@realdonaldtrump #realDonaldTrump
#Facebook and #Twitter are condoning propaganda by blocking the incumbent President of the United States of America. If elected leaders don't speak out against attack of United States of America by Black Lives Protesters toppling our national monuments, painting most horrific vulgar graffiti on a church building in Lafferty square, violently taking over Federal government buildings in Settle then hypocritical elected leaders no longer represent the American people, but are consorting with terrorists to establish a treacherous regime by force.
Elected leaders have no lawful right to say one group can engage in protest under the law, and another group cannot protest. If incumbent President Donald Trump must be held accountable for every illegal unlawful action of millions of Trump supporters then Joe Biden must also be held accountable for every illegal unlawful action of his political base. #ImpeachJoeBiden
Peaceful protests do not exist given all human beings live under the paw of evolutionary biology. Public roads and Federal buildings belong to the American people therefore no group or individuals can block public roads, sidewalks, nor take over Federal buildings. Anyone involved in such activity are engaging in terroristic threatening behavior therefore can be lawfully shot. Elected leaders have no authority to prevent American citizens from using a public highway by allowing groups to block a public highway, otherwise elected leaders are intentionally consorting with terrorists against the American people.
The 1st amendment does not guarantee the right to peacefully protest by any group on the right or left. The 1st amendment as established by our Founding fathers guarantees the right to redress grievances in courts of law and legislative assemblies within the framework of representative government.
Yes, Joe Biden is right to say that if protesters at the Capitol were African American they would have been treated differently. If the decorated American veteran, the woman spurting blood out of her neck after being shot by Capital police was African American then the United States of America would be locked down with war raging on the streets of all over America.
A huge number of white caucasian people are murdered by African Americans everyday but nobody says anything. A huge number white caucasian people are shot dead by the police because pension plans of government officials and police are padded by fraudulent schemes involving investment in bond markets by foreign National enemy combatant communists fascists union mafia thugs associated with the Global Luddite Movement at the expense of non union workers.
The shortage of key electronic parts in the Automotive industry is a prime example of how China makes legislative decisions on Capitol Hill as a consequence of a Chinese monopoly on rare earth metals. White carcasion people incensed by communists fascists placing a lien on their property are shot dead by police, but nobody complains. Oh, it is my fault. I am a terrible racist. The Chinese are good people.
Incumbent President Donald Trump rightfully pointed out that the SARs Covid-19 came from China and people were outraged. China allowed fringe elements from impoverished areas of the globe to grow the SARs Covid-19 pathogen in Wild Animal meat markets as an attack against the developed world, when better food production methods are available.
Why shouldn't White European carcasions shut down streets in major metropolitan areas all across America to protest the murder of a decorated veteran shot dead for protesting for free and fair elections in our Nation's capital? Yes the life of this decorated veteran mattered. Fake mass media identify a decorated veteran as a terrorist who deserve to be shot dead. If an African American was shot dead at the Capitol then protesters would fill the streets calling for a capital murder trial and a multimillion dollar judgment paid to the family. Fake mass media will be crying out about murderous police therefore innocent until proven guilty in a court of law will be abandoned. The Mass media will judge the police guilty without a court of law.
The fake mass media has taken over the Judiciary branch of government and litigating cases against citizens on television without due process of law in order to drive up their ratings to rake in multimillions of dollars per day in advertising revenue ultimately leading to an unaffordable cost of living , poverty, and homelessness. It is not surprising huge numbers of people feel a need to make a video fighting the police.
The fake mass media and corporate social media conglomerates are
opposed to incumbent president Donald Trump's Nationalism policy, because globalization will help billionaire Techgiants
expand overseas thereby generating trillions of dollars in profits at the expense of average American citizens who become victims of technological disruption in various industries. The cost of advertising on social media drives up the cost of living for average American citizens. Globalization allows foreign National enemy combatants associated with the Global Luddite Movement get a foothold upon control of Federal, State, and local governments ultimately leading to ability to influence poor decision making in law enforcement agencies contributing to a race war to destroy America. Advertising cost on social media platforms drives up the cost of living for average American citizens.
Billionaire Techgiants embrace globalization in order to allow foreign National enemy combatants associated with the Global Luddite Movement to buy America at a discount while billionaire Techgiants make trillions by expanding their operations overseas. Billionaire Techgiants opposed to Donald Trump's Nationalist agenda seek to sell off the American Dream at a discount to foreign National enemy combatants associated with the global Luddite movement while billionaire Techgiants make Trillions expanding their operations overseas.
How can social media internet platforms help people who become victims of technological disruption? The internet is a highly addictive media because human beings are subroutines of information architecture of sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind. Foremost, rejecting propaganda by unblocking incumbent President Donald Trump is necessary to keep the torch of freedom and liberty
burning bright. Propaganda is a skewed biased perspective of the ideological spectrum rendered by preventing an an individual like incumbent President speaking their truth. Incumbent President has spoken the truth outlined in the Republican party platform.
Incumbent President Donald Trump has not spoken the whole truth given existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation translates into absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone. Absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone given an inability to deconstruct cause and effect relationships within a flat earth Euclidean universe where truth is a continous variable based upon probabilistic sliding scale outcomes, hence everything is interconnected as one by a holistic eclectic Gestalt transcendent simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks.
It is very disturbing Facebook and Twitter are engaged in spreading propaganda by blocking #POTUS on behalf of a growing regime in American government because the internet, social media, artificial Intelligent information systems are natural extensions of information architecture of a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind. Satan hacked a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden. Human beings exist as subroutines of a Cosmic mind . Facebook and Twitter are allowing Satan to win by completely taking absolute control over a Cosmic mind by engaging in propaganda by blocking social media accounts of the incumbent President of the United States of America.
It is morally unacceptable and outrageous that political pundits ripped President Trump to pieces for holding up the Holy Bible in Lafayette Park , but fully accepted and supported a mob painting a church building across the street with the most vile vulgar Satanic graffiti imaginable. I may disapprove of what Donald Trump says , but I will fight to the death Donald Trump's right to say it.
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