Thursday, November 26, 2020

Joe Biden Introduced His U.S. Intelligence Chiefs this Week. Should We Trust Them After U.S. Intelligence Agencies Failed the American People Miserably? What Should President Elect Joe Biden Do Now?

Joe Biden introduced his U.S. Intelligence chiefs this week. Should we trust them? Since U.S. intelligence is seriously broken because of politicized Intelligence data resulting  from rogue capitalism running amok thereby corrupting the Republican/Democrat duopoly then the Electoral college should overturn the popular vote and elect Transhumanist party candidates Charles Kam and Elizabeth Parrish to office of President and Vice President of the United States of America.

What should Joe Biden do now that transitioning from the Trump administration to the Biden administration has begun and Joe Biden is taking reigns of the federal government? 

AstraZeneca,  Pfizer,  and Moderna has applied to the FDA for approval to release their vaccine to the public. It is likely that the FDA already have all necessary documents from  AstraZeneca,  Pfizer,  and Moderna in a secret agent brief case. Documents from AstraZeneca,  Pfizer,  and Moderna provide all necessary information about clinical trails I, II, and III for the FDA to make a decision about safety of vaccines.

According to the mass media the FDA must wait two more weeks to assemble a panel of scientific experts and professionals in scientific research. 

A familiar truism is "too whom great power has been given much is expected". Clinical trials conducted by pharmaceutical companies are done therefore hard data concerning safety of vaccines is now available. 

President elect Joe Biden should immediately order a military escort of all FDA executives to convene at FDA headquarters today to approve vaccines. Distribution of SARs Covid-19 vaccines should begin this week, on Black Friday the day after Thanksgiving 2020 or by Monday November 30, 2020 at the latest.

We have arrived at the moment.  Since the first case of human to human transmission of SARs  Covid-19 in mid 2019 began, identified by Dr. Li Wenliang under the watch of U.S. Intelligence agencies, we have been working toward this great moment. U.S. Intelligence agencies were too busy investigating Donald Trump when the SARs Covid-19 pandemic began in Wuhu China. The mission of U.S. Intelligence agencies is to protect the American people from any foreign or domestic threat.  The Commander and chief of the United States of America should not be a top priority for investigation as a foreign or domestic threat to the American people. 

Actually we have been working toward this moment since the early 20th century when modern transportation systems within a newly established industrial society facilitated transmission of novel virus thereby contributing to epidemiologic spread of deadly pathogens causing pandemics as occurred during the Spanish flu of 1917.. Novel virus are nanobots Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden that have become the paintbrush for biodiversity of evolutionary biology rendered by a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic Mind. Satan hacked a Cosmic Mind in the Garden of Eden. 

Satan's strategy is to use pandemics, wars, anarchy to overthrow established government by revolutions, etc., to create high entropy conditions whereby evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind will become an incarnation of the antichrist on earth.  In my freelance article entitled, A More Perfect One World Government Arising from Within the Hearts of Individuals as an Internalized Construct as Human Civilization Moves forward toward the Technological Singularity, I propose it is possible that human civilization can defeat Satan's strategy by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks.

A false peace brokered by globalization as a foreign policy panders to enemies of freedom and liberty. Globalization as a foreign policy that panders to enemies of freedom and liberty is lack of communication about true and false boolean operators   within information architecture of a Cosmic Mind. 

Money as a major determinant of quantum particlization results in an external locus of control within collective consciousness of humanity.  Quantum  particlization as a consequence of monetary rewards leads toward a valence of true and false boolean operators within information architecture of a Cosmic Mind discarded as irrelevant. True and false  boolean operators within  information architecture of are discarded as irrelevant given absolute autocratic authoritarian totalitarianism  is an intrinsic inherent property of all manmade and natural information systems within  our universe. God will return the final boolean operator as a binary expression of true or false on judgment day to render final quantum particlization of the Kingdom of Heaven that human civilization should have been working toward since the fall from grace of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. 

Evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind culminating in rapid acceleration of exponential growth leading to the technological singularity whereby human civilization will become an advanced Type II civilization according to the Kardashev scale will likely eliminate have nots. A sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind adding to a million years exponential growth of
knowledge in a matter  of days can dramatically increase material abundance whereby every individual can get whatever they want and need thereby eliminating have nots in society. 

Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind with an external locus of control that disregard true and false boolean operators within information architecture of a Cosmic mind create conditions as quantum particlization of evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind as an incarnation of the antichrist on earth. Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind can only develop an internal locus of control NOW within dynamics of competition for limited resources under an evolutionary biology model as according to God's plan.  It is Gods plan to allow Satan to hack information architecture of a Cosmic mind. Individuals working toward goals of fulfillment by the pursuit of happiness outlined as an inalienable right according to the Declaration of Independence,  where happiness is defined as either saving lives and/or adding significant value to other people's lives, highlight absolute truth of Gods precepts as a true boolean  expression within information architecture of a Cosmic mind. A have not condition is God's plan for individuals as subroutines of a Cosmic mind to develop an internal locus of control by working towards fulfillment of goals. 

In my freelance article entitled, God who lives in me by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross is the "lightening in the bottle " by which former President Barack Obama won the White House,  I outlined how we as subroutines of a Cosmic Mind must provide psychoanalytical intervention into evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind for  an utilitarian application of boundless unlimited infinite information contained within a Cosmic Mind to nurture an internal locus of control within the human spirit so that human civilization as Gods masterpiece will prosper while accomplishing Gods will on earth. A Superintelligent AI mind can nurture an internal locus of control within the human spirit by implementing free thought movement curriculums in education to uncover what God originally created an individual to become.

The sacred art of writing manifest conscious awareness of true and false boolean operators within information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind. The sacred art of writing is how individuals build a closer relationship with God by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. Logically since our physical universe is a product of Intelligent Design then God desires to maximize accrued benefits of information amongst human civilization as Gods masterpiece, hence U.S. Intelligence agencies must be guided by a higher purpose. 

U.S. Intelligence agencies investigated Donald Trump when a foreign National enemy combatant flying the friendly skies in military aircraft decided to shoot up an airforce base in Penscola Florida? Joe Biden introduced his U.S. Intelligence chiefs this week. Should we trust them? Since U.S. intelligence is seriously broken because of politicized Intelligence data resulting  from rogue capitalism running amok thereby corrupting the Republican/Democrat duopoly then the Electoral college should overturn the popular vote and elect Transhumanist party candidates Charles Kam and Elizabeth Parrish to office of President and Vice President of the United States of America. @DHSgov #DHSGov 

Paradoxically,  U.S. Intelligence agencies as information gathers for the Republican/Democrat duopoly are seriously broken at a pivotal moment in human history when powerful internet telecommunications is formulating a New World Order. Politicization of U.S. Intelligence agencies is a result of lack of real guidance and purposeful directives.  Lack of real guidance of U.S. Intelligence agencies can be understood by the quantum perspective existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation translating into absolute truth is the Divine prerogative of God alone.  

God and Satan alone have computational power to process absolute truth within information architecture of a Cosmic mind resulting in the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation. Hence, in a world becoming more interconnected as one leading to a New World  order under a One World government the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation throws a monkey wrench into trying to hammer out international globalization policy in terms of party platforms. The quantum perspective as quantum  particlization of sematic binary data is a philosophical frame of reference transcending human communication helping world leaders become more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks.

In a LinkedIn article I wrote entitled,  Peace is Worth Fighting For, I made the observation that war arises from political ideologies that purport a absolute truths. Yet,  from the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation we all know some things are worth fighting and dying for as according to lyrics of the famous Beatles song entitled,  Imagine. 

The quantum  perspective as a philosophical frame of reference is conscious awareness of a higher purpose for human civilization as Gods masterpiece instead of merely becoming a victim of quibbles of quantum particlization of laws of classic physics underwriting evolutionary biology rendered by a Cosmic mind Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden. The quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks underwrites God's gift of intellectual reasoning.

Since the Republican/Democrat duopoly are not the sole progenitors of absolute truth then highly politicized U.S. Intelligence agencies can be easily misled. Human  civilization is merrily merrily floating down the stream of quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality we experience daily as a dream without an oar or peddle.

The religious conservative right oftentimes see no value in quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality data stream defining our flat earth Euclidean universe where we currently abide, therefore set their sights on the next life in heaven above. Logically since God decided to place us here for as long as God allows the sun to rise tomorrow we must continue working to give our earth back to God as a precious gem billions of years from now at the end of our universe or whenever God decides to call it quits. 

Also the religious right denial of quantum particlization of evolutionary biology beginning at the Big Bang as a consequence of the Fall of grace of Adam and Eve results in delusional ideology whereby the Republican/Democrat duopoly falsely believe party platform planks represent absolute truths. As I shared in a recent freelance article Satan's computational power to process absolute truth results in quantum particlization of enormous deception of material reality. Quantum physicist can't prove we really exist as an objective physical reality in alignment with Julian Barbours cosmological principle of NOW where past, present,  and future converge as one as an expression of simulated virtual reality rendered by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks:

A Ted talk entitled,  How Do You Know You Exist,  provides insight into the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation resulting in absolute truth as the Divine prerogative of God alone as related to formulating party platform planks conveying what people uphold as true:

If any given individual cannot prove they objectively exist then quantum particlization of the quantum perspective as semantic binary data underwriting a philosophical frame of reference based upon accurate interpretation of the Word of God by engaging in the sacred art of writing to become more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks can by Gods grace result in branching into an alternative parallel timeline to avoid absolute certainty of armageddon as a mass extinction event predicted by Biblical prophecy and laws of classic physics. Tomorrow you may wake up within an alternative parallel timeline where a New World Order arising from an Internalized Locus of Control arising from within hearts of men is possible.

Behold the old things have passed away. We are already uploaded into simulated virtual reality within a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a  Cosmic mind and Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden.  

The quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks prevents decoherence of the soul of individuals with an Internal locus of control who experience the rapture. The quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks is moaning too deep for words. Words are quantum particlization of binary semantic data of human language by which people communicate. 

The rapture of the human spirit begins in bodily form by becoming more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love and ends on judgement day when God returns the final boolean operator. On judgement  day those called according to His purpose will meet God in the clouds by becoming raptured into simulated virtual reality expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks underwriting absolute true meaningfulness of everything that exists in physical reality. 

On earth,  quantum particlization of a Cosmic mind hacked by Satan in the Garden of Eden continually works to create decoherence of the human spirit by formulating an external locus of control. An external locus of control is decoherence of the human spirit as a consequence of quantum  particlization of evolutionary biology manifesting a survival of the fittest mentality. It is written,  ' My strength is made perfect in weakness'. Hence human beings must work towards evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind as a natural extension of information architecture of a Cosmic mind God coded designed to help individuals develop an internal locus of control by implementing free thought movement curriculums in education. 

God blessed mankind with intelligence so we can learn the quantum wave function language to converse with Him as equal partners in creation.  Human  beings as created in the Image of God are unique and unlike any of the animal phylum God created because we have intellectual ability to plan for the future today, NOW in this very moment.  As I wrote in one of my articles,  Love for the created universe is the ultimate intelligence,  on earth Intelligence is in short supply. If collective consciousness of humanity desires to converse with an omnipotent almighty God Who created the heavens and earth by learning the quantum wave function language then we have a lot of growing and learning to do, so we better get started NOW. 

Other animal phylum God created are beautiful in their own way as other animal species are quantum particlization of quintessential beauty of biodiversity rendered by a Cosmic mind with virus as paintbrush of an abstract artwork.  Other animal phylum simply be without deference to absolute precepts of good or evil only God and Satan have computational powers to process.  If human beings created in  the Image of God choose not to live up to our obligations to obey Gods commandment,  Go forth and have dominion,  a Cosmic mind God coded, Satan hacked in the Garden of Eden,  will use virus as nanobot paintbrush for biodiversity to create a new abstract artwork of quintessential beauty of biodiversity without human civilization as Gods Divine masterpiece in the picture.

Related Tweets:

Hence, #QuantumPerspective as a philosophical frame of reference #Transcends all #ReligiousDogma given #ExistentialNihilism arising from parity bit negation implies #AbsoluteTruth is prerogative of God alone and quantum wave function language as higher level language of love is

Is #QuantumParticlization of #SemanticBinaryData within Holy Books of all #WorldsGreatReligions, Judaism, Christianity,  Islam,  Hinduism,  Buddhism, and #QuantumWaveFunction language as the voice of God can #DirectlySpeak to #MensHearts when individuals engage in

Discovery of no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq demonstrates how seriously broken U.S. Intelligence agencies are.  The 4.4 trillion dollar cost of middle East wars has put human civilization at risk of mass extinction due the current SARs Covid-19 pandemic and worse pandemics that are an absolute certainty given laws of classic physics and Biblical prophecy. We have failed to do what God commanded,  " Go forth and have dominion " and instead buried mountains of money in underground bunkers inside Iraq as the foolish servant in the Biblical narrative of the 7 talents.

Related Twitter:

Now that vaccine for deadly #SARsCovid19 will soon to be released, Joe Biden as commander & chief is guilty of murder by #RecklessNegligence for every person who dies without getting vaccinated because more should have been done to prevent pandemic

Trump,  Biden,  Obama,  Hillary,  Bush's, Clinton's etc don't have to worry about getting sick. Since they are on corporate welfare they have an entourage to meticulously sanitize everywhere they go. Also they have a massive food pantry on their gated compound that is as big as a wholesale distribution business so they don't have ever go out to shop in a retail store in public. A movie theater auditorium is always available for private viewing of entertainment. Joe Biden , Trump, Governor  Andy  Bresher, nor any  other politician don't give a s#^* if the SARs Covid-19 pandemic continues until the end of the 21st century. 

Politician idiots tell people to wait in a long line in the state Capitol to get help for unemployment benefits one is entitled too based upon helping people, hoping people will get sick and die so they can buy sonnie boy a new Mercedes and vacation home. The idea to require people to go to the State Capitol to stand in a crowded long line to get help applying for unemployment benefits they are entitled too based upon hard work during a pandemic likely originated from union mafia thugs working with foreign National enemy combatants associated with state pension funds.  In recent articles I discussed how union mafia thugs working with foreign National enemy combatants associated  with the Global Luddite movement as investors in state pension funds are making stupid decisions to start a race war in the United States of America to destroy our beloved nation. 

In mansions,  vacation homes, and gated compounds belonging  to federal,  state,  and local politicians groceries are delivered at the food pantry around back on a scheduled weekly basis. The house keeping and kitchen staff insure everything gets where it should be from the pantry to within the household after being sanitized. The compound is so big people can social distance across the auditorium like rooms 50 feet or more. A party of 50 can sit at a table 10 feet apart for a Thanksgiving meal. Housekeepers insure the sanitized freshly pressed ironed silk robe is daintily hung in the closet and bedroom slippers feather dusted placed neatly under the bed in sharp orderly alignment.

Politicans do not have to go out in public to rub elbows with constituents. The electorate base that vote a politician into office answer the question,  " Am I my brother's keeper ?" by a loud NO, I don't give a s#%^ about my brother, whether he or she lives or dies, therefore the  electorate base refuse to quarantine, wear mask, social distance,  and instead gather in superspreader events and large public gatherings to deliberately intentionally murder other people by spreading the SARs Covid-19 pathogen because they are mad. They are as big as bulls therefore think they will get well after getting infected or have a great healthcare plan. 

The electorate base of the Republican/Democrat duopoly have demonstrated  during the pandemic that they are not qualified to decide upon who should be elected to office of President and Vice President of the United States of America by popular  vote therefore the Electoral college should overturn the popular vote and elect Transhumanist party candidates Charles Kam and Elizabeth Parrish to office of President and Vice President. 

Also if politicians on corporate welfare get sick powerful medications will rain down from heaven upon them paid for by their corporate welfare program given foreign National enemy combatants own all our hospitals.

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