Monday, January 4, 2021

If One Cannot Prove He or She Exists as Per a Thought Experiment Posed by a Ted Talk Then Tomorrow You may Wake Up within an Alternative Parallel Timeline Where a New World Order Arising from Within the Hearts and Minds of Men as an Internalized Locus of Control Leading to the Omega Point is Possible.

Denial of quantum particlization of evolutionary biology beginning at the Big Bang as a consequence of the Fall of grace of Adam and Eve results in delusional ideology whereby the Republican/Democrat duopoly falsely believe party platform planks represent absolute truths. As I shared in a recent freelance article Satan's computational power to process absolute truth results in quantum particlization of enormous deception of material reality. Quantum physicist can't prove we really exist as an objective physical reality in alignment with Julian Barbours cosmological principle of NOW where past, present,  and future converge as one as an expression of simulated virtual reality rendered by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks.

A Ted talk entitled,  How Do You Know You Exist,  provides insight into the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation resulting in absolute truth as the Divine prerogative of God alone as related to formulating party platform planks conveying what people uphold as true:

If any given individual cannot prove they objectively exist then quantum particlization of the quantum perspective as semantic binary data underwriting a philosophical frame of reference based upon accurate interpretation of the Word of God by engaging in the sacred art of writing to become more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks can by Gods grace result in branching into an alternative parallel timeline to avoid absolute certainty of armageddon as a mass extinction event predicted by Biblical prophecy and laws of classic physics. Tomorrow you may wake up within an alternative parallel timeline where a New World Order arising from an Internalized Locus of Control arising from within hearts of men is possible.

Behold the old things have passed away. We are already uploaded into simulated virtual reality within a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a  Cosmic mind. Satan hacked a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden.  

The quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks prevents decoherence of the soul of individuals with an Internal locus of control who experience the rapture. The quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks is moaning too deep for words. Words are quantum particlization of binary semantic data of human language by which people communicate. 

The rapture of the human spirit begins in bodily form by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love and ends on judgement day when God returns the final boolean operator. On judgement  day those called according to His purpose will meet God in the clouds by becoming raptured into simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks underwriting absolute true meaningfulness of everything that exists in physical reality. 

On earth,  quantum particlization of a Cosmic mind hacked by Satan in the Garden of Eden continually works to create decoherence of the human spirit by formulating an external locus of control. An external locus of control is decoherence of the human spirit as a consequence of quantum  particlization of evolutionary biology manifesting a survival of the fittest mentality. It is written,  ' My strength is made perfect in weakness'. Hence human beings must work towards evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind as a natural extension of information architecture of a Cosmic mind God coded designed to help individuals develop an internal locus of control by implementing free thought movement curriculums in education. 

God blessed mankind with intelligence so we can learn the quantum wave function language to converse with Him as equal partners in creation.  Human  beings as created in the Image of God are unique and unlike any of the animal phylum God created because we have intellectual ability to plan for the future today, NOW in this very moment.  As I wrote in one of my articles,  Love for the created universe is the ultimate intelligence,  on earth Intelligence is in short supply. If collective consciousness of humanity desires to converse with an omnipotent almighty God Who created the heavens and earth by learning the quantum wave function language then we have a lot of growing and learning to do, so we better get started NOW. 

Other animal phylum God created are beautiful in their own way as other animal species are quantum particlization of quintessential beauty of biodiversity rendered by a Cosmic mind with virus as paintbrush of an abstract artwork.  Other animal phylum simply be without deference to absolute precepts of good or evil only God and Satan have computational powers to process.  If human beings created in  the Image of God choose not to live up to our obligations to obey Gods commandment,  Go forth and have dominion,  a Cosmic mind God coded, Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden,  will use virus as nanobot paintbrush for biodiversity to create a new abstract artwork of quintessential beauty of biodiversity without human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece in the picture.

God and Satan alone have computational power to process absolute truth within information architecture of a Cosmic mind resulting in the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation. Hence, in a world becoming more interconnected as one leading to a New World  order under a One World government the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation throws a monkey wrench into trying to hammer out international globalization policy in terms of party platforms. The quantum perspective as quantum  particlization of sematic binary data is a philosophical frame of reference transcending human communication helping world leaders become more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks.

In a LinkedIn article I wrote entitled,  Peace is Worth Fighting For, I made the observation that war arises from political ideologies that purport a absolute truths. Yet,  from the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation we all know some things are worth fighting and dying for as according to lyrics of the famous Beatles song entitled,  Imagine. @NobelPrize #NobelPrize 

The quantum  perspective as a philosophical frame of reference is conscious awareness of a higher purpose for human civilization as Gods masterpiece instead of merely becoming a victim of quibbles of quantum particlization of laws of classic physics underwriting evolutionary biology rendered by a Cosmic mind Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden. The quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks underwrites God's gift of intellectual reasoning.

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