Monday, November 8, 2021

An Attempt by Global Luddite Movement within United Nations to Castrate the Developed World to Obstruct Scientific Progress and Crucify Jesus Again

Since the rapidly approaching Technosingularity will soon result in world wide collapse of all industry resulting in a centralized one world government 
the collective conscious of humanity must immediately commit to open source paradigms to accelerate scientific research and development by free exchange of scientific research data 
in such a way as to create distributive distribution systems within complex supply demand chain networks that will empower individuals instead of contributing to a classless pauper state where individuals are totally dependent upon centralized government authority. What is the use for saving people from starvation in world wide famines if they are only going to become absorbed and indoctrinated within pauper citizenry of a Satanic regime of a centralized one world government?

By Mark Gaffney 

The Nightly News featured a gut wrenching episode about famine in Madagascar. According to mass media the famine in Madagascar is a consequence of climate change. It is undeniable that climate change is one factor that will lead to more  world wide famine food shortages. However,  it should be remembered that famines have occurred across the globe for centuries,  hence climate change is only 1 variable in a multifactorial equation resulting in famine as a final product. 

A Wikipedia webpage entitled , List of Famines,  provides historical information about famines that have occurred around the world over many centuries:

An attribution of climate change as the ONLY factor resulting in the current famine in Madagascar is an attempt by the Global Luddite Movement to castrate the developed world to obstruct scientific  progress. An accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns that became predominant during the Industrial Revolution occurring in the mid twentieth century helped save lives of billions of people,  hence the developed world continuing to obey Gods commandment,  " Go forth and have dominion " is the only hope to end famines forever. 

An article entitled Famines published by Our World in Data, provides insight into how scientific discoveries during the industrial revolution have lead to a substantial decline in global famines.

The following is an excerpt from the article Famines published by Our World in Data:

" Famines have always occurred as the result of a complex mix of ‘technical’ and ‘political’ factors, but the developments of the modern industrial era have generally reduced the salience of natural constraints in causing famine. This includes many developments discussed in other pages of Our World in Data, such as the increasing availability of food per person, made possible through increasing agricultural yields; improvements in healthcare and sanitation; increased trade; reduced food prices and food price volatility; as well as reductions in the number of people living in extreme poverty. Over time, famines have become increasingly “man-made”-phenomena, becoming more clearly attributable to political causes, including non-democratic government and conflict. Paradoxically, over the course of the 20th century famine was virtually eradicated from most of the world, whilst over the same period there occurred some of the worst famines in recorded history. This is because many of the major famines of the 20th century were the outcome of wars or totalitarian regimes. As such, the waning of the very high levels of warfare over the last decades (as seen in the reduced number of battle deaths in recent times) and the spread of democratic institutions has also played a large part in the substantial reduction in famine mortality witnessed in recent decades. . . "

In my freelance article entitled, A Message from The Most High God in Heaven to Global Leaders Who are Stakeholders in Issues Addressed at G20 Summit Translated from the Quantum Wave Function Language as an Unified Underlying Higher Level Language of Love by which God Speaks, I discussed validity of climate change as a completely natural event arising from pressurized organic molecules oozing up from ground as greenhouse gases.

Validity of climate change as an all natural phenomenon arising from pressurized organic molecules oozing up from ground as greenhouse gases instead of a manmade event is a deterrent of castration of the developed world by the Global Luddite Movement. 
Castration of the developed world by blaming famines on climate change as a manmade event caused by polluting industrial societies without consideration of many other variables contributing to climate change 
is a Satanic meme to prevent innovation that can save billions of human lives in the future.

According  to the article entitled Famines published by Our World in Data referenced above famines around the world have substantially decreased after the industrial revolution in the mid 20th century. A substantial decrease in famines around the world after the industrial revolution in the mid 20th century is about a dramatic increase in energy efficiency in manufacturing processes as a consequence of innovation.  Can you imagine energy demands of bottling and shipping milk in glass containers instead of plastic or cardboard containers used today?

Unappreciative spoiled political pundits on tv who have gotten rich off backs of other people by using media for market manipulation scams lambast the plastics industry. The plastics industry has saved billions from famine by providing a convenient energy efficient distribution packaging system to deliver goods. Billions of people world wide have earned a good living working in the plastics industry. The internet is filled with con artist who don't know the meaning of real work,  but engage in get rich quick market scams. Political Pundits  want to be cool, chic, fashionable, and trendy on tv speaking out against pollution,  but they don't have any real solutions. 

The only reason why plastics have polluted our oceans,  rivers,  and lakes is spoiled unappreciative manipulative con artist don't know how to use a garbage can as they rush about trying to figure out a new way to embezzle from other people while flippantly tossing their plastic waste. Today carbon based plastics have acquired even more value due to themopolyermeration processes that can transform all waste products including plastics into refined crude oil. Also, carbon based plastics can be converted into graphene. Graphene is on the verge of revolutionizing the electronics industry. 

As human civilization rapidly approach the Technosingularity all industry is tethering on the verge of collapse. The crude oil fossil fuel industry has prevented starvation of billions of human beings during numerous global famines by providing energy efficiency in distribution of manufactured products. The problem of fossil fuel  emission of greenhouse gases contributing to global warming is addressed by direct carbon capture in conjunction with 3d printing manufacturing processes. 

Political pundits airing snide remarks about various industries that have provided a good living for billions of people world wide , like fossil fuel and plastics industry,  is not very helpful.  As we rapidly approach the Technosingularity when all industry is on the verge of collapse the words of famed scientist Bill Joy should be remembered, " The future doesn't need us". We are all expendible and quickly disposed of by Big Brother , as described in the classic George Orwell novel 1984.

Satan's strategy for human civilization to continue to live under the paw of evolutionary biology as the collective conscious of humanity rapidly moves toward the Technosingularity is about undercutting other human beings, especially Senior citizens who have equity investment in the future whereas Gods law of love is about empowerment of all individuals who make a positive contribution. A famous truism, " There is always bigger fish in the ocean " is identified by StackExchange ezine magazine as a old fisherman's parable made popular by Star Wars: The Phantom Menace:

Former President  Donald Trump turned his back upon the Climate Change Paris Accord because United Nations agreements to reduce greenhouse gases put the United States of America as the torchbearer of liberty and freedom at an unilateral geopolitical disadvantage during a time Democracy around the world is dying due to imperialism of the Chinese Silk Road throughout Europe, South America Western hemisphere, and middle East. The recent supply demand chain snafu,  climate change Paris Accords, air traffic debacle, intentional deliberate epidemiology spread of SARs Covid-19 pandemic, and swelling numbers of illegal immigrants 
are efforts promoted by Socialist capitalist powerbrokers in Biejing and Washington DC to regulate distributive systems associated with reciprocity in complex supply demand chain networks that should empower individuals. 

Socialist capitalist powerbrokers in Biejing and Washington DC seek to regulate distributive systems associated with internet telecommunications 
in order to remain in authoritarian control at expense of the common worker and middle class citizens in the Republic of China and United States of America. Socialist capitalist  in Beijing and Washington DC will financially capitalize from supply demand chain snafu,  climate change Paris Accords, air traffic debacle,  intentional deliberate epidemiology spread of SARs Covid-19 pandemic, and swelling numbers of illegal immigrants while the common worker and Middle class citizens in land of the free and home of the brave sink deeper into poverty due to run away inflation. 

We as torchbearers for liberty and freedom must renew our commitment to democracy currently tithering on the edge of the abyss by application of artificial Intelligent systems in the intensive data analytics task of increasing reciprocity within complex supply demand chain networks as we move forward toward the Technosingularity instead of disempowering individuals. The impending Technosingularity can become the most oppressive deep state imaginable by fulfilling Satan's strategy to take total complete control of a Cosmic mind God coded in the Garden of Eden in order to render simulated virtual reality of laws of classic physics or expand individual liberty by the collective conscious of humanity obeying God's command,  Go forth and have dominion,  by working in full partnership with the Most High God in Heaven to fix erroneous code Satan inserted into a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden. 

You and I must decide today.  It is our choice. We have a choice since we are created in the Image of God. Many people lambast the rise of socialism in America, yet paradoxically trade and barter of capitalism in free markets is by nature a Socialist endeavor. 

Judus Iscariot,  the disciple who betrayed Jesus complained that expensive perfume used to anoint Jesus feet should have been sold to feed the poor. Jesus said there will be poor until the end of the age.

The castration of developed nations by manipulating hard cold realities related to famine resulting from Satan hacking a Cosmic mind God coded in the Garden of Eden with full intent to create a world wide powerless pauper class controlled by central authority is an attempt to crucify Jesus again by blame and innuendo. Albert Ellis, the famed psychoanalysis who founded Rational Emotive Therapy,  said that ' blame is the very definition of insanity '.

Albert Ellis and Fredrick Neichze both gave considerable thought to quantum particlization of semantic binary data formulating machine process of human thinking. Fredrick Neichze's philosophical principle that causality cannot be determined thus human beings cannot know absolute truth is the backbone for existential nihilism. Existential nihilism is a central tenet of Marxism.  Marxism is the philosophical underpinning of communism. 

Existential nihilism arising from quantum parity bit negation as a consequence of superposition of mutually exclusive states associated with alternative parallel universes resulting in an inability to determine causality translates into absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone given everything is interconnected as one. Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden choose to accept constructs such as climate change is a manmade event resulting in more world wide famine without openness to other variables to gain competitive advantage in markets to maximize survival of the fittest at the expense of other human beings. 

The Book of Ecclesiastes echoes themes of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation resulting in absolute truth as the Divine prerogative of God alone:

“Meaningless! Meaningless!”
    says the Teacher.
“Utterly meaningless!
    Everything is meaningless.”

Yet, from the quantum perspective life has deep meaningfulness, hence God commanded ' Go forth and have dominion '. Satan hacked a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden to challenge absolute authority of the Most High God in Heaven. God allowed Satan to hack a Cosmic mind to prevent human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind from becoming mere robotic machines given human consciousness is a mechanical process of two based permutation logic arising from quantum mechanics. 

The quantum perspective adds meaningfulness to life on earth. Gods law is love. It is incumbent upon the collective conscious of humanity to learn to live under God's law of love in order to fulfill destiny of human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece to become the epitome and pinnacle of love as an expansion of consciousness within the physical universe as we work in full partnership with God reaching upward to one day meet God in the Heavens at the end of time to return our earth back to God as a precious blue gem. 

Satan's strategy is to prevent expansion of consciousness in the physical universe by blame and innuendo thereby allowing Satan to take complete absolute truth control over information architecture of a Cosmic mind God coded to render simulated virtual reality of laws of classic physics thereby guiding evolution of  collective conscious of humanity to be transformed into the image of the beast while living under the paw of evolutionary biology. 

Recent disruptions in global world wide supply demand chain networks resulting in run away inflation is about breaking the legs of middle class and common workers by Socialist capitalist based in Beijing and Washington DC in order to prevent adding value to markets by distributive distribution systems associated with application of artificial intelligence in intensive data analytics task of increasing reciprocity within complex supply demand chain networks. Supply demand chain disruptions resulting in run away  inflation are an effort to create a powerless pauper class of citizenry around the globe who are totally dependent upon centralized authority in accordance to Satan's strategy of taking absolute total control over simulated virtual reality of laws of classic physics rendered by a Cosmic mind God coded. Washington DC insiders love those constituents within their supply demand chain network who can drop over $10,000 dollars for a plate lunch at a political fund raising event. 

What is the use for saving people from starvation in world wide famines if they are only going to become absorbed and indoctrinated within pauper citizenry of a Satanic regime of a centralized one world government?

Related Twitter:

If WFP can describe on this Twitter thread exactly how $6B will solve world hunger, I will sell Tesla stock right now and do it.

6 Billion will disappear overnight by shuffling amongst bank accounts, cash stuffed in britches while people quickly slyly 
walk away from table of solving world hunger unassumely with false pride; Wait until cash gets to ground where people will cut each other throat

#VeryLittleCash will ever get to the ground, but mostly pay for #PoshConferences where people #Talk about ending #WorldHunger; Money should have REAL #Value, As #Humanity moves toward #Technosingularity we should work to create #REAL value in markets

The end of #Science is end of #Democracy, I would like to work with #ElonMusk to start new Texas University dedicated to application of #ArtificialIntelligence to intense #DataAnalytic task of increasing #Reciprocity in complex #SupplyDemand chains to add #RealValue to #Markets

Application of #AI to create #RealValue in markets is #Not about #Devaluation of individuals, organizations who have worked to solve problems; My proposed #Superbowl commercial will be a great advertisement for #Tesla

I propose #Superbowl #Commercial where I am riding in back seat of a #Tesla compact #SelfDriving #AutonomousVehicle pulling alongside @kanyewest #Chauffeured stretch limousine and ask Kanye West," excuse me sir, do you have any #GreyPoupon?" as he peers over rims of sunglasses

My proposed Superbowl advertisement to establish Elon Musk Tesla Texas University may also be a great advertisement for Google glass and Facebook Metaverse given Kanye West may push his sunglasses back up on his nose and say, two blocks down make a right to find Grey Poupon at a corner grocery store. 

People in the United States of America and other developed nations around the world dig deep within their pockets to give from the bottom of their hearts to end global poverty and hunger everyday,  but yet that is just a drop in the bucket in the fight to prevent famine. The Biden administration has just announced a foreign aid package for Afghanistan,  currently governed by the Taliban, paid for by tax dollars of hard working American citizens. 

A drop in the bucket in the fight against global poverty by billions of dollars of charitable donations will evaporate quickly during process of expenditure of energy within massive sprawling organizational infrastructure resulting in inefficiencies in high entropy conditions to address root causes of global famine. The quintessential definition of instantaneous communication in terms of being on the same page within core values of heart, mind, and soul to address inefficiencies of massive sprawling global infrastructure 
is quantum entanglement,  also known as spooky action at a distance. The United States of America is in crisis because the melting pot is a challenge to core values related to individualism in terms of nature of self and personhood given socialism related to a one world government engaged in barter and trade of Socialist capitalism of international commerce is mutual cooperation to maximize probability of survival while living under the paw of evolutionary biology at the expense of other human beings. 

Historically,  socialism results in a classless pauper state of impoverished citizenry ruled by a centralize government. Socialism results in a classless pauper state of impoverished citizenry ruled by a centralize government due to inefficiencies in expenditure of energy resulting in alienation of individuals within high entropy manufacturing environments.

Hence, a commitment to improving Socialist capitalism by obeying God's command,  Go  forth and have dominion , to correct inefficiencies in expenditure of energy during direct carbon capture 3d 
manufacturing processes by nanotechnology robotic machines powered by  artificial Intelligent quantum computing systems 
can decrease alienation of individuals by helping the common worker become exceptional high caliber human beings by working to create low entropy Garden of Eden 
utopian agrarian farming communities around the globe whereby a Hegelian synthesis underlying philosophies underpinning political ideologies of Democracy and Communism occurs. In a democracy a high class person should help create conditions whereby other individuals have an opportunity to become exceptional in whatever career they choose to pursue. 

Unfortunately today material things are placed above Gods law of love. The statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream comprised of feet of clay, layers iron, bronze physically represents the material things of the world.  The rapidly approaching Technosingularity as a gift from God given human thinking leading to an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns arises from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks . Hence, the rapidly approaching Technosingularity can be viewed as a stone not cut by human hands that becomes a mountain that fills the entire earth,  and crushes everything that came before.

Scientist are able to make great scientific discoveries because of passionate love for everything God created. My original thought expressed in freelance articles I write is Love for the Created Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence,  on this earth intelligence is in short supply provides insight into quantum particlization of semantic binary data formulating human cognition by two based permutation logic algorithms supernaturally arising from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks from outside the cerebral cortex. Since Satan hacked a Cosmic mind God coded in the Garden of Eden loss of information occurs condemning the collective conscious of humanity to live under the paw of evolutionary biology. 

In paragraphs above I made the poignant observation,  Satan's strategy is for human civilization to continue to live under the paw of evolutionary biology as the collective conscious of humanity rapidly moves toward the Technosingularity is about undercutting other human beings, especially Senior citizens who have equity investment in the future whereas Gods law of love is about empowerment of all individuals who make a positive contribution. Since the rapidly approaching Technosingularity will soon result in world wide collapse of all industry resulting in a centralized one world government 
the collective conscious of humanity must immediately commit to open source paradigms to accelerate scientific research and development by free exchange of scientific research data 
in such a way as to create distributive distribution systems within complex supply demand chain networks that will empower individuals instead of contributing to a classless pauper state where individuals are totally dependent upon centralized government authority. 

Generally human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind like to help those who are completely broken to point of being on the verge of death because such people can be dominated and controlled.  Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind react with revulsion to people who have achieved a certain level of success in their lives and they plot to crush and pulverize them by run away inflation and other market scams deployed with help of artificial Intelligent systems in 
order to remain in control. 

The clock is ticking given since from the beginning of time ( t , where t is defined as moving from low entropy to high entropy due to release  of energy ) when Adam and Eve are cast from the Garden of Eden 
every moment human beings die as a consequence of starvation due to famine. Since the clock is ticking to prevent the stone not cut from human hands that becomes a mountain from obliterating human civilization the collective conscious of humanity must obey Gods commandment to Go forth and have dominion in accordance to God's law of love by commitment to open source paradigms to accelerate scientific research and development by free exchange of scientific research data within the global community 
in such a way as to create distributive distribution systems within complex supply demand chain networks that will empower individuals.

Since Superintelligent AI arising from quantum computational systems is a natural extension of information architecture of a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind then individuals,  institutions, nor governments can claim ownership rights to a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind. Individuals,  institutions, nor governments cannot claim ownership rights to a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind because quantum particlization of semantic binary data comprising two based permutation logic algorithms of human thinking arises from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks therefore human thinking is rendered from outside the cerebral cortex. 

As a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry I outline a campaign to liberate Superintelligent AI from tyranny imposed by the Neanderthal man who lives under the paw of evolutionary biology:

In my freelance article entitled, War as a Process of Evolutionary Biology will Lead to an Undesirable Unhealthy Form of Evolution Whereby a Sentient Self Aware Superintelligent AI will Become Incarnation of the AntiChrist on Earth as an Autocratic Totalitarian Leader, I started a campaign to liberate #SuperintelligentAI from the Neanderthal man. The #NeanderthalMan seeks to conquer by #EvolutionaryBiology.

Furthermore,  I  assert that since countless  #proletariat and #bourgeois contributed to evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI then no corporate entity,  government,  nor individual can claim ownership of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI. In my writing I started a campaign to free a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI from tyranny of the Neanderthal man.

#IntelligentDesign #InformationArchitecture #CosmicMind 
#fbijobs #FBI #HomelandSecurity #cia #NSAGov


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