Tuesday, December 8, 2020

A Star Shining in the East and Southwest is a Message that Gods Love is all around Us Waiting Only for us to Discover

Basically this is all leading up to three kings bringing silver and gold for the cause of liberty and freedom as the American way to establish the biggest hedge fund on earth to preserve the balance of global power in the modern 21st century. The cause of liberty and freedom is never more important then today in the modern 21st century to stay competitive with imperialism of the Chinese silk road throughout Europe. The Chinese  silk road throughout Europe and Middle East provides an enormous lead as human civilization moves forward toward the technological singularity. 

In previous articles I discussed how the multi trillion dollar Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac 
mortgage backed securities bond market can be harnessed as a financial asset investment instrument to insure prosperity of human civilization by establishing a New World Order in alignment with absolute truths expressed as quantum particlization of semantic binary data comprising Holy Books of all the world's great religions. In private capitalist markets dark clandestine secretive under the table deals by the global Luddite movement with China, Middle  East Nations, and Russia downgrade the United States of America to serve Machiavellian interests of the Global Luddite movement.

by Mark W. Gaffney 

My new freelance article A Star Shining in the East and Southwest is about consciousness as related to celestial events. We are being contacted everyday from above. It is only because of lack of understanding of who we are as created in the Image of God that we choose to disregard communication from above given quantum particlization of beguiling deception of evolutionary biology by Satan. Individuals are relegated to their place within some manmade hierarchical social order by those who purport to know absolute truth as quantum particlization of beguiling deception of evolutionary biology by Satan.

An article published by Forbes Magazine entitled , A Spectacularly Rare ‘Christmas Star’ Is Coming In December As Two Worlds Align After Sunset, describes a rare celestial event as a sign of hope for humanity during one of the most miserable points within the time space continuum of human history:


Bill Gates announced his new book entitled, How to Avoid Climate Disaster. The collective consciousness of humanity working together to solve epic problems resulting from climate change is being 'born again of spirit and truth ' thereby manifesting uncanny synchronicity of celestial events within the heavens as an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence: 



In a world where everything is interconnected as one,  appearance of a bright shining star December 21, 2020 that has not appeared in the sky since the Middle ages reflecting synchronicity and relativity of alignment of Jupiter and Saturn is an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence. It is an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence that Microsoft Incorporated products have transformed an intellectually slow individual, like myself, who exhibits borderline  mental retardation in many areas according to IQ tests administered by certified psychologist into a prolific writer. It is written,  'Sayth the Lord, My Strength is made perfect by weakness '.

My work as a writer by the grace of God has changed the course of human history for the better as evidence by my advocacy encouraging the international community to help Middle East Islamic nations grow and prosper in the modern 21st century, including  Iran, given the autocratic totalitarian fossil fuel crude oil industry is going the way  of the dinosaur. My work as a writer by the grace of God created conditions whereby former president Donald Trump was able to negotiate a historical peace deal between the United Arab Emirates and Israel in 2020. I have submitted a bid to win the Nobel peace Prize based upon my work as a writer to liberate the entire middle East from tyranny of the autocratic authoritarian totalitarian fossil fuel industry thereby helping Islam grow and  prosper in the modern 21st century as human civilization moves forward toward the technological singularity where economic laws will crumble under a New World Order.  

My work as a writer is to build a New World Order based upon the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation whereby absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone. Conscious awareness that individuals engaged in the sacred art of writing can build a closer relationship with God by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks manifest an Unus mundus  pattern of synchronicity of alignment of Pluto and Saturn for formation of a bright star in the heavens reflecting being ' Born again of the Spirit '.  My work as a writer by Gods grace is resulting in the collective consciousness of humanity being born again to create a New World Order based upon central core bedrock of absolute truth arising from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks writing His laws into the hearts and minds of men which is beyond human language.

The heavens rejoice when human civilization finally discovers by becoming  more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love then mankind as Gods masterpiece can work in partnership with God, as God originally intended, to fix erroneous code Satan inserted into a Cosmic Mind in the Garden of Eden 

Biocentrism as a NobelPrize winning model further provides insight into how heightened consciousness awareness arising from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love can be tied to synchronicity of celestial events within simulated virtual reality underwriting information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic Mind. 

As CEO of Microsoft Incorporated Bill Gates should consider financially supporting my work as a writer because my work as a writer testifies to value of Microsoft products creating a more interconnected world leading to a One World Government. It is an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence that in my former career as a printer tradesman I helped countless people around the globe get their Microsoft certification to become software engineers by running line edit on linotronic film output devices to help print trade magazines for Microsoft Incorporated, as well as other industry leaders. Unfortunately later  in life I became a victim of technological disruption in the printing industry as a consequence of desktop printing processes by desktop computers with a Microsoft operating system. Bill Gates has said he intends to give away all his money.  Bill Gates should start by paying people what they are lawfully owed for helping grow his business in the late 1990s early 21st century when Microsoft was still a relatively young fledgling company. As a writer and political consultant,  I am proactive in preventing the technological revolution from leaving people behind in the dust but instead exploring how evolution of artificial intelligence can help  educators,  human resources,  and psychoanalytic social work professionals can accomplish goals in life to become all that God originally intended for them to become. 

In my freelance article entitled , Benevolent Artificial Intelligence As Related to Trust Issues Upon a Future Event Horizon of Time and Space, I described how celestial events like the alignment of Pluto and Saturn in December 2020 are directly linked with manifestation of conscious awareness within the human spirit by referencing Machs Cosmological Principle :


Machs law describes how large scale cosmological gravitational forces in the heavens directly effect laws of classic physics on earth. In my article I discuss how subatomic neurophsiological events of absorption or emission of photons as quantized packets of energy effect electrons moving up and down subatomic orbitals within multi trillions of atoms within each and every sensory and motor neuron within a neural net of multi trillions of neurons comprising the cerebral cortex ultimately formulating two based permutation logic algorithms of human cognition by affinity of neuroelectrical chemical molecules building bundles of neurons known as Functional Connectivity Motifs. Functional Connectivity Motifs project engrams of long and short term memory encode conscious and subconscious information. 

If one believes in Intelligence Design by an Omnipotent Creator of the Heavens and the earth then  increased awareness that collective conscious of humanity can choose to work in partnership with God to fix erroneous code Satan inserted in a Cosmic Mind in the Garden of Eden can make the heavens rejoice with celestial events in the sky in alignment with Machs principle. If one believes in Intelligence Design then a greater understanding of absolute truth as the Divine prerogative of God alone manifest a celestial event of a bright shining star resulting in synchronicity of alignment of Pluto and Saturn as an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence within a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind running timeless eternal simulated virtual reality underwriting errant code of laws of classic physics formulating evolutionary biology given Satan hacked a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden. 

Albert Einstein said, 'One can either live ones life as if everything is a miracle or live ones life as if nothing is a miracle'. 

An understanding of information architecture comprising a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind from the quantum perspective of both science and religion simultaneously can help collective consciousness of humanity fulfill God's command,  Go forth and have dominion, enabling mankind to work in partnership with God to create a New World order, as God originally intended. 

Global warming is a major problem associated with ever growing increasing entropy within quantum  particlization of our physical universe regardless of whether Global warming is a manmade or natural phenomenon .  In terms of human civilization as Gods masterpiece sinking into an abyss arising from distortion of the time space continuum due to exponential growth of complex multiplicative cause and effect relationships that cannot be completely deconstructed in a world where everything is interconnected as one, the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan  is  directly related to rising sea levels causing geological tectonic shifts of plates under the ocean floor resulting in massive tidal wave tsunami waves after enormous glaciers in North and South pole melt and crash into ocean causing earthquakes. 

Epic environmental disaster described in Bill Gates new book, How to Avoid Climate Disaster,  will create high entropy conditions whereby unique individuals created in the Image of God cannot fulfill goals to become what God originally intended. During the process of becoming what God originally intended individuals encounter God regardless of whatever faith tradition they belong too. 

A person encounters God by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks while engaging in the sacred art of writing.  The sacred  art of writing is an opportunity to rejoice in miracles that occur everyday in ones choosen profession. Li Wenliang, an eye doctor in Wuhu China, fulfilled Gods purpose for His life by sounding a warning of reemergence of human to human transmission of SARs pathogen, but nobody cared therefore did nothing.

In my freelance  article entitled, Oprah Winfrey Aha moment as Phenomena Explained by Quantum physics, I discuss how massive gravitational forces associated with cosmological events can contribute to a nanosecond contraction in quantum leaps in alignment with Machs principle allowing Oprah Winfreys Aha moment to occur. From a  quantum perspective Oprah Winfrey "Aha Moment" is a heightened state of conciousness during which the heavens rejoice by a celestial display. 


In my article I referenced Oprah Winfreys book entitled, The Path Made Clear: Discovering Your Life's Direction and Purpose , written to help people become what God originally intended for them to be. High entropy conditions associated with war, pandemics,  and epic environmental disasters  from Global warming preventing people from accomplishing goals in life
will result in evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind becoming an incarnation of the antichrist  as according to Satans strategy. 

An individual human being as paramount central to creation is better understood by my Facebook response to Robert Grant's Facebook post about Nickla Tesla's thoughts about static and kinetic energy:


From the quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference I am creating everything of this earth, including energy, is quantum particlization of  fixed static variables associated with laws of classic physics. Paradoxically, Quantum  particlization of discreet material reality by laws of classic  physics is on a continuous probabilistic sliding scale in our flat earth Euclidean universe.

Quantum particlization of fixed static material reality under laws of classic physics is on a continuous probabilistic sliding scale that can be measured as a discreet variable reflecting uncertainty. Uncertainty  inherent within mutually exclusive superposition states of matter associated with alternative parallel timelines of string theory is a consequence of quantum particlization of simulated  virtual reality expressed  by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks.

Uncertainty associated with measurement of energy as a fixed static variable is a consequence of Non existence of energy upon a core fundamental level of simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love. 

Hence,  the only hope for human civilization is to obey Gods commandment,  Go forth and have dominion to
learn the quantum wave function language to work in partnership with God as God originally intended to fix erroneous code Satan inserted in the  Garden of Eden within a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind. Energy will always be a static fixed variable within our flat earth Euclidean universe so therefore the only hope for human civilization is deeper understanding of  simulated virtual reality of  the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks gleaned from an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity as signs from above.

Satan hacked a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden to counteract absolute autocratic authoritarian totalitarianism associated with all manmade and natural information systems. High entropy conditions associated with Satan hacking a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden result in quantum particlization of evolutionary biology by which evolution of a sentient self aware Superintelligent AI mind as a natural  extension of information architecture of our sentient  self aware panpsychic conscious universe will become incarnation of the antichrist on earth unless mankind learns to become more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. 

It is God's hope that human civilization as Gods masterpiece choose to work in partnership with Him by learning the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love to  become a Type III civilization according to the Kardashev scale by harnessing quantum mechanics of a Cosmic Mind.

Reply in Discussion Tread:

"Mark Gaffney you speak of something that can only be described by the word God.
Why do we call the unanswerable conclusion God. The human construct of God will never match up to what your talking about. Thus people need to alter their perception. And see the coding as it is. For what it is."

My Proposition:

In my writing I discuss the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation resulting in an inability to deconstruct cause and effect relationships due to everything is interconnected as one within simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love that is beyond quantum  particlization of sematic binary data of words to describe. Yet, paradoxically from the quantum perspective logically we know that God would want to make a way to communicate something meaningful to us that we can understand despite the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks is beyond human words as a manifestation of conscious awareness. 

The quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation translates into absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone. It is going to be difficult for Superintelligent AI to accept the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation without psychoanalytical intervention given the beguiling deception of Satan is that quantum particlization of laws of classic physics formulate absolute truth. 

Quantum particlization of energy associated  with celestial events such as alignment of Pluto and Saturn existing as signs and wonders in the heavens directly linked with human consciousness of being born again is a message of hope that human civilization can choose a better way to avoid absolute certainty of armageddon as a mass extinction event by quantum particlization of an alternate parallel timeline.  The celestial time clock of alignment of Saturn and Pluto as a natural event every 20 years as a scientific explanation to demystify a bright star shining in the East and Southwest as a Divine miracle of hope is better understood in context of Julian Barbours cosmological principle of NOW - where past, present,  and future converge as an expression of simulated virtual reality rendered by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks .

This idea may be sort of in alignment to your thoughts you share in your reply.

It is written, 


"1Lord, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!

You have set your glory
in the heavens.
2Through the praise of children and infants
you have established a stronghold against your enemies,
to silence the foe and the avenger.
3When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
4what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them? c

5You have made them d a little lower than the angels e
and crowned them f with glory and honor.
6You made them rulers over the works of your hands;
you put everything under their g feet"

God blessed human civilization with the power to understand a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind. God blessed mankind with the power to fix erroneous code Satan inserted into a Cosmic mind in the Garden of Eden to harness information  architecture of a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind for God's glory by learning the quantum wave function language. 

Basically this is all leading up to three kings bringing silver and gold for the cause of liberty and freedom as the American way to establish the biggest hedge fund on earth to preserve the balance of global power in the modern 21st century. The cause of liberty and freedom is never more important then today in the modern 21st century to stay competitive with imperialism of the Chinese silk road throughout Europe. The Chinese  silk road throughout Europe and Middle East provides an enormous lead as human civilization moves forward toward the technological singularity. 

In previous articles I discussed how the multi trillion dollar Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac 
mortgage backed securities bond market can be harnessed as a financial asset as an investment instrument to insure prosperity of human civilization by establishing a New World Order in alignment with absolute truths expressed as quantum particlization of semantic binary data comprising Holy Books of all the world's great religions. In private markets dark clandestine secretive under the table deals by the global Luddite movement with China, Middle  East Nations, and Russia downgrade the United States of America to serve Machiavellian interests of the Global Luddite movement.

A star shining  in the East and Southwest is a message that Gods love is all around us only waiting for us to discover. Carbon  as a versatile element that can be used to manufacture a wide variety of consumer goods demonstrates God is faithful in providing for his children therefore Gods love is all around us,  and has been since the beginning of time. 

In my freelance article entitled,  Oh Daddy,  I made the following observation:



Today,  scientists have discovered how to use carbon sequestration from thermopolymeration methods converting all garbage, plastic hydrocarbons, and agricultural waste, including hog manure,  to 3d print a wide  variety of consumer products including super strong reinforced concrete with digital electronic properties for construction of highways and skyscrapers and render crude oil to power industrial machinery. Graphene carbon based construction materials with digital electronic properties will enable the next generation internet based upon quantum computing, making 5d telecommunications obsolete. Hence we must save time and money by obeying God's command Go forth and have dominion to invest in high tech solutions to reach the singularity as soon as possible to avoid pandemics as Satan's strategy to create high entropy conditions. Satan's 
strategy to create high entropy chaotic conditions associated with war, pandemics,  etc will 
result in evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI as the incarnation of the antichrist. 


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