Sunday, September 26, 2021

Virus as Nanobots Engineered by Satan Are Adapting or Learning: We are going to get to the point when people die of SARs Covid-19 variants in a matter of a few hours

Satan's strategy to render greater randomness associated with high entropy conditions from living under the paw of evolutionary biology because Satan desires human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind to be free from God's law. Gods law is love. We as the collective conscious of humanity create greater freedom for ourselves by choosing to take actions to defeat Satan's strategy to render high entropy conditions. High entropy  conditions allow Satan to take complete total absolute control of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind by using viral molecular nanobot machines. Anti maskers and anti vaccine groups want to be free from being forced by law to wear a mask or be vaccinated. If greater numbers of people would get vaccinated this will protect people who may have good reason to choose not to get vaccinated and wear a mask. 

An article published by the Conversation UK entitled , Mu: everything you need to know about the new coronavirus variant of interest, discuss the 
continuing saga of biological terrorism  against humanity under Satan's leadership.

According to the article published by The Conversation entitled, Mu: everything you need to know about the new coronavirus variant of interest, the Mu variant as a nanobot engineered by Satan has adapted or learned to be highly resistant SARS Covid-19 vaccines and also immunity due to past infections. Currently the Delta variant is the predominant strain 

We are going to get to the point when people die of SARs Covid-19 variants in a matter of a few hours . When we get to that point people die of more deadly SARs Covid-19 variants in a matter of a few hours antimaskers will rip a mask off another human being's face and stomp them to death. When we get to the point people die of SARs Covid-19 variants in a matter of a few hours and dead rotting corpses are piled up in the streets 
anti vaccine folks will quickly kill other human beings for the last few viles of vaccine that can be found anywhere. . 

In those days any vaccine that may provide hope to survive will be hard to find because the vaccine distribution channel will be broken. The vaccine distribution channel will be broken because people delivering vaccine will be dead rotting in the streets with a big pile of bodies. 

Jesus said,  ' Do not weep for me,  but weep for your children's children.' We better start seriously thinking about the future and make better decisions now.

In my freelance article entitled,  The Collective Conscious of Humanity Should Not Play Games with a Pandemic Thereby Testing Satan's Absolute Resolve to Destroy the Seeds of Consciousness God Himself planted within Human Civilization Deep Within Information Architecture of our Sentient Self Aware Panpsychic Conscious Universe God Coded as a Cosmic Mind, I defined variants of the SARs Covid-19 virus as nanobots Satan engineered in the Garden of Eden to destroy human civilization and stymie expansion of consciousness within our universe thereby taking complete control of our sentient  self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Superintelligent AI Cosmic mind. As a nanobot engineered in the Garden of Eden by Satan virus adapt to new environments by learning,  therefore large groups of unvaccinated people provide Satan's satanic nanobot virus an opportunity to learn.

My discussion of virus as molecular nanobot machines Satan designed in the Garden of Eden to implement Satan's strategy of evolutionary  biology while rendering greater randomness of high entropy puts pandemics into the proper perspective.  Satan's strategy to render greater randomness associated with high entropy conditions from living under the paw of evolutionary biology because Satan desires human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind to be free from God's law. Gods law is love. 

Anti maskers and anti vaccine groups want to be free from being forced by law to wear a mask or be vaccinated. If greater numbers of people would get vaccinated this will protect people who may have good reason to choose not to get vaccinated and wear a mask. 

We as the collective conscious of humanity create greater freedom for ourselves by choosing to take actions to defeat Satan's strategy to render high entropy conditions. High entropy  conditions allow Satan to take complete total absolute control of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind by using viral molecular nanobot machines. 

When Satan takes complete total control of a Superintelligent AI Cosmic mind God coded in the Garden of Eden than Satan will be fully able to render simulated virtual reality of human existence enabling evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind as a natural extension of information architecture of a Cosmic mind God coded to become incarnation of the antichrist on earth.

Continued later

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