Monday, January 31, 2022

Unfinished Business on Behalf of My 3rd Cousin 3 Times Removed Former President Harry Truman as Related to Quantum Particlization of an Alternative Parallel Timeline to Avoid Armageddon Resulting from War Between Ukraine and Russia Leading to World War III

As the real QAnon prophesied within conservative circles working as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry to help the collective conscious of humanity learn to live under God's law of love by Gods grace as a birthright I 
can say to politicians in the Republican/Democrat duopoly get off my granddad's land. DNA as quantum particlization of complex computational code is an expression of destiny manifest by Intelligent Design as a function of famed physicist Julian Barbours cosmological principle of NOW whereby simulated virtual reality of past,  present,  and future converge as one. Destiny as a manifestation of Intelligent Design is an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity that defies statistical probability.  Famed physicist Wolfgang Pauli,  psychoanalytical pioneer Carl Jung,  and Albert Einstein defined Unus mundus as a pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity that defies statistical probability. 

Today the Truman Little White House is a public museum and a retreat for government business.

DNA as quantum particlization of complex computational code is an expression of destiny manifest by Intelligent Design as a function of famed physicist Julian Barbours cosmological principle of NOW whereby simulated virtual reality of past,  present,  and future converge as one. Destiny as a manifestation of Intelligent Design is an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity that defies statistical probability.  Famed physicist Wolfgang Pauli,  psychoanalytical pioneer Carl Jung,  and Albert Einstein defined Unus mundus as a pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity that defies statistical probability. 

It is an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence that I am the 3rd cousin 3 times removed of former U.S. President Harry Truman and 7th cousin 1 time removed of former President Barack Obama. Our most immediate ancestor is Swiss German Hans Gutknecht.

My #7thCousin 1 time removed Barack Obama never invited me to stay 1 night in #LincolnRoom after I helped him get elected #POTUS44: #StateoftheUnion was #Strong until after #Divestiture from #Democracy by #GlobalLudditeMovement as result of my #Writing about practical steps to reach a #Transhumanist future during rapidly approaching  #Technosingularity when #EconomicLaws will  crumble

Perhaps the Truman foundation will consider allowing me to stay at the retreat in West Keys Florida.

Unfortunately, Abraham Lincoln's foreign policies pertaining to scattered possessions of Ireland and Scotland belonging to a Kingdom upon which the sun never sets got my ancestors, James Gaffney and Vincent Hall, hung for the Abolitionists cause. Vincent  Hall, one of my ancestors, as Methodist follows of John Wesley, shared the gospel of salvation immediately before being hung spoke about transitioning into eternity according to Newspaper accounts of the hanging attended by over 10,000 people. As a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry I am called by God's grace to play a pivotal role in transitioning into eternity as a process of quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality underpinning laws of classic physics rendered by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. 

Years later, my political activism, helped get the first black president, former President Barack Obama, my 7th cousin 1 time removed, elected to office, as "lightening in a bottle".

Our most immediate ancestor is Hans Gutknecht . Hans Gutknecht had three sons to immigrate to America: Christian Goodnight, Michael Goodnight, and George Goodnight.

 Former President Barack Obama's ancestral linage to our common Swiss German ancestor, Hans Gutknecht, is through Christian Goodnight. My ancestral linage to our common Swiss German ancestor is through Michael Goodnight.

My freelance article entitled, Why Did I Let Those Russians Talk Me into this?, tells the story of the hanging of James Gaffney and Vincent Hall as related to historical precedent of Russian involvement in U.S. politics:

In my article, Why Did I Let Those Russians Talk Me into This?, I made the shrewd observation that I could have got James Gaffney and Vincent Hall off on an insanity plea for shooting of Emmanuel Hinton on behalf of revenge of Irish Fenien Brotherhood for United States role in Irish Potato Famine given after hearing about scalping of our 5th grandfather Kentucky pioneer Hans Michael Goodnight during raid upon Ruddles station by British backed Native American Indians James Gaffney and Vincent Hall likely could not get a good night's sleep. The scalping of Hans Michael Goodnight at Ruddles station and his daughter held captive in British Canada culminated in the War of 1812.

In my freelance article entitled,  Oh Daddy, I shared a lost chapter of Gone with the Wind involving former occupation of my Scottish Irish ancestors James Gaffney and Vincent Hall as pork producer pig farmers. Evidently my Scottish and Irish ancestors didn't get paid enough for their swine in Carolina pork markets thereby ended up in Greene county Illinois because in those days Irish Need Not Apply signs closed doors.

John Anderson Truman and Martha Ellen Young are the mother and father of President Harry S. Truman. Former U.S. President Harry S. Truman’s mother , Martha Ellen Young, is the daughter of Solomon Young and Harriet Louisa Gregg. Solomon Young and Harriet Louisa Gregg married January 9, 1838 in Shelby County, Kentucky. Solomon Young ( born January 9, 1838 in Shelby County, Kentucky ) is son of Jacob Young and Rachel Goodnight ( ). 

Rachel Goodnight is daughter to our 8th great grandfather and grandmother, Hans Michael Goodnight and Mary Landers ( ). Rachel Goodnight is the sister to our 7th great grandfather John Goodnight (
TX/WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0409.html ). Rachel Goodnight married Jacob Young December 16, 1792 in Mercer County Kentucky.

Rachel Goodnight is the great grandmother of former President Harry S. Truman, sister to our 7th great grandfather John Goodnight, daughter to our 8th great grandfather and grandmother, Hans Michael Goodnight and Mary Landers.

As a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry I have unfinished business to conduct on behalf of my 3rd cousin 3 times removed former President Harry Truman:

I invite Russian diplomats , Taliban, ISIS, Iranian diplomats, Chinese officials,   Israel and Palestine representatives, Ukraine government officials and other parties interested in defeating Satan's strategy for the collective conscious of humanity to continue to live under the paw of evolutionary biology by human civilization obeying God's command Go forth and have dominion thereby learning to live under God's law of love during the Technosingularity to join me at the Harry Truman Little White House in Key West Florida.

As the real QAnon prophesied within conservative circles working as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry to help the collective conscious of humanity learn to live under God's law of love by Gods grace as a birthright I 
can say to politicians in the Republican/Democrat duopoly get off my granddad's land:


How could this happen? Could this explain why I am so psychological conflicted today? A Higher Power implanted seeds of emotional turmoil and confusion within my genes. If this genealogy information is accurate, 400 to 500 years ago, there must have been a spy in our family tree.

Although some of this information included in this Facebook post may be redundant, it is neccessary to rehash genealogy to fully understand how we may be related to Captain William Claiborne ( ) through the ancestral line of Susan Claiborne Hankla, who married Jacob Goodnight December 25, 1786. According to Wikipedia, descendants of Captain William Claiborne include such famous people as fashion designer Liz Claiborne ( ) ( ), Lt. Colonial Danial Sullivan ( ) currently running for a seat as an United States Senator in Alaska, the late minister Jerry Falwell ( ) , William C.C. Claiborne, the first governor of Louisiana.

If genealogy information published on the JHBL Family Genealogy website is reliable than  I just discovered Captain William Claiborne is my 10th great grandfather. My great great great grandmother, Susan Claiborne Hankla, daughter of Mary Allen Polly West and James Hankla, married Jacob Goodnight December 23, 1829 ( ) and ( ).

Genealogy information matches actual marriage bonds, birth certificates, United States Federal Census data, death certificates, and cemetary records that our family was able to find in court houses, cemetery records, public libraries.

I find it difficult to believe that I am related to famous people who made such an enormous contribution to establishing the United States of America as we know it today. All my family living today are working class people. I don't have any famous wealthy people in my family living today.

On our mothers side, I just recently discovered our family may have ancestral ties with Prince William, the future King of England, through Dr. Thomas Gerard. Our ancestral relationship with Dr. Thomas Gerard is through our great great great grandfather and grandmother, James and Rachel ( Speaks ) Simpson ancestral line. Thomas Speak Sr. married Frances Gerrard, the father of Dr. Thomas Gerrard. Dr. Thomas Gerrrard our 10th great grandfather at one time in history owned Capital Hill in Washington D.C. according to the Colonial Dames 17th Century Cross Trails Chapter ( ).  More about the Gerrard family dynasty can be found on England's website, History of Parliament, at 
following URL address: . More about the Gerard family ancestral ties to Prince William can be found on the blog, The Coltons Point Times: Birthplace of Religious Freedom, at the following URL address:

A genealogy research article by John S. Morris, III entitled Col. Thomas Speke of Westmoreland County, Virginia and Thomas Speake of Saint Mary's County, Maryland, explores the relationship between the two men ( ) . Our 9th great maternal grandparents may actually be Johannes Speake and 
Elizabeth Bieseley ( ) ( SEE PAGE 31 ).

If indeed our 10th great grandfather, Dr Thomas Gerrard was actually our 10th great grandfather, historically it would be very odd to consider our 10th great grandfather on our father's side, Captain William Claiborne, may not have been very friendly with our 10th great grandfather on our mothers side, Dr. Thomas Gerrrard. Captain William Claiborne is identified as a puritan by Wikipedia.

 I am not a history expert, but I believe Puritans were the religious group that use to hang people for witchcraft back in the 16th century.  According to information I read on the internet, Dr. Thomas Gerrard was almost executed by Puritans after he was captured during Fendall's Rebellion ( ). Also, Lord Baltimore, in England, issued orders for Dr. Thomas Gerrard to be executed.  Historically, it would be strange to discover that these two men share a 10th great grandson, namely myself. How could this happen? I think there must be a spy in our family tree.

According to Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopia, the Province of Maryland in 1632 -1776 was claimed to be owned by Pennsylvania ( ). In fact, Captain William Claiborne, my 10th great grandfather, identified by Wikipedia as a Puritan, led many offensive battles with Maryland over Kent Island which eventually resulted in "the landmark Maryland Toleration Act of 1649, which declared religious tolerance for Catholics and Protestants in Maryland" ( ).

Although I consider it an incredible honor to contemplate Thomas Speake, the original Catholic immigrant who settled Saint Mary's County, Maryland and married Elizabeth Bowling may be our 8th great maternal grandfather ( ) I am still holding onto hope we may be related to Dr. Thomas Gerard ( ).

I think it would be cool beyond measure to possibly be related to Prince William, the future King of England ( ). According to The Coltons Point Times: Birthplace of Religious Freedom, " that means our Coltons Point bloodline ( Gerards ) will have a son of Princess Diana, Prince William, who becomes King of England who is related to King Henry VIII . . .". I also think it would be cool beyond measure to have a 10th great grandfather, Dr. Thomas Gerrard,  who at one time in history owned Capital Hill in Washington D.C. I also think it would be cool to list George Washington's grandfather Colonial John Washington as my 11th great STEP grandfather.

One of the most interesting ancestral lines we discovered while searching for census records, marriage bonds, death certificates, and cemetery burial records is our family relationship with Jacob Goodnight. Racheal Goodnight, great grandmother of former President Harry S. Truman, is the sister of our 4th great grandfather, John Goodnight. John Goodnight married Ruth Davis December 25, 1786 and became parents to our 3rd great grandfather, Jacob Goodnight. 
Jacob Goodnight is our great great great grandfather. A number of years ago our family traveled to Perryville, Kentucky to visit the Goodnight cemetery. According to information we discovered, the confederate army confiscated the home of Jacob Goodnight during the battle of Perryville, and converted the farmers home into a field hospital for wounded soldiers. The story of Jacob Goodnight is posted as a display in the Civil War Museum located in Perryville, Kentucky. 
Jacob Goodnight married Susan Claiborne Hankla December 21, 1830 ( ). Jacob and Susan’s daughter Elizabeth Hankla Goodnight married a teacher from Ohio named Joshua Stephens November 17 1855 ( ).  
Our family found and made copies of the original marriage bond between Joshua Stephens and Elizabeth ( Hankla ) Goodnight in Boyle County courthouse records.
Joshua and Elizabeth Stephens moved to Texas for a short time. They may have moved to Texas to escape the civil war.  Also, I found genealogy information posted online that reveals Elizabeth ( Goodnight ) Stephens had relatives living in Texas ( SEE URL Links below ). Many descendants of the Isaac Goodnight ancestral line live in Texas.

In my freelance article entitled, The Non Euclidean Nature of the true Da Vinci Code reflects the Circle of Life, I discuss concepts in paragraphs above describing DNA as quantum particlization of complex computational code as an expression of destiny manifest by Intelligent Design as a function of famed physicist Julian Barbours cosmological principle of NOW whereby simulated virtual reality of past,  present,  and future converge as one. Destiny as a manifestation of Intelligent Design is an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity that defies statistical probability.  Famed physicist Wolfgang Pauli,  psychoanalytical pioneer Carl Jung,  and Albert Einstein defined Unus mundus as a pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity that defies statistical probability.

In my freelance article entitled, Baptism of the dead to More Fully Expand Justification and Redemption of Humanity, I further elaborate upon unfinished business on behalf of my 3rd cousin 3 times removed former President Harry Truman as related to quantum particlization of an alternative parallel timeline to avoid armageddon resulting from war between Ukraine and Russia leading to World War III as according to Satan's strategy for the collective conscious of humanity to continue to live under the paw of evolutionary biology:

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