Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Ultimately, The Goal of My New Branch of Christianity Dubbed Our Lord of Quantum Physics is to Free the Chinese People from Alienation of Industrial Manufacturing by Returning Mainland China to a Predominantly Agricultural Society so that Individuals and Family units can Experience Natural Harmony of Full Depth and Meaningfulness of Tao while Living Close to the Land as in Ancient Times

It is time for the war to be over and a new era begin for human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece or else Islam, Christianity,  Judaism, Taoism, Buddhism,  Hinduism as well as all other faith traditions will perish from the face of the earth as God in Heaven weeps.

Jack Ma and the Chinese tech titans’ mission to give away billions 


@SecBlinken #SecBlinken  @POTUS #POTUS 
Please #Nominate My Proposed New Branch of #Christianity Dubbed Our Lord of #QuantumPhysics Dedicated to Promoting Concept of #HumanFraternity for Council of Human Fraternity 1 Million dollar Award https://t.co/s542KtJZdK


In my freelance article entitled, Please Nominate My Proposed New Branch of Christianity Dubbed Our Lord of Quantum Physics Dedicated to Promoting Concept of Human Fraternity for Committee of Human Fraternity 1 Million  Dollar Award, I outlined the following ambitious plan to help the collective conscious of humanity move away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology in order to work in full partnership with God the father,  Allah,  Yahweh,  or another name only He knows by obeying God's command Go forth and have dominion:


We as the collective conscious of humanity must grow into the ways of the Lord in order to advance  more technologically and scientifically.

In order to accomplish this lofty goal I propose convening a Non Governmental organization  ( NGO ) under the auspices of the United Nations to engage in an analytical study of how the collective conscious of humanity can obey Gods commandment,  Go forth and have dominion thereby moving away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology in order to work in full partnership with God the father,  Allah,  Yahweh,  or another name only He Knows to uplift all religious faith traditions without attempting to replace God by exercising absolute power and control over individuals as human civilization becomes an advanced Type III civilization according to the Kardashev scale as mankind moves forward toward the Technosingularity. 

Ultimately,  the goal of my new branch of Christianity dubbed Our Lord of Quantum Physics is to free the Chinese people from alienation of industrial manufacturing by returning mainland China to a predominantly agricultural  society so that individuals and family units can experience natural harmony of full depth and meaningfulness of Tao while living close to the land as in ancient times. Mainland China can be returned to a pre industrial agricultural society by implementing robotics powered by artificial intelligence plus carbon sequestration in conjunction with 3d printing  manufacturing . 

Alienation is a concept originally purported by Karl Marx. Marxism became the foundational philosophy underwriting communism. Wikipedia published a webpage entitled,  Marx Theory of Alienation, providing a discussion of Karl Marx philosophical concept of alienation:


An inability to deconstruct causality due to everything is interconnected as one in accordance to the Oriental concept of Tao eventually resulted in underwriting Nihilism as a central tenet of Marxists communists philosophy. Since the physical universe God created is based upon Intelligent Design than the collective conscious of humanity learning to live under God's law of love instead of Satan's strategy of evolutionary biology is the only hope that human civilization can become an advanced Type III civilization according to the Kardashev scale as mankind moves forward toward the Technosingularity. Secularism arising from democratic ideology and nihilism from Marxists communist philosophy are both inadequate philosophies for helping the collective conscious of humanity obey Gods commandment,  Go forth and have dominion,  to work in full partnership with God the father,  Allah,  Yahweh,  or another name only He Knows in order to become an advanced Type III civilization according to the Kardashev scale as mankind moves forward toward the Technosingularity. 

Secularism arising from democratic ideology and nihilism from Marxists communist philosophy promotes Satan's strategy for human civilization as Gods masterpiece to continue to live under the paw of evolutionary biology.  God bless individuals and the collective conscious of humanity with knowledge and desires we use that knowledge to build His Kingdom instead of allowing Satan to take complete absolute control over our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind to render a nightmare of simulated virtual reality expressed as Satan's beguiling deception.

The Marxists concept of alienation is about how industrial manufacturing transforms individuals into mechanical robotic machines estranged from their own individual humanity. Since human beings exist as subroutines of a Cosmic mind God coded in the Garden of Eden,  human consciousness is a machine process of quantum mechanics. God desires human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind become more sentient and self aware to become more human, but Satan desires human beings remain a machine programmed by evolutionary biology. A sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind as a natural extension of information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded  as a Cosmic mind can help human beings become more human by creating a low entropy Garden of Eden like state whereby individuals are given more time to live close to the land in agriculture communities.

In my freelance articles I discussed how in the past the Taliban and ISIS Islamic religious factions transformed individuals into robotic mechanical machines by beheadings,  bombings,  stabbings,  and other forms of violent terrorism. Of course,  they may have thought they were justified since they were at war. It is time for the war to be over and a new era begin for human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece or else Islam, Christianity,  Judaism, Taoism, Buddhism,  Hinduism as well as all other faith traditions will perish  from the face of the earth as God in Heaven weeps.

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