Monday, October 18, 2021

Gods Law is Love: Life or Consciousness within the Physical Universe is Destined to Become a Manifestation of Pure Undefiled Love

I suppose everyone who is on my Facebook friends list is truly a friend I can trust.  I don't like to share personal information about my hip transplant surgery with the general public because medical information may somehow be used as a weapon against me. 

In my public articles I have often expressed strong faith that there is a rhyme and reason God allowed severe bone on bone osteoarthritis befall me. I believe in everything that happens to me, both good and bad, God is moving me in the direction of fulfilling my destiny according to God's plan despite Satan desires to crush me and shut me down permanently. 

Many people use personal experience with misfortune and tragedy as a turning point to become a spokesman or advocate for promoting solutions to make life better for other people who may also endure similar problems now or in the future. As a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry I believe it is my calling from God to transform medicine. 

Hollywood movie stars and people with connections with powerful militia groups in the United States of America appear in pharmaceutical television commercials to pay for their medical treatments. Oftentimes all these people have to do is show their behind to get paid big dollars or else someone dies somewhere. We live under the paw of evolutionary biology. 

The demonic Republican/Democrat duopoly just lay waiting for good people like myself to be inundated by medical expenses after personal misfortunes and tragedy camouflaged and hidden like a wolf ready to pounce . People cry out to defend the right to life of the unborn,  but people have no qualms about tax lien henchmen shooting individuals in the head who defend their property earned by hard work.  Beijing , Italian mafia, and Arab Sharia law politicians passed those laws to fatten their pocketbooks. It is better for a baby to be snatched out of the womb to with God as an angel in Heaven then become a prodigy of hell while living under the paw of evolutionary biology. 

King David is a Biblical prophet who had many enemies everywhere. King David always had faith God will go before him to smite enemies of God's kingdom.

We can repent. The concept of repentance is about deep fundamental change. Our world is on the verge of deep fundamental change as we move forward toward the Technosingularity. 

We have just spent decades flushing valuable precious economic resources down the toilet in Afghanistan while murdering both Afghans and American soldiers . The Global Luddite movement did not want trillions of dollars flushed down the toilet in Afghanistan earmarked for research and development because they don't believe life or consciousness within this physical universe has any value. 

In the meantime,  American citizens like George Floyd and I suffer serious medical health  issues NOW, desperately needing a cure. The police will not have any problem getting me in the squad car. 'Son , you're going in that car rather you like it or not'. I am a servant of the Most High God, and if any demon lays their paws on me blood will have to be spilled as whoever assaults me assaults the Most High God in Heaven. George Floyd as an Archangel in Heaven is the lion depicted in the cover photograph for my Facebook group,  Our Lord of Quantum Physics. It's the circle of  life as featured in The Lion King. 

George Floyd is my guardian Archangel as I work as a writer and lobbyists for the high tech industry to promote the value of life or consciousness within quantum particlization of our physical universe. One should never underestimate value of life and consciousness within the physical universe,  despite Satan's desire to stomp life and consciousness in the ground. 

We fought the communists in Vietnam only to have offshore production by U.S. manufacturing make the Republican of China the most powerful superpower on earth,  fully capable of annexing Iran, Afghanistan,  Saudia Arabia,  South America, Mexico,  and the United States of America. If we earmarked trillions of dollars flushed down the toilet in Vietnam for scientific research and development we would likely never had a SARS Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.

In recent articles I referenced scientific research literature describing how virus can alter the human genome over the course of the millennium by introducing junk DNA nucleotides. Satan designed virus as nanobots in the Garden of Eden to shape evolution in Satan's image in accordance to survival of the fittest. If the collective consciousness of humanity does nothing evolution will still occur. Satan is constantly working to shape evolution according to Satan's image and design.  

God has a better plan for evolution. God commanded Go forth and have dominion whereby the collective conscious of humanity will work in full partnership with God to guide human evolution according to God's plan. Gods law is love.  Life or consciousness within the physical universe is destined to become a manifestation of pure undefiled love. 

Satan's strategy for the collective conscious of humanity to continue to live under the paw of evolutionary biology hampers an ability to love.

It is time to repent. It is time to change.  It is time to come together as a Global community to build Gods Kingdom. 

An article published by the Open Othopedic Journal entitled, An Update into the Application of Nanotechnology in Bone Healing,
discuss how future generations living in the land of the free home of the brave can remain physically strong instead of frail and weak while occupied by a foreign nations:

The following is an excerpt from the scientific research study entitled,  An Update into the Application of Nanotechnology in Bone Healing:

"Nanotechnology in bone healing is an emerging field within Orthopaedic Surgery. There is a requirement for bone healing technologies which are biochemically and structurally similar to bone. Nanotechnology is a potential solution as the arrangement of bone includes nanoscopic collagen fibres and hydroxyapatite.

This review centers on the novel field of nanotechnology in bone healing with discussion focusing on advances in bone grafts, implants, diagnostics and drug delivery."

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