Thursday, September 17, 2020

A life mandate among the people will be restored by using every available economic resource to accelerate exponential growth of advanced technologies in such a way as to transcend evolutionary biology while simultaneously controlling authoritarian autocratic totalitarian nature of manmade and natural information systems by obeying God's command " Go forth and have dominion

The NRA Institute for Legislative action published on their Facebook page the following idiom :

"The Constitution was written to protect us from people who think we do not need a Constitution for protection. "

What I don't understand how can attorneys and powerful politicians graduate from law school and get a license to practice law without knowing what the United States Constitution says?

@JoeBiden @KamalaHarris
If people of any race are constantly told over, over, and over again that they will become #victims of #RacialProfiling then when an individual encounters #LawEnforcement they act according to the #FightOrFlight syndrome

@JoeBiden @KamalaHarris
All #Attorneys & #politicians downplaying #RepresentativeGovernment by grossly misinterpreting #1stAmendment right to #PeacefullyAssemble to #RedressGrievances in #CourtsOfLaw and 
#LegislativeAssemblies as established by our Forefathers should be disbarred

The Quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference I am creating currently in the running to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize proposes democratization of 2nd Amendment rights of gun ownership by establishing a Non Governmental organization dedicated to restoring a life mandate among the people. A life  mandate among the people will be restored by using every available economic resource to accelerate exponential  growth of advanced technologies in such a way as to transcend evolutionary biology while simultaneously controlling authoritarian autocratic totalitarian nature of manmade and natural information systems by obeying God's command " Go forth and have dominion ".

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