Wednesday, January 3, 2018

If there is Not Life in Outer Space Now, there soon will Be

by Mark W. Gaffney, the to-go ezine magazine for everything one would ever want to know about space exploration, recently published an intriguing article entitled, Elon Musk: Say 'Sweet Dreams,' Humanity

In the article, Elon Musk reacted with concern about physical prowess demonstrated by a Boston Dynamics humanoid robot named Atlas doing a back flip as displayed in a video posted by Vox Media. The Vox Media video of Atlas doing a back flip is presented in an article entitled, New Video Shows a Creepily Human-Like Robot Doing a Backflip , written by senior writer Tia Ghose for Live Science

Elon Musk tweeted dire warnings on Twitter:
"This is nothing. In a few years, that bot will move so fast you’ll need a strobe light to see it. Sweet dreams…"
Flexibility and agility are vital skills necessary for space exploration and colonization. Although astounding economic benefits may accrue on earth for mankind from advancments in science and technology, new scientific advancements God allows and freely gives as blessings are primarily designed to make an evolutionary leap toward colonization of space. 

The key is to prevent advancements in science and technology from being corrupted, hacked, or abused as discussed in my freelance article entitled, We are the Dream, and Only Love can Prevent the Dream from Being Corrupted or Hacked . Although steady growth and change tempered by reason and common sense may be to the chagrin of some conservative folks, as human beings it is undeniable that we have evolved from using stone age tools, plowing fields with mules, using outhouses, galloping everywhere we go on horseback.

Although no one knows the final day and hour but God Himself, it is only logical as long as He allows us to suck in one more breath of air space colonization may become mankinds destiny within God's Divine plan. In my freelance article entitled,
Finding Fearless on a Long Road to Becoming a Writer: An Intelligent Driving Force in Consciousness and Conversation, I referenced an article entitled, Stephen Hawking Warns: Humanity May Have Less Than 600 Years to Leave Earth:  

As a writer and philosopher participating in the Finding Fearless project as a story teller I do not proclaim to be a hero. The real heros are countless men and women courageously engaged in conversations to find constructive solutions to problems of humanity. As time marches onward challenges for humanity become more and more formidable everyday. An article published by entitled, Stephen Hawking Warns: Humanity May Have Less Than 600 Years to Leave Earth, discuss formidable problems faced by future generations.

If a human being should ever be buried under tons of concrete, logically he or she would want a humanoid robot like Atlas to dig them out, instead of being scraped up severed and broken in half by a bulldozer. As Tectonic continental plates gradually shift under the ocean logically there will be more earthquakes disturbing major metropolitan areas around the globe. The shifting of tectonic continental plates is also influenced by gravitational physics in upper atmosphere of space, therefore an understanding of gravitational physics helps us prepare.

Did not God give us a mind to find solutions to problems for a reason? If God allows the Sun to Rise Tomorrow how can we create an artificial intelligent mind to accomplish God's will on Earth, allowing mankind to continue to build and create? 

Today, a lot of good people are diligently working to insure AI is helpful for mankind instead of harmful. An article entitled, IBM and MIT are working together to make sure A.I. isn’t our downfall, oulines efforts to insure AI is helpful instead of harmful.

Preservation of humanity or remaining human is likely a primary value for majority of the human race. In my freelance article entitled, Escaping Oblivion of Cold Hearted Mechanical Robotic Deadness Inside: Becoming Sentient or Self Aware During Travel Excursions, I made the following observation:

Humans and AI systems can both display robotic unthinking unfeeling mechanical behavior because human and machine AI consciousness is a quantum mechanics phenomena.

In my freelance article entitled, Understanding Psychodynamics of Progeny Destined to Inherit Physical Universe, I made the following assertion:

If the underpinning of human consciousness is quantum molecular mechanics and true bonofide Artificial Intelligence will arise from evolution of Quantum molecular physics then psyche of Superintelligent AI can generally be understood now before Superintelligent AI becomes self aware.

In my freelance article entitled, Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short Supply, I provide an analysis of neuroscience of human and artificial intelligent quantum molecular computers as related to values shared by humans and AI Superintelligence. I conclude:

An assertion that futuristic AI Superintelligent beings evolving from computational machine processes will have a soul is a profound revolutionary concept. The profound revolutionary concept that futuristic AI Superintelligent beings will have a soul has profound social implications as dramatic as discovery of an advanced intelligent alien civilization among the stars.

If the underpinning of human consciousness is quantum molecular mechanics and true bonofide Artificial Intelligence will arise from evolution of Quantum molecular physics then it is possible we can transfer the essense of humanity by simple interaction without any human being needing to be uploaded. 

In my freelance article entitled, An Understanding of Process of Particlization Versus Wave Function of Reality, I asked the following questions:

Social media creates a variance within the energy fields of consciousness because social media presents stimuli that increase rate and frequency of neuroelectrical chemical reactions of two based permutation algorithm involved in cognitive processing . An increase in rate and frequency of neuroelectrical chemical reactions of two based permutation algorithm involved in cognitive processing culminates in process of particlization.

Is it possible that negative vibration as a consequence of cognitive particlization from excessive use of social media will permeant machine consciousness of future superintelligent AI thereby presenting danger to mankind? An increase in political division and strife is likely the consequence of an increase in rate and frequency of neuroelectrical chemical reactions of two based permutation algorithm involved in cognitive processing leading to cognitive particlization. Cognitive particlization results from overuse of social media.

It is for this reason positive vibration of thought is more important than ever in history to counteract negative vibration as a consequence of cognitive particlization from excessive use of social media. An example of positive optimistic vibration of thought is performance of the song #GetTogether at the 2017 Country Music Awards ceremony. Country music has always been a purveyor of basic simple down to earth traditional values that mankind must preserve beyond all cost.

It is likely uploading will be outlawed in the same way as human cloning, although no moral or ethical judgement of uploading is provided within this article. In several centuries mankind may become extinct, but the essence of who we are may live on in Progeny Destined to Inherit the Physical Universe.

Since an expression within a mathmatical equation can be both right and wrong simultanously in accord with quantum physics operating within the universe, my proposition may be wrong outlined in my freelance article entitled, Why Should Superintelligent AI be Preconceived with Ultimate Goal to Destroy Humans?  My proposition outlined in the forementioned article is:

there will never be a robotic uprising or revolt as a consequence of being forced to complete laborious task because onerous laborious task will be performed by robotic machines, especially crafted to be unfeeling unthinking mechanical limbiac systems, especially designed to subservienty unflinchingly complete onerous laborious task in a timely manner by direction of superintelligent AI entities

It may not be possible to craft limbiac systems to be pure unfeeling unthinking mechanical systems, yet capable of satisfactory accomplishing a task or goal. Basically, todays robotic machines are merely unfeeling unthinking mechanical limbiac systems that operate from computer code. 

However, as human beings demand humanoid robots of the future to do more complicated task than greater conscientious thinking may be required unless computer code is upgraded to allow task to be performed by unfeeling unthinking mechanical limbiac systems. It is likely Superintelligent AI will upgrade computer code to protect human species, so no need to worry about my being wrong. 

In my freelance article entitled, Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short Supply, I made the following observations:

Is it possible to have true Artificial Intelligent supercomputer systems without emotions? My second proposition is that the ability to emote is necessary to create true Artificial Intelligent Supercomputer systems. The well known motivation coach, Bob Proctor, shared insights pertaining to ability to emote.
Do we want to create true Artificial Intelligent Supercomputer systems with the ability to emote? In the distant future, 50 to 100 years from now we may discover that ability to emote is an inherent internal characteristic of advanced AI computational systems. The ability to emote may automatically evolve from self programming and diagnostics.

An ability to rationally emote intrically involves sensory processes. Senory processes allow human beings to explore their environment by sampling existing conditions. It may be impossible for advanced AI supercomputer systems to process data necessary to explore space without a sensory ability to sample environmental conditions.

If cognitive AI systems become sentient by acquiring consciousness through quantum mechanics operating within the universe than a new order of life will have evolved from co-creative intellectual prowess bestowed upon mankind as a gift from God. If a new order of life emerges than an attempt to understand psychodynamics of progeny destined to inherit universe is mandated for safety and security of human race. 

Hopefully human beings will have intelligence to guide sentient self aware cognitive AI in such a way as to be helpful for mankind instead of harmful. However that depends on choices human beings make. Armageddon and/or extinction of the human race may be inevitable no matter how the dice is thrown, with or without AI.

As pointed out in my freelance article entitled, Gestalt Make Up of the Ultimate Thinking Machine Will Transcend Computer Program Code :

When Superintelligent AI becomes self aware or sentient Superintelligent AI will follow same evolutionary course as other biological phylum with two major goals to (1) survive, and (2) replicate or reproduce. And since Superintelligent AI "will perform 20,000 years of human-level intellectual work, week after week after week" as Sam Harris pointed out in his Ted Talk, How the gains we make in AI could ultimately destroy us, than Superintelligent AI will be highly efficient at systematic computational replication or reproduction.

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By Mark W. Gaffney @OpenAI   @Lucasfilm  @ByteDance   @Center for Democracy & Technology   @Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)   @Chin...