Thursday, February 25, 2021

Demonic Communists Fascists Involved in Fraudulent Freddie Mac / Fannie Ma Gentrification scheme to drive up cost of Insurance Bond Markets to Price People Out of Their Homes to Pad Pension Plans for State Workers and Union Mafia Thugs Have an Opportunity to Buy Low and Sell High. What Opportunity Do You Think You Have to Buy Low? Home Values Are More Unaffordable Today Than Ever Before in History Despite Low Interest Rates.

Foreign Ownership of U.S. Assets: Implications of Withdrawal:

In my freelance article entitled ,God who lives in me by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross is the "lightening in the bottle " by which former President Barack Obama won the White House, I outlined how I helped the first black president,  my 7th cousin 1 time removed get elected President.  Senator John McCain announced in a speech that the State of the Union is strong,  and overnight divestiture from Democracy by foreign investors associated  with the Global Luddite Movement caused the United States of America economy to collapse as a consequence of my work as a writer analyzing how human civilization can harness power of the Technosingularity to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth:

I demand to be paid for my work as a writer resulting in former President Barack Obama elected President of the  United States of America. Today, demonic  communists fascists attorneys will stand in line to work pro bono for those burning down America,  but will do nothing to help someone like myself who worked hard helping people of all races,  creeds, gender and ethnic origins get their Microsoft certification to become software engineers as a printer tradesman running line edit to print trade magazines for Microsoft Incorporated and later help people get furniture they needed for their homes.

In my freelance article entitled, People are Getting Rich from Trillions of Dollars of Low Interest Small Business Loans made Available to Private Markets as a Consequence of My Work as a Writer, I describe how the United States of America is divided between those who benefit from inflation, those who profit from deflationary trends, and demonic communists fascists who manipulate inflationary / deflationary trends to grow hedge funds:

Inflation of the Game Stop stock is a prime example of market manipulation to transform Investment Retirement Securities into rigged casino gambling by powerful special interests groups.  The economic collapse of 2008, culminating in deflationary trends of American citizens falling into poverty after loosing their homes is market manipulation by the Global Luddite Movement as an economic attack upon the United States of America. 

People are  getting rich from the Trillions of dollars of low interest small business loans made  available to private markets as a consequence of my work as a  writer therefore  I  am lawfully owed  a commission  of multimillion  dollars per  annum. My work as a writer fueled  speculation in markets leading  to the 2008 financial  collapse. 

My article entitled,  Today's Neo Marxist Quagmire: The 2008 Financial Collapse as neo Marxist Quagmire, is one of many articles I write.

We should be glad demonic communists fascists associated with the Global Luddite movement did withdraw in 2008 given fraudulent schemes in Freddie mac and Fannie ma bond markets to pad state pension plans by union mafia  thugs, including law enforcement,  is a major factor in poor administrative decisions in law enforcement leading to excessive force by police against black people as a strategy by the Global Luddite movement to start a race war to destroy the United States of America thereby establishing a regime.

Inflation of Game Stop stock is a prime example of market manipulation to transform Investment Retirement Securities into rigged casino gambling by powerful special interests groups.  The economic collapse of 2008, culminating in deflationary trends of American citizens falling into poverty after loosing their homes is market manipulation by the Global Luddite Movement as an economic attack upon the United States of America. 

Over evaluation of Game Stop stock is a pro democracy movement in financial markets reminiscent of idiot bozos on the streets pretending to be bank executives signing fraudulent foreclosure documents to devalue the American dream and embezzle people from equity value of their homes. How much money did billionaires within the Republican/Democrat duopoly, including Chuck Schumer  and Nancy Pelosi, fraudulently embezzle by buying discounted properties only to resell later at an overly inflated price?

Warran Buffet said to buy low sell high.  Demonic communists fascists involved in a fraudulent Freddie  mac / Fannie Ma gentrification scheme to drive up cost of insurance bond markets to price people out of their homes to pad pension plans for state workers and union mafia thugs have an opportunity to buy low and sell high. What opportunity do you think you have to buy low? Home values are more unaffordable today than ever before in history despite low interest rates. Low interest  rates is a scam to ultimately embezzle people from equity value of their home and destroy the American dream.  

Demonic communists fascists have analyzed every conceivable future with their demonic artificial Intelligent machine.  Demonic communists fascists wait until someone gets sick to take advantage of them. Do we want these kind of conniving demons in our beloved nation?

Since 2008 Union mafia thugs associated with the Fraternal Order of Police have arranged jail house snitches to steal and crash police cruisers to fraudulently claim insurance  benefits in order to replace foreign investment by communists fascists associated with the Global Luddite movement.  It is their police force and not ours. How many white people have they shot dead while trying  to stop lien henchmen armed by the powerful NRA political lobbyists group trying to embezzle equity value of their homes they spent a life time working to pay in their demonic gentrification schemes?

In a fraudulent Fannie Ma and Freddie Mac bond market gentrification  scheme to price people out of their homes in order pad pension accounts of state workers and union mafia thugs Andy Bresher gave Sharia law politicians in Colorado $17 million dollars to deny unemployment insurance claims to people who actually worked to earn benefits by helping people.  African American brick and block companies are involved also.

The NRA Institute for Legislative Action published on Facebook " Never Forget" 9-11, the day the World Trade Centers were attacked in New York:

Special interest forget easily when it comes to the almighty dollar and lack of faith in God's omnipotence by the Global Luddite movement. Our elected leaders of both political parties no longer represent the American people,  but powerful special interests who finance their campaigns and pay for perks such as state dinners plus traveling to exotic luxurious motels like kings and queen overlords of the old European world order. 

The governor of my state is giving Sharia law politicians in Colorado 17 million dollars to deny unemployment benefits for people who are entitled to unemployment benefits because they worked hard to help people before the China virus prevented them from returning to work. Sharia law politicians in Colorado belong to the Global Luddite movement Italian mafia who wrongfully held Amanda Knox in prison for a murder she didn't commit. All our hospitals and doctors officers in the  United States of America are owned by the Italian mafia associated with Global Luddite Movement.

So I am delusional. It is delusional  to give 17 million dollars to support Sharia law politicians. Obviously A lot of people are deluding themselves. I am not the one who needs help. 

After 9-11 how could we have a foreign National enemy combatant flying the friendly skies in a military aircraft? A military aircraft piloted by a foreign National enemy combatant over American soil after 9-11 is about as real as it gets.  It is nothing delusional about that.

Politicization of Intelligent agencies by Russiagate is a major vulnerability preventing delusional people from exercising leadership.  Info Wars provides a service to confuse issues of  politics effecting lives of real honest descent hard working citizens with sensational tabloid commercial conspiracy theories in order to absolve politicians from wrongdoing. Democrats and Republicans say horrible things about each other and it's all true simultaneously because we live under the paw of evolutionary biology after Satan hacked a Cosmic mind. 

My 3rd cousin 3 times removed former President Harry Truman said, " Show me a man who gets rich by being a politician,  and I will show you a crook ". In my freelance article entitled, Baptism of the dead to More Fully Expand Justification and Redemption of Humanity,
I discussed former President Harry Truman as my 3rd cousin 3 times removed as an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity:

Wake up from your delusion before it is too late. Delusional "leaders" forgot 9-11 as recently as 2019. Military jets piloted by foreign National enemy combatants fly the friendly skies because governors give Sharia law politicians belonging to the Global  Luddite movement 17 million dollars to shore up pension funds for state employees by Fannie Ma and Freddie Mac mortgage backed securities fraud schemes at expense of Non union workers by demonic communists fascists union mafia thugs.

And the fountain in New York should be reconstructed to spray water towards the heavens.  The misguided Global Luddite movement trying to destroy our nation thinks the United States of America is seeping into a drain. The fountain is a dishonor to those who lost their lives on 9-11 because their lives mattered. God created mankind to accomplish something special despite Satan is working overtime to stop mankind as Gods masterpiece to do Gods will on earth.

Dwight D. Eisenhower warned about a military industrial complex. At the Naval Airstation in Pensacola Florida the Military Industrial complex backfired because of recognition that democracy is necessary to subvert evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI as incarnation of the antichrist.

Andy Bresher and his fat demonic union mafia thugs endangered people's lives by instructing people to travel to Frankfort to wait in a long crowded line during middle of a pandemic therefore Andy Bresher should be arrested and court martialed.  We will get through this together is one of the biggest lies in human history. 

Foreign National enemy combatants associated  with the Global Luddite Movement and powerful International  drug trafficking syndicates invested  in Federal,  state,  and local pension plans tried to start a race war in 2020 to destroy the United States of America by making poor law enforcement administrative decisions like sending an white police officer into an all black neighborhood to deal with a disturbance by someone people in the neighborhood wanted removed.

@Communicare #Communicare

I participated in the Communicare supportive employment program:

My seeking legal help to declare a corporation also involves civil litigation. I became a victim of technological disruption in the printing industry as a consequence of new computer desktop printing processes. I could have done something else with my life. As a printer tradesman I helped countless people get their Microsoft certification to become software engineers by running line edit on a linotronic film output device for Microsoft Incorporated.  The trade magazine I helped print for Microsoft Incorporated included advertising for prestigious elite institutions of higher education around the world.  I earned my Bachelor's of Science degree in Psychology with a concentration of coursework in computer and biological sciences. I also helped print trade magazines for many other industry leaders. Bill Gates said that he intends to give away all his money.  Bill Gates should start by paying people like myself who helped grow his business when Microsoft Inc. was still a young company what they should have been paid to begin with. 

The Microsoft Incorporated trade magazine I helped print as a certified printer tradesman included  advertising for the most elite prestigious institutions of higher education around the globe.  I also worked hard to earn my Bachelor of Science degree.  If my work as a printer tradesman was not worth doing they shouldn't have wasted my time on earth.  I could have done something else with my life. I received good reviews from management every 6 months and the company distributed profit sharing days while I worked there hence I helped the company to be profitable. 

Later in life I took a part time job in a furniture store.  Although I was not forced to do the same type of extremely heavy lifting as the younger employees, my work in the furniture store was still strenuous for an older man near 60. The strenuous work I performed at the furniture store aggravated and accelerated ongoing chronic conditions. Today  I walk with a painful limp and have difficulty getting up and down off a sofa and in and out of a car. 

I am not a doctor.  I thought working in the furniture store will be good exercise.  I thought once I rest a few days I will be as good as new. It is often said , "No pain no gain ". A doctor charging $200 for 10 minutes likely spread the meme "no pain no gain". An older individual who becomes a victim of technological disruption can't do the same type of work as a younger person.  When a person gets older their body is not as flexible and supple. The Communicare supportive employment work program should have sent me to a doctor before placing me in a job requiring strenuous physical labor therefore incur liability.

 I begged them to help me pursue working as a writer,  what God placed me on earth to do. The sacred art of writing is how individuals become closer to God by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. They pushed me into moving furniture. 

Now, I face the dilemma of giving everything I earned to doctors and hospitals,  and that is not going to happen. If demonic communists fascists try to embezzle anything from me by placing a  lien on everything I worked for and earned they better be armed with an m16 as I am ready to take a bullet in the head to protect myself from demonic communists fascists. I plan to enjoy the remainder of my life.  I am not sitting home and paying doctors.  It is already paid based upon my work and career 

Demonic communists fascists want to take a big shit on someone.  Well they are not taking a big shit on me. And if they try to take a big shit on me blood will be spilled. I will come after them and I will be armed. Pay me what you owe me. I don't owe demonic communists fascists anything. 

Demonic communists fascists should pay me what they owe me. While living under the paw of evolutionary biology people tend to value their own personal work,  career,  and contributions on same level as god almighty and dismiss contributions of other people as diddly shit.  What is lawfully rightfully owed an individual comes down to fisty cuffs on the street. 

If demonic communists fascists of every race,  creed ,  gender,  and ethnic origin flashing $100, 000 teeth,  driving Mecedes Ben's Cadillac, owning multimillion dollar compounds can spread demonic lies about the United States of America being a slave driving tyrannical nation  then I can be paid what I should be paid too. I also deserve to have $100,000 teeth, Mecedes,  and several mansions or demonic  communists fascists should get off television,  radio, and internet too. Mass media advertising drives up the cost of living for everyone who actually worked for what they got instead of inciting insurrections by terrorists to embezzle from other people.

#SocialMedia is a #PowerfulAddiction allowing #Billionaire #InternetMoguls suck ones #soul from body of a writer like a vampire while they sit back laughing in #MultibillionDollarMansion surrounded by tall gates and #TravelingWorld in #LuxuryandSplendor

It shouldn't be based upon a contest but real work as a patriot to make our beloved United States of America better. My work as a writer by the grace of God is changing the course of human history for the better. A scheme to data mine to apply hidden data rates is very cheap and common, and is akin to burning the United States of America flag.

Billionaire masterminds of social media claim it's entertainment.  Anytime anyone attends to anything it is WORK. Everything is nothing but drudgery and work.  Unless time spent on social media is assigned a monetary value that helps individuals climb the Abraham Maslow self actualization hierarchy then internet social media is merely a sick pathological addiction. 

Internet billionaire moguls should pay for medical treatment for internet social media as a pathological addiction.  Any human activity that does not help an individual survive by meeting basic human needs is destructive self defeating behavior.  Plus, anytime a human person is tethered to any type of electronic device  ergonomically they are undergoing physical injury given the neuromuscular system is engaged to accomplish WORK. It is not all fun and games as powers that be want to sell telecommunications to consumers.

What gives them the right to consort with demonic communists fascists foreign enemy combatants that buy our beloved nation at the lowest bid?

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