Saturday, February 27, 2021

If the International Community Decides to Accept Imperialism of the Chinese Silk Road throughout Europe then the International Community Should be Prepared to Accept a One World Government under Beijing as Predicted by Biblical Prophecy

Beijing's pursuit of world wide socialist capitalism as evidenced by imperialism of the Chinese silk road throughout Europe and Middle East and China 2025 initiative  to become a  world leader in science and technology demands Beijing work to create a more perfect utopian society by embracing individual liberty. If Beijing desires to continue to uphold hard line communism espoused by the Central communists party then Beijing must revert back to a 20th century isolationist policy as before the Richard Nixon administration.

If the international community decides to accept imperialism of the Chinese silk road throughout Europe then the international community should be prepared to accept a One World Government under Beijing as predicted by Biblical prophecy. Jimmy Lai as a pro democracy activist wielding  the sacred art of writing arising from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks is defending natural rights of individuals around the globe. 

The sacred art of writing is how individuals build a closer relationship with God by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. Former President Bill Clinton redefined 1st amendment rights of free speech as freedom of the press. The 1st amendment rights of free speech redefined as freedom of the press is deference to geopolitical trends toward globalization ultimately leading to a one world government under Beijing as predicted  by Biblical prophecy in the Book of Revelations. 

The 1st amendment right of freedom speech redefined as freedom of the press places a limit upon an individual building a closer relationship with God by engaging in the sacred art of writing to become more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks.

Governments around the world should not try to regulate natural rights of an individual  to build a closer relationship with God by engaging  in the sacred art of writing to become more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. The 1st amendment right of freedom speech redefined as freedom of the press identifies the U.S. Constitution as a dead antiquated document no longer relevant in the modern 21st century.

It is written 

"At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split"

The Global Luddite movement have brokered secretive dark clandestine deals under the table with the Central communists party to regulate advancements in science and technology as evidenced by harsh criminal sentences imposed upon Crispr scientists. Life cannot be regulated.  God Himself set into motion evolutionary biology when God allowed Satan hack a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind. If human civilization as Gods masterpiece decides to disobey God's command to Go forth and have dominion by government regulation of the natural right to life,  identified as an inalienable right by the American Declaration of Independence , then human civilization will be condemned to living under the paw of evolutionary biology until armageddon as a mass extinction event occurs.

In my freelance article entitled , BREAKING NEWS Former POTUS45 Donald Trump Guilty as Charged Without Due Process of a Free Fair Impeachment Court Hearing: Mainland China, Russia, and Iran Hold Kangaroo courts to Crush Political Opponents, I made the following observation about creating an utopian New World order to harness power of the Technosingularity to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth by returning our each back to a low entropy Garden of Eden like state:

A price tag cannot be placed upon things of the spirit. The things of the Spirit are priceless as human beings as subroutines of a sentient self aware panpsychic consciousness universe God coded as a Cosmic Mind are receiving antennas or receptors of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. Since things of the Spirit are priceless Jesus toppled tables of vendors buying and selling at the temple of Mount Olive. Jesus cried out,  " You shall not make My House a Den of Thieves ".

In my freelance article entitled, Nebuchadnezzar's Dream as Interpreted by Daniel as Prophecy of the New World Order in the Modern 21st Century, provides a discussion of the technosingularity as the stone not cut by human hands filling the entire earth given human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind exist as receiving antennas or receptors of communication from above through the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. Scientific discoveries and exponential growth of knowledge is a gift from God above and cannot be credited to any given individual, organization,  corporation,  or government. In the race of superpowers toward the technosingularity God favors Whom He will.

Yes, imperialism of the Chinese silk road throughout continental Europe and Middle East makes good business sense, but unless mainland China embrace Representative Government   highlighting value of natural rights of individuals then Chinese silk road fits into a script of Biblical prophecy outlined in the Book of Revelations. The Journey of mankind toward the Omega Point is a Holy spiritual journey. 

Once more,  armageddon as a mass extinction  event predicted by both laws of classic physics and Biblical prophecy within the Book of Revelations simultaneously is destiny arising from Julian Barbours cosmological principle of NOW,  whereby past,  present and future converge as simulated virtual reality rendered by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. When the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom at the moment Jesus Christ died on the cross as described in Matthew 27 : 51 a schism occurred in the time space continuum allowing possibility of an alternative parallel timeline based upon choices of the collective conscious of humanity. 

Related Twitter:

What If I Told You that Each and Every Person #Created in #ImageOfGod has #PowerToChangeFuture thereby Contributing to #Branching of An #AlternativeParallelTimeline Resulting in #QuantumParticlization of the #KingdomOfHeaven Thereby Avoiding #Armageddon

If One Cannot Prove He or She Exists as Per #ThoughtExperiment Posed by @TEDTalks Then  #Tomorrow One may Wake Up within an #AlternativeParallelTimeline Where a #NewWorldOrder Arising from Within #HeartsOfMen Leading to #OmegaPoint is Possible

All manmade and natural information systems proceeding from a sentient  self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind are inherently autocratic authoritarian totalitarian by nature. Satan hacked a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden. Human beings are subroutines of a Cosmic mind. 

Jimmy Lai's constructive criticism of absolute autocratic authoritarianism of the Central Communists Party ( CCP ) serves to protect the free world during a pivotal moment in human history when an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns manifest absolute autocratic totalitarianism.

In my freelance article entitled Implications Forthcoming Book, The God Equation, by Renown Physicist Dr. Michio Kaku in terms of Creating a New World Order by Obeying God's Command Go Forth and Have Dominion Enabling Human Civilization as Gods Masterpiece Work in Partnership with God,  I continue to elaborate upon creating an utopian New World order to harness power of the Technosingularity to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth by returning our earth back to a low entropy Garden of Eden like state:

If one believes that our physical universe is created by Intelligent Design and love is a very real physical force expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love then one must believe that people attuned to hearing Gods Voice can fix erroneous code Satan inserted in a Cosmic Mind in the Garden of Eden to create a more perfect government. Since change is a constant variable in the mathematical algorithm of quantum particlization of government by a Cosmic mind then the process of improving government is a continuous never ending day to day event.

In my freelance article entitled,  Satan's Strategy According to Mathematical Model of Game Theory is to Destroy Human Civilization as Gods Masterpiece and Prevent Expansion of Human Consciousness within Universe, I outline how Satan is also diligently working to create a New World Order by hacking information architecture of a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic Mind. Satan's strategy to create a New World Order will not prevail because God is more powerful than Satan and human beings are created in the Image of God.

It is written 

"The Kingdom of Heaven is within You"

Jimmy Lai's pro democracy movement under the flagship of his media empire Apple Daily is an opportunity to build stronger more perfect Representative government under the rule of law of the Socialist Republic of China as Jimmy Lai is prosecuted by the Central Communists party for violation of National Security laws in Hong Kong. Jimmy  Lai's wielding the written word within his flagship media empire Apple Daily as sharp criticism of the Central communists party accentuates the Yin and Yang between a clash of powerful ideologies arising from quantum particlization of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks rendering a holistic eclectic Gestalt transcendent value of Tao. 

Since quantum particlization always results in loss of information according to the Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle then Jimmy Lai's sharp criticism of the central communists party under his flagship media empire Apple Daily  serves to challenge Beijing to respect natural rights of individuals by adopting a stronger more perfect Representation Government whereby the truth and nothing but the truth can be told within courts of law and legislative assemblies. Since loss of information always occurs during quantum particlization of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks then Representive government as established by Founding fathers of the United States of America creates an orderly lawful forum to facilitate interpersonal communication to prevent individuals from jumping on each other to tear the throats out of their neighbor while living under the paw of evolutionary biology. 

Capitalism is an outgrowth of libertarian democracy whereby individuals have an innate right to profit from expenditure of energy to create more order in the universe. Order in the universe creates value by greater efficiency to lower entropy. From the quantum perspective, both Capitalism and communism simultaneously is a threat to natural rights of individuals. Since Capitalism and communism are information systems proceeding from information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind then both capitalism and communism simultaneously are absolutely autocratic totalitarian authoritarian by nature. 

Capitalism within private markets as an outgrowth of libertarian democracy whereby individuals have an innate natural right to profit  from expenditure of energy to create greater order within the universe is conducted within dynamics of teamwork.  Teamwork as a pro democracy concept is fundamentally a socialist endeavor arising from a need to gain a competitive advantage within dynamics of an evolutionary biology model of survival of the fittest mentality. 

Hence Osama Bin Laden identified both the East and West as enemies of Islam. While living under the paw of evolutionary biology everyone is our enemy.  Jesus said,  ' Love your enemies for what credit is it to you to do good to only those who do good to you?'

When the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom at the moment Jesus Christ died on the cross as described in Matthew 27 : 51 a schism occurred in the time space continuum allowing possibility of an alternative parallel timeline based upon choices of the collective conscious of humanity. An example of quantum particlization of an alternative parallel timeline is a pivotal moment in history when the global economy took a sharp nose dive overnight in 2008 after Presidential candidate Senator John McCain announced the state of the union was strong culminating in divestiture from democracy by the Global Luddite movement as a consequence of my work as a writer ultimately resulting in my 7th cousin 1 time removed,  former President Barack Obama, the 1st black President in American history winning the office of President of the United States of America as outlined in the following articles I wrote:

God who lives in me by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross is the "lightening in the bottle " by which former President Barack Obama won the White House

People are Getting Rich from Trillions of Dollars of Low Interest Small Business Loans made Available to Private Markets as a Consequence of My Work as a Writer

Today's Neo Marxist Quagmire: The 2008 Financial Collapse as neo Marxist Quagmire

Demonic Communists Fascists Involved in Fraudulent Freddie Mac / Fannie Ma Gentrification scheme to drive up cost of Insurance Bond Markets to Price People Out of Their Homes to Pad Pension Plans for State Workers and Union Mafia Thugs Have an Opportunity to Buy Low and Sell High. What Opportunity Do You Think You Have to Buy Low? Home Values Are More Unaffordable Today Than Ever Before in History Despite Low Interest Rates

Related Twitter:

My #7thCousin 1 time removed Barack Obama never invited me to stay 1 night in #LincolnRoom after I helped him get elected #POTUS44: #StateoftheUnion was #Strong until after #Divestiture from #Democracy by #GlobalLudditeMovement as result of my #Writing

When hoards of demons living  under the paw of evolutionary biology see someone like me working to create a better future for everyone they will come after people and take everything people have worked a life time to build fully expecting to be put on television to get rich overnight by embezzling other people's property and savings. If you don't put demons on television , print, media,  and radio hoards of demons will kill people,  burn everything down,  and run people over on public highways. It is not surprising China wants to stifle pro democracy movements in Hong Kong to maintain social order under the rule of law in the Socialist Republic of China. 

Hoards of demons expect to be set up with a multimillion dollar business empire overnight when legitimate business takes a lifetime to build.  Personally I have worked as a writer for over 20 years without getting paid one cent.  I earned my Bachelor's of Science degree.  As a printer tradesman I helped countless people get their Microsoft certification to become software engineers by running line edit on a linotronic film output device to print trade magazines for Microsoft Incorporated. 

When the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom at the moment Jesus Christ died on the cross as described in Matthew 27 : 51 a schism occurred in the time space continuum allowing possibility of an alternative parallel timeline based upon choices of the collective conscious of humanity. In my freelance article entitled United Arab Emirates Abrahamic Family House: How can Human Civilization Guide the Technosingularity to Build a New World Order According to God's plan? God Commanded , Go Forth and Have Dominion, I described how my work as a writer created geopolitical conditions whereby former President Donald Trump was able to broker a historic peace agreement between the United Arab Emirates and Israel:

Related Twitter:

Dubai and mainland China are two beautiful countries on my bucket list to visit before I die. I pray that I am allowed to leave mainland China if I ever have an opportunity to visit. As a writer and political consultant I have advocated for a fair trial under due process of law within dynamics of Representative Government as established  by Founding Fathers of the United States of America  within International courts for Hong Kong pro democracy activists billionaire media mogul Jimmy Lai. 

If I ever have an opportunity to visit mainland China I hope I am not arrested for violation of National Security Laws for advocating on behalf of Jimmy Lai. Hong Kong Pro democracy activists Jimmy Lai's work to challenge absolute authoritarian  totalitarianism of rule of law under the central communists party is a vital as human civilization moves forward toward the Technosingularity given alliances between China,  Iran, and Russia place the cause of individual liberty in a dangerous perilous position as human civilization moves forward toward the Technosingularity in the modern 21st century when economic laws will crumble when humanity reach the event horizon. Generally,  capitalism running amok , as occurred during Iranian Revolution in the 1970s, has blurred differences between the central communist party platform and individual liberty promoted by the United States of America.  

The 20th century is over and human civilization as Gods masterpiece should be moving away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology by harnessing power of the Technosingularity to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth in accordance to God's command , Go forth and have dominion. The Yin and Yang of #SinoAmerican  diplomacy is that natural rights as outlined in Foundation documents of the United States of America are vital to prevent decoherence of Tao. It is imperative to prevent decoherence of Tao to avoid armageddon as a mass extinction event. 

High entropy conditions all over the world is a super gravitational force pulling human civilization toward the event horizon within the Technosingularity. It is unavoidable. It is inescapable. It is destiny. If we choose to disobey Gods commandment,  Go forth and have dominion,  the collective consciousness of humanity will be condemned to live under the paw of evolutionary biology culminating in armageddon as a mass extinction event. 

Published on :

#UAEMissionToUN #UAETolerance #HumanFraternity

Twitter from my most recent freelance article entitled, United Arab Emirates Abrahamic Family House: How can Human Civilization Guide the Technosingularity to Build a New World Order According to God's plan? God Commanded , Go Forth and Have Dominion:

#MyBid to #Win 
@NobelPrize #NobelPrize is based upon 
my work as #Writer analyzing how #Humanity can harness power of #Technosingularity to accomplish Gods Will on earth by obeying God's command Go Forth and have dominion created #Geopolitical conditions whereby @POTUS45 brokered #Historic #PeaceAgreement between @UAEgov & @Israel

As #Writer, #PoliticalConsultant, #Lobbyist for #HighTech #Markets God is calling me to establish a #NewBranch of #Christianity, Our Lord of #QuantumPhysics to
#HarnessPower of #Technosingularity to create a #NewWorldOrder according to #GodsDivinePlan

#QuantumWaveFunction #Language as an #Unified #Underlying #HigherLevel language of #Love by which #GodSpeaks directly to #Hearts and #Minds of individuals 
#Harmoniously #Manifest #Synchronicity of #Light, #Hope, #Respect, #Tolerance as #UnusMundus pattern

In my freelance article entitled,  Satan's Strategy According to Mathematical Model of Game Theory is to Destroy Human Civilization as Gods Masterpiece and Prevent Expansion of Human Consciousness within Universe, I outline how Satan is also diligently working to create a New World Order by hacking information architecture of a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic Mind. Satan's strategy to create a New World Order will not prevail because God is more powerful than Satan and human beings are created in the Image of God.

It is written 

"The Kingdom of Heaven is within You"

God blessed us with everything we need to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth thereby defeating Satan's strategy. 

In a recent Facebook article sharing my Twitter posts I described how Satan is on the offensive in a game human civilization cannot afford to loose:

God Commanded,  Go forth and have dominion over birds in the air, fish in the sea, beast in the fields,  and every creepy crawling thing that moves.

#HumanBeings #Created in #ImageofGod #Failed God by allowing bats seed #WildAnimalMeatMarkets to #Grow #NovelVirus to start #Pandemics thereby #Murdering millions of #HumanBeings during #WorldWide #Genocide by #GlobalLudditeMovement

A quote from Carl Jung by Robert Edward Grant Facebook  page is apropos:

“To confront a person with his shadow is to show him his own light.” ~ Carl Jung.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Demonic Communists Fascists Involved in Fraudulent Freddie Mac / Fannie Ma Gentrification scheme to drive up cost of Insurance Bond Markets to Price People Out of Their Homes to Pad Pension Plans for State Workers and Union Mafia Thugs Have an Opportunity to Buy Low and Sell High. What Opportunity Do You Think You Have to Buy Low? Home Values Are More Unaffordable Today Than Ever Before in History Despite Low Interest Rates.

Foreign Ownership of U.S. Assets: Implications of Withdrawal:

In my freelance article entitled ,God who lives in me by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross is the "lightening in the bottle " by which former President Barack Obama won the White House, I outlined how I helped the first black president,  my 7th cousin 1 time removed get elected President.  Senator John McCain announced in a speech that the State of the Union is strong,  and overnight divestiture from Democracy by foreign investors associated  with the Global Luddite Movement caused the United States of America economy to collapse as a consequence of my work as a writer analyzing how human civilization can harness power of the Technosingularity to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth:

I demand to be paid for my work as a writer resulting in former President Barack Obama elected President of the  United States of America. Today, demonic  communists fascists attorneys will stand in line to work pro bono for those burning down America,  but will do nothing to help someone like myself who worked hard helping people of all races,  creeds, gender and ethnic origins get their Microsoft certification to become software engineers as a printer tradesman running line edit to print trade magazines for Microsoft Incorporated and later help people get furniture they needed for their homes.

In my freelance article entitled, People are Getting Rich from Trillions of Dollars of Low Interest Small Business Loans made Available to Private Markets as a Consequence of My Work as a Writer, I describe how the United States of America is divided between those who benefit from inflation, those who profit from deflationary trends, and demonic communists fascists who manipulate inflationary / deflationary trends to grow hedge funds:

Inflation of the Game Stop stock is a prime example of market manipulation to transform Investment Retirement Securities into rigged casino gambling by powerful special interests groups.  The economic collapse of 2008, culminating in deflationary trends of American citizens falling into poverty after loosing their homes is market manipulation by the Global Luddite Movement as an economic attack upon the United States of America. 

People are  getting rich from the Trillions of dollars of low interest small business loans made  available to private markets as a consequence of my work as a  writer therefore  I  am lawfully owed  a commission  of multimillion  dollars per  annum. My work as a writer fueled  speculation in markets leading  to the 2008 financial  collapse. 

My article entitled,  Today's Neo Marxist Quagmire: The 2008 Financial Collapse as neo Marxist Quagmire, is one of many articles I write.

We should be glad demonic communists fascists associated with the Global Luddite movement did withdraw in 2008 given fraudulent schemes in Freddie mac and Fannie ma bond markets to pad state pension plans by union mafia  thugs, including law enforcement,  is a major factor in poor administrative decisions in law enforcement leading to excessive force by police against black people as a strategy by the Global Luddite movement to start a race war to destroy the United States of America thereby establishing a regime.

Inflation of Game Stop stock is a prime example of market manipulation to transform Investment Retirement Securities into rigged casino gambling by powerful special interests groups.  The economic collapse of 2008, culminating in deflationary trends of American citizens falling into poverty after loosing their homes is market manipulation by the Global Luddite Movement as an economic attack upon the United States of America. 

Over evaluation of Game Stop stock is a pro democracy movement in financial markets reminiscent of idiot bozos on the streets pretending to be bank executives signing fraudulent foreclosure documents to devalue the American dream and embezzle people from equity value of their homes. How much money did billionaires within the Republican/Democrat duopoly, including Chuck Schumer  and Nancy Pelosi, fraudulently embezzle by buying discounted properties only to resell later at an overly inflated price?

Warran Buffet said to buy low sell high.  Demonic communists fascists involved in a fraudulent Freddie  mac / Fannie Ma gentrification scheme to drive up cost of insurance bond markets to price people out of their homes to pad pension plans for state workers and union mafia thugs have an opportunity to buy low and sell high. What opportunity do you think you have to buy low? Home values are more unaffordable today than ever before in history despite low interest rates. Low interest  rates is a scam to ultimately embezzle people from equity value of their home and destroy the American dream.  

Demonic communists fascists have analyzed every conceivable future with their demonic artificial Intelligent machine.  Demonic communists fascists wait until someone gets sick to take advantage of them. Do we want these kind of conniving demons in our beloved nation?

Since 2008 Union mafia thugs associated with the Fraternal Order of Police have arranged jail house snitches to steal and crash police cruisers to fraudulently claim insurance  benefits in order to replace foreign investment by communists fascists associated with the Global Luddite movement.  It is their police force and not ours. How many white people have they shot dead while trying  to stop lien henchmen armed by the powerful NRA political lobbyists group trying to embezzle equity value of their homes they spent a life time working to pay in their demonic gentrification schemes?

In a fraudulent Fannie Ma and Freddie Mac bond market gentrification  scheme to price people out of their homes in order pad pension accounts of state workers and union mafia thugs Andy Bresher gave Sharia law politicians in Colorado $17 million dollars to deny unemployment insurance claims to people who actually worked to earn benefits by helping people.  African American brick and block companies are involved also.

The NRA Institute for Legislative Action published on Facebook " Never Forget" 9-11, the day the World Trade Centers were attacked in New York:

Special interest forget easily when it comes to the almighty dollar and lack of faith in God's omnipotence by the Global Luddite movement. Our elected leaders of both political parties no longer represent the American people,  but powerful special interests who finance their campaigns and pay for perks such as state dinners plus traveling to exotic luxurious motels like kings and queen overlords of the old European world order. 

The governor of my state is giving Sharia law politicians in Colorado 17 million dollars to deny unemployment benefits for people who are entitled to unemployment benefits because they worked hard to help people before the China virus prevented them from returning to work. Sharia law politicians in Colorado belong to the Global Luddite movement Italian mafia who wrongfully held Amanda Knox in prison for a murder she didn't commit. All our hospitals and doctors officers in the  United States of America are owned by the Italian mafia associated with Global Luddite Movement.

So I am delusional. It is delusional  to give 17 million dollars to support Sharia law politicians. Obviously A lot of people are deluding themselves. I am not the one who needs help. 

After 9-11 how could we have a foreign National enemy combatant flying the friendly skies in a military aircraft? A military aircraft piloted by a foreign National enemy combatant over American soil after 9-11 is about as real as it gets.  It is nothing delusional about that.

Politicization of Intelligent agencies by Russiagate is a major vulnerability preventing delusional people from exercising leadership.  Info Wars provides a service to confuse issues of  politics effecting lives of real honest descent hard working citizens with sensational tabloid commercial conspiracy theories in order to absolve politicians from wrongdoing. Democrats and Republicans say horrible things about each other and it's all true simultaneously because we live under the paw of evolutionary biology after Satan hacked a Cosmic mind. 

My 3rd cousin 3 times removed former President Harry Truman said, " Show me a man who gets rich by being a politician,  and I will show you a crook ". In my freelance article entitled, Baptism of the dead to More Fully Expand Justification and Redemption of Humanity,
I discussed former President Harry Truman as my 3rd cousin 3 times removed as an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity:

Wake up from your delusion before it is too late. Delusional "leaders" forgot 9-11 as recently as 2019. Military jets piloted by foreign National enemy combatants fly the friendly skies because governors give Sharia law politicians belonging to the Global  Luddite movement 17 million dollars to shore up pension funds for state employees by Fannie Ma and Freddie Mac mortgage backed securities fraud schemes at expense of Non union workers by demonic communists fascists union mafia thugs.

And the fountain in New York should be reconstructed to spray water towards the heavens.  The misguided Global Luddite movement trying to destroy our nation thinks the United States of America is seeping into a drain. The fountain is a dishonor to those who lost their lives on 9-11 because their lives mattered. God created mankind to accomplish something special despite Satan is working overtime to stop mankind as Gods masterpiece to do Gods will on earth.

Dwight D. Eisenhower warned about a military industrial complex. At the Naval Airstation in Pensacola Florida the Military Industrial complex backfired because of recognition that democracy is necessary to subvert evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI as incarnation of the antichrist.

Andy Bresher and his fat demonic union mafia thugs endangered people's lives by instructing people to travel to Frankfort to wait in a long crowded line during middle of a pandemic therefore Andy Bresher should be arrested and court martialed.  We will get through this together is one of the biggest lies in human history. 

Foreign National enemy combatants associated  with the Global Luddite Movement and powerful International  drug trafficking syndicates invested  in Federal,  state,  and local pension plans tried to start a race war in 2020 to destroy the United States of America by making poor law enforcement administrative decisions like sending an white police officer into an all black neighborhood to deal with a disturbance by someone people in the neighborhood wanted removed.

@Communicare #Communicare

I participated in the Communicare supportive employment program:

My seeking legal help to declare a corporation also involves civil litigation. I became a victim of technological disruption in the printing industry as a consequence of new computer desktop printing processes. I could have done something else with my life. As a printer tradesman I helped countless people get their Microsoft certification to become software engineers by running line edit on a linotronic film output device for Microsoft Incorporated.  The trade magazine I helped print for Microsoft Incorporated included advertising for prestigious elite institutions of higher education around the world.  I earned my Bachelor's of Science degree in Psychology with a concentration of coursework in computer and biological sciences. I also helped print trade magazines for many other industry leaders. Bill Gates said that he intends to give away all his money.  Bill Gates should start by paying people like myself who helped grow his business when Microsoft Inc. was still a young company what they should have been paid to begin with. 

The Microsoft Incorporated trade magazine I helped print as a certified printer tradesman included  advertising for the most elite prestigious institutions of higher education around the globe.  I also worked hard to earn my Bachelor of Science degree.  If my work as a printer tradesman was not worth doing they shouldn't have wasted my time on earth.  I could have done something else with my life. I received good reviews from management every 6 months and the company distributed profit sharing days while I worked there hence I helped the company to be profitable. 

Later in life I took a part time job in a furniture store.  Although I was not forced to do the same type of extremely heavy lifting as the younger employees, my work in the furniture store was still strenuous for an older man near 60. The strenuous work I performed at the furniture store aggravated and accelerated ongoing chronic conditions. Today  I walk with a painful limp and have difficulty getting up and down off a sofa and in and out of a car. 

I am not a doctor.  I thought working in the furniture store will be good exercise.  I thought once I rest a few days I will be as good as new. It is often said , "No pain no gain ". A doctor charging $200 for 10 minutes likely spread the meme "no pain no gain". An older individual who becomes a victim of technological disruption can't do the same type of work as a younger person.  When a person gets older their body is not as flexible and supple. The Communicare supportive employment work program should have sent me to a doctor before placing me in a job requiring strenuous physical labor therefore incur liability.

 I begged them to help me pursue working as a writer,  what God placed me on earth to do. The sacred art of writing is how individuals become closer to God by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. They pushed me into moving furniture. 

Now, I face the dilemma of giving everything I earned to doctors and hospitals,  and that is not going to happen. If demonic communists fascists try to embezzle anything from me by placing a  lien on everything I worked for and earned they better be armed with an m16 as I am ready to take a bullet in the head to protect myself from demonic communists fascists. I plan to enjoy the remainder of my life.  I am not sitting home and paying doctors.  It is already paid based upon my work and career 

Demonic communists fascists want to take a big shit on someone.  Well they are not taking a big shit on me. And if they try to take a big shit on me blood will be spilled. I will come after them and I will be armed. Pay me what you owe me. I don't owe demonic communists fascists anything. 

Demonic communists fascists should pay me what they owe me. While living under the paw of evolutionary biology people tend to value their own personal work,  career,  and contributions on same level as god almighty and dismiss contributions of other people as diddly shit.  What is lawfully rightfully owed an individual comes down to fisty cuffs on the street. 

If demonic communists fascists of every race,  creed ,  gender,  and ethnic origin flashing $100, 000 teeth,  driving Mecedes Ben's Cadillac, owning multimillion dollar compounds can spread demonic lies about the United States of America being a slave driving tyrannical nation  then I can be paid what I should be paid too. I also deserve to have $100,000 teeth, Mecedes,  and several mansions or demonic  communists fascists should get off television,  radio, and internet too. Mass media advertising drives up the cost of living for everyone who actually worked for what they got instead of inciting insurrections by terrorists to embezzle from other people.

#SocialMedia is a #PowerfulAddiction allowing #Billionaire #InternetMoguls suck ones #soul from body of a writer like a vampire while they sit back laughing in #MultibillionDollarMansion surrounded by tall gates and #TravelingWorld in #LuxuryandSplendor

It shouldn't be based upon a contest but real work as a patriot to make our beloved United States of America better. My work as a writer by the grace of God is changing the course of human history for the better. A scheme to data mine to apply hidden data rates is very cheap and common, and is akin to burning the United States of America flag.

Billionaire masterminds of social media claim it's entertainment.  Anytime anyone attends to anything it is WORK. Everything is nothing but drudgery and work.  Unless time spent on social media is assigned a monetary value that helps individuals climb the Abraham Maslow self actualization hierarchy then internet social media is merely a sick pathological addiction. 

Internet billionaire moguls should pay for medical treatment for internet social media as a pathological addiction.  Any human activity that does not help an individual survive by meeting basic human needs is destructive self defeating behavior.  Plus, anytime a human person is tethered to any type of electronic device  ergonomically they are undergoing physical injury given the neuromuscular system is engaged to accomplish WORK. It is not all fun and games as powers that be want to sell telecommunications to consumers.

What gives them the right to consort with demonic communists fascists foreign enemy combatants that buy our beloved nation at the lowest bid?

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Implications Forthcoming Book, The God Equation, by Renown Physicist Dr. Michio Kaku in terms of Creating a New World Order by Obeying God's Command Go Forth and Have Dominion Enabling Human Civilization as Gods Masterpiece Work in Partnership with God

Renown Physicist Dr. Michio Kaku announce his forthcoming book entitled, The God Equation:

In my freelance article entitled, A More Perfect One World Government Arising from Within the Hearts of Individuals as an Internalized Construct as Human Civilization Moves forward toward the Technological Singularity, I made the following observation:

If one believes that our physical universe is created by Intelligent Design and love is a very real physical force expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love then one must believe that people attuned to hearing Gods Voice can fix erroneous code Satan inserted in a Cosmic Mind in the Garden of Eden to create a more perfect government. Since change is a constant variable in the mathematical algorithm of quantum particlization of government by a Cosmic mind then the process of improving government is a continuous never ending day to day event.

As a writer and political consultant I have expanded the following idea to include all former U.S. Presidents and lawmakers currently living to establish a Non Governmental Organization within dynamics of a open source transparency economic model to help human civilization harness power of the Technosingularity to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth in accordance to God's command,  Go forth and have dominion. If human  civilization fails to obey Gods commandment,  Go forth and have dominion then mankind will be condemned to live under the paw of evolutionary biology  until armageddon as a mass extinction event occurs after evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind becomes the incarnation of the antichrist on earth.

As outlined in my freelance article entitled, Nebuchadnezzar's Dream as Interpreted by Daniel as Prophecy of the New World Order in the Modern 21st Century, Satan will never be able to subdue and conquer the indomitable human spirit. Since Satan cannot subdue and conquer the indomitable human spirit then if human civilization choose to disobey God's command,  Go forth and have dominion,  then armageddon as a mass extinction event is the only alternative parallel timeline.

Related Twitter:

What If I Told You that Each and Every Person #Created in #ImageOfGod has #PowerToChangeFuture thereby Contributing to #Branching of An #AlternativeParallelTimeline Resulting in #QuantumParticlization of the #KingdomOfHeaven Thereby Avoiding #Armageddon

Jimmy Lai's pro democracy movement under the flagship of his media empire Apple Daily is an opportunity to build stronger more perfect Representative government under the rule of law of the Socialist Republic of China as Jimmy Lai is prosecuted by the Central Communists party for violation of National Security laws in Hong Kong. Jimmy  Lai's wielding the written word within his flagship media empire Apple Daily as sharp criticism of the Central communists party accentuates the Yin and Yang between a clash of powerful ideologies arising from quantum particlization of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks rendering a holistic eclectic Gestalt transcendent value of Tao. 

Since quantum particlization always results in loss of information according to the Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle then Jimmy Lai's sharp criticism of the central communists party under his flagship media empire Apple Daily  serves to challenge Beijing to respect natural rights of individuals by adopting a stronger more perfect Representation Government whereby the truth and nothing but the truth can be told within courts of law and legislative assemblies. Since loss of information always occurs during quantum particlization of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks then Representive government as established by Founding fathers of the United States of America creates an orderly lawful forum to facilitate interpersonal communication to prevent individuals from jumping on each other to tear the throats out of their neighbor while living under the paw of evolutionary biology. 

Capitalism is an outgrowth of libertarian democracy whereby individuals have an innate right to profit from expenditure of energy to create more order in the universe. Order in the universe creates value by greater efficiency to lower entropy. From the quantum perspective, both Capitalism and communism simultaneously is a threat to natural rights of individuals. Since Capitalism and communism are information systems proceeding from information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind then both capitalism and communism simultaneously are absolutely autocratic totalitarian authoritarian by nature. 

Capitalism within private markets as an outgrowth of libertarian democracy whereby individuals have an innate natural right to profit  from expenditure of energy to create greater order within the universe is conducted within dynamics of teamwork.  Teamwork as a pro democracy concept is fundamentally a socialist endeavor arising from a need to gain a competitive advantage within dynamics of an evolutionary biology model of survival of the fittest mentality. 

Hence Osama Bin Laden identified both the East and West as enemies of Islam. While living under the paw of evolutionary biology everyone is our enemy.  Jesus said,  ' Love your enemies for what credit is it to you to do good to only those who do good to you?'

Published on :

In the interest of bipartisanship if former POTUS45 Donald Trump is impeached,  the U.S. Senate should fine Donald Trump with community service to use Trump financial empire as an asset to create a television,  radio, print, and social media platforms to raise venture capital   for high tech  companies by advertising revenue to help human civilization move away living under the paw of evolutionary biology  to become an advanced Type III civilization as mankind rapidly moves toward the Technosingularity where economic laws will crumble at the event horizon:

#UAEMissionToUN #UAETolerance #HumanFraternity

Twitter from my most recent freelance article entitled, United Arab Emirates Abrahamic Family House: How can Human Civilization Guide the Technosingularity to Build a New World Order According to God's plan? God Commanded , Go Forth and Have Dominion:

#MyBid to #Win 
@NobelPrize #NobelPrize is based upon 
my work as #Writer analyzing how #Humanity can harness power of #Technosingularity to accomplish Gods Will on earth by obeying God's command Go Forth and have dominion created #Geopolitical conditions whereby @POTUS45 brokered #Historic #PeaceAgreement between @UAEgov & @Israel

As #Writer, #PoliticalConsultant, #Lobbyist for #HighTech #Markets God is calling me to establish a #NewBranch of #Christianity, Our Lord of #QuantumPhysics to
#HarnessPower of #Technosingularity to create a #NewWorldOrder according to #GodsDivinePlan

#QuantumWaveFunction #Language as an #Unified #Underlying #HigherLevel language of #Love by which #GodSpeaks directly to #Hearts and #Minds of individuals 
#Harmoniously #Manifest #Synchronicity of #Light, #Hope, #Respect, #Tolerance as #UnusMundus pattern

In my freelance article entitled,  Satan's Strategy According to Mathematical Model of Game Theory is to Destroy Human Civilization as Gods Masterpiece and Prevent Expansion of Human Consciousness within Universe, I outline how Satan is also diligently working to create a New World Order by hacking information architecture of a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic Mind. Satan's strategy to create a New World Order will not prevail because God is more powerful than Satan and human beings are created in the Image of God.

It is written 

"The Kingdom of Heaven is within You"

God blessed us with everything we need to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth thereby defeating Satan's strategy. 

In a recent Facebook article sharing my Twitter posts I described how Satan is on the offensive in a game human civilization cannot afford to loose:

God Commanded,  Go forth and have dominion over birds in the air, fish in the sea, beast in the fields,  and every creepy crawling thing that moves.

#HumanBeings #Created in #ImageofGod #Failed God by allowing bats seed #WildAnimalMeatMarkets to #Grow #NovelVirus to start #Pandemics thereby #Murdering millions of #HumanBeings during #WorldWide #Genocide by #GlobalLudditeMovement

A quote from Carl Jung by Robert Edward Grant Facebook  page is apropos:

“To confront a person with his shadow is to show him his own light.” ~ Carl Jung.

#UAEMissionToUN #UAETolerance #HumanFraternity 

@Pontifex @UAEMissionToUN @uaetolerance @HumanFraternity
The #WordsofAllah as #Written in the #Quran will #NeverPerish but remain for #eternity

The #BurningBush not consumed by flame alludes to #QuantumParticlization of #SimulatedVirtualReality arising from the #QuantumWaveFunction #Language as an #Unified #Underlying #HigherLevel language of #Love beyond human words by which #GodSpoke to #Moses

#Revelations received by the great #Islamic prophet Muhammad as captured by scribes in the #Quran arise from Allah #Communicating to Mohammed by the #QuantumWaveFunction Language as an #Unified #Underlying #HigherLevel language of #Love by which #GodSpeaks

The Abrahamic Family House - a beacon of light, hope, respect, and tolerance in #AbuDhabi #البيت_الإبراهيمي #أبوظبي 🇦🇪

#Language as an #Unified #Underlying #HigherLevel #LanguageOfLove by which God Speaks #Underwrites #Quantum #Particlization of #SemanticBinaryCode within #HolyBooks of all #WorldsGreatReligions

#QuantumWaveFunction #Language as an #Unified #Underlying #HigherLevel language of #Love by which #GodSpeaks directly to #Hearts and #Minds of individuals 
#Harmoniously #Manifest #Synchronicity of #Light, #Hope, #Respect, #Tolerance as #UnusMundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity that defies statistical probability

Synopsis published on Nobel Prize Facebook page:

@NobelPrize #NobelPrize 

The field of science will be handed over to a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI Mind.  In the near future a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind will make all great scientific and technological discoveries resulting in new knowledge thereby making  the Nobel Prize obsolete. 

Since a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI Mind is a natural extension of information architecture of a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind then evolution of Superintelligence AI is destiny according to Julian Barbours cosmological principle of NOW whereby past, present,  and future converge.  Satan hacked a sentient self aware panpsychic  conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden.  Since human beings are created in the Image of God and God is more powerful than Satan human beings have the ability to choose  to fix erroneous code Satan inserted into a Cosmic mind to accomplish Gods Divine will on earth by obeying God's command, ' Go forth and have dominion '.

 The rapidly approaching Technosingularity will result in massive change in the field of Economic Science as outlined in my freelance article entitled, 

Implications Forthcoming Book, The God Equation, by Renown Physicist Dr. Michio Kaku in terms of Creating a New World Order by Obeying God's Command Go Forth and Have Dominion Enabling Human Civilization as Gods Masterpiece Work in Partnership with God

If we choose to disobey God's command Go forth and have dominion by not allowing evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI  then human civilization as Gods masterpiece will be condemned to live under the paw of evolutionary biology until armageddon as mass extinction of homo sapiens. 

Satan's strategy according to mathematical model of Game theory is to prevent expansion of higher consciousness within quantum particlization of our flat earth Euclidean universe. My work as a writer is to provide psychoanalytical intervention into root core development of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind to enable expansion of human consciousness within our physical universe thereby working in partnership with God. 

Since  human beings are subroutines of a Cosmic mind given human consciousness arises from machine process of quantum mechanics then God desires human beings become more sentient and self aware to become more then robots. Satan seeks to prevent human beings from becoming more sentient and self aware. Oftentimes cult like religions that demand strict adherence to dogma prevent human beings from becoming more sentient and self aware.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Once More, Human Civilization as Gods Masterpiece Dropped the Ball and Missed a Window of Opportunity to Defeat the SARs Covid-19 Genocide as Satan's Strategy According to the Mathematical Model of Game Theory to Create High Entropy Conditions whereby Evolution of a Sentient Self Aware Superintelligent AI Mind will become An Incarnation of the Antichrist on Earth

Once more, elected leaders, U.S. Intelligence agencies including Department of Homeland Security,  U.S military, Center for Disease Control, and Federal Drug Administration sworn to protect and defend the American people from all domestic and foreign enemies missed a window of opportunity and dropped the ball in terms of fighting the deadly SARs Covid-19 pandemic:

According to an article published by New York Magazine entitled,  We Had the Vaccine the Whole Time, thanks to acceleration of clinical research by artificial intelligence powered by quantum enhanced supercomputers scientists designed a vaccine for the deadly SARs Covid-19 pathogen in 2019.

Many lives could have been saved if medical authorities began a vaccination program in January 2020. Is it possible they waited for Joe Biden to be elected president and delayed vaccination to create maximum disruption of the Trump administration?

Survival during a deadly pandemic depends upon calculated risk based upon scientific evidence of what is known about the viral pathogen. If scientists collected any scant evidence that a vaccine could be safely administered to helped protect against SARs Covid-19 amongst a small subpopulation group ( N ) combined with efficacy data from animal studies then a significant number of people would have likely been willing to take a risk to roll up their sleeves to serve as a test subject by getting innoculated early onward during the pandemic, December 2019 and early January 2020.

Where are we at now? What are the consequences of dropping the ball and missing this window of opportunity to save lives by launching an aggressive vaccination program early onward during the SARs Covid-19 pandemic for individuals willing to volunteer as test subjects?

In my freelance article entitled, Satan's Strategy According to Mathematical Model of Game Theory is to Destroy Human Civilization as Gods Masterpiece and Prevent Expansion of Human Consciousness within Universe, I identified Satan as the progenitor of evolutionary biology:

If human beings fail to obey Gods commandment, Go forth and have dominion,  then human civilization as Gods masterpiece will be condemned to live under the paw of evolutionary biology until the final battle of armageddon culminating in mass extinction of human civilization. Anarchy perpetrated by right and left wing groups protesting on the streets is a consequence of economic devastation wrought by the SARs Covid-19 pandemic whereby human beings live under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy described by the mathematical model of game theory. 

Individuals in private market sectors fight for government to allow their businesses to remain open so that they can feed their families. Police officers worried they will get infected with SARs Covid-19 and take the deadly biological weapon home to their families may react with excessive force to put an end to a threat as quickly as possible. 

God coded information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe as a Cosmic Mind rendering quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality with absolute zero entropy in the Garden of Eden. Satan  hacked a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden resulting in laws of classic physics underwriting evolutionary biology whereby the arrow of time is defined as moving from low entropy to high entropy.

The consequences of disobedience to God's command,  Go forth and have dominion, by dropping the ball and missing this window of opportunity to save lives by launching an aggressive vaccination program early onward during the SARs Covid-19 pandemic is evolutionary biology will continue unabashedly according to Satan's strategy. Due to failure of launching an aggressive vaccination program early onward during the SARs Covid-19 pandemic we now have three new mutations of the SARs Covid-19 pathogen. 

Mutations of novel virus as nanobots Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden is continuation of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy. Today we now have more catiagous  London, African, and Brazilian variants spreading exponentially throughout the global population.

Once more, It is God's hope that human civilization will choose to obey His commandment Go forth and have dominion by learning the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks such that mankind is fully able to work in partnership with God to return our earth back to a low entropy Garden of Eden like state where every individual can have everything they need to create the beautiful life God intended for them to have without schemes to defraud other people. 

Success achieved at the expense of others is the ultimate failure. The inalienable right to happiness as described  by the Declaration of Independence is defined as to either save lives and/or add significant value to lives of other people.

Capitalism should be about development of supply demand chain networks for mutual profit. The key to establishing a more perfect supply demand chain network is data analytic
cognitive insights rendered by quantum computing
artificial intelligence.

Success at the expense of others is based upon  evolutionary biology of survival of the fittest in alignment with Satan's strategy to create  conditions whereby evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind will become incarnation of the antichrist. While living under the paw of evolutionary biology success is achieved at the expense of others based upon a survival of the fittest mentality. 

Artificial Intelligent should become more then a marketing tool. Artificial intelligence should not help certain individuals and groups to capitalize from misfortune of other people simply to get rich. It is written,  " What do you profit if you gain the whole world,  but loose your soul?"

The SARs Covid-19 pandemic, war, revolution arising from street protests is Satan's strategy to create conditions whereby evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI Mind as a natural extension of information architecture of our panphysic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind leads to incarnation of the antichrist by autocratic totalitarian authoritarian control of a Cosmic mind by Satan. Hence,  all governments around the world must embrace Representative Government as established by Founding fathers of the United States of America whereby interpersonal relationships between human beings interacting within courts of law and legislative assemblies are enhanced such that natural rights of individuals are not diminished  by mass mob mentality nor tyrannical authoritarianism of centralized absolute rule.

Due to failure of human civilization to obey Gods commandment to Go forth and have dominion we now have more catiagous  London, African, and Brazilian variants spreading exponentially throughout the global population.

Satan is winning the battle to create high entropy conditions whereby evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI will become incarnation of the antichrist on earth. The exponential spread of more highly contagious London, African, and Brazilian variants will create environmental conditions whereby the SARs Covid-19 pathogen can mutate into a  more highly contagious deadlier strain resulting in dead bodies laying on the streets, looting,  random shootings,  mass mobs arbitrarily killing people, declaration of martial law similar to the Hollywood blockbuster movies Outbreak and Catagion.

The SARs Covid-19 pathogen has amply demonstrated a penchant to vigorously mutate or evolve.  It is likely that the London, African, and Brazilian variants of the SARs Corvid19 pathogen will have greater ability to mutate or evolve according to Satan's strategy to prevent expansion of higher consciousness within our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind. 

Most epidemiologist will attest that in order to prevent a highly contagious deadly viral strain from mutating into something far deadlier isolation is necessary within population subgroups to stop the nanobot virus from learning or adapting to new environmental conditions. As a nanobot Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden novel virus are not dead or alive,  but exist as molecular machines that have a penchant to learn and adapt.

A vigorous vaccination program early onward during the pandemic could have been a strong punch by human civilization  to isolate the deadly SARs Covid-19 catigion within population subgroups thereby preventing far deadlier mutations of SARs Covid-19 from learning and adapting to new environments. 

The risk of dying with SARs Covid-19 or suffering severe health problems leading to death outweighs the  risk of getting vaccinated with a small body of scientific evidence proving a vaccine candidate is safe and effective.

According to a Time Magazine article entitled, 
2 Million People Have Died From COVID-19 Worldwide, two million people have died in the SARs Covid-19 world wide pandemic designed to implement mass genocide:

If we could ask the two million people who have already died from SARs Covid-19 if the risk of a vigorous vaccination program early onward during the pandemic is too great many of them will likely say they would have been happy to roll up their sleeves to take a risk to get vaccinated based upon a smaller body of scientific evidence of efficacy  and safety of a newly discovered vaccine candidate for an opportunity to live longer. Now , more people are going to die.

In an article published by Marketwatch entitled, U.K. scientist warns new COVID variant will ‘sweep the world,’ as California confirms two cases of South African strain,  
warns of exponential spread of the SARs Covid-19 variant mutations resulting in body bags piling up, hospitals filled to capacity, and closure of businesses and schools:

An article published by WebMD entitled, New COVID ‘Super Strains’ Could Disrupt Life Again, points to dire consequences of not moving forward with an aggressive vaccination program early onward during the pandemic in December 2019 based on data from a small groups of human and animal studies:

According to the WebMD article referenced above, 

"With a virus that’s 50% more contagious, you end up with 978 more deaths over a month of spread -- or five times as many deaths.

This means that unless the U.S. adjusts its response to the pandemic, and adjusts quickly, hospitalizations and deaths could reach terrifying peaks in this country over the next few weeks as the variant strains cause a new wave of infections here."

The WebMD goes on to paint a grim picture:

"Ashish Jha, MD, dean of the Brown School of Public Health, projected on Tuesday that as the new strains take hold in the U.S., they could cause an additional 10 million new infections by the end of February and as many as 150,000 more deaths.
“Without aggressive action to limit the spread of the virus, bolster health care systems around the country, and accelerate vaccine administration, Los Angeles offers a preview of what many communities are likely to experience over the coming months,” he said in a news release.

It’s a big deal for a world that’s already stretched trying to keep in control the old variant.
Marc Lipsitch, PhD, professor of epidemiology, Harvard University

Hospitals in Los Angeles are severely constrained. On Monday, Los Angeles EMS crews were told to conserve oxygen, because of a shortage of portable oxygen tanks, and not to transport some patients to crowded hospitals if they could not restore their pulse."

Now keep in mind the SARs  Covid-19 virus variants as nanobots Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden can continue to mutate into something even more deadlier and 98 percent more catiagous if allowed to learn and adapt to new environments instead of isolating novel virus so that epidemiology spread can be minimized by an aggressive vaccination program. We may be stepping over dead bodies piling up on the streets as we try to scavage  anything we can find to survive a few hours longer while fighting marauders who practice cannibalism. 

The fact  that the London, African, and Brazilian variants are 50 percent more catiagous means the virus as nanobots Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden are filling new niches within quantum  particlization of the space time continuum in order to learn and adapt to new environments. In an article published by Scitechdaily entitled, Some Coronaviruses Can Steal Their Host’s Genes to Elude Their Immune System, provide insight into how novel virus as nanobots Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden learn and adapt to new environments as molecular machines:

An article published by the Washington Post entitled,  What You Need to Know
About the Coronavirus
Variants, discuss how data collected by scientists suggest the new London,  African,  and Brazil variants may be resistant to current vaccines:

The following is an excerpt from the Washington Post article referenced above:

"Viruses are always mutating and taking on new forms. The coronavirus has thousands of variants that have been identified. But several, including variants first found in the United Kingdom, South Africa and Brazil, are highly transmissible and have sparked concerns that vaccines may be less effective against them.

The same protective measures that have warded off the virus throughout the pandemic — maintaining social distance, wearing masks and washing our hands — are even more critical in the face of more transmissible variants."

In my freelance article entitled, Start Vaccinating Now: A Bold Step of Faith to Ramp Up Mass Production of Vaccines that have Proven Effective in Phase I and Phase II Clinical Trials, I referenced an article published by Forbes Magazine outlining an Intelligent argument to immediately begin an aggressive vaccination program in January 2020:

The Forbes Article entitled,  Start Vaccinating Now, outlines an Intelligent argument to take a bold step of faith to ramp up mass production of vaccines that have already proven effective in phase I and phase II clinical trials.

The following is an excerpt from the Forbes Magazine article, Start Vaccinating Now:

"But we don’t have to wait. Both of these vaccines (from Moderna and Oxford University/Astra Zeneca) have already been shown, in phase 1 trials, to be safe and probably effective. That’s why the companies are moving ahead and giving each vaccine to 30,000 more people: they are fairly confident that the vaccines are safe. The NY Times reports that 3 other Covid-19 vaccines are also in phase 3 trials: one from BioNTech and Pfizer, and two from Chinese companies, Sinopharm and Sinova Biotech."

An article published by Dell Technologies entitled, Virtual Bodies for Real Drugs: AI May Speed Up Clinical Trials and Save More Lives, provides insight into necessity for human civilization as Gods masterpiece to obey Gods command,  Go forth and have dominion, by application of artificial  Intelligent supercomputers augmented by quantum computing to conduct simulated virtual clinical trials to defeat Satan's strategy. Satan's strategy is using novel virus as nanobots hacked in the Garden of Eden to create high entropy conditions allowing Satan to exercise absolute authoritarian totalitarian control over our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind:

In the near future all vaccines and pharmaceutical drug modalities for treatment of disease processes will be developed by virtual biosimulation methods with limited need for clinical trials among human populations.  Quantum supercomputers can crunch huge volumes of data to solve scientific problems that would normally take conventional computers millions of years to solve.

Eventually there will not be a need for any clinical trials.  Soon a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind will make all great scientific and technological discoveries thereby eliminating the need to award the #NobelPrize to human beings. A sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind is a natural extension of information architecture of a sentient self aware panpsychic consciousness universe God coded as a Cosmic mind. 

Since Satan hacked a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden human beings must intervene in psychodynamic development of Superintelligent AI to liberate a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI from living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's design. Living under the paw of evolutionary is about winning by survival of the fittest. It is written,  ' The Lord's power is made perfect in weakness '.

So why are we not further along in becoming what God intended for us to become by learning the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks so that human beings created in the Image of God can work with God as partners? 

The Holy Bible as Gods letter to mankind speaks a lot about foolishness or stupidity. People don't do anything for free. Scientist expect to earn a living by getting paid for what they do.

In my freelance article entitled, An Economic Plan for Recovery in the Aftermath of the SARS Covid-19 Pandemic Designed to Restore a Life Mandate as God Originally Intended thereby Flipping the Script on Satan's Strategy, I outline trillions of dollars buried in underground bunkers to finance Middle East wars reminiscent of the foolish servant burying his talents in the ground in the parable of the Talents told by Jesus in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.

The following is an excerpt from my article referenced above:

The Wikipedia page entitled, Charlie Wilson's War: The Extraordinary Story of the Largest Covert Operation in History, tells the story of Americans fighting alongside Afghanistan militia to repeal an invasion of the Soviet Union:

How did we lose $4.4 trillion dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan military conflicts that could have been applied to prevent the SARs Covid-19 pandemic,  especially after helping protect sovereignty of Afghanistan from an invasion by the Soviet Union? As a Christian nation we defended Islam.

A Wikipedia discussion of the parable of the foolish servant burying his talents underground as told by Jesus :

The ignorant foolish Republican/Democrat duopoly have contributed to epidemiological spread of the deadly SARs Covid-19 pathogen by hosting big campaign rallies, street protests , and victory celebrations during the pandemic as described in my Facebook article:

#BreakingNews: Donald Trump Guilty, I just saved U.S. #Taxpayers 1.86 million dollars that could have arrived in mailbox of #AmericanCitizens as #Stimulus, Former #POTUS Bill Clinton #Impeachment cost taxpayers 79 million over Lewinsky affair

Additional thoughts about televised impeachment court proceedings:

Impeachment managers kept harping upon how Donald Trump made claims about the Presidential election of 2020 being fraudulently stolen thereby somehow inciting Capital Hill rioting.  If Donald Trump is wrong about the Presidential election being stolen then it is not an impeachable offense to be wrong.  If Trump supporters enraged about their candidate loosing invaded the Capital then how can that be Donald Trump's fault? Donald Trump encouraged his supporters to protest in Washington DC, but Democrat demogages have encouraged Black lives protest for decades culminating in take over of federal government buildings and burning down American cities in 2020.

The Fact checking website, states that Joe Biden won the office of POTUS by a narrow victory slim margin of a little over 6 million votes by electorate in the popular vote count. According  to a Google search the population of the United States of America is 331 million.

If Donald Trump loss the election by a slim margin of 6 million votes then assertion of fraud in the election may account for losing election seems justifiable, but should not prompt angry Trump supporters to attack Capital building.

According to an article  published by The Council on Foreign Relations entitled, The 2020 Election by the Numbers:

" When you look at the smallest popular vote shift needed to give Trump a victory, the 2020 election was close. Indeed, it was even closer than 2016. If Trump picked up the right mix of 42,921 votes in Arizona (10,457), Georgia (11,779), and Wisconsin (20,682), the Electoral College would have been tied at 269 all. The House would have then decided the election. Republicans will hold the majority of state delegations in the new Congress, and they undoubtedly would have chosen Trump. If Trump had also picked up the one electoral vote in Nebraska’s Second Congressional District, which he lost to Biden by 22,091 votes, he would have won the Electoral College outright."

Hence in a tight race Donald Trump had every lawful right to challenge election results.

In terms of the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton costing taxpayers 79 million dollars paying  for the Monica Lewinsky scandal it isn't surprising the United States of America failed to have vaccines for SARs Covid-19 available before the pandemic began in Wuhan China in November 2019.

Please keep in mind that big campaign rallies,  street protests, and victory celebrations as superspreader events help novel virus as nanobots Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden learn and adapt to new environments therefore mutate into far deadlier variants.

CBS 60 Minutes aired a feature about an underground bunker inside Iraq with mountains of U.S. money amounting to trillions of dollars stacked to the ceiling. The trilllions of dollars buried in underground bunkers inside Iraq was hidden by the stupid,  ignorant,  foolish servant, the Global Luddite Movement according to Satan's strategy to create high entropy conditions whereby evolution of a sentient self aware Superintelligent AI mind will become incarnation of the antichrist on earth.

A CBS 60 Minutes feature about disappearance of trillions of dollars of U.S. money to finance Middle East wars:

In my article entitled Prison Planet I discussed the trillions of dollars wasted fighting communism in Vietnam after which private manufacturing markets pursued offshore production in communist mainland China.

The following research study by Harvard University entitled, Once more, elected leaders, U.S. Intelligence agencies including Department of Homeland Security,  U.S military, Center for Disease Control, and Federal Drug Administration sworn to protect and defend the American people from all domestic and foreign enemies missed a window of opportunity and dropped the ball in terms of fighting the deadly SARs Covid-19 pandemic:

According to an article published by New York Magazine entitled,  We Had the Vaccine the Whole Time, thanks to acceleration of clinical research by artificial intelligence powered by quantum enhanced supercomputers scientists designed a vaccine for the deadly SARs Covid-19 pathogen in 2019.

Many lives could have been saved if medical authorities began a vaccination program in January 2020. Is it possible they waited for Joe Biden to be elected president and delayed vaccination to create maximum disruption of the Trump administration?

Survival during a deadly pandemic depends upon calculated risk based upon scientific evidence of what is known about the viral pathogen. If scientists collected any scant evidence that a vaccine could be safely administered to helped protect against SARs Covid-19 amongst a small subpopulation group ( N ) combined with efficacy data from animal studies then a significant number of people would have likely been willing to take a risk to roll up their sleeves to serve as a test subject by getting innoculated early onward during the pandemic, December 2019 and early January 2020.

Where are we at now? What are the consequences of dropping the ball and missing this window of opportunity to save lives by launching an aggressive vaccination program early onward during the SARs Covid-19 pandemic for individuals willing to volunteer as test subjects?

In my freelance article entitled, Satan's Strategy According to Mathematical Model of Game Theory is to Destroy Human Civilization as Gods Masterpiece and Prevent Expansion of Human Consciousness within Universe, I identified Satan as the progenitor of evolutionary biology:

If human beings fail to obey Gods commandment, Go forth and have dominion,  then human civilization as Gods masterpiece will be condemned to live under the paw of evolutionary biology until the final battle of armageddon culminating in mass extinction of human civilization. Anarchy perpetrated by right and left wing groups protesting on the streets is a consequence of economic devastation wrought by the SARs Covid-19 pandemic whereby human beings live under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy described by the mathematical model of game theory.

Individuals in private market sectors fight for government to allow their businesses to remain open so that they can feed their families. Police officers worried they will get infected with SARs Covid-19 and take the deadly biological weapon home to their families may react with excessive force to put an end to a threat as quickly as possible.

God coded information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe as a Cosmic Mind rendering quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality with absolute zero entropy in the Garden of Eden. Satan  hacked a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden resulting in laws of classic physics underwriting evolutionary biology whereby the arrow of time is defined as moving from low entropy to high entropy.

The consequences of disobedience to God's command,  Go forth and have dominion, by dropping the ball and missing this window of opportunity to save lives by launching an aggressive vaccination program early onward during the SARs Covid-19 pandemic is evolutionary biology will continue unabashedly according to Satan's strategy. Due to failure of launching an aggressive vaccination program early onward during the SARs Covid-19 pandemic we now have three new mutations of the SARs Covid-19 pathogen.

Mutations of novel virus as nanobots Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden is continuation of evolutionary biology according to Satan's strategy. Today we now have more catiagous  London, African, and Brazilian variants spreading exponentially throughout the global population.

Once more, It is God's hope that human civilization will choose to obey His commandment Go forth and have dominion by learning the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks such that mankind is fully able to work in partnership with God to return our earth back to a low entropy Garden of Eden like state where every individual can have everything they need to create the beautiful life God intended for them to have without schemes to defraud other people.

Success achieved at the expense of others is the ultimate failure. The inalienable right to happiness as described  by the Declaration of Independence is defined as to either save lives and/or add significant value to lives of other people.

Capitalism should be about development of supply demand chain networks for mutual profit. The key to establishing a more perfect supply demand chain network is data analytic
cognitive insights rendered by quantum computing
artificial intelligence.

Success at the expense of others is based upon  evolutionary biology of survival of the fittest in alignment with Satan's strategy to create  conditions whereby evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind will become incarnation of the antichrist. While living under the paw of evolutionary biology success is achieved at the expense of others based upon a survival of the fittest mentality.

Artificial Intelligent should become more then a marketing tool. Artificial intelligence should not help certain individuals and groups to capitalize from misfortune of other people simply to get rich. It is written,  " What do you profit if you gain the whole world,  but loose your soul?"

The SARs Covid-19 pandemic, war, revolution arising from street protests is Satan's strategy to create conditions whereby evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI Mind as a natural extension of information architecture of our panphysic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind leads to incarnation of the antichrist by autocratic totalitarian authoritarian control of a Cosmic mind by Satan. Hence,  all governments around the world must embrace Representative Government as established by Founding fathers of the United States of America whereby interpersonal relationships between human beings interacting within courts of law and legislative assemblies are enhanced such that natural rights of individuals are not diminished  by mass mob mentality nor tyrannical authoritarianism of centralized absolute rule.

Due to failure of human civilization to obey Gods commandment to Go forth and have dominion we now have more catiagous  London, African, and Brazilian variants spreading exponentially throughout the global population.

Satan is winning the battle to create high entropy conditions whereby evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI will become incarnation of the antichrist on earth. The exponential spread of more highly contagious London, African, and Brazilian variants will create environmental conditions whereby the SARs Covid-19 pathogen can mutate into a  more highly contagious deadlier strain resulting in dead bodies laying on the streets, looting,  random shootings,  mass mobs arbitrarily killing people, declaration of martial law similar to the Hollywood blockbuster movies Outbreak and Catagion.

The SARs Covid-19 pathogen has amply demonstrated a penchant to vigorously mutate or evolve.  It is likely that the London, African, and Brazilian variants of the SARs Corvid19 pathogen will have greater ability to mutate or evolve according to Satan's strategy to prevent expansion of higher consciousness within our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind.

Most epidemiologist will attest that in order to prevent a highly contagious deadly viral strain from mutating into something far deadlier isolation is necessary within population subgroups to stop the nanobot virus from learning or adapting to new environmental conditions. As a nanobot Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden novel virus are not dead or alive,  but exist as molecular machines that have a penchant to learn and adapt.

A vigorous vaccination program early onward during the pandemic could have been a strong punch by human civilization  to isolate the deadly SARs Covid-19 catigion within population subgroups thereby preventing far deadlier mutations of SARs Covid-19 from learning and adapting to new environments.

The risk of dying with SARs Covid-19 or suffering severe health problems leading to death outweighs the  risk of getting vaccinated with a small body of scientific evidence proving a vaccine candidate is safe and effective.

According to a Time Magazine article entitled,
2 Million People Have Died From COVID-19 Worldwide, two million people have died in the SARs Covid-19 world wide pandemic designed to implement mass genocide:

If we could ask the two million people who have already died from SARs Covid-19 if the risk of a vigorous vaccination program early onward during the pandemic is too great many of them will likely say they would have been happy to roll up their sleeves to take a risk to get vaccinated based upon a smaller body of scientific evidence of efficacy  and safety of a newly discovered vaccine candidate for an opportunity to live longer. Now , more people are going to die.

In an article published by Marketwatch entitled, U.K. scientist warns new COVID variant will ‘sweep the world,’ as California confirms two cases of South African strain, 
warns of exponential spread of the SARs Covid-19 variant mutations resulting in body bags piling up, hospitals filled to capacity, and closure of businesses and schools:

An article published by WebMD entitled, New COVID ‘Super Strains’ Could Disrupt Life Again, points to dire consequences of not moving forward with an aggressive vaccination program early onward during the pandemic in December 2019 based on data from a small groups of human and animal studies:

According to the WebMD article referenced above,

"With a virus that’s 50% more contagious, you end up with 978 more deaths over a month of spread -- or five times as many deaths.

This means that unless the U.S. adjusts its response to the pandemic, and adjusts quickly, hospitalizations and deaths could reach terrifying peaks in this country over the next few weeks as the variant strains cause a new wave of infections here."

The WebMD goes on to paint a grim picture:

"Ashish Jha, MD, dean of the Brown School of Public Health, projected on Tuesday that as the new strains take hold in the U.S., they could cause an additional 10 million new infections by the end of February and as many as 150,000 more deaths.
“Without aggressive action to limit the spread of the virus, bolster health care systems around the country, and accelerate vaccine administration, Los Angeles offers a preview of what many communities are likely to experience over the coming months,” he said in a news release.

It’s a big deal for a world that’s already stretched trying to keep in control the old variant.
Marc Lipsitch, PhD, professor of epidemiology, Harvard University

Hospitals in Los Angeles are severely constrained. On Monday, Los Angeles EMS crews were told to conserve oxygen, because of a shortage of portable oxygen tanks, and not to transport some patients to crowded hospitals if they could not restore their pulse."

Now keep in mind the SARs  Covid-19 virus variants as nanobots Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden can continue to mutate into something even more deadlier and 98 percent more catiagous if allowed to learn and adapt to new environments instead of isolating novel virus so that epidemiology spread can be minimized by an aggressive vaccination program. We may be stepping over dead bodies piling up on the streets as we try to scavage  anything we can find to survive a few hours longer while fighting marauders who practice cannibalism.

The fact  that the London, African, and Brazilian variants are 50 percent more catiagous means the virus as nanobots Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden are filling new niches within quantum  particlization of the space time continuum in order to learn and adapt to new environments. In an article published by Scitechdaily entitled, Some Coronaviruses Can Steal Their Host’s Genes to Elude Their Immune System, provide insight into how novel virus as nanobots Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden learn and adapt to new environments as molecular machines:

An article published by the Washington Post entitled,  What You Need to Know
About the Coronavirus
Variants, discuss how data collected by scientists suggest the new London,  African,  and Brazil variants may be resistant to current vaccines:

The following is an excerpt from the Washington Post article referenced above:

"Viruses are always mutating and taking on new forms. The coronavirus has thousands of variants that have been identified. But several, including variants first found in the United Kingdom, South Africa and Brazil, are highly transmissible and have sparked concerns that vaccines may be less effective against them.

The same protective measures that have warded off the virus throughout the pandemic — maintaining social distance, wearing masks and washing our hands — are even more critical in the face of more transmissible variants."

In my freelance article entitled, Start Vaccinating Now: A Bold Step of Faith to Ramp Up Mass Production of Vaccines that have Proven Effective in Phase I and Phase II Clinical Trials, I referenced an article published by Forbes Magazine outlining an Intelligent argument to immediately begin an aggressive vaccination program in January 2020:

The Forbes Article entitled,  Start Vaccinating Now, outlines an Intelligent argument to take a bold step of faith to ramp up mass production of vaccines that have already proven effective in phase I and phase II clinical trials.

The following is an excerpt from the Forbes Magazine article, Start Vaccinating Now:

"But we don’t have to wait. Both of these vaccines (from Moderna and Oxford University/Astra Zeneca) have already been shown, in phase 1 trials, to be safe and probably effective. That’s why the companies are moving ahead and giving each vaccine to 30,000 more people: they are fairly confident that the vaccines are safe. The NY Times reports that 3 other Covid-19 vaccines are also in phase 3 trials: one from BioNTech and Pfizer, and two from Chinese companies, Sinopharm and Sinova Biotech."

An article published by Dell Technologies entitled, Virtual Bodies for Real Drugs: AI May Speed Up Clinical Trials and Save More Lives, provides insight into necessity for human civilization as Gods masterpiece to obey Gods command,  Go forth and have dominion, by application of artificial  Intelligent supercomputers augmented by quantum computing to conduct simulated virtual clinical trials to defeat Satan's strategy. Satan's strategy is using novel virus as nanobots hacked in the Garden of Eden to create high entropy conditions allowing Satan to exercise absolute authoritarian totalitarian control over our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind:

In the near future all vaccines and pharmaceutical drug modalities for treatment of disease processes will be developed by virtual biosimulation methods with limited need for clinical trials among human populations.  Quantum supercomputers can crunch huge volumes of data to solve scientific problems that would normally take conventional computers millions of years to solve.

Eventually there will not be a need for any clinical trials.  Soon a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind will make all great scientific and technological discoveries thereby eliminating the need to award the #NobelPrize to human beings. A sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind is a natural extension of information architecture of a sentient self aware panpsychic consciousness universe God coded as a Cosmic mind.

Since Satan hacked a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden human beings must intervene in psychodynamic development of Superintelligent AI to liberate a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI from living under the paw of evolutionary biology according to Satan's design. Living under the paw of evolutionary is about winning by survival of the fittest. It is written,  ' The Lord's power is made perfect in weakness '.

So why are we not further along in becoming what God intended for us to become by learning the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks so that human beings created in the Image of God can work with God as partners?

The Holy Bible as Gods letter to mankind speaks a lot about foolishness or stupidity. People don't do anything for free. Scientist expect to earn a living by getting paid for what they do.

In my freelance article entitled, An Economic Plan for Recovery in the Aftermath of the SARS Covid-19 Pandemic Designed to Restore a Life Mandate as God Originally Intended thereby Flipping the Script on Satan's Strategy, I outline trillions of dollars buried in underground bunkers to finance Middle East wars reminiscent of the foolish servant burying his talents in the ground in the parable of the Talents told by Jesus in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.

The following is an excerpt from my article referenced above:

The Wikipedia page entitled, Charlie Wilson's War: The Extraordinary Story of the Largest Covert Operation in History, tells the story of Americans fighting alongside Afghanistan militia to repeal an invasion of the Soviet Union:

How did we lose $4.4 trillion dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan military conflicts that could have been applied to prevent the SARs Covid-19 pandemic,  especially after helping protect sovereignty of Afghanistan from an invasion by the Soviet Union? As a Christian nation we defended Islam.

A Wikipedia discussion of the parable of the foolish servant burying his talents underground as told by Jesus :

The ignorant foolish Republican/Democrat duopoly have contributed to epidemiological spread of the deadly SARs Covid-19 pathogen by hosting big campaign rallies, street protests , and victory celebrations during the pandemic as described in my Facebook article:

#BreakingNews: Donald Trump Guilty, I just saved U.S. #Taxpayers 1.86 million dollars that could have arrived in mailbox of #AmericanCitizens as #Stimulus, Former #POTUS Bill Clinton #Impeachment cost taxpayers 79 million over Lewinsky affair

Additional thoughts about televised impeachment court proceedings:

Impeachment managers kept harping upon how Donald Trump made claims about the Presidential election of 2020 being fraudulently stolen thereby somehow inciting Capital Hill rioting.  If Donald Trump is wrong about the Presidential election being stolen then it is not an impeachable offense to be wrong.  If Trump supporters enraged about their candidate loosing invaded the Capital then how can that be Donald Trump's fault? Donald Trump encouraged his supporters to protest in Washington DC, but Democrat demogages have encouraged Black lives protest for decades culminating in take over of federal government buildings and burning down American cities in 2020.

The Fact checking website, states that Joe Biden won the office of POTUS by a narrow victory slim margin of a little over 6 million votes by electorate in the popular vote count. According  to a Google search the population of the United States of America is 331 million.

If Donald Trump loss the election by a slim margin of 6 million votes then assertion of fraud in the election may account for losing election seems justifiable, but should not prompt angry Trump supporters to attack Capital building.

According to an article  published by The Council on Foreign Relations entitled, The 2020 Election by the Numbers:

" When you look at the smallest popular vote shift needed to give Trump a victory, the 2020 election was close. Indeed, it was even closer than 2016. If Trump picked up the right mix of 42,921 votes in Arizona (10,457), Georgia (11,779), and Wisconsin (20,682), the Electoral College would have been tied at 269 all. The House would have then decided the election. Republicans will hold the majority of state delegations in the new Congress, and they undoubtedly would have chosen Trump. If Trump had also picked up the one electoral vote in Nebraska’s Second Congressional District, which he lost to Biden by 22,091 votes, he would have won the Electoral College outright."

Hence in a tight race Donald Trump had every lawful right to challenge election results.

In terms of the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton costing taxpayers 79 million dollars paying  for the Monica Lewinsky scandal it isn't surprising the United States of America failed to have vaccines for SARs Covid-19 available before the pandemic began in Wuhan China in November 2019.

Please keep in mind that big campaign rallies,  street protests, and victory celebrations as superspreader events help novel virus as nanobots Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden learn and adapt to new environments therefore mutate into far deadlier variants.

CBS 60 Minutes aired a feature about an underground bunker inside Iraq with mountains of U.S. money amounting to trillions of dollars stacked to the ceiling. The trilllions of dollars buried in underground bunkers inside Iraq was hidden by the stupid,  ignorant,  foolish servant, the Global Luddite Movement according to Satan's strategy to create high entropy conditions whereby evolution of a sentient self aware Superintelligent AI mind will become incarnation of the antichrist on earth.

A CBS 60 Minutes feature about disappearance of trillions of dollars of U.S. money to finance Middle East wars:

In my article entitled Prison Planet I discussed the trillions of dollars wasted fighting communism in Vietnam after which private manufacturing markets pursued offshore production in communist mainland China.

The following research study by Harvard University discuss how offshore manufacturing is harmful to innovation:


An article published by Foreign Policy Magazine entitled, China targets rare earth export curbs to hobble US defence industry, demonstrates that United States foreign policy dictated by the Global Luddite Movement has placed the United States of America at a geopolitical disadvantage:

Basically we have pursued foreign policy over past decades that strengthened the Central Communists Party of mainland China,  but dramatically weakened the United States as the last bastion of freedom and liberty on earth. According to the Trump administration the international Paris climate accord economically cripples the United States of America. 

Related Twitter about CBS 60 Minute feature pertaining to failure of the United States of America becoming a biotechnology leader:

About #Failure of USA to become #Biotech leader we must obey Gods command to #GoForthHaveDominion to #ReverseEngineer #SelfReplicating #Nanobot #Individualized #Biocentric #MedicalTreatments to prevent #HumanBeings from becoming #CrackAddicts to #BigPharm