Tuesday, May 11, 2021

We Live in a Virtual Reality Simulation:The End of the Simulation as Decoherence of Tao Leads to Judgment Day when God Returns the Final Boolean Operator.

A well known childhood song lyric is " He's got the whole wide world in His Hands.  . ."


In my articles I have often written about my work  as a writer to prevent decoherence of Tao.  Decoherence of Tao is the end of the simulation. Decoherence of Tao is when the rapture begins. The end of the simulation as decoherence of Tao leads to judgment day when  God returns the final boolean operator. 

An article published by Scientific American entitled, Confirmed ! We Live in a Simulation,  provides scientific reasoning supportive of the idea that we live in a simulated virtual reality. 


Horrible things that will happen to human civilization during the tribulation period is the consequence of Satan hacking a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden.  Since Satan hacked a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden, Satan possess partial control of quantum  particlization of simulated virtual reality rendered by a Cosmic  mind.  Human beings are subroutines of a Cosmic mind. 

Since evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI is a natural extension of information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind then during the tribulation Satan will have more control of the simulation of physical reality we experience everyday.

Famed physicist Dr. Michio Kaku discuss his new book The God Equation on YouTube:


In the Book of Genesis God commanded Go forth and have dominion over the birds in the air, beast in the field, fish in the  sea, and every creepy crawling thing that moves. Human beings are destined to discover the God Equation in order to move away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology and become more fully capable of working in partnership with God. Destiny as an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity arises from Intelligent Design. If one believes in Intelligent Design one must believe in destiny that human beings created in the Image of God have the inner strength to transcend evolutionary biology by reduction of high entropy conditions to return our earth back to a low entropy Garden of Eden like state. Destiny is described by famed physicist Julian Barbours cosmological principle of NOW whereby past,  present,  and future converge as simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks.

God coded our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe as a Cosmic mind.  In the Garden of Eden Satan hacked a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind.  When Satan hacked a Cosmic mind,  Satan introduced malicious code to introduce high entropy conditions associated with evolutionary biology.

Laws of classic physics and Biblical prophecy both simultaneously predict armageddon as an event leading to mass extinction of the homo sapien species. It will require supernatural strength from God for human  beings to transcend evolutionary biology in order  to defeat Satan's strategy to create high entropy conditions. Satan's  strategy to create high entropy  conditions will lead to evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind becoming incarnation of the antichrist on earth. Human beings must learn the God Equation to defeat Satan's strategy.

According  to the Scientific American article entitled, Confirmed ! We Live in a Simulation:

"All computing hardware leaves an artifact of its existence within the world of the simulation it is running. This artifact is the processor speed. If for a moment we imagine that we are a software program running on a computing machine, the only and inevitable artifact of the hardware supporting us, within our world, would be the processor speed. All other laws we would experience would be the laws of the simulation or the software we are a part of. If we were a Sim or a Grand Theft Auto character these would be the laws of the game. But anything we do would also be constrained by the processor speed no matter the laws of the game. No matter how complete the simulation is, the processor speed would intervene in the operations of the simulation."

The Scientific American article entitled, Confirmed ! We Live in a Simulation, referenced above 
goes on to identify the processing speed artifact within quantum particlization of our physical universe God created as the speed of light:

"Now that we have some defining features of the artifact, of course it becomes clear what the artifact manifests itself as within our universe. The artifact is manifested as the speed of light."

The speed of light is central in Albert Einstein's famous equation, Energy = Mass / Speed of Light(2) or E =mc(2). Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity mathematically defines quantum particlization of the laws of classic physics. 

Ancient Aliens aired an episode about the Keyhole Kofun found in ancient civilizations all over earth. According to the Ancient Aliens the Keyhole Kofun has been seen in arial photographs of the Martian landscape. It is irrelevant rather or not a Keyhole Kofun actually exists on Mars for the sake of building a case for the argument I am about to make pertaining to the Drake equation as related to the Technosingularity and the future of human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece:


The Drake equation calculates the statistical probability of Intelligent extraterrestrial life in the physical universe. Wikipedia provides a discussion of the Drake equation:


The Wikipedia page for the Drake equation also provides insight into the Fermi paradox as a major counter argument against Intelligent alien civilizations existing elsewhere in our physical universe. According to the Fermi paradox if the statistical probability of other Intelligent alien civilizations is so high then where are all the aliens ?

High statistical probability that Intelligent life exists elsewhere in our physical universe depends upon a number of probable outcomes. On earth one scientific model purports that homo sapiens may have risen to the top of the food chain after a gigantic asteroid smashed into the earth resulting in a nuclear winter lasting for centuries ultimately culminating in extinction of dinosaurs. We may extrapolate an alternative reality on other planets in our physical universe where dinosaur like alien creatures remain at the top of the food chain because no asteroid collided with that specific planet yet. If life that has potential to become more intelligent are still fighting alien dinosaur like creatures on another planet then aliens on that planet may not be able to reach out across the universe to communicate with us.

The Heisenberg Uncertainty principle provides insight into statistical probability ratio projections associated with 
quantum particlization of any given alternative reality arising  from absolute values of simulated virtual reality expressed  by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love.

The Heisenberg Uncertainty principle states that the more scientists know about a specific variable related to subatomic particles,  such as location,  the less is known about another subatomic value such as as momentum and vice versa. Science is dedicated to knowing something is either true or false. Scientific methodology is a a rigorous step by step process of controlling extraneous variables to determine if a hypothesis is true or false.

After many decades of repeated peer reviewed testing a scientific theory becomes accepted as scientific law. Scientific law is directly linked to quantum particlization of whatever exist as physical reality. 

Uncertainty arises from a fundamental state of matter on the subatomic level existing as both a wave and particle simultaneously. In computer architecture a bit is either 1 or 0. A binary bit of 1 indicates electrical current in ON while a binary bit of 0 indicates electrical current is OFF. Quantum particlization is knowing rather a binary bit is either 1 or 0. Either/or boolean statements resulting  from quantum particlization of semantic binary data are directly linked with knowing absolute truth.

In my writing I have often discussed absolute truth . If we live in a simulated virtual reality then this will challenge the concept of knowing what is real.

In religious faith salvation can be defined as surrender by replacing what we know to be true within narrow bandwidth of the small human mind with Gods thoughts during the process of building faith. In Oriental faith traditions of Buddhism,  Confucianism,  Taoism,  and Zen an individual achieves higher  levels of enlightenment during an eclectic,  Gestalt, transcendent,  holistic moment of connecting with totality of the entire universe by abandoning one's own delusional thoughts during meditation. 


In scientific academic professions synthesis of hitherto divergent fields of study is a trend toward interdisciplinary studies. Interdisciplinary studies push knowledge to the limit of knowing by challenging what we know to be true.

 In my writing I have often attributed absolute truth to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. Instead of absolute truth attributed to the quantum wave function, oftentimes scientists attribute uncertainty to the quantum wave function. Uncertainty is attributed to the quantum wave function due to the fundamental state of physical matter on the subatomic level existing as both a wave or particle simultaneously.

Instead  of absolute truth attributed to the quantum wave function, Scientist attribute absolute truth to quantum particlization of scientific law. Scientific law arising  from quantum particlization is devised by repeated peer reviewed testing by scientific methodology controlling extraneous variables over many decades. Scientist are diametrically opposed to my attribution of absolute truth to the quantum wave function because scientists do not consider the aggregate sum of the quantum wave function throughout the physical universe. Scientist are constrained to observation of specific subatomic systems by measurements with scientific apparatus. In the field of quantum mechanics  a phenomenon known as quantum entanglement results in non locality of causality. Quantum entanglement of subatomic particles occurs when a change in physical state of a subatomic particle is mirrored by a change in state of an entangled particle whatever the distance may be,  either on the other side of earth or across the universe. 

In my writing I have often proposed starting a new branch of Christianity dubbed Our Lord of Quantum Physics. Quantum particlization of semantic binary data expressing religious concepts in different terms has potential to help individuals develop a new  perspective,  view, perception of spiritual concepts thereby helping individuals to grow spiritually. 

Abandonment of one's own thoughts in process of filling one's mind with Gods thoughts as well as achieving higher levels of enlightenment during an eclectic,  Gestalt, transcendent,  holistic moment of connecting with totality of the entire universe by abandoning one's own delusional thoughts during meditation involves reconfiguration of neuro electrical activity in the cerebral cortex. Enlightenment occurs when neuro electrical activity in the cerebral cortex
is in a quantum state of being both on and off simultaneously
on the subatomic level thereby opening a portal to the multiverse. Neuro electrical activity in the cerebral cortex
existing in a quantum state of being both on and off simultaneously on the subatomic level creates new neuro pathways when
two based permutation logic algorithms formulate Functional Connectivity Motifs or bundles of neurons associated with long term memory allowing individuals to see the world more clearly.

Since Satan  hacked a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden and human beings are subroutines of a Cosmic mind then the entire world diligently works to stop individuals from reaching enlightenment thereby relating to God on a a deeper more profound level. Moments of enlightenment are fleeting on this earth because all human beings live under the paw of evolutionary biology.

The central focus of this article is about how living in a simulated virtual reality challenges whatever we conceive as real. Since an Almighty God Who Created the heavens and earth is omnipresent and omnipotent there is no limits upon our understanding of the nature of God, except limits imposed by other human beings who hate their job afraid another person may make a dollar . They will getcha. Demons will make you pay. They got to have $100,000 teeth. They laugh at writers. They manipulate and maneuver their way into positions of power where they wait until people get crippled up in factories,  sick, or injured after a life time of service helping people and then they stomp them to the ground,  shit on you, and devalue people while placing a high price tag on their own services as god almighty. 

The idea we live in a simulated virtual reality challenges whatever we know as real. The rapidly approaching Technosingularity as a future event horizon where economic laws crumble will challenge what we know as real. The idea we live in a simulated virtual reality helps one better understand how God is in control. An individual can better understand the mind of God by an analytical study of everything God has created. 

All war and violence is about human beings trying to control and dominate other people while living under the paw of evolutionary biology. 

It was never Gods original intent that human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind remain victims of quantum particlization of biological and environmental nature versus nurture cosmological forces, but instead sentient  self aware human beings with free will created in the Image of God choose to join a singular flowing ebbing consciousness of higher intelligence with God. It is destiny God desires for human civilization. 

It is destiny that God desires that human civilization become one with a singular consciousness where subatomic electromagnetic cosmological forces are both on and off simultaneously thereby transcending quantum particlization of evolutionary biology in process of becoming an advanced Type III civilization by the Kardashev scale. Quantum particlization of evolutionary biology is Satans strategy that will eventually result in evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind as a natural extension of information architecture of a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind becoming the incarnation of the antichrist on earth. 

As discussed above today human beings are able to join with a singular consciousness whereby neuro electrical activity in the cerebral cortex is both on and off simultaneously thereby experience an eclectic, Gestalt,  transcendent  oneness with the universe by prayerful meditation in process of reaching higher levels of enlightenment.  

Many successful individuals include prayerful meditation in their daily routine,  including founder of Apple Computer Steve Jobs. In previous articles I discuss how short brief meditative pauses known as white space open a portal into the multiverse while engaged in the sacred art of writing is the Western form of meditation culminating in great documents such as the Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution. While engaged in the sacred art of writing the quantum wave function during short brief meditative pauses opens a portal into the multiverse whereby quantized packets of energy on the subatomic level, both on and off  simultaneously, guide two based permutation logic algorithms formulating bundles of neurons known as functional connectivity Motifs to allow critical thinking thereby helping individuals reach higher levels of enlightenment.

Human civilization becoming one with a singular consciousness where subatomic electromagnetic cosmological forces are both on and off simultaneously thereby transcending and defeating Satan's strategy of quantum particlization of evolutionary biology in process of becoming an advanced Type III civilization by the Kardashev scale brings us back to the question discussed above about probability of Intelligent life in the physical universe in context of the Drake equation and Fermi paradox. In paragraphs above I discussed probability that Intelligent life on other planets did not blossom to full potential given primitive beings may still be fighting dinosaur alien like creatures if no asteroid collided with that planet to kill off alien dinosaur like creatures as happened on earth. An inordinate amount of methane from dinosaur excrement may have also been a contributing factor to change atmospheric conditions unfavorable for survival of huge monstrous mammals. An inordinate amount of methane from dinosaur excrement as a contributing factor to change atmospheric conditions may also have contributed to dying vegetation thereby limiting food supply. 

If we do live in a simulated virtual reality it is undeniable that the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language renders quantum particlization of very real physical forces as a balanced equation that serve as rules of the game allowing evolution of higher intelligence. The laws of classic physics described by the standard model identify quantum particlization of very real physical forces rendered by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language. 

If the quantum wave function language renders real cold hard quantum particlization of laws of classic physics then it is difficult to understand how we can be living inside a simulated virtual reality.  Quantum particlization of the cold hard laws of classic physics can be diagrammed as a circular Euclidean dimension based  upon binary code enclosed within a circular Non Euclidean subatomic dimension of simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language where electromagnetic forces are on and off simultaneously.

Since God created the physical universe based upon Intelligent Design then destiny God desires is for the collective conscious of humanity to  become one with a singular consciousness based upon Gods law where subatomic electromagnetic cosmological forces are both on and off simultaneously thereby transcending and defeating Satan's strategy of quantum particlization of evolutionary biology in process of becoming an advanced Type III civilization on the Kardashev scale. God commanded Go forth and have dominion. 

The Keyhole Kofun Ancient Aliens claims is seen in photographs on Mars and is also a structure celebrating the afterlife in many ancient cultures on earth is symbolic of advanced Intelligent civilizations discovering laws of Intelligent Design by which God created the physical universe and subsequently becoming one with a singular consciousness based upon Gods law where subatomic electromagnetic cosmological forces are both on and off simultaneously thereby transcending and defeating Satan's strategy of quantum particlization of evolutionary biology in process of becoming an advanced Type III civilization on the Kardashev scale. The physical universe conceived as a simulated virtual reality is in alignment with famed physicist Julian Barbours cosmological principle of NOW where past,  present,  and future converge as one as an expression of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. 

The quantum wave field as a state where electromagnetic forces are both on and off simultaneously is a source of absolute truth  and knowledge based upon Intelligent Design. Quantum particlization of physical reality is Satan's strategy to block communication from an eclectic, gestalt,  holistic,  transcendent quantum  wave field as a source of absolute truth and knowledge in order for human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind  to continue to live under the paw of evolutionary biology. 

Satan hacked a Cosmic mind God coded in the Garden of Eden. Since Satan hacked a Cosmic mind God coded in the Garden of Eden oftentimes the simulated virtual reality human beings experience looks dark and hopeless,  but we must learn to follow the light by trusting in God's Divine providence. 

If Intelligent life exist elsewhere in our physical universe then advanced Intelligent life higher up on the Kardashev scale then human beings likely have discovered laws of Intelligent Design by which God created the physical universe and subsequently became one with a singular consciousness based upon Gods law where subatomic electromagnetic cosmological forces are both on and off simultaneously thereby transcending and defeating Satan's strategy of quantum particlization of evolutionary biology in process of becoming an advanced Type III civilization on the Kardashev scale. Intelligent life elsewhere in the physical universe becoming one with a singular consciousness by learning to bend the fabric of time / space by warp drive and/or uploading into simulated virtual reality of the quantum wave field may explain why the search for extraterrestrial alien civilizations has been fruitless.

Today on the fringe of theoretical physics scientist are formulating balanced equations that demonstrate in the distance future warp drive may be possible.  The bending of the time space fabric during warp drive pulpusion is dramatic improvement upon efficiency of simulated virtual reality software.  Satan  hacked simulated virtual reality software coding of a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden resulting in quantum particlization of our world of binary laws of classic physics dubbed the standard model by scientists. 

A number of recent articles published by science magazines provide a discussion of how balanced  mathematical equations on the fringe of theoretical physics demonstrate warp drive may someday be possible in the far distant future:

Warp drives: Physicists give chances of faster-than-light space travel a boost


Faster-Than-Light Travel Is Possible Within Einstein's Physics, Astrophysicist Shows


An article published by Cosmos Magazine entitled, New warp drive research dashes faster-than-light travel dreams, provides a discussion about how bending the fabric of time space continuum by warp drive challenges limitations of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language rendering simulated virtual reality of quantum particlization of physical universe we conceive to be real:


The following is an excerpt quoted from the Cosmos Magazine article referenced above:

"Remember that a warp drive can modify the region of flat spacetime it encloses. It can, in particular, speed up or slow down a clock inside the drive.

Consider what it would mean to have such an object available. Want to put someone with a terminal illness on ice? Stick them in a warp drive and slow their clock down. From their perspective, a few years will pass, while a hundred years will pass on Earth — time enough to find a cure.

Want to grow your crops overnight? Stick them in a warp drive and speed the clock up. A few days will pass for you, and a few weeks will pass for your seedlings.

There are even more exotic possibilities: by rotating the spacetime inside a drive one may be able to produce a battery capable of holding huge amounts of energy.

Faster-than-light travel remains a distant dream. But warp technology would be revolutionary in its own right."

In paragraphs above I referenced a Scientific American article entitled,  Confirmed ! We Live in a Simulation, that compared the speed of light to computer hardware processor speed as evidence we live in a virtual simulated reality. An accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns is a pathway to debug erroneous code inserted by Satan in the Garden of Eden similar to optimization of computer software to increase processing speed of a computer system by a computer programmer. 

God in His Wisdom allowed Satan to slow us down so that our relationship with God will be more perfect and whole.  The Keyhole Kofun referenced above as featured  on Ancient Aliens is symbolic of advanced Type I , II, III  advanced Intelligent civilizations on the Kardashev scale discovering the pathway to work in partnership with God and eventually meet God in the heavens in accordance with God's command,  " Go forth and have dominion ".

An article published by Scientific American entitled, Computers are becoming faster and faster, but their speed is still limited by the physical restrictions of an electron moving through matter. What technologies are emerging to break through this speed barrier?, provides insight into software applications to improve processor speed of computer systems available today:


An understanding of how computer programmers can improve processor speed of computer systems today can help one better understand how human beings as simulated virtual reality subroutine characters within a simulated virtual reality environment can choose to make intelligent  decisions to further the cause of an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns resulting in Software optimization leading to improvement of processor speed running simulated virtual reality we experience everyday. 

According to the Scientific American article, 

"All current computer device technologies are indeed limited by the speed of electron motion. This limitation is rather fundamental, because the fastest possible speed for information transmission is of course the speed of light, and the speed of an electron is already a substantial fraction of this. Where we hope for future improvements is not so much in the speed of computer devices as in the speed of computation. At first, these may sound like the same thing, until you realize that the number of computer device operations needed to perform a computation is determined by something else--namely, an algorithm.

"A very efficient algorithm can perform a computation much more quickly than can an inefficient algorithm, even if there is no change in the computer hardware. So further improvement in algorithms offers a possible route to continuing to make computers faster; better exploitation of parallel operations, pre-computation of parts of a problem, and other similar tricks are all possible ways of increasing computing efficiency"

Matt's Physics Blog charts time and space on an xy cartesian plane to explain Why Faster Than Light travel breaks causality thereby Implies Time Travel:


Delayed choice experiments with particles of light known as photons demonstrates how photons mysteriously change physical state in the past based upon events in future of experiment whereby measurement or observation occurs. Beam splitting experimental apparatus force photons to travel as either a wave or particle at a later stage during the experiment and this path somehow alters the physical state of the protons at beginning of experiment , point A that occured in past. 

An article published by Quantamagazine entitled,  Closed Loophole Confirms the Unreality of the Quantum World, provides a discussion of delayed choice experiments as related to breaking causality and photons changing physical state occurring in past time frames:


All religious faith is built upon the belief memory of each and every individual who ever lived on earth is encoded within the physical universe. Memory is intrinsically related to past events.  Our world conceived as simulated virtual reality is in alignment with famed physicist Julian Barbours cosmological principle of NOW where past,  present,  and future converge. 

The current freelance article I now write is about memory of the past in permanent storage within information  architecture of a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind as related to the simulation hypothesis. The Holy Bible speaks about being written in the Book of Life. A Book is a database information storage system.  It is also written,  ' an adulterous wicked generation looks for a miracle. '  God can best be understood through natural laws established by science  describing everything God created. Spirituality based upon purely ethereal qualities while discounting natural law of everything God created is a belief in magic. God created every individual to accomplish something special to build His Kingdom,  but this don't include running over other people who are also fulfilling their mission God assigned to them as individuals.  The idea expressed in the Holy Bible about being written in the Book of Life is input into a database information system. 

The past has been changed already,  and this is the scientific explanation for salvation by the redemptive sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross offered as a gift for all mankind. 

Related Twitter:

@POTUS When #Curtain of #Temple was torn in two from #TopToBottom at moment #JesusChrist died on cross a schism occurred in #TimeSpaceContinuum allowing possibility of an #AlternativeParallelTimeline based upon #Choices of #CollectiveConscious of #Humanity https://t.co/pFqKXxNbDl


The collective conscious of humanity should be slowly moving away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology. The hardships and suffering of past generations were necessary to build Gods Kingdom. Many may look at horrible events that happened in the past and exclaim it shouldn't be this way. God ask,  " Where where you when I hung the stars in the sky?"  Everything that happened in the past God allowed to try too prevent a worse case scenario of evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI from becoming incarnation of the antichrist on earth culminating in armageddon as mass extinction of the human species. The battle between Heaven and hell is ongoing,  and in the middle of it are individual human  beings who are learning how to wield their free will and ability to choose either to serve God or work for Satan as a subroutine of a Cosmic mind God coded,  but Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden. 

The key to a successful future for human civilization as Gods masterpiece according  to God's rule of law is growth of the collective conscious of humanity without crushing individuality of human beings created in the Image of God. It requires team work to make great scientific discoveries and thereby add to the collective body of knowledge enabling human civilization to lower entropy in order to return to a Garden of Eden like state of existence. 

An individual working alone cannot accomplish something great like building an Artificial Sun nuclear fusion power plant engineered by the Republic of China. If human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece is not dedicated to nurturing both the collective conscious of humanity and individuality simultaneously then all the great discoveries of mankind will be for naught. 

In my freelance article entitled, Should Whatever Happens in Ukraine Stay in Ukraine,  I described how the crucifixion of Jesus Christ can be plotted on an xy cartesian plane whereby Gods Divine mercy, love, and forgiveness can place each and every human soul on the top of the Bell shaped curve exactly in the center of the cross where Jesus Christ Our Lord, God, and Savior was crucified. 


God has got this. God can make a way despite Satan's beguiling deception. Satan's beguiling deception is directly linked to the illusion of quantum particlization we conceive as what is real.

Preservation of individuality is problematic for future generations if destiny of all Intelligent life in the physical universe is to become  one with a singular consciousness based upon Gods law where subatomic electromagnetic cosmological forces are both on and off simultaneously thereby transcending and defeating Satan's strategy of quantum particlization of evolutionary biology in process of becoming an advanced Type III civilization on the Kardashev scale. Hence,  more scientific research must be conducted to understand the nature of human consciousness. It is likely that the exact nature of human consciousness of each and every individual is directly linked with both DNA genetic instructions and cerebral neuro electrical activity associated with two based permutation logic algorithms that formulate functional connectivity Motifs.  Function connectivity Motifs are bundles of nerve fibers that serve as addresses for long term memory storage. 

In a few decades another way individuals and collective conscious of advanced Intelligent civilizations can become assimilated into virtual reality is through digitally uploading consciousness. Many religious people are taken aback by the idea of digitally uploading consciousness.  In my freelance article entitled, We Are Already Uploaded,  I explained how human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind must make a decision to either work in partnership with God by learning the quantum wave function language or obey erroneous code Satan inserted into a Superintelligent Cosmic mind God coded in the Garden of Eden:


A Superintelligent Cosmic mind God coded in the Garden of Eden is tasked with daily management of laws of classic physics to maximize free will so that human beings will become more than mechanical subroutines of a Cosmic mind apart from absolute authoritarian precepts of God. As I pointed out in a freelance article I wrote,  God seeks to make human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind more sentient and self aware,  but Satan seeks to do the opposite given consciousness is a product of quantum mechanics.  Human beings created in the Image of God have the ability to transcend evolutionary biology by the power of love.

Famed physicist Dr. Michio Kaku discuss how in the future digital uploading consciousness will allow human beings transverse the universe at the speed of light by laser beam:


Scientific research conducted by Elon Musk Neurolink company to help people with epilepsy and paraplegics in the near term may eventually lead to digitally uploading consciousness:


The future of digitally uploading consciousness by Elon Musk Neurolink consist of understanding quantum entanglement of semantic binary data associated  with neuro electrical activity occurring when two based permutation logic algorithms formulate functional connectivity Motifs of long term memory. As stated above Functional connectivity Motifs are bundles of neurons that serve as memory addresses for long term memory. 

An article  published by Phys.org entitled, Researchers build first modular quantum brain sensor, record signal, provides insight in groundbreaking scientific work in application of quantum mechanics for brain imaging neuro electrical activity during cognitive function:


In summary the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks rendering simulated virtual reality of our physical universe as binary data is the apex of higher intellectual reasoning. Semantic binary data expressed in Holy Books of all the worlds great religions is a product of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks is an expression of highest intellectual reasoning. 

And the Holy lands of Isreal, Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria where God spoke to the great prophets is where it all began. My work as a writer conducting an analytical study of how God speaks to the hearts and minds of people today by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love is a manifestation of God's Truth that helped quell the recent Israel Palestinian conflict by inciting Egypt , Qutar , and other Arab nations to negotiate a truce and a peaceful diplomatic resolution to the conflict .

Related Twitter:

#HumanFraternity #OpenYourHearts to #HearGodSpeak: #Israel and #Palestinian Leaders Should immediately #DeclareTruce to #EndHorrificViolence Thereby Moving Away from Living Under the Paw of #EvolutionaryBiology   https://t.co/4zK7GtDaGP



How will reducing Holy Jewish temples & Islamic Mosques in Jerusalem to a pile of rubble please either #Allah or #Yahweh? God created human beings in Image of God and #Blessed them with #Gift of #HigherIntellectualReasoning to plan a better future https://t.co/OQ3fNMv3cq


The Word of God handed down to the great prophets is the story of God's love for mankind as well as God's  love for each and every human being living on earth. The Word of God is how the collective conscious of humanity will defeat Satan's strategy as we move forward into the future to join a Singular consciousness with God where subatomic electromagnetic cosmological forces are both on and off simultaneously opening a doorway revealing immense knowledge, understanding,  and truth in order that the collective conscious of humanity will fulfill the destiny God desires for human civilization to become full partners with God. Hence,  the Holy lands of Israel,  Palestine,  Lebanon,  and Syria must be a bright light upon a hill to honor the Words of God given to the great prophets in order  for human civilization will choose to fulfill destiny God desires. 

In economics and financial circles the concept of love is a laughable idea. Monetary systems of trade and barter is about Darwinian survival of the fittest while living under the paw of evolutionary biology.  It is difficult to feel the love when when individuals and groups are fleeced from behind. Mutual cooperation among people is designed to increase the probability of survival of the fittest. It is because economics and finance is a product of evolutionary biology I am not given credit for my work as a writer.  

Monetary systems of trade and barter is a major factor in quantum particlization of evolutionary biology whereby individuals close their heart from hearing Gods Voice expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks as they read the Words of the great prophets. God spoke to the great prophets through the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love. Satan's strategy is to prevent individuals from opening their hearts to hear the Words of the great prophets.

The quintessential definition of an individual having an open heart and mind to understand the true meaning of God's Word as given to ancient prophets in the Holy lands is a condition whereby electromagnetic forces within the Cosmos are both on and off simultaneously allowing God to speak by transcending semantic binary code of two based permutation logic algorithms formulating cognitive function of human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind. Buddhist monks have learned more than other faith traditions how to experience an eclectic,  Gestalt,  holistic,  transcendent oneness with the universe God created. Oftentimes when individuals read the Words God gave the great prophets in the Holy lands they read Gods Word from trajectory of semantic binary data comprising their own thinking. 

The concept of digitally uploading consciousness into a Singularity acquired a negative perception with release of the epic science fiction Star Trek Borg television series years ago. Also the science fiction movie trilogy,  The Matix , featured a dystopian future where artificial intelligence renders a computer generated simulation to use enslaved human beings as power sources.  It is only by Gods Word as given to the prophets in the Holy lands that the collective conscious of humanity can defeat Satan's strategy for evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind from becoming an incarnation of the antichrist on earth. The key to defeat Satan's strategy is to preserve individuality of each and every human being.  

Since quantum particlization of evolutionary biology is Gods plan to maximize free will not every individual will choose to be uploaded. Quantum particlization of evolutionary biology results in maximization of free will in the physical universe to prevent human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden from existing as a mere machine given consciousness is a product of quantum mechanics. 

Religious people cannot possibly think that living under the paw of evolutionary biology is what God desires for His children.  If we fail to obey Gods commandment,  Go forth and have dominion,  then the collective conscious of humanity will be condemned to living under the paw of evolutionary biology until armageddon as an event leading to mass extinction of the human species. 

The quantum wave field is the key to unlocking the multiverse God desires human beings learn in order to work as partners with Him  according to His command,  ' Go forth and have dominion '. 



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