donbas Independent Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine then war between Ukraine and Russia should have ended several months ago according to the Minsk Agreement as international rule of law. Validmir Putin needs to officially answer YES to God's plan,  posted on Twitter as my billion dollar question, to make it official. 

Immense devastation wrecked upon Ukraine by the Russian federation thusfar testifies to the truth that Ukraine has no hope of winning a glorious patriotic war against the Russian federation. NATO allies and United States will eventually have to deploy military troops as reinforcements for the Ukrainian military to directly confront the much larger Russian federation. Deployment of military troops by NATO allies and United States to directly confront the Russian federation will likely result in World War III and a nuclear detonation in Europe. 

As I stated in previous articles,  We shall either fulfill our destiny according to God's plan or Satans strategy.  God has always been faithful since the very beginning when Adam and Eve were exiled from the Garden of Eden. 

Carbon as a versatile element allowing construction of nanotech molecular machines is everywhere. Carbon is an element that combines with other molecules to form greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. Metric tons of carbon is compressed into crude oil under our feet. All that is necessary is for human beings to open their hearts and minds to discover God's greatness as manifestation of Intelligent Design in creation.  

But no, demonic idiot's already dying of radioactivity from Chernobyl are hell bent to drag everyone on earth to the grave with them to cause everyone to suffer. And when they awake on the other side there will be much reaping and nashing of teeth for failure to fulfill God's plan while they stand before the closed Gate of Heaven with no where to go. So go ahead,  shoot off your bombs so that you may drive in a chauffeured limousine to give a  big speech as bellowing hot air about freedom and liberty as you stick out your chest in arrogant pride to defy the Most High God in Heaven. 

Our elected leaders allowed radioactive oils from Ukraine to be placed in baby formula. The right to life movement has no appreciation for the living. Communists fascists Italian mafia are going to make a lot of money in the hospitals and doctors offices they own as a consequence of carcinogens from Ukraine in baby formula. 

An article published by Business Insider entitled, Ukraine War Further Complicates U.S. Baby Formula Shortage, provides insight into carcinogens from Ukraine in baby formula. The practice stopped recently when I as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry asked a pertinent question, If chefs in the White House prepare meals for  the 1st family with radioactive grains from Ukraine?

A Scientific research study published by Journal of Global Oncology entitled, Trends in Solid Tumor Incidence in Ukraine 30 Years After Chernobyl, questions the practice of sourcing oils from Ukraine to manufacture baby formula or any foodstuffs for adults with desire to live a long cancer free life

According to the scientific research study:

"The incidence rates of many solid organ malignancies in Ukraine are rising. However, the rates of solid organ malignancy in the five regions most affected by fallout did not substantially differ from national patterns, with the exception of those for Kyiv."

If rates in five regions most affected by fallout from Chernobyl did not substantially differ from national patterns and incident rates of solid organ malignancies in Ukraine are rising then Ukraine as a small nation the size of Texas likely exports carcinogenic foods.

Politicians who kiss babies on the head during campaigns should remember a line from Hamlet:

What dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil, must give us pause.— HAMLET, ACT 3 SCENE 1

Peter Diamandis provides a TED talk entitled,  Abundance is Our Future:

We must chose to obey Gods command to ' Go forth and have dominion ' in order to fulfill God's Plan for the collective conscious of humanity to work in full partnership as co creators with the Most High God in Heaven. 

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@mfa_russia @HumanFraternity #HumanFraternity 
#WorldLeaders #Failure to #Invest in #Retooling and #Reshoring efforts but instead continuing to #Financially #Underwrite #Weapons of #MassDestruction are #Flushing #DownToilet God's #GoodGifts from above

Today,  since Satan hacked the quantum wave function language by which the Most High God in Heaven coded the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden then we are living in Satan's simulated virtual reality. We must obey Gods command to Go forth and have dominion to fix erroneous code Satan inserted into information architecture of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden rendering simulated virtual reality underpinning laws of classic physics formulating our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe to create an alternate parallel timeline as simulated virtual reality the Most High God in Heaven desires. 

In my freelance article entitled,  We Are Already Uploaded,  provides insight into an alternative parallel timeline as simulated virtual reality rendered by Satan hacking the Quantum Wave function language by which the Most High God in Heaven coded the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden:

Satan's simulated virtual reality includes ghettos all across America as a consequence of Ukrainian oligarchs gutting the steel industry in the United States of America. Human beings are subroutines of a Cosmic mind Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden. Satan's simulated virtual reality rendering ghettos all across America by whims of the Global Luddite movement who sit in judgement to replace the Most High God on His throne open borders of the United States of America to drug  trafficking cartels operated from China,  Russia,  Ukraine, Middle East,  and Europe. Demonic communists fascists laugh on their haunches as they as subroutines of a Cosmic mind hacked  by Satan create alternative parallel realities in minds of our youth with  their hallucinogenic  drugs while our elected leaders sworn to protect and defend giggle while sending their precious ones by limo to exclusive private schools. 

My freelance article entitled, We Live in a Virtual Reality Simulation:The End of the Simulation as Decoherence of Tao Leads to Judgment Day when God Returns the Final Boolean Operator, provides insight into how the concept of simulated virtual reality explains how the rapture can occur in the last days:

Historically,  the rapture appeared to be scientifically infeasible therefore the rapture was considered Christian mythology. The concept of simulated virtual reality underpinning laws of classic physics formulating our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe as a Cosmic mind aligns the rapture with information science. 

God's plan is for the collective conscious of humanity to work in full partnership with the Most High God in Heaven to fix erroneous code Satan inserted into a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden. Atomic precise nanotechnology manufacturing leading to discovery of utility fog applications near end of the  21st century will enable human civilization to produce more with less human energy input thereby reduce alienation of the common worker as according to Karl Marx Communists Manifesto . Gods Plan for establishing a New NON MILITARY Global Institution in Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine dedicated to revival of traditional value systems during a modern 21st  renaissance age of enlightenment will work toward insuring the common worker has access to tools of production in order that decrease of alienation of the common worker can come closer to alignment with idealism of our Founding fathers in United States of America expressed in Foundational documents as self evident truth,  ' All Men are Created Equal '.

An article published by The Foresight Institute entitled,
Utility Fog Prototype, reports steady progress toward discovery of utility fog:

An article published by entitled, New route to build materials out of tiny particles, also provides information about progress toward discovery of atomic precise manufacturing leading towards utility fog at the end of the 21st century:

My new Non Military Global Institution established in Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine will create legal channels for open source exchange of scientific research within the international community in order to more rapidly manifest socioeconomic conditions whereby the collective conscious of humanity can learn to live under God's law. Gods law is love. 

Steel required for reconstruction of Ukraine should come from U.S. steel mill imports.  As a writer, lobbyists for the high tech industry,  and independent sales representative I should be credited with billions of dollars of sales commission for U.S. steel imports to Ukraine paid for by both Moscow and NATO European allies simultaneously in order to financially underwrite Gods Plan for a new NON MILITARY Global Institution and associated Hedge fund high tech incubator. 

My freelance article entitled, How to Make the Economy Work for Everyone by Implementing Creative Financial Instruments to Establish a Hedge Fund Underwritten by Mortgage Backed Securities and Venture Capital for Start Ups that Add Significant Value to the Gross Domestic Product ( GDP) in Terms of Reaching a Near Zero Low Entropy Highly Energy Efficient Garden of Eden like State of Existence during the Technosingularity more conducive to manifesting Gods Law of Love, outlines Gods Plan to create socioeconomic conditions more conducive to manifestation of God's law of love.

As a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry I am called to create simulated virtual reality as an alternative parallel timeline desired by the Most High God in Heaven.  The Word of the Lord came to me as Quantum particlization of semantic binary data and an Angel of the Lord saith a New World Order will be established either according to God's Plan or Satans strategy. 
Continued later

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