Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Massive confusion surrounding the Covid-19 virus is basically a misunderstanding of the concept of what it means to know

If I decide not to go to work to prevent getting infected with Coronavirus I should be able to file an unemployment claim.  I know if I get infected with Covid-19 I  I will die. I already feel like I am about to die now at any moment. 

If the global Luddite movement did not deliberately incubate this deadly virus within wild animal meat markets in Wuhu China we wouldn't have this problem. In December I wrote an article recommending that they should immediately declare martial law, travel bans, quarantines, etc before any of this went global.  Smart people knew what was about to happen but done nothing.  I shouldn't have to pay for their criminal reckless negligence behavior therefore I should be allowed to collect unemployment for lost time at work.

Let's see what happens when they release all those people in China and North Korea that are officially declared cured of Covid-19. China and South Korea have large indigenous populations that are crammed packed on sprawling transportation systems. 

Medical experts don't know what may happen.  I want to write a new article recommending massive numbers of people should not be allowed to gather until medical experts have proved by conducting scientific research with certainty of 99 percent that people can't get reinfected with Covid-19. If they don't know what may happen why flippantly take the risk of contributing to death and crippling of large numbers of people until they know with 99 percent certainty that people can't get reinfected again? 

The quantum perspective is about approximating truth as closely as possible upon a continuous sliding scale of 95 - 99 percent defining trajectory of quantum particlization of our flat earth Euclidean universe. The quantum perspective is an analytical study of moral and ethical relativism
within a trajectory of quantum particlization constructing our flat  earth Euclidean universe as a box described by Schrodinger's paradox. Quantum particlization of our flat  earth Euclidean universe conceived as a box may be compared to a staging program as featured in the Matrix Hollywood blockbuster movie series. 

Massive confusion surrounding the Covid-19 virus is basically a  misunderstanding of the concept of what it means to know. The quantum perspective is an analytical study of knowing. 

An article published by Fortune Magazine discuss people getting reinfected with Covid-19:


Medical experts have flippantly disregarded risk of the Covid-19 when they do not have scientific research to back up their claims that  prove with 95 - 99 percent reliability that (1) people cannot get reinfected and (2) immunity from exposure will minimize damage to lung tissue preventing chronic respiratory disease. Chronic respiratory disease will cause suffering for remainder of an individual's life. 

It is because medical experts don't have access to reliable scientific research concerning the new strain of Covid-19 medical experts speak authoritatively based upon what they have already experienced and know, which may not apply to the new Covid-19 virus strain. It is medical negligence to publicly assert that (1) all people must be exposed to Covid-19 to build immunity to fight the disease and (2) flippantly downplay potential permanent respiratory damage to lungs resulting from Covid-19 by claiming Covid-19 is no more serious then a common cold.  A need to know as a consequence of medical  experts exercising professional leadership during a crisis situation contributes to medical experts making unsubstantiated claims. 

Since scientists have been studying Mers and Sars animal to human transmission of Covid-19 since the 1970s I cannot fathom why scientists don't know more about Covid-19,  and already have a treatment. Has Science been hijacked by the Global Luddite movement?

Murder is murder , even if people have preexisting conditions,  so let's not confuse the issues. In previous articles I proposed a scientific research regimen to study how the common cold and flu as respiratory  diseases combined with global warming and air pollution create chronic COPD lung respiratory damage. Thus people still have open claims to compensate them for biological attack from the flu and  common cold.

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