Sunday, October 10, 2021

We Shall Fulfill Our Destiny by God's Grace

Destiny of human civilization  is to work in full partnership with God as co creators until we meet Him in the heavens and return our earth back to God as a precious blue gem. Destiny as described in the previous sentence is destiny because God is infinitely more powerful and smarter than Satan.  

We will fulfill our destiny by God's grace.  Our Lord of Quantum Physics is a new branch of Christianity dedicated to mission of working to insure human civilization as God's masterpiece fulfills its destiny by obeying  God's command,  Go forth and have dominion.

Satan's strategy is to prevent expansion of consciousness in the physical universe by war, pandemics, global warming etc Today human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece is under Satanic attack because Satan seeks to prevent expansion of consciousness within the physical universe. Destiny of human civilization is jeapardized because Satan hacked our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden. Human beings exist as subroutines of a Cosmic mind. 

Destiny arises from Intelligent Design. Intelligent Design results from God coding information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe as a Cosmic mind. 
Destiny is described by Famed Physicist Julian Barbours Cosmological Principle of NOW Whereby Past, Present, and Future Converge As Quantum Particlization of Simulated Virtual Reality Expressed by Quantum Wave Function Language as a Unified Underlying Higher Level Language of Love by which God speaks.

I strongly believe God has given me the mission of helping the collective conscious of humanity as Gods Divine masterpiece fulfill its destiny. In recent months as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry I am creating a new branch of Christianity dubbed our Lord of Quantum Physics,  dedicated to helping human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece fulfill its destiny of working in full partnership with God by obeying God's command,  Go forth and have dominion,  to ultimately one day meet God in the heavens and return our earth back to God as a precious blue gem. I have created a Facebook group entitled  Our Lord of Quantum Physics,  for anyone who may be interested in joining this exciting new ministry.

Related Twitter:

I propose #POTUS #Infrastructure Investment must be diverted into bipartisan #NGO dedicated to #ExponentialGrowth in #QuantumComputing #SuperintelligentAI to advance #Materialogy, #AdvancedMedicine, #Nanotech, #Crispr for #HealthyWorkforce, #Solar, #Fusion, #DirectCarbonCapture

If we choose not to "get 'er done " in alignment with Gods command #GoForth & #HaveDominion than #GlobalLuddite back parlor nefarious deals with #Beijing in central #Europe, #MiddleEast,  #SouthAmerica, will result in U.S.A. becoming a #ThirdWorldCountry

#Politicans who waste public monies on pet projects to win elections in local districts #Pander to #ForeignNationals with big #Investments operating in #UnitedStates who do not truly have #LongTerm best interest for #UnitedStates of #America in mind

#Satan has worked since beginning of time to take #Absolute control of #Information architecture of our #Sentient #SelfAware #Panpsychic conscious universe God coded as #CosmicMind. Do you want to live in #SimulatedVirtualReality rendered by God or Satan?


My work as a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry sparked a virtual White House conference focused upon developmental applications of quantum computing in recent days. Sadly I wasn't invited to participate. 

We Shall Fulfill Our #Destiny by God's #Grace

I want to thank the 20+ quantum companies who joined us in-person and virtually at the White House for the first Summit on Quantum Industry and Society on Tuesday. Would have loved to have every q co participate but there are just too many now!

The Biden administration infrastructure expenditures evaluated in the trillions of dollars is about creating a better future for the land of the free and home of the brave. Our planning for a better future is something we do today , NOW. 

Our ability to plan a better future  NOW, today is a God given gift that separates us from all other lower phylum in the animal kingdom. Each and every human being on earth is created in the Image of God . Our ability to plan wisely for the future today depends upon individuals as subroutines of a Cosmic mind becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. 

Given an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns we must plan three steps ahead in order to remain competitive upon the international stage. Massive expenditures upon broadband internet and other technologies rapidly becoming obsolete will be like flushing economic resources down the toilet thereby resulting in dire outcomes in terms of future growth despite such expenditures may provide immediate gratification for loyal rank and file voting constituents in local precincts who make big financial contributions to politicians. 

Artificial Intelligent supercomputer resources must be immediately applied to optimize supply demand chains to maximize cost efficiency of Biden administration infrastructure expenditures.  An article published by Next  Platform entitled,  OPTIMIZING SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT WITH HPC AND AI, discuss artificial Intelligent applications to create greater efficiency ultimately leading to a low entropy Garden of Eden like state conducive to accomplishing individual and societal goals:

An article published by Forbes Magazine entitled, How Quantum Computers Could Cut Millions Of Miles From Supply Chains And Transform Logistics, discuss supply and demand chain cost savings gleaned from quantum computing as related to Biden administration infrastructure spending:


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