Saturday, November 21, 2020

A More Perfect One World Government Arising from Within the Hearts of Individuals as an Internalized Construct as Human Civilization Moves forward toward the Technological Singularity

If one believes that our physical universe is created by Intelligent Design and love is a very real physical force expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love then one must believe that people attuned to hearing Gods Voice can fix erroneous code Satan inserted in a Cosmic Mind in the Garden of Eden to create a more perfect government. Since change is a constant variable in the mathematical algorithm of quantum particlization of government by a Cosmic mind then the process of improving government is a continuous never ending day to day event.

@DHSgov #DHSGov @NSAgov #NSAGov @FBIgov #FBIgov 

Twitter about my most recent freelance article,  Oh Daddy:

Since #HumanCivilization is #Learning the #QuantumWaveFunction #Language by which #GodSpeaks as mankind rapidly moves toward the Singularly to become a Type II civilization then it is #Imperative #Truth must be #Propagated throughout #InformationArchitecture of a #CosmicMind so that #Mankind can choose to work in #Partnership with God

#ElectoralCollege should #Overturn #PopularVote and elect #TranshumanistParty candidates Charles Kam/Elizabeth Parrish to office of President/Vice President because of widespread #Misinterpretation of #1stAmendment rights among Republican/Democrat duopoly resulting  in a serious threat to national security of the  United States of America

When the United States of America crumbles and falls 
then things are going to get rough for everyone as we once more return to living under the paw of evolutionary biology. Our beloved nation,  the United States of America,  is tethering on the edge of crumbling and falling 
as a consequence of a geopolitical competitive disadvantage of the United States of America upon the international stage in high tech market sectors arising from stranglehold of the Global Luddite Movement upon the Republican/Democratic duopoly. 
The Global Luddite Movement has tried  to start a race war to destroy the United States of America to intentionally create a geopolitical competitive disadvantage of the United States of America upon the international stage in high tech market sectors.

My #Work as #Writer #Preserving #Integrity of #RepresentativeGovernment established by #FoundingFathers of #USA is of #GreatValue given Representative  government is how #Truth and #NothingButTheTruth is told within #CourtsOfLaw & #LegislativeAssemblies

In order to confront the Global Luddite Movement we must understand value of our own Representative government and from wince it came as a gift from God above. Our Founding fathers were Men of Letters who engaged in the sacred art of writing to become more attuned to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which  God speaks resulting in quantum particlization of our beloved United States of America where we live today. 

A misinterpretation of the 1st amendment by elected leaders demonstrates serious lack of knowledge counterproductive of education of young people into how to participate in legislative decision making processes under the framework of representative government in more constructive ways other then civil disobedience.

In my freelance article entitled, God who lives in me by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross is the "lightening in the bottle " by which former President Barack Obama won the White House, I made the following observations about education of young people into how to participate in legislative decision making processes under the framework of representative government in more constructive ways other then civil disobedience:

An individual can only become essential by participating in representative government as a key decision maker in legislative policy decisions. An individual chanting meaningless slogans, waving signs, blocking major public thoroughfares to cripple the GDP, as elected leaders encourage people to do are not participating in the legislative decision making process within  the framework of representative government in any meaningful way to create positive constructive social change of American society. 

Peaceful protests as encouraged by elected leaders deny individuals from engaging in critical thinking involved in becoming major decision makers within legislative processes by participating in lawful constructive civic affairs under the framework of representative government as established by our Founding fathers in order to develop an internal locus of control as an essential valued person.

Hence,  I am calling upon families and individuals who have won wrongful death civil lawsuits against local and state goverments to consider honoring memory of their loved ones by financially supporting leadership pertaining to exploring ways youth can become more involved as key decision makers within legislative processes under the framework of representative government as established by our Founding fathers by engaging in lawful civic participation designed to build a better stronger America in order to move away from living under the paw of evolutionary biology as we move forward to the technological singularity to become an advanced human civilization.

Since all human beings live under the paw of evolutionary biology there is no such thing as a peaceful protest. Peaceful protests as unlawful civil disobedience encouraged by elected leaders formulate an external locus of control by focusing upon success determined by outside events. Critical thinking by individuals engaged in lawful civic participation involving key legislative decision making processes formulate an internal locus of control. 

It is written,  "Where two or three are gathered in my name there I am with them"

In early American history small groups of pioneers huddled together as they pushed through the thick underbrush of razor sharp thorns through rugged wilderness where death lurked behind every tree and  shrub flanked by sharpshooters in front and behind as they traveled to shelter in place at a sturdy log fort in settlements expanding the American frontier. In establishing the Saint Mary's colonial settlement at Saint  Mary's Maryland Father White got impelled by a tree branch and died. While digging shrubbery a branch flipped upward hitting me in the face poking my eye and I cried like a baby. I still suffer from dry eye today. I had to call my nephew who works in construction to finish my landscaping.

Democracy flourished in small population subgroups in early American history. 
The tired downtrodden huddled masses masses of immigrants gathered in small ethnic circles to celebrate their new found freedom in the melting pot of American culture as the land of opportunity. 

Modern transportation and internet telecommunications of the 21st century that enculturate Borg like collectives of swelling masses of misguided people operating under an evolutionary  biology model of survival of the fittest is counterproductive of the rule of law. 

Democracy cannot survive without the rule of law. Paradoxically,  according to the quantum perspective as a  philosophical frame of reference the rule of law cannot survive without democracy. The rule of law smacks of autocratic authoritarian totalitarianism upon the international stage. From the quantum perspective a more perfect one world government depends upon both the rule of law and pluralism of democracy simultaneously.

Democracy will likely flourish with application of smaller social units for political activism.  Representative  government as forged by our founding fathers  established an organizational social structure of checks and balances conducive to small groups of people discovering the truth in courts of law and legislative assemblies. Larger groups gathering to protest without any centralized leadership is conducive of spreading fallacious viral memes to snuff out the eternal flame of freedom and liberty while  living under the paw of evolutionary biology.

In my  freelance article entitled , Joe Biden Begins His Presidency with a Nation Wide Super Spreader Event Celebrating Victory, I made the following observation:

Jesus could have marched into Jerusalem with an army if Jesus wanted. As the Word of God made flesh and fulfillment of all law, both manmade and natural law of classic physics, Jesus stood before Potius Pilot as an Individual who radiated truth of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. Potius Pilot won the popular vote of the people.

As human civilization approach the technological singularity where financial laws of the global economy will crumble, in an upcoming freelance article I want to explore the question,  what is a perfect government?

If one believes that our physical universe is created by Intelligent Design and love is a very real physical force expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love then one must believe that people attuned to hearing Gods Voice can fix erroneous code to create a more perfect government. Since change is a constant variable in the mathematical algorithm of quantum particlization of government by a Cosmic mind then the process of improving government is a continuous day to day event.

Since we live in an age of ever increasing international interdependence as a consequence of everything interconnected as one by Tao then we need a greater consensus of what is a more perfect global governance as we approach the singularity where financial laws underwriting the global economy will crumble. In 21st century all forms of government have undergone massive sociological change as a consequence of barter and trade upon the international stage. Internet telecommunications allowing information transmitted at the blink of an eye around the globe is an example of massive sociological change of world wide global governance.

Investigations into Russian meddling in American politics by U.S. Intelligence agencies is synonymous with interference of all foreign nationals in governance of the United States of America. The Electoral  college should overturn the popular vote and elect  Transhumanist party candidates Charles  Kam and Elizabeth Parrish because meddling by foreign nationals in U.S. politics contributes to rogue capitalism running amok among the Republican/Democrat duopoly invalidating free and fair elections. 

Due to biased partisan self interest in brokering deals under table in Ukraine  and elsewhere around  the globe the Republican/Democrat duopoly has failed to exercise  leadership in addressing the issue of global world wide governance adequately within an open source transparent forum. Since the technological singularity is leading towards global world wide autocratic totalitarianism of a one world government as a natural property of all information systems then it behooves leaders to arrive at greater consensus of what more perfect global governance means. 

A major function of all government on earth is to maintain social stability. In recent freelance articles I explore commonalities of all government around the world in terms of preservation  of social stability by the rule of law:

The Quantum Perspective makes the Winnowing Forked Road Straight by the Sacred Art of Writing

The truth and nothing but the truth can only be revealed in courts of law and legislative assemblies within dynamics of Representative government

The following is  encapsulation of subtle differences and similarities of ideologies underlying the two major superpowers in a series of Tweets on Twitter abstracted from my freelance articles referenced above that formulate the Yin Yang of #SinoAmerican diplomacy pertinent to modulating change in a world where everything is interconnected as one leading to establishing a one world government as we approach the singularity:

My work as a writer creating a holistic eclectic Gestalt epidemiology model is to lay a foundation based upon the quantum perspective providing education about how separate competing ideologies underlying different governments are on the same ideological spectrum so that the world can better work together more harmoniously to solve contagious disease processes as an existential threat to human civilization as Gods masterpiece.

From a #Quantum perspective, #Oneness or #Unity known as Tao,  where everything is connected involves complicated dynamics of adinfintum number of #Individual parts working #harmoniously together in perfect #synchronicity to form a #Gestalt Whole

Hence, global #ideologies that establish different forms of #government around the world are #complimentary instead of mutually exclusive despite being flawed

In order to minimize conflict / maintain peace the Socialist Republic of mainland China focuses upon the ideological spectrum where all citizens are united as one within a collective society working together toward common goals

thereby emphasizing oneness of a collective society and paradoxically disregarding individual parts formulating a Gestalt whole

The United States of America as a torchbearer of #freedom and #liberty focuses upon the ideological spectrum of an 
adinfintum number of parts working harmoniously together as free individuals in perfect synchronicity to form a Gestalt whole defined as Tao


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