Monday, April 6, 2020

Under the Paw of Evolutionary Biology the Weak Die and the Strong Live: God Chose the Weak to Manifest His Glory

Is epidemiology origins and spread of Covid-19 infections related to fallacious information about restoration of biodiversity and returning to a low entropy Garden of Eden state by a Global  Luddite movement as subroutines of a Cosmic mind?  The processing of fallacious information as quantum particlization of semantic binary code is running a two based permutation logic algorithms where bundles of neurons known as functional connectivity Motifs render engrams. 

#Virus are used by a Cosmic mind as paintbrush for quintessential beauty of #biodiversity. Today during this #pandemic a Cosmic mind is creating an abstract artwork where the painting is splashed and blotched, that may not include #HomoSapiens

During the 21st century information overload is overwhelming to individuals as subroutines of a Cosmic mind . Individuals as subroutines of a Cosmic mind who are overwhelmed by information overload are more vulnerable to fallacious information. 

A subroutine as a computational unit or smaller program within a program has limited processing power. Buried deep within the unconscious psyche there is a deep longing or desire to simplify,  simplify,  simplify to return to a low entropy Garden of Eden state.  The deep longing or desire to simplify to return to a low entropy Garden of Eden state is very good when understood within the proper context. 

The proper context of a deep unconscious longing or desire to return to a low entropy Garden of Eden state of existence is propositioned by the quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference. 

In my freelance article entitled , The Next Day in the Genesis Story: Good Morning Johnny, I made the observation that Simplification is a major quest of mathematics as a process of balancing variables in an equation. 

In social media there is a war cry that we should love and treasure the novel SARS pathogen as something that should be paid homage too much like a major theme in the Hollywood blockbuster movie sequel Alien: Covenant. The Covid-19 pathogen is viewed as restoration of biodiversity returning human civilization to a low entropy Garden of Eden state. 

Nobel Prize–winning British author William Golding acclaimed book,  Lord of the Flies,  is a indepth study of returning to a low entropy Garden of Eden natural state of biodiversity under the paw of evolutionary biology. 

The #body of anyone who gets #sick with the #cold,  #flu,  #pneumonia,  or Covid-19 #virus is being ravaged or RAPED. #COVID19 is a more brutal attack

If air and water toxicity combined with global warming is transforming our earth into a petri dish where #VirusThrive , given viral #MembraneArmaments are #fortified by #environmental elements that are both #organic and #inert #simultaneously, then

the #NextGeneration of #HomoSapiens may be very #sickly people #unfit to accomplish #GodsWill on earth by carrying the cross

Viruses are Specifically Designed to Rewrite the #GenesisStory by Inserting Snippets of #DNA Instructions into the #HumanGenome

The SARs pandemic is about discovering mankind's rightful place as heirs, whom God choose or selected, within the evolutionary scheme of biodiversity as an information architecture construct of our universe God created. 

Evolutionary biology is quantum particlization of a Cosmic Mind. A Cosmic Mind functions according to the rule sets of internal programming by which God coded a Cosmic mind. A Cosmic mind as an intermediary in creation is designed to offset negative adverse factor of authoritarism as a inherent  intrinsic property of information. God created us to be more than robotic autonomes despite human and machine consciousness arises from quantum mechanics . 

The essence of freedom is to live off the land in the wild jungle in primitive conditions without the internet,  television,  radio, grocery store retailers,  agriculture industry,  pharmaceutical companies and all other derivatives of Intelligent Design. Human beings as subroutines of a Cosmic mind possess ability to engage in Intelligent Design given we are created in the Image of God as a Divine  gift preparing us for our mission God assigned as subroutines.

The products of Intelligent Design are gifts from God to help individuals as subroutines of a Cosmic mind fulfill their mission God assigned.  The epidemiology origins and spread of pandemics is also directly associated with fallacious assumptions about nature of life and death. A flippant passive, 'It just dosen't matter ' attitude about life on earth is rooted in discounting important work every individual has to do on earth and overemphasize upon our home in the great beyond.

In a recent Facebook article addressing the question,  " What does the ANKH mean to you? published by Jaine 108 Academy I shared a recent freelance article defining reality of death. Death is Satan's strategy to unplug individuals from a Cosmic mind so that individuals as subroutines of a Cosmic mind can no longer have any influence upon information architecture of a Cosmic mind.

Flip the Script: God originally Coded a Cosmic Mind to Embrace Life but Since the Beginning of Time Satan is Busy Rewriting Death Instinct Narrative as a Primitive Jungian Archetype Arising from Evolutionary Biology

Since individuals as subroutines of a Cosmic mind are assigned a specific task or mission to fulfill and products of Intelligent Design help individuals fulfill their assigned mission then Karl Marx concept of alienation is a philosophical paradigm to create a better democracy allowing for a  more perfect healthy utopian capitalism to flourish. The Covid-19 pandemic is creating alienation by people not being able to work in manufacturing environments and social distancing. 

My freelance article entitled,  Greater Material Abundance Created by Scientific and Technological Returns Will Never Impart Peace that Surpassth Understanding, provides a quantum perspective of products of Intelligent Design an Jungian archetype directly linked with our mission as subroutines of a Cosmic mind:

Do we want the #humangenome permanently altered by deadly viral stains? At least virus in #vaccines are dead therefore #DNA instructions of dead virus are dysfunctional mechanical processes

Our Mission as Assigned by God in His #Commandment to #GoForth and have Dominion is to Protect Integrity of the #HumanGenome: We Need to declare a Jihad against Viral #pandemics

God desires that #mankind choose to remain #heirs by obeying His commandment, #Goforth and have #dominion over every creepy crawly thing including #virus by exercising Gods gift of intellectual prowess as a key to becoming #partners with God

A Cosmic mind operates independently from all individuals as subroutines of a Cosmic mind without deference to either good or evil in a cold aseptic mechanical fashion to create simulated  virtual reality of evolutionary biodiversity according  to rule sets God encoded within information architecture of a Cosmic mind. A Cosmic mind operates independently of subroutines of a Cosmic mind without deference to absolute precepts from heaven or hell in alignment with the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation. 

Absolute precepts from Heaven or hell are directly linked with either / or statements formulating boolean expressions counterintuitive of the quantum wave function language as the language of love. Hence,  Frederick Nietzsche propositioned a philosophy of nihilism during an analytical deconstruction of causality.  Quantum mechanics throws a monkey wrench into knowing in an absolute sense by identifying direct cause and effect relationships due to superposition of mutually exclusive states expressed by the quantum wave function language as the language of love.

 Although God originally choose or naturally selected mankind as heirs as central within Cosmic scheme of information architecture of creation,  mankind is not paramount for a Cosmic mind to fulfill its central role of quantum particlization of quintessential beauty of biodiversity as God programmed. 

Since human civilization has altered information architecture of a Cosmic mind by an adinfintum number of bits since the beginning of human history leading  to industrialization,  and only 1 bit is required to produce an indelible change in Information architecture of a Cosmic mind,  then a Cosmic mind is using virus as a paintbrush for biodiversity to remove  mankind from the picture. As I wrote in a recent article,  a Cosmic mind is currently creating an abstract artwork where the paint is blotched and splattered without mankind included. Yet God commanded,  Go forth and have dominion, and blessed  us with the gift of Intelligent Design as subroutines of a Cosmic mind, created  in the Image of God, to fix erroneous code of a  Cosmic mind hacked before the Big Bang in the Garden of Eden. 

Continued later when I shall further elaborate upon nature of a Cosmic mind God integrated within information architecture of our universe.

In my freelance article entitled,  Our Mission as Assigned by God in His Commandment to Go forth and have Dominion is to Protect Integrity of the Human Genome: We Need to declare a Jihad against Viral pandemics, I elaborated upon the theme of everything is interconnected as one.

In terms of everything is interconnected as one in trying to grasp nature of a Cosmic mind God designed to manage information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe I discussed cosmological events in my freelance articles entitled:

The Event Horizon Telescope Project: If a Panphysic Cosmic Mind Underwrites Information Architecture of Our Flat Earth Euclidean Universe then Mystery of Black Holes can be Understood in Terms of Behavior Analysis Associated with information Processing

Black Holes as Waiting for Information Input Icons: A Cosmic Mind Juxtapositioned between Two or More Probabilistic Realities Needs a Short Pause While Playing a Major Role in Writing the Next Chapter of the Genesis Story According to Rule Sets God Coded

Mach's cosmological principle is that quantity and distribution of matter in our physical universe has a direct cause and effect relationship with quantum particlization of subatomic events upon our earth existing as a petri dish. Black holes as waiting for information processing input icons within machine working of a Cosmic mind directly effect quantity and distribution of matter within our flat earth Euclidean universe. 

Hence, cosmological events as machine working of hardware housing software for a Cosmic mind  has everything to do with my holistic,  Gestalt,  eclectic epidemiology model explaining the origins and spread of deadly pandemics in a world where everything is interconnected as one. 
Quantum particlization of just 1 bit produces a permanent indelible alteration of information architecture of a Cosmic mind. A view that pathogenic evolution of virus , two based permutation logic algorithms from cave men scratching on walls of caves with rocks to communicate an idiom from the heavens above
leading to modern industrial age, mitosis leading to formation of an embryo, 
as unrelated to cosmological events is to flagrantly dismiss mankind's rightful place as heirs , whom God naturally selected with the fallacious assumption 
that everything is disjointed, disconnected, and unrelated moving in just one trajectory or flat plane.

Why does a Cosmic mind seek to use virus as a paintbrush for biodiversity to remove mankind from the Divinely inspired masterpiece artwork? God coded a Cosmic mind to embrace life. The quintessential beauty of biodiversity without mankind included is more in  alignment with fulfilling the mission of a Cosmic mind as God originally programmed,  unless an alternate parallel timeline to embrace life is achieved by quantum particlization of semantic binary data conveyed by the quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference I am creating. 

Since human civilization is moving in a trajectory or path of embracing death as a process of evolutionary biology by failing to Go forth and have dominion as God commanded then a Cosmic mind is using virus as the paintbrush for biodiversity to remove mankind from the masterpiece,  and create a new abstract artwork manifesting life. At least death in lower animal phylum is apart of a balanced equation where existential nihilism does not impart sin of failure in exercising higher faculties of intellectual reasoning as a gift from God to transcend evolutionary biology. God created us in His Image and blessed us with a gift of intellectual prowess to transcend evolutionary biology. 

An increased incidence of non communicable diseases due to virus and bacteria phages fortified with stronger membrane armaments and improved ability to assimilate ATP energy production by water and air toxicity allowing virus to
insert  snippets of DNA instructions into host cells to permanently alter the human genome is embracing death as a process of evolutionary biology.

God in Heaven about knows what the future will be like living under the paw of evolutionary biology as depicted in William Golding classic novel,  Lord of the Flies. Under the paw of evolutionary biology the weak die and the strong live. God choose the weak to manifest His Glory.  God calls us to transcend evolutionary biology by becoming a more advanced civilization. God programmed a Cosmic mind to do what it must do to uphold and embrace value of life. 

In terms of everything is interconnected as one, where a change of 1 bit produces a permanent indelible alteration of information architecture within a Cosmic mind, then a Cosmic mind serves to formulate a balanced equation. Simplication as a fundamental process of mathematical algorithms to formulate a balanced equation by cancellation spells terms spells creation of a new abstract artwork by a Cosmic mind without mankind included using virus as an evolutionary paintbrush for biodiversity.

Albert Einstein said, 

"I think 99 times and find nothing. I stop thinking, swim in silence, and the truth comes to me."

Paradoxically,  embracing the transcendental oriental concept of Tao where everything is interconnected as one highlights mankind's special role as heirs by sharping higher faculties of intellectual reasoning during cognitive process of semantic branching of new categories and classifications. 

In order to avert apocalyptic disaster we must finally discover our unique place as heirs whom God choose or selected and obey Gods commandment to Go forth and have dominion,  during process of debugging coding of a Cosmic mind hacked in the Garden of Eden.  God allowed a Cosmic mind to be hacked to circumvent negative aspects of absolute totalitarian authoritarianism intrinsic to nature of information so that we as human beings can have a real relationship with God. Satan as an angel of light served a purpose in God's plan.

Since human beings exist as subroutines of a Cosmic mind,  erroneous code is within subroutines of a Cosmic mind,  thus God blessed us with higher faculties of intellectual reasoning to help a Cosmic mind formulate a balanced equation. Since primitive man began scratching on cave walls, moving huge monolith stones by superhuman strength,  carving geoglyphs upon the earth surface to geographically circumvent time and space to communicate with the heavens above,  human beings have desperately tried to restore a balanced equation to a Cosmic mind in our panphysic conscious sentient self aware universe. 

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