Sunday, June 7, 2020

Justice for George Floyd and Victims of Police Brutality can only be Gotten within Legislative Assemblies and Courts of Law.

According to the quantum perspective of Intelligent Design whereby God created the heavens and earth, the solution to any problem is about accurate precise information gathering directly from original source from whence the problem emerged. Massive violent anarchy on the streets arises from quantum particlization of extraneous data leading to dissonance of the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love. 

The Quantum wave  function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love holds our beloved United States of America together as one nation,  indivisible,  for liberty and Justice for all. In prehistory before verbal or spoken language evolved cave men could not even begin to carve something as complex as the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love on a cave wall, although cave wall carvings are strong evidence it was deeply felt. If cave men did not deeply feel the quantum wave function language as the language of love in their hearts, then instead of creating artwork on cave walls cave men would have been outside fulfilling dictates of evolutionary biology as carnivores hunting wild game, eating, sleeping,  or engaging in sexual act of reproduction.

In every human being there is a love for beauty and a powerful urge to create derived from the quantum wave function language as an underlying unified higher level language of love.  In downtown Louisville Kentucky one of the few businesses not demolished and ransacked by looters is an art gallery owned by a young African American woman. Do you know how much money is required to own an art gallery in a downtown venue? 

I consider my writing on social media an art. At 60 years of age may never own an art gallery in downtown Louisville, Kentucky like the young 30 something African American woman. Although I should be able to afford an art gallery in downtown Louisville, Kentucky  because as a printer tradesman displaced  by new computer desktop systems I worked to help software engineers of every race, creed, gender , and ethnic origin get their Microsoft certification by running line edit on linotronic machines to print Microsoft Incorporated trade magazines. 

When I was in my 30s I worked hauling slop out the back door of a restaurant where black and white people enjoyed a good meal,  and work at $3.35 an hour at the printing company.  I never could afford to have children of my own despite earning a Bachelor's of Science degree. Some people in my situation would go out and take an M-16 automatic weapon and kill everyone with it without discriminating, but I try not to be like that because I believe God is calling  me for a higher purpose. Satan is persistent in whispering you are nothing but a common piece of shit.  CBS Sunday Morning aired an episode about a successful internationally proclaimed black artist who said the beauty of ones art is not determined by other people. 

Social media is a powerful addiction allowing billionaire internet moguls suck ones soul from body of a writer like a blood sucking vampire while they sit back laughing living in multibillion dollar mansions surrounded by tall gates and traveling the world in luxury and splendor. It takes precious time to create anything that cost individuals dearly and should have real value in dollars and cents. 

According to the quantum perspective deriving a solution for all problems is a stringent rigorous scientific process of uncovering all relevant facts or data. An act of massive mobs standing on the streets screaming and shouting chants at the top of ones lungs does nothing  to help uncover the real facts to prevent such crimes of humanity from ever occurring again,  but instead is merely a distraction hindering justice for the victims of murder by police.  If police , high ranking politicians including mayors, federal, state, and local judges committed horrific crimes of negligent failure in performing their jobs as civil servants then mass media should put legal court proceedings of all who failed to do their jobs properly leading to murder of victims on television,  instead of trying these cases in the public domain among people who don't know anything about cases who were not there when it happened. 

In the modern 21st century information age we as an advanced human civilization are suppose to be moving away from violent protests.  All protest of mass mobs are violent even if destruction of property does not occur. 

Martin Luther King dedicated his life to winning civil liberties for the African American community. Pew research demonstrating that the 116th Congress and Senate is the most diverse in history, political power of the NAACP in legislative assemblies and courts of law, and the first black president, Barack Obama holding highest office in our nation with Attorney General Eric Holder is testimony to Dr. Martin Luther King legacy.

Dr. Martin Luther King asserted civil disobedience associated with peaceful protests are necessary in the 1960s era, although Dr. Martin Luther King revered law based upon true moral principle expressed by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love. Today it behooves the African American community to use civil rights in legislative assemblies and courts of law Dr. Martin Luther King has already won for the African American community to get Justice for the victims,  otherwise violent protests are overturning Dr. Martin Luther King legacy given Dr. Martin  Luther King revered law based upon higher moral principle.

Since consciousness arising  from quantum mechanics is an anomaly within natural order of things then everything a human being does is a crime,  hence in the course of human events sometimes civil disobedience is necessary.  Martin Luther King conscientiously struggled with the issue of civil disobedience regarding peaceful protests.

An article published by the Chicago Kent College of Law entitled,  Martin Luther King Jr., the Law, and the Courts, provides insight  into Dr. Martin Luther Kings reverence for law as related to silently reflecting in prayer before God  upon civil disobedience during peaceful protest while in the Birmingham jail:

The following is an excerpt quoted from the aforementioned article:

"King often struggled to explain why he believed civil rights activists were justified in breaking certain laws—even some laws that on their face said nothing about race—while also condemning segregationists for their defiance of Brown and other federal civil rights requirements. He famously tackled this question in his 1963 Letter from Birmingham Jail, where he differentiated just and unjust laws. “A just law,” he wrote, “is a man-made code that squares with the moral law, or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law.” Since segregation laws fall squarely in the later category, “I can urge men to obey the 1954 decision of the Supreme Court because it is morally right, and I can urge them to disobey segregation ordinances because they are morally wrong.”

"A more challenging situation, King continued, involves a law that “is just on its face and unjust in its application.” It was this kind of law that landed King in his Birmingham jail cell, since he had been arrested for parading without a permit. “Now, there is nothing wrong with an ordinance which requires a permit for a parade,” he explained, “but when the ordinance is used to preserve segregation and to deny citizens the First Amendment privilege of peaceful assembly and peaceful protest, then it becomes unjust.”

An article published by Time Magazine entitled, Why Martin Luther King Jr.'s Lessons About Peaceful Protests Are Still Relevant, outlines Martin Luther King's legacy of peaceful protests to win civil rights for African Americans within legislative assemblies and courts of law:

According to the Time article Martin Luther King said, "If we as Negroes succumb to the temptation of using violence in our struggle, unborn generations will be the recipients of a long and bitter night of—a long and desolate night of bitterness. And our only legacy to the future will be an endless reign of meaningless chaos.”

If an individual honestly looks around they can clearly see Martin Luther King's dream fulfilled everyday within the United States of America.  Martin Luther King rejoiced in Heaven with  the Lord when the first black President, Barack Obama was sworn into office. Enormous wealth of black athletes,  celebrities,  and musicians is strong evidence Martin Luther King's dream is being fulfilled in the United States of America today.

Martin Luther King elegantly spoke,

"I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia (Yes, Talk), the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood."

Today,  black and white professional athletes who play on the same team consider themselves brothers because sons of former slaves and sons of former slave owners both built the United States of America and everything it stands for.

Martin Luther King's legacy can be seen everywhere. African Americans are in many television commercials for a wide variety of consumer products.  Every time people buy retail products at a store the cost of advertising on television is added on product for everyone of all races,  creed, gender,  and ethnic origin. People of every race, creed , gender,  and ethnic origin work hard for every nickel they got to pay people to appear in television and radio commercials as well  as print advertising in newspapers and magazines. 

Martin Luther King's legacy is demonstrated by African Americans who have become billionaires in the United States of America. Wikipedia provides a discussion of career paths of African American billionaires as role models for rising above to become uncommon individuals by dedicating their lives to service :

An article published by discuss African Americans in corporate America:

Many African American entrepreneur appear on Shark Tank to promote established businesses valued in the millions. If one considers businesses valued in the millions owned by African Americans instead of focusing upon Fortune 500 companies it is evident Martin Luther King's dream is being fulfilled in the United States of America.  

The Black Entertainment Television Network as a successful fortune 500 Company can continue to expand African American entrepreneurship and  build upon Martin Luther King's legacy in the modern 21st century.  Actually private business sectors are  the ideal forum to reduce racism because businesses tend to want to sell to people of every race,  creed, gender,  and ethnic origin to be profitable. However since people have a lawful right to own private property segregation cannot be enforced by law. Black people would also be offended by white people invading their communities to take control of black businesses. 

As a hopeful entrepreneur on a mission to accomplish Gods Divine will I would be happy to work with African Americans on the board of directors of my proposed magazine start up project to raise venture capital for high tech companies by advertising revenue. Like Martin Luther King,  I  have a dream. Of course I would have to identify African Americans who share similar interests and have skills and aptitudes to bring something to the table in terms of successfully launching a magazine start up. 

Politicans do need to learn to listen and address grievances of constituents quicker today. The entire Department of Justice should have been at the scene with 24 hours after murder of victims by police, including former President Barack Obama and Attorney general Eric Holder as leaders of the African American community. 

Negligent failure of politicians and lawyers in the Department of Justice to address these issues  quickly can be construed as  deliberately instigating insurrection against the United States of America in form of rioting,  which is a serious federal crime that both Republican  and Democratic public officials on federal,  state, and local levels can be tried in a court of law . We elected them to do a job, and they failed to do their job. 

All current political candidates running for office in 2020  did nothing to prevent these tragedies while holding powerful positions in government so it is very disingenuous to step in now acting like a hero who will save the day. Republican and Democrat politicians should have spent less time womanizing and more time addressing grievances of constituents. 

If these cases are going to be tried in the public domain, as protesters insist, among people who don't know anything about the cases and were not present at the scene then televised court martials  and legal proceedings should begin immediately. How can public know anything from mass mobs screaming obscenities at top of their lungs as fake mass media air in their newscasts? Court martialed Republican and Democratic politicians facing insurrection charges should  be allowed to testify why they failed to address grievances a long time ago in order to prevent these tragedies. Police charged with murders should be allowed to tell their story of what happened at the scene before they are either given a life sentence or death penalty. 

Mass media airing protesters shouting obscenities at the top of their lungs make people who weren't present at the scene of the crime feel like a whipped dog that done something horribly wrong. Mass media focusing on insanity of protest instead of legal proceedings in a court of law and legislative assemblies are helping protesters create a culture of fear and intimidation.

@FBI @DHSgov 
Instead of running through streets why don't #MassMedia go to home of judge who signed #SearchWarrant demand answers? #Judge only person who know why this happened. #Fake mass media sadly is making ton of money #ProfitingfromMurder of victims


Politicans are encouraging people to protest when there is no such thing as a peaceful protest. Politicans are encouraging people to protest as a distraction from their  own criminal negligent failure to address grievances of constituents to prevent murder of victims by police and not immediately taking action within 24 hours after police brutality lead to death of victims. Protests blame the public when only elected leaders have the authority to take legal action to address grievances of constituents. What can your average joe and Jane doe do about any of it ?  We go to vote to elect people to get things done to prevent these tragedies and take immediate action when crimes against citizens occur. 

Today in the modern 21st century information age we have powerful communication tools to address grievances without protest by massive mobs. 

What does the chanting , " No Justice no peace " by peaceful protesters mean? The only way to get Justice for George Floyd and other victims is through legislative assemblies and courts of law. Martin Luther King has already won civil rights of African Americans to present grievances among legislative assemblies and courts of law as evidenced by the 116 House and Senate as the most diverse Congress in U.S. History according to Pew Research center, undeniable power of NAACP as a political legal organization,  and former President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder holding highest offices in the land.  

The problem is that civil rights that Martin Luther King won for the African American community are not being used in legislative assemblies and courts of law for some reason.  A huge number of African American mayors run major   cities existing as powerhouses for international trade across the United States of America. Why haven't mayors done something about police brutality before anyone died?

According to an article published by entitled, Black Mayors:

"Of the 100 largest cities in the country, 39 have had elected black mayors. In 2018, 57.1% of black mayors served in cities (over 40,000) that did not have a black majority population.

By 2018, that number has dropped to 40.6%. Perhaps the introduction and prevalence of the Black mayor has helped America become more comfortable with Black politicians in positions of major leadership"

After a mayor of any race serves in office in a major United States metropolitan for 4 to 8 years they are fixed for life with a retirement package 98% of United States citizens can only dream about. 

Protests appear to be deliberately planned to reap profit from the murder of victims by police because of unwillingness of lawmakers of every race,  creed,  gender,  and ethnic origin to exercise civil rights within legislative assemblies and courts of law to prevent needless deaths. If Justice means certain groups getting paid for the murder of George Floyd by police then an investigation should be done to determine if getting paid is why police murdered George Floyd to begin with.

Currently mass mobs are protesting all over the globe to protest the murders of victims by police.  All international commerce should immediately be frozen to prevent those within the Global Luddite movement who plotted the murders of George Floyd and other victims from profiting from the murders and establishing a satanic reign of terror on American soil with help of foreign National enemy combatants. The United States of America is the only nation on earth that truly is a bastion of freedom and democracy,  and repressive regimes are associated with old world European countries. It followed us here from Europe , China,  and middle East. 

Does the United States constitution guarantee the right to peaceful protest by mass mobs of billions of people seeking to overthrow the rule of law ? Justice for George Floyd and victims of police brutality can only be gotten within legislative assemblies and courts of law. 

The legacy of Martin Luther King is that Martin Luther King sacrificed his life to win civil rights for the African American community. If Martin Luther King failed to win civil rights for the African American community then Martin Luther King would not have a great legacy. If an injustice has been done to any African American citizen,  leaders within the African American community now have civil rights to address these grievances in legislative assemblies and courts of law. However,  for some reason lawmakers have not acted quickly within legislative assemblies and courts of law to address grievances as lawmakers are elected to do, likely because they are working for the Global Luddite movement as an international crime syndicate instead of the American people.

Yes, in the course of human events peaceful protests to bring public law into alignment with moral law derived from the quantum wave function language as a unified underlying higher level language of love is sometimes necessary, as Martin Luther King discovered. Since Martin Luther King has already won civil rights for African Americans it behooves African American leaders to exercise civil liberties instead of encouraging massive protests by angry mobs, although such protest may be peaceful.  African American leaders must immediately address grievances within legislative assemblies and courts of law instead of encouraging street protests.

In the modern 21st century the collective consciousness of humanity should be moving away from protests given all protest of mass mobs are inherently aggressive, even peaceful protests. 

Protests on the streets do not help in any way, shape,  or form to bring all relevant facts or data before the American people.  Justice is about making all pertinent data salient within legislative assemblies and courts of law. 

Does the United States constitution guarantee the right to peaceful protest by mass mobs of billions of people seeking to overthrow the rule of law given there is no such thing as a peaceful protest? 

You feel that don't you,  in your heart , and you know it is true, although you may insist on denying it. You go to church to suppress it. As products of quantum particlization of evolutionary biology, rendered by a Cosmic mind, hacked in the Garden of Eden by Satan, every human being on earth as a subroutine of a Cosmic mind is ready to pounce , so it behooves us to listen to Jesus teaching " love your enemies " to transcend evolutionary biology. 

An article published by Cornell Law school entitled,  First Amendment discuss a lawful right to assemble to redress grievances directed at a duly elected government.

The lawful right to assemble is about redressing grievances to elected public officials at town halls by small groups representing larger populations whose civil liberties are violated. The NAACP , former President Barack Obama,  Attorney general Eric Holder has the power and authority to legally redress grievances within legislative assemblies and courts of law on behalf of any and all African American citizens who have their civil liberties violated. 

Organizers of mass mobs of billions  of people protesting "peacefully" cannot possibly prevent violence,  so therefore organizers of mass mobs of billions of people protesting are encouraging insurrection and insurgency against the United States of America. Organizers of mass mobs of billions of people are legally liable for all property damage that occurs during peaceful protests.

Martin Luther King dedicated his life to building a more just America whereby all people,  including African Americans  can redress grievances within legislative assemblies and courts of law, and not on the streets. Martin Luther King loved the law when the law conforms to moral law arising from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love. When people take to the streets they abandoned the law Martin Luther King fought so hard to bring in alignment with righteousness. 

So televised legal proceedings against high ranking politicians,  judges,  and police should begin immediately so that victims of murder by police can have Justice in a fair court of law and legislative assemblies. Street protest by mass mobs is nothing but insanity that hampers real Justice. At this point,  I am surprised we have a court houses and legislative assembly halls still standing to get Justice for the victims. Protesters have tried to burn down Martin Luther King's legacy. 

If Justice means burning down Martin Luther King's legacy by not allowing light shine upon all pertinent facts related to murder of victims within legislative assemblies and courts of law I guess there will be no peace. As Martin Luther King elegantly spoke hatred spewed on the streets by those waving signs will lead to "meaningless utter chaos" instead of building upon civil liberties to pursue justice within legislative assemblies and courts of law as Martin Luther King fought for.  Black lives do matter so therefore the 116th Congressional Black caucus should redress grievances for any injustice done to a black citizen within legislative assemblies and courts of law as Martin Luther King won the civil liberties of African American politicians to do.

The Congressional Black Caucus government website provides information about the 116th Congressional Black Caucus:

An article published by The Washington Examiner entitled,  Shelby Steele: George Floyd protests are about 'power' and victimhood, is reaffirmation of Dr. Martin Luther King's legacy as discussed in my recent freelance articles:

In the aforementioned article Shelby Steele is quoted as writing: "the protests sparked by the death of George Floyd are about “power” and added that black people have never had more opportunities than now."

The famed long running internationally proclaimed hit Broadway musical Hamilton is a celebration of racial diversity within the United States of America in the 21st century showcasing talents of African American men and women. 

An YouTube video clip features the lyrics ' not going to miss my shot'. Be careful,  because the United States of America on the verge of becoming the next Syria leading towards the United States becoming a 3rd world improvised nation because  of so called  'peaceful protests' by mass mobs will eventually result in a lot of  young people from every race,  creed , gender,  and ethnic origin miss their shot at achieving success in life.

An article published by the Los Angeles's Times entitled, Hamilton’ gets past race by imagining Founding Fathers with black and brown faces, discuss the famed internationally proclaimed New York Broadway musical Hamilton as a celebration of racial diversity in the United States of America during the 21st century.

In April 2018 famed actor John Legend played the role of Jesus in the New York Broadway musical Jesus Christ Superstar aired live on national television.  In the Broadway musical John Legend performing role of Jesus Christ sang the lyric ' Be thankful for what you got before it's gone; You will be so very very lost when I'm gone, move while you still have me . . .' 

The United States of America is on the verge of becoming the next Syria as lawlessness rules the streets. When the United States of America becomes the next Syria freedom and  democracy will be eradicated from the face of the earth during a satanic reign of terror culminating in the United States becoming an impoverished 3rd world nation.  

The right to assemble to redress grievances guaranteed by the United States of America constitution is about small groups representing larger populations redressing grievances in town halls and court  houses. The right of 'peaceful protests ' by mass mobs is a false misinterpretation of the United States Constitution to win political power by power hungry politicians who are already rich. The loud rancorous underlying statement of mass mobs 'peacefully protesting' is that Dr. Martin Luther King did not accomplish anything.  

Continued later

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