Friday, November 3, 2017

WORDS: Linguistics of Healthcare Reform

by Mark W. Gaffney

Words are moving cognitive actions that mysteriously pop up from substrate of apparent nothingness. Words as moving cognitive actions are designed to create and transform. Rene Descartes said, “I think therefore I am”.

When intrapsychic conflict culminating. from experience of oneness within physical universe stymies flow of words as cognitive actions than writer’s block becomes an Edgar Allen Poe existentialist scenario.

In the real world oneness with the physical universe is nearly impossible or difficult to achieve. Hence creativity that attempts to approximate oneness or synergy within physical universe culminates in intrapsychic conflict sometimes resulting in writer’s block.

An article shared by Arts Journal entitled, Sven Birkerts Found It More And More Difficult To Write: Then The Impulse Returned, describes a process whereby mojo for writer Sven Birkert returns after his creative muse took a sabbatical. The very term mojo may have power to instigate writer’s block because the term mojo conjures conscientious reflection about hubris, excessive pride, or audicity "To Be" as spoken by Hamlet in 
William Shakespeare's play Hamlet.

Writer’s block often occurs when an individual is inundated with too much information from external sources. When a writer is inundated with too much information from external sources oftentimes cognitive dissonance similar to fragmentation of a computer hard drive occurs.

Information overload can also hamper effective legislative decision making processes by lawmakers. Information overload restricts and limits cognitive processing of all pertinent variables.

An act of restricting cognitive processing of all pertinent variables occurs during tense emotionally charged legislative sessions. Restriction of cognitive processing of all pertinent variables is a competitive strategy to win.

A cognitive strategy of limiting information overload of too much external information is an effort to stay clear and focused. An effort to stay clear and focused on goals vital to economic prosperity is operating from an internal locus of control.

Deepak Chopra provides insights about value of operating from an internal locus of control as shared by Reflection Facebook media:

Reflection about Deepak Chopra’s insight concerning an individual internalized experience of time include the following thoughts:

Time as a fragmented, distorted, warped external variable is a major obstacle for human beings accomplishing whatever great task God intended for an individual to accomplish on Earth, thereby reaching Abraham Maslow’s pinnacle of self actualization. The quintessential subjective experience of time standing still in a deja Vu like moment for one woman somewhere on our planet Earth provides insights into time as internalized subjective variable that holds no power to prevent God’s will accomplished on Earth.

During the legislative process to repeal and replace Obamacare lawmakers have been inundated with too much information. As a freelance writer I have tried to help citizens see things from both sides.

GOP conservative Republicans especially have been vilified as being on a crusade to slash healthcare coverage. As a freelance writer for USA Politics Today my article entitled, Repeal and Replacement of Obamacare is not a Campaign to Slash Healthcare Coverage, but Instead a Fiscally Prudent Effort of GOP Conservative Republicans to Manage Powerful Market Forces to Control Escalating Prices, is an effort break down erroneous public perceptions.

As stated above, in the real world oneness with the physical universe is nearly impossible or difficult to achieve. However, lawmakers pass effective legislation in best interest of the greater good when lawmakers see things from another perspective.

Thus, following example of President Donald Trump, as a freelance writer I engaged in a Tweet storm to break down erroneous public perceptions about GOP seeking to slash healthcare coverage and increase cost.

The vital mission of a writer is to help people see an issue from a fresh new perspective. According to Albert Einstein, trajectory of a moving object or individual can best be understood when contemplated with streaming data derived from trajectory of a second object or individual moving in a parallel direction.

As American citizens bound by the United States of America Constitution we are moving in a parallel trajectory. Democracy works best when obstacles that stymie personal growth of individuals are removed. An exorbitant cost of Healthcare insurance coverage can become an obstacle to personal growth in the land of opportunity. American corporations terminate employees because of high cost of Healthcare insurance.

As pointed out in my USA Politics Today freelance article entitled,MOTHER OF ALL PARADOX REVELATIONS SINKS SENATE HEALTHCARE BILL, how to move people from poor quality individual plans to better quality group plans is a problematic issue. My freelance article entitled, MOTHER OF ALL PARADOX REVELATIONS SINKS SENATE HEALTHCARE BILL, can be found at the following URL address:

Since I am concerned about how deep cuts in Medicaid spending may affect community treatment programs for people with mental illness I wrote the following freelance article:

Creative Storytelling in Educating Public about Healthcare Reform: Churning or Dredging of Deep Powerful Emotionally Charged Creative Subconscious Urges by Need to Share on Social Media may Aggravate Mental Health Disorders

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