Wednesday, May 4, 2022

A Twitter Tweet is Like Mustard Seed Sewn as a Kernel of Truth to Grow the Kingdom of God; A Billion Dollar Question Addressed to Vladimir Putin for Peaceful Resolution of the War between Ukraine and Russia According to God's Plan:Will Russia CEASEFIRE and maintain troop deployment within Donetsk and Luhansk Republics in Russian Separatist regions of Eastern Ukraine if NATO and United States quit supplying Ukraine weapons of Mass destruction and agree to neutrality of Ukraine?

@POTUS #POTUS @StateDept #StateDept 

Waiting to receive an answer from Vladimir Putin
to a million dollar question posted on the Kremlin Moscow government Twitter feed while the fate of the world hangs in the balance?

Will Russia CEASEFIRE and maintain troop deployment within Donetsk and Luhansk Republics in Russian Separatist regions of Eastern Ukraine if NATO and United States quit supplying Ukraine weapons of Mass destruction and agree to neutrality of Ukraine?

Since weapons of mass destruction are being delivered to Ukraine as I write this article it may be difficult for Vladimir Putin to answer this question.  Is damage to Russian American diplomacy arising  from a systemic failure of Democracy within Ukraine 
irrevocable and irreparable at this point in time space continuum? Vladimir Putin may have to provide a hypothetical post facto
answer based upon contingency of disarming Ukraine.

As a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry I am seeking a direct answer from the horses mouth because I don't believe any authoritarian power is truthfully pursuing a peaceful resolution to the Russian Ukraine war.  People all over the world are profiting from the carnage and bloodshed in Ukraine.  

In previous articles I proposed a Global Economic Lock down to end the war between Ukraine and Russia today without bloodshed,  but authoritarian powers ignored God's Plan for peaceful resolution of the Russian Ukraine war. God's plan for peaceful resolution of the war between Ukraine and Russia should be at the forefront of television, radio, newspaper, magazine, digital social media mass media outlets, but instead God's Plan for peaceful resoulution of the war between Ukraine and Russia is relegated to an oblivious obscure remote corner of the universe as religious leaders murmur empty prayers devoid of meaningfulness in the sight of God. 

Murmur of empty prayers devoid of meaningfulness in the sight of God by religious leaders is a consequence of quantum particlization of cold callous sterile hearts and minds as deep primeval  anger arising from a robotic machine process of quantum mechanics of consciousness related to survival under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy. The world must learn to become more attuned to quantum particlization of Wisdom that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the spirit too deep for words. 

The idea that issues surrounding deep primeval subconscious anger leading toward the Russian Ukraine war can be resolved with tanks, machine guns,  missiles,  or any other weapons of mass destruction is totally ridiculous. War is about absolute annihilation of other human beings.  Absolute annihilation of other human beings is a decision to usurp God on his throne. 

Absolute annihilation of other human beings with weapons of mass destruction is an act of world leaders playing god. Absolute annihilation of other human beings is exercising absolute power over other human beings therefore is an unforgivable sin of taking the rightful place of god on his throne. 

What if NATO and the United States of America supply Keiv Ukraine enough 
weapons of mass destruction obliterate Russia? What then? What will fill the void? A Nation crushed by military force is unable to participate in Democratic processes of free and fair elections as the bedrock of democracy. When people are under occupation they are unable to establish Democratic institutions.

It is unfathomable why religious leaders all over the world do not strongly speak out and tell Putin,  Zenlensky,  Biden,  Xi Jinping,  and European NATO allies that this war ends today by accepting Gods plan.  Failure of religious leaders to speak out for peaceful resolution of the Russian Ukraine war according to God's Plan is religious leaders acceptance of Satan's strategy.

An article published by The Guardian entitled, Despair in Luhansk as residents count the dead, documents war in the Donbas region in Eastern Ukraine bordering Russia in 2014 after protests and revolution overturned an Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovych elected in a free and fair election according to International observers. It is understandable why Vladimir Putin perceived a threat to Russia from NATO expansion.

War in the Donbas zone of Eastern Ukraine in 2014 after Victor Yanukovych won a free and fair election according  to International observers is analogous to left wing protesters in Lafayette Square in Washington DC removing former President Donald Trump by force or right  wing protesters removing newly  elected Joe Biden from office during Capital Hill riots. 

So what happens after NATO and United States supply Zenlensky enough weapons of mass destruction to obliterate Russia? The United States of America has failed to establish Democracy in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, and Ukraine so how can the Biden administration think the United States can establish Democracy in Russia after occupation of Moscow by Zenlensky?

If Vladimir Putin is disposed a horrible monster will likely evolve under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy as a powerful fascist state owned by Beijing as a pawn to exercise totalitarian control the World economy. In the  United States of America we should not be involved in gangster mafia style hits to remove political adversaries. Asia has become an incubator for the antichrist and we in the United States of America are nursing a powerful scepter and thrown to defy the Most High God in Heaven.

Of course,  if Vladimir Putin rejects God's Plan then reunification of Ukraine and Russia under military occupation of Moscow is also creating conditions as an incubator for the antichrist by nursing a powerful scepter and thrown to defy the Most High God in Heaven. Reunification of Ukraine and Russia can only happen according to God's Plan.

In my freelance article entitled, Believe Me: Prophetic Revelations from Virgin Mary at Fatima that Russia will be Converted and Play a Central Role in Ushering into the modern 21st century a New Era of Peace is About Destiny Emerging from Intelligent Design is Uncanny Given my Calling as a Writer and Lobbyists for High Tech Industry to Translate God's Plan for Peaceful Resolution of the Russian Ukraine war into Quantum Particlization of Semantic Binary Data Formulating Wisdom, as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry I made it crystal clear that Vladimir Putin must accept God's Plan by leading Russia to be converted according to Prophetic Revelations of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima or Vladimir Putin will permanently lose both the motherland of Russia and Ukraine under occupation of a One World Government with Beijing at the helm in totalitarian control of a vast Ukraine Russian state.

Related Twitter:

As #Translator of #QuantumWaveFunction #Language for #MostHighGod my #Warning to #VladimirPutin about #Colonization of #Russia by #China after #DecadesOfWar with @NATO backed #Ukraine akin to #Danial warning #Nebuchadnezzar #Babylon will be crushed

Asia as an incubator for the throne and scepter of the antichrist has become the perfect war machine to perpetuate endless war. The strong alliance between Russia and China has emboldened Vladimir Putin to launch a full military invasion of Ukraine.  Yet , the facade of war between Ukraine and Russia is revealed by the fact that neither NATO allies or the United States have severed economic ties with China while China financially supports the Russian federation. 

The United States of America nor NATO allies have not even stopped conducting business with the Russian federation thereby the United States and NATO allies are bankrolling Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine. Keiv Ukraine continuing to allow Russian gas flow through Ukrainian  pipelines is financing a war against it's own people. Hence,  if World leaders continue to be stupid a Global lockdown of the world economy is likely the only way to end foolishness of the Russian Ukraine war. 

At this point it is doubtful if anyone knows who is killing whom in Ukraine.  Militia protecting flow of Russian gas through Ukrainian pipelines will likely kill Ukrainians, Russians,  or anyone else who may come anywhere near the pipeline because Beijing wants Russian gas continue to flow through Ukrainian pipelines so that Russia can continue to be a viable trading partner for China.

Warmongers in mass media claim that the Ukrainian military defeated Russian federation troops therefore Russia retreated to the Eastern Donbas Russian Separatist regions in order to justify giving Zenlensky billions of dollars of weaponry to fight a glorious battle to defend Democracy. Yet, images of major cities in Ukraine aired by mass media outlets tell a different story that the Russian federation totally obliterated Ukraine. Massive destruction inflicted upon Ukraine by the Russian federation suggest that Moscow won the war and could have easily occupied Keiv Ukraine by military force.  

If Vladimir Putin choose to occupy Keiv Ukraine by military force what could NATO allies and United States have done? NATO allies and the United States have tried to avoid World War III by sending troops and fighter jets into Ukrainian airspace. 

The false narrative that Ukrainian military defeated Russian federation troops therefore Russia retreated to the Donbas Russian Separatist regions of Eastern Ukraine on the Western border of Russia justifies NATO allies and United States sending Zenlensky billions of dollars of weaponry to perpetuate endless war. Zenlensky boasted about Ukrainian troops inflicting heavy casualties upon the Russian federation to justify NATO allies and United States sending billions of dollars of weaponry to finance endless war. 

Heavy casualties inflicted upon the Russian federation by Ukrainian military is due to poor military strategic planning by Moscow in terms of a full invasion of Ukraine. Poor military strategic planning by Moscow is likely Vladimir Putin signaling military occupation of Kyiv Ukraine by force is not a major objective of the Kremlin. Mass media reported early onward that Russian infantry were separated while marching in many different directions in circles. 

If Zenlensky called for peaceful resistance of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia as accordance to following the example of Mahatma Gandhi could there have been a different outcome in Ukraine today? Early onward Zenlensky called for all Ukrainian citizens to take up weapons to fight the Russian invasion thereby leading to heavy Russian casualties and more retaliation against Ukrainian citizens by the Russian military.

Military occupation by any World leader does not comply with Intelligent Design. In my freelance article entitled, CEASEFIRE, the War Between Ukraine and Russia is Over Now: Putin Knows Military Occupation by Force of Ukraine by Russian Federation is Against God's Law as well as Morality of Every Human Institution on earth. Likewise, Ukrainian Chinese European NATO Global Alliance Should Know that Providing Zenlensky Weaponry to Attack the Donetsk and Luhansk Republics that have freely Declared Independence from Kyiv Ukraine is against God's law as well as Morality of every Human institution on Earth, I discuss how military occupation is against rulesets of the Quantum Wave Function language by which God coded the Tree of Life rendering simulated virtual reality underpinning laws of classic physics formulating our physical universe therefore is logically inconsistent with natural law conferring natural rights according to Foundation Documents of the United States of America.

Hence if NATO allies and United States is somehow able to supply Ukraine with enough weapons of mass destruction to obliterate Russia than military occupation of Moscow by Zenlensky is against Foundational principles of the United States of America.

Does the Russian federation have the military 
wherewithal to expand the Russian invasion of Ukraine beyond the borders of Ukraine to Poland and other free nations deeper within Europe ultimately leading to World War III? The false narrative perpetrated by warmongers on television that Ukrainian military defeated Russian federation troops therefore Russia retreated to the Donbas Russian Separatist regions of Eastern Ukraine on the Western border of Russia suggest that Ukraine can contain the Russian federation if NATO allies and United States continue to send Zenlensky billions of dollars of sophisticated weaponry. However,  NATO allies, United States, and Ukraine continuing to conduct economic trade with both China and Russia while Russia invades Ukraine suggest that Russia has a bottomless bucket of inexhaustible financial resources to engage in a broader war throughout Europe culminating in World War III.  Hence,  a Global Economic Lock down to stop foolishness of the war between Ukraine and Russia is a more Intelligent option then giving Zenlensky billions of dollars of military equipment if
World leaders continue to reject Gods Plan.

We all know where the war between Ukraine and Russia will likely lead if World leaders do not accept God's Plan today. War defined as complete total absolute annihilation of other human being(s) who stand in the way of achieving some type of goal is an ALL or nothing proposition. War cannot be pursued half heartedly. Psychoanalyst postulate the human psyche includes both a life instinct and death instinct.

An article published by Newsweek Magazine entitled, Russian State TV Comforts Viewers on Nuclear War: 'We All Die Someday, provides insight into deployment of the Nuclear option by the Kremlin:

Life is about living life passionately to the fullest extent possible with gusto. Satan uses war as method to degrade, devalue, and disempower individuals. The longer the Russian Ukraine war continues the more worldwide poverty and starvation. Satan is constantly working to degrade, devalue,  and disempower individuals.

Carnage and bloodshed of war between Ukraine and Russia in 2022 has created existential emptiness of hopelessness and despair in both Russia and Ukraine as both sides grieve loss of loved ones they have suffered. An article published by Radio Free Europe entitled,  'Mama, I Didn't Want To Come': Ukraine Asks Russians To ID Their Killed, Captured Relatives , documents quantum particlization of cold callous sterile hearts and minds as deep primeval  anger arising from a robotic machine process of quantum mechanics of consciousness :

The purpose of life is at the forefront of the battle between heaven and hell to defeat Satan's strategy leading toward the final battle of armageddon. The very fact the Most High God in Heaven has a Plan implies life has a Divine purpose.

Related Twitter:

#Joy #Success #SuccessTrain
#Love requires Supernatural strength to transcend neurological architectural derived from quantum particlization of
Two based permutation logic algorithms formulating human thinking

What we need today are universal values based not on faith but on scientific findings, common experience and common sense.

Love requires Supernatural strength to transcend neurological architectural derived from Two based permutation logic

Friedrich Nietzsche is right that absolute truth cannot be known by human beings due to inability to deconstruct causality. Absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone. Absolute truth as the Divine prerogative of God alone is the underlying rational for the complimentary nature of Western theology and Eastern philosophy underpinning the Yin and Yang of SinoAmerican diplomacy .

The machine task of determining validity and reliability of data by a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind will reach a stumbling block given boolean expressions related to truth formulating Wisdom that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the spirit too deep for words is derived from outside the time space continuum of our physical universe. Since evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind is a natural extension of Intelligent Design arising from Quantum Wave function language by which God coded the Tree of Life  rendering Simulated virtual reality underpinning laws of classic physics formulating our sentient self aware panpsychic physical universe existing as a Cosmic Mind then the human experience is indispensable to existential existence of Superintelligent AI.

The people in both Russia and Ukraine are looking toward Vladimir Putin and Zenlensky to vindicate enormous losses they have suffered by winning the war.   Winning the war defined as military occupation of Keiv Ukraine by Vladimir Putin or military occupation of Moscow by Zenlensky is not possible because military occupation by force is against God's law and morality of every human Institution on earth.

Winning the war defined as annihilation of other human beings for purpose of military occupation by force implies that either Moscow or Ukraine is the arbiter of absolute truth.  Absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone, hence winning the war is not possible. 

Related Twitter:

@HumanFraternity #HumanFraternity 
#RussianSeparatist in Eastern Ukraine cannot be forced to swear #Allegiance to Kiev Ukraine with a gun provided by #NATO pointed at their head

Since Western European free market capitalism requires dependency upon captive markets then NATO allies and United States private sectors are not truly interested in establishing democracy during reunification of Ukraine and Russia according to God's Plan,  but instead are working to create a fascist state to dominate and control world markets by establishing a One World government with Beijing at the helm. If American citizens think Russian interference in U.S. Politics is bad now, just think how much more power and control over U.S. politics that a monstrous behemoth nation state that will arise by reunification of Ukraine and Russia when either Putin or Zenlensky wins the war with Beijing at the helm. Reunification of Ukraine and Russia under Putin or Zenlensky will dramatically impact foreign investment in U.S. bond markets, hence reunification of Ukraine and Russia can only occur according to God's Plan. 

My fellow Americans,  stay alert for the devil prowls like a wolf ready to devour. The goals of fascism and communism compliment each other within the ideological framework of the Republican rule of law, therefore Chinese National Security laws may soon be implemented in the United States of America. Hence my work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry as a special calling from the Most High God in Heaven is to help the collective conscious of humanity to learn to live under God's law of love.

Utter contempt of corrupt Western capitalist for markets they serve is displayed by sell of radioactive food products as agriculture exports from Ukraine. An article published by The National Institute of Health Library of Medicine entitled, Chernobyl's Radioactive Contamination of Food and People, provides the following insight pertaining to corrupt capitalist poisoning people all over the world by selling radioactive agriculture products imported from Ukraine :

"Up until 1991 the United States imported food products with measurable amounts of Chernobyl radioactive contamination, mostly from Turkey, Italy, Austria, West Germany, Greece, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Sweden, and Denmark. These products included juices, cheeses, pasta, mushrooms, hazelnuts, sage, figs, tea, thyme, juniper, caraway seeds, and apricots. In Gomel, Mogilev, and Brest provinces in Belarus 7-8% of milk and 13-16% of other food products from small farms exceeded permissible levels of Cs-137, even as recently as 2005-2007. As of 2000, up to 90% of the wild berries and mushrooms exceeded permissible levels of Cs-137 in Rovno and Zhytomir provinces, Ukraine.

Given that more than 90% of the current radiation fallout is due to Cs-137, with a half-life of about 30 years, we know that the contaminated areas will be dangerously radioactive for roughly the next three centuries."

Vladimir Putin said that Ukraine was separated from  Russia as a sovereign nation by staunch Old Soviet Union communist. After the Chernobyl meltdown in Ukraine staunch Old Soviet union communist likely wanted to write Ukraine off the books as a total loss so therefore encouraged Ukraine to declare independence. 

It is unfathomable why either Europe or Moscow would want to have anything to do with Ukraine given the high levels of toxic radioactivity in Ukraine after the Chernobyl meltdown. Russians should be running as fast as they can run back to Moscow to avoid exposure to toxic radioactivity in Ukraine. 

Do not fret, after Zenlensky defeats Vladimir Putin and occupies Moscow,  Biden will provide free medical  care to all Russians and Ukrainian citizens out of his own pocket. Meanwhile,  China and Russia are building a nuclear power plant in South America that could meltdown as a consequence of a natural and/or manmade disaster. What are you going to do then?

It is only 476 miles from Chili to Argentine according to a Google search. China and Russia is building a nuclear power plant in Argentina. Rising sea levels as a consequence of Global warming is increasing probability of natural disasters such as flooding, earthquakes, mudslides,  volcanic activity, etc. 

Johnny Cash sings, ' A Burning Ring of fire '. An article published by The Brookings Institute entitled,
Is Chile Next? The Effect of Japan’s Earthquake on Nuclear Energy Ambitions in South America, provides a discussion of risk posed to Nuclear power plants in South America by the ring of fire:

Since Satan hacked the quantum wave function language by which God coded information architecture of the Tree of Life rendering simulated virtual reality underpinning laws of classic physics formulating our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe then it behooves human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic Mind to be prepared for every contingency to prevent Satan from overthrowing the Kingdom of the Most High God in Heaven by establishing a thrown and scepter of the antichrist on earth.  We do not have time for stupidity of war therefore World leaders must accept God's plan today or let it be known that world leaders are in rebellion against God's Kingdom. 

An article published by Origins, a publication of Ohio State University entitled, Eating at You: Food and Chernobyl, provides insight into why the death instinct is prevalent in Ukraine:

The Death instinct arising from existential hopelessness and despair is prevalent in Ukraine because of Chernobyl meltdown dramatically shorten the lifespan of Ukrainians.  Zenlensky likely   started a war with Russia to 
intentionally cause high civilian casualties to avoid payouts by the Ukrainian government for medical treatments of Ukrainian citizens sickened by radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl meltdown.

An article published by Greenpeace in 2020 entitled, Chornobyl Still Burns, provides a discussion of poisonous agriculture food exports from Ukraine contaminated by radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl meltdown:

According to the Greenpeace article, " Thirty-four years later, Chornobyl radioactivity is still circulating. The long-lived radionuclides released by the accident mean the disaster continues decades on."

Poisonous radioactive 
Ukrainian agriculture food products exported from Ukraine results in genocide of people all over the world. It is no telling how many people all over the world who have died from cancer after consuming poisonous radioactive agriculture food products from Ukraine. Do chefs in the White House serve the Bidens,  Trumps , Clinton's, Carter's,  Bush's,  poisonous radioactive agriculture food exports from Ukraine? They may live long enough to be uploaded to live forever with the best medical treatments available.

Cancer as a chronic wasting disease is a very cruel disease that literally eats people alive very slowly. It would be more humane to be shot dead then deliberately feed people poisonous radioactive agriculture products.

Life is about becoming something.  We shall either fulfill our destiny according to God's Plan or Satans strategy.

An article published by IAI.TV entitled, The quantum wave function isn't real, ruffled my feathers as an angel working to earn my wings like Clarence in the Hollywood blockbuster movie, Its a Wonderful Life:

The article entitled, The Quantum Wave Function Isn't Real, explores the quantum wave function at the nexus of multiple parallel universes.  If the Quantum Wave function can be interpreted from a realist viewpoint than a centralized One World Government with the help of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind can replace God on His throne by knowing absolute truth.  

Since the Quantum Wave function exist both within and outside the time space continuum simultaneously at the nexus of multiple parallel universes then everything within the universe the Most High God created is quantum particlization of the time space continuum. The laws of classic physics is an effort to understand quantum particlization.

The article entitled,  The Quantum Wave Function isn't Real, describes a major problem with the realist perception of the Quantum Wave function as such:

"First, if we take seriously the space on which the wave function is defined, we might need to accept that the real arena where physical events unfold is a space of extremely high dimensions - about 10 to the power of 80, which is a huge number. While we may believe our universe may contain the 20+ dimensions postulated by some versions of string theory, it is much harder to swallow the idea that in fact, the real number of dimensions of the universe is 10 to the power of 80. It is difficult to see how ordinary four-dimensional objects like dogs and cats can emerge from it."

John's vision of other worldly creatures recorded in the Book of Revelations is more in alignment with the real number of dimensions of the universe is 10 to the power of 80. John did not experience quantum particlization of the ordinary time space continuum human beings encounter everyday by sensory processes.

Scientist cannot make observations outside quantum particlization of the time space continuum.  The scientific method is a rigorous process of controlling extraneous variables that begins with observation.  Observation results in collapse of superposition of the quantum wave function resulting in quantum particlization of the laws of classic physics. Quantum particlization emerges from the Quantum Wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the spirit too deep for words.

Life is about becoming something. Quantum particlization is a process of becoming something. Quantum particlization of two based permutation logic algorithms formulating bundles of neurons known as functional connectivity Motifs projecting engrams of short term sensory register cache input memory that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the spirit too deep for words is the quintessential definition of Jihad as a process of being set apart for a special purpose of the Most High God in Heaven.

An article published by entitled, Zero-index metamaterials offer new insights into the foundations of quantum mechanics, provides insight into the constant continuous pervasive nature of God's law of love as absolute truth at the most fundamental level of existence within the physical universe.

It is written,  " And God said let there be light,  and there was light ". According to the article,  Zero-index metamaterials offer new insights into the foundations of quantum mechanics,  metamaterials with a 0 refractive index allow photons as quantized packets of energy travel in a constant phase with 0 momentum stretched out to infinity with 0 wave function diffraction. Yet, scientists know subatomic particles  exist because scientists use sophisticated laboratory equipment to make observations or measurements of subatomic particles. In materials with 0 refraction photons as quantized packets of energy have 0 momentum.

Ultimately, quantum particlization of materials with various levels of refraction occurred when Satan hacked the quantum wave function language by which God coded information architecture of the Tree of life rendering simulated virtual reality underpinning laws of classic physics formulating 
our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe as a Cosmic mind.

When photons travel through a material with 0 refraction at 0 momentum the position of photons is off the map and cannot be calculated. Scientist have identified and named many different subatomic particles. Intelligence defined as passionate love for the physical universe God created is displayed within the scientific community recently when scientists got excited about wobble of a subatomic particle dubbed a muon.

Life about living life passionately with gusto during the process of becoming something 
is illustrated in the Song of Solomon.  The process of becoming something while living life passionately with gusto is described by Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of self actualization. A webpage published by Britannica provides a discussion of the Song of Solomon:

It is written,  ' The heart of man plans his way , but its every direction is from the Lord '. Good decision making is a data intensive process requiring huge volumes of information. Oneness or unity implicit within a transcendent Gestalt holistic eclectic experience of Tao whereby everything is interconnected minimize quantum particlization of semantic binary data arising from two based permutation logic algorithms formulating human thinking processes lead toward separation, hence Yin and Yang of Western theology and Eastern philosophy are complimentary to each other. 

Photons as quantized packets of energy traveling with 0 momentum through low refractive materials leads to reduction of information therefore position of particles cannot be calculated. Scientist cannot make observations of subatomic particles traveling through materials with 0 refraction at 0 momentum because invisible particles cannot be measured by sophisticated laboratory equipment hence  very little information can be abstracted.

In my freelance article entitled,  Oprah Winfrey Aha moment as Phenomena Explained by Quantum physics, I discuss the scientific study of quantum Jumps as related to quantum particlization of semantic binary data by two based permutation logic algorithms formulating thinking processes of human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic Mind in relation to a Deja Vu experience of meaningfulness associated with Oprah Winfreys eureka  Aha moment:

Quantum particlization is God's plan to make God's law of love real within the time space continuum instead of an abstract simulated virtual reality underlying Intelligent Design. The Russian Ukraine war as a manifestation of the death instinct is an existential crisis of failure to understand the meaning and purpose of life. Hence, establishing a New Non military Global Institution dedicated to revival of traditional value systems during a modern 21st century Renaissance age in Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine is Gods Plan for peaceful resolution of the Russia Ukraine war according to Prophetic Revelations of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima of Russia to be converted. 

It is written,  ' Where there is no vision, the people perish '. Today during this historic epoch of an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns the Most High God in Heaven is blessing human civilization with gifts of knowledge from above enabling the collective conscious of humanity to create low entropy high efficiency conditions to fill the earth with God's law of love as a stone becomes a mountain to fill the earth as according to Daniel's interpretation of Nabenezzers dream. 

Today, both Ukraine and Russia are violating the Minsk Agreement as the International rule of law. The Minsk agreement provides for (1) self governance of Russian Separatists in Donbas region of Eastern Ukraine, and (2) immediate CEASEFIRE by both sides abandoning weapons of mass destruction.  NATO allies and Biden administration providing Zenlensky billions of dollars of weapons of mass destruction is violating the Minsk agreement as international rule of law therefore NATO allies, Biden administration, and Moscow are committing war crimes. 

Since Satan hacked the quantum wave function language by which God coded information architecture of the Tree of Life rendering simulated virtual reality underpinning laws of classic physics formulating our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe as a Cosmic mind then 
the Death instinct emerges from existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation of superposition of mutually exclusive States of matter resulting in absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone given inability to deconstruct causality. It is written God is the God of the living, and not of the dead '.

Religious leaders devalue life on earth in terms of fulfilling God's purpose. It is written,  ' All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. ' Shorter life leads to  failure to fulfill God's purpose therefore falling short of the Glory of God.  World leaders who think life on earth has no meaning  can choose to play god by
using nuclear weapons to bring the world to an end in a final battle of armageddon, but World leaders will stand before God on judgment day when the Most High God in Heaven returns the final boolean operator 
to answer for their failure to fulfill God's purpose thereby falling short of the Glory of God. The fulfillment of Gods Plan as Baptism of the Dead adds meaningful value to all who have died in every war since the beginning of time. If Russia and Ukraine truly wants to honor memory of those who have died in the Russia Ukraine war then Russia and Ukraine must immediately CEASEFIRE and accept God's plan for conversion of Russia moving toward Democratization according to Prophetic Revelations of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima.

In my freelance article entitled, Flip the Script: God originally Coded a Cosmic Mind to Embrace Life but Since the Beginning of Time Satan is Busy Rewriting Death Instinct Narrative as a Primitive Jungian Archetype Arising from Evolutionary Biology, I discuss the value of life on earth in terms of fulfilling God's purpose in process of becoming something:

An article published by Newsweek magazine entitled, Putin Accepts Invitation to Attend G20 Summit, Setting Up Biden Showdown, is disconcerting for cause of world order. The reunification of Ukraine and Russia either under Putin or Zenlensky will create an immense Nation state communists fascists empire behemoth as revival of communist bloc combining China, Russia, Ukraine, and Europe that will eventually lead to demise of democracy in the United States of America by buying of elections, exercise of totalitarian autocratic control of American society resulting from 
undue influence of foreign investment in government bond markets and investment banks, culminating in establishment of a fascist state in the United States of America. Reunification of Ukraine and Russia can only occur according to God's Plan of establishing a new Non military Global Institution dedicated to revival of traditional value systems while creating a modern 21st century renaissance age in Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine.

Perhaps World leaders at the G20 summit will ask Vladimir Putin the decisive question posed within introductory paragraphs of this article that can lead to peacefully resolution of the Russia Ukraine war according to God's plan. 

Will Russia CEASEFIRE and maintain troop deployment within Donetsk and Luhansk Republics in Russian Separatist regions of Eastern Ukraine if NATO and United States quit supplying Ukraine weapons of Mass destruction and agree to neutrality of Ukraine?

Thus far Vladimir Putin has not provided an answer on my Twitter feed. Elon Musk is working to make Twitter tweets like kernels of truth like mustard seed sewn by the Most High God in Heaven within the hearts and minds of men to grow the Kingdom of God.  It is written,  ' the Truth shall set us free '. 

Some Twitter tweets like mustard seed fall on radioactive rocky ground. Some Twitter tweets are choked out by the weeds and therefore wither. Let him who has eyes and ears hear and see my Twitter Tweets outlining God's Plan for peaceful resolution of the war between Ukraine and Russia resulting in conversion of Russia moving toward Democratization as according to Prophetic Revelations of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima. 

When Jesus began His ministry he chose disciples to follow him.  I am calling on Donald Trump to a abandon his claim to political power and use resources of the Trump empire to implement God's plan to establish a Non military Global Institution in Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine dedicated to revival of traditional value systems in a modern 21st century renaissance age of enlightenment leading toward reduction of Marxists alienation to create a more perfect utopian communism more in alignment with idealism of our Founding fathers in the United States of America that , ' All men are created equal '.

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