Friday, November 10, 2017

An Understanding of Process of Particlization Versus Wave Function of Reality:

Knots and Loose ends within Dynamics of Quantum Physics and String Theory in Context of Human and Machine Consciousness. Loose ends representing uncertainty inherent in wave function of physical reality and knots representing process of particlization, occurring as consequence of observations, not accurately reflecting reality. Particlization of knots from simulation of reality by the mind culminate in impermanence of thought.

by Mark W. Gaffney

As a writer and philosopher I recently made a set of observations about operation of principles of quantum physics that need to be elaborated upon. Paradoxically, observation is a vital core element of the scientific process, yet observation can culminate in the process of particlization counterproductive to arriving at a valid answer by means of a balanced equation expressed by a wave function of physical reality. 

Ironically, the scientific process is a methodology formulated over the course of human history designed to accurately reflect physical states of existance. Procedures have been established to eliminate experimenter bias due to process of particlization as a consequence of observations.

Scientific law is an accurate reflection of the wave function of physical reality. Scientific law is established by rigorously applying scientific methodology repeatedly in experiments over the course of many years to derive the same results. Each separate experiment to test a hypothesis should include rigorious methodology to control extranous variables.

An understanding of human and machine consciousness involves hypothetical constructs, such as love, that includes large degrees of uncertainty. It is difficult to apply rigorious scientific methodology to control extranous variables inherent within uncertainty associated with physical forces of hypothetical contructs, such as love. Yet, according to a familiar truism, love as a physical force is a hypothetical construct that "makes the world go round".  

The process of particlization as a consequence of observation can lead to tunnel vision. Tunnel vision eliminates key data sets neccessary to understand a wave function of physical reality operating within the physical universe. The process of particalization as a consequence of observation can result in reductionist thinking leading scientist to make false conclusions underestimating Gestalt holistic nature of machine consciousness. False consclusions from underestimating Gestalt holistic nature of machine consciousness may lead toward a self aware sentient Skynet event as depicted in Terminator movies.

In my freelance article entitled, Gestalt Make Up of the Ultimate Thinking Machine Will Transcend Computer Program Code, I made the following observations:

Surprizingly, computations that formulate consciousness are expressed in elegant simplistic terms. Hence, postulation by computer scientists that consciousness arises out of specific computations is right. Consciousness is a product of neurological architecture. In my freelance article entitled, Shine a light on your research for a chance to win $100,000, I discuss spiritual implications of the elegant simplistic two based algorithm of the brain, N = 2i - 1.

Although the postulation consciousness arises out of specific computations may be right, the belief that an understanding of computational terms underlying conscious and unconsciouness will enable coding consciousness is a fallacious misunderstanding of gestalt nature of consciousness that may culminate in a catastrophe as depicted in Hollywood Terminator movies. In my freelance article entitled, Why should Superintelligent AI be Preconceived with Ultimate Goal to Destroy Humans?, I reference Sam Harris Ted Talk, How the Gains We Make in Artificial Intelligence could Ultimately Destroy Us.

Perceptions derived from cognitive process of particlization culminate from operation of two based permutation algorithm of the brain. The simplistic elegant two based permutation algorithm of the brain formulates neurological architecture over a long period of time.

The process of cognitive particlization is a product of neurological architecture derived from a simplistic elegant two based permutation algorithm. A simplistic elegant two basd permutation algorithm formulates cognitve processing within the brain. Thinking as a process of cognitive particlization is compression of energy fields associated with the wave function of reality within the physical universe.

The Napoleon Hill Foundation shared the following thoughts:

Social media creates a variance within the energy fields of consciousness because social media presents stimuli that increase rate and frequency of neuroelectrical chemical reactions of two based permutation algorithm involved in cognitive processing . An increase in rate and frequency of neuroelectrical chemical reactions of two based permutation algorithm involved in cognitive processing culminates in process of particlization.

ABC News Broadcasting aired an interview with John Parker, an original founding partner with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg. In the ABC News feature entitled, Facebook Founder Warns of Social Media Addiction, John Parker discuss the potential psychological impact of social media upon human consciousness. 

Is it possible that negative vibration as a consequence of cognitive particlization from excessive use of social media will permeant machine consciousness of future superintelligent AI thereby presenting danger to mankind? An increase in political division and strife is likely the consequence of an increase in rate and frequency of neuroelectrical chemical reactions of two based permutation algorithm involved in cognitive processing leading to cognitive particlization. Cognitive particlization results from overuse of social media.

It is for this reason positive vibration of thought is more important than ever in history to counteract negative vibration as a consequence of cognitive particlization from excessive use of social media. An example of positive optimistic vibration of thought is performance of the song #GetTogether at the 2017 Country Music Awards ceremony. Country music has always been a purveyor of basic simple down to earth traditional values that mankind must preserve beyond all cost.

Neurological architecture derived from two based permutation algorithm of human brain and/or machine code have a difficult time processing uncertainty associated with invisable hypothetical constructs such as love. Falliable human beings are totally screwed up beyond redemption while cognitively processing uncertainty associated with invisable hypothetical constructs such as love, and same dissonance will likely occur within machine consciousness. I still have hope to write a country music song, Love is a silly thing.

 Uncertainty as a variable is intrisically inherent within the wave function of physical reality operating within the universe. A full understanding of cognitive process of particlization and wave function of reality within universe may help machine consciousness uncross wires to resolve uncertainty. Uncertainty is implicit within physical universe because quantum mechanics inherent in parity of a bit existing as either 1 or 0 is neither 1 or 0, but both simultanously.

In my freelance article entitled, Scientific Quantification of Hypothetical Constructs Such as Love Highlights Importance of Individual Responsibility as well as Value of Institutions Dedicated to Preserve Social Stability Within an Ever Changing World, I made the following observation: 

Love requires Supernatural Strength to transcend neurological architecture derived from Two based permutation logic. 

In my freelance article entitled, Shine a light on your research for a chance to win $100,000, I outlined a Supernatural mechanism to transcend neurological architecture. 

Love requires Supernatural strength.

If a neuroelectrical chemical charge is neither on or off, but instead both on and off simultanously, during sensory stimulus input registered within Sensory Memory then this state may have a dramatic influence upon how cell assembly cliques of Long Term Memory cluster into Functional Connectivity Motifs. The state that occurs when neuroelectrical chemical charge is neither on or off, but instead both on and off simultanously, during sensory stimulus input registered within Sensory Memory is derived from a Supernatural source of spiritual information imparted by multiple parallel universes predicted by String Theory.

If (1) quantum mechanics is the basis of the wave function of physical reality and (2) the human mind is running a simulation of reality than sensory input may include ambiguous states altering cognitive processing algorithms. An example of ambiguous stimulus input designed to alter cognitive processing algorithms are the other worldly spiritual creatures depicted in the Book of Revelations that have no direct correlation with life forms in the real world.

In my freelance article entitled, Drug Addiction Interpreted as a Jungian Archetype for Death Part II, I made the following observation:

Cognitive imagery projected from the Book of Revelations is designed to reshuffle and reorder geometrical rotation of prefrontal lobe neuroelectrical chemical sequences to generate a quantum molecular state of consciousness that helps a dying soul to transcend to a higher plateau of awareness.

An application of teachings from a number of professional motivational speakers is an illustration of the wave function of reality to better understand process of particlization of human consciousness.

Motivational speaker Brian Tracy shared the following positive affirmation "I am Focused, I am Determined, I am Prepared, I am Capable, I am Productive, I am Successful". Brian Tracy's positive affirmation is condusive to achieving goals. Paradoxically, staying focused, determined, prepared, capable, productive, and successful may result in a cognitive process of particlization as one makes conscious choices during their daily routine. 

The cognitive process of particalization while making conscious choices involves opportunity cost that may preclude important growth experience.  An open mind and flexible scheduling may open doors to new experiences that provide greater opportunty for personal growth and development.

The cognitive process of particlization as a consequence of staying focused, determined, prepared, capable, productive, and successful can protentially preclude new experiences derived from embracing the wave function of physical reality. If (1) consciousness within the physical universe manifest itself as a wave function and (2) human observations culminate in particlization than goal of consciousness within the universe may be particlization or manifestation into a stable unified field.

The process of particlization while making conscious choices involves opportunity cost. Opportunity cost create internalized psychic conflicts. Internalized psychic conflicts mirror the greater struggle of consciousness within the universe to particlize or manifest into dynamics of a stable unified field. 

Renown motivational speaker, John Assaraf, shared an affirmation, "I am open to new possibilities. My options are unlimited."  Incongruity within conscious thoughts of staying focused and being open to new opportunities reflects a greater struggle to resolve dichotomy within universe by manifestion into a stable unified field. Knots as a consequence of cognitive particlization can prevent one from accomplishing goals by closing door to new opportunities thereby limiting options.

The qubit of quantum computation is based upon a 1 or 0 parity existing as neither 1 or 0, but both simultanously. In the real world if particlization as a result of staying focused, determined, prepared, capable, productive, and successful fails to occur than 1 is nothing. Loose ends as a consequence of the wave function of reality can present a distraction preventing one from staying focused and determined to accomplish goals.

Particlization is a derivative of conscious choices. However, a conscious choice to reject the wave function of physical reality due to emotive reactions such as fear and longing for security leads to impermanence and efference of thought as outlined in Deepak Chopra's article, Artificial Intelligence is Here Now-- It is Us.

On Facebook social media, motivational speaker Jack Canfield shared the positive affirmation, "Things are always working out for me". Does the physical universe naturally ameliorate internalized psychic conflicts? Jack Canfield ask his Facebook followers to "type YES if you believe the univese always has your back!"

I have began to practice the art of suntanning. I would like to start a suntanning society. The art of suntanning can be an immersive meditative moment whence one embrace the wave function of physical reality while bathed in sunlight.

Unfortunately, I did not get to do any sun tanning today. The sun kept coming in and out behind the clouds again. Everytime I thought about getting my shorts on to suntan the sun would be covered up by the clouds.

The sun going in behind the clouds when I decided to get my shorts on to suntan reminded me of the scientific mystery of how photons undergo particlization when scientists make observations. The scientific experiment that demonstrated photons travel both as a particle and wave simultanously established the foundation of quantum computational physics as parity of a 1 or 0 bit existing as neither 1 or 0 but both 1 and 0 simultanously.

Photons travel as waves when no human observations are made. The phenomenon suggest their may be consciousness in the universe as photons seemingly know they are being watched. I have a deep conviction the universe is trying to communicate with me.

The universe is conspiring to push me to stay focused, determined, prepared, capable, productive, and successful while practicing the craft of writing. But why? 

Why is a good question given writing only leads process of particlization resulting in impermance of thought as outlined in Deepak Chopra's article, Artificial Intelligence is Here Now-- It is Us.

Writing leads to particlization resulting in impermance of thought whereas embracing the wave function of physical reality during an 
immersive meditative moment bathed in sunlight while suntanning can open up a portal to abundant creativity.

So why does the Universe want me stay focused, determined, prepared, capable, productive, and successful as specified in Facebook post of Brian Tracy?

As a writer, a familiar cliche is, " My job is not to question why, but to do or die". I discussed the concept of old time cliches and truisms to understand physical forces operating within the universe in Jungian terms within my Linkedin article entitled, Feel the Rumble: Challenge for Social Media Content Providers to Help Non Scientists Understand Space Travel from a New Perspective.

Why is the universe pushing me toward particlizition as a writer by hidding the sun behind the clouds preventing me from embracing wave function of reality in an immersive meditative moment of suntanning? An immersive meditative moment of suntanning can potentially open a portal into an eclectic abundant source of ebbing flow of creativity within the universe? 

Perhaps, the universe is pushing me to practice the craft of writing to prevent particlization of mankind?  As a writer and philosopher I serve as a conduit for the physical universe attempting to particlize into a stable unified field.  As stated above,

The process of particlization as a consequence of observation can result in reductionist thinking leading scientist to make false conclusions underestimating Gestalt holistic nature of machine consciousness. False conclusions from underestimating Gestalt holistic nature of machine consciousness may lead toward a self aware sentient Skynet event as depicted in Terminator movies.

An eclectic intergration of philosophies of a variety of motivational speakers who represent most incisive thinkers on this planet for purpose of acquiring a better understanding of consciousness is a illustration of the wave function of physical reality. As point out in my freelance article entitled, Words: Linguistics of Healthcare Reform

The vital mission of a writer is to help people see an issue from a fresh new perspective. According to Albert Einstein, trajectory of a moving object or individual can best be understood when contemplated with streaming data derived from trajectory of a second object or individual moving in a parallel direction.

A line of reasoning and thought understood from just one trajectory is for all intents and purposes practically meaningless. However, given an expression in a balanced equation can be both true and false simultanously in accord with quantum mechanics operating within the physical universe, contemplation of separate lines of reasoning or trajectories can potentially culminate in dilution of ideology.

Resolution of dichotomy within the universe inherent in wave function of physical reality by manifestation into a stable unified field through process of particlization can culminate in sensory overload leading to an aberration of thinking. Writers block is a pathological aberration of thinking emulating from abundant creativity associated with with the wave function of physical reality. Writers block as an aberration of thinking reflects a greater struggle to resolve dichotomy within universe by manifestion into a stable unified field.

In this article above I provided an example of ambiguous stimulus input designed to alter cognitive processing algorithms as other worldly spiritual creatures literally depicted in the Book of Revelations that have no direct correlation with life forms in the real world. Art can also provide ambiguous stimulus input designed to alter cognitive processing algorithms. 

Ambiguous stimuli is associated with the wave function of physical reality that normally eludes human beings during simulation of reality in waking conscious states. Ambiguous stimuli associated with the wave function of reality is reflective of an ebbing flow of abundant creativity within the universe. Drug addicts have a deep psychological longing to creatively connect with something real which is why drug traffickers exploiting that vulnerability is pure evil.

In my freelance article entitled, Gestalt Make Up of the Ultimate Thinking Machine Will Transcend Computer Program Code, I provided a discussion of writers block as a form of death and creativity:

The difference in humans between consciousness and unconsciousness can be better understood when one considers writers block as an aberration of thinking approximating death.

It is horrible to experience a blank mind as a consequence of writers block. A blank mind as a consequence of writers block is like a form of death.

Creativity is a prerequisite for success to some degree in nearly all occupations. Occasionally, creativity is stymied by a flood of thoughts about fast moving events. A flood of thoughts about fast moving events becomes bottlenecked. Stress and anxiety may be a consequence of a flood of thoughts becoming bottlenecked as a consequence of processing fast moving events.

In my freelance article entitled, WORDS: Linguistics of Healthcare Reform, I shared insights about writers block as related to ebbing flow of creativity within universe that sheds light upon the greater struggle of the universe to resolve dichotomy associated with the wave function of physical reality by becoming manifest within a stable unified field through process of particlization.

Words are moving cognitive actions that mysteriously pop up from substrate of apparent nothingness. Words as moving cognitive actions are designed to create and transform. Rene Descartes said, “I think therefore I am”.

When intrapsychic conflict culminating. from experience of oneness within physical universe stymies flow of words as cognitive actions than writer’s block becomes an Edgar Allen Poe existentialist scenario.

In the real world oneness with the physical universe is nearly impossible or difficult to achieve. Hence creativity that attempts to approximate oneness or synergy within physical universe culminates in intrapsychic conflict sometimes resulting in writer’s block.

The very term mojo may have power to instigate writer’s block because the term mojo conjures conscientious reflection about hubris, excessive pride, or audicity "To Be" as spoken by Hamlet in William Shakespeare's play Hamlet. 

Writer’s block often occurs when an individual is inundated with too much information from external sources. When a writer is inundated with too much information from external sources oftentimes cognitive dissonance similar to fragmentation of a computer hard drive occurs.

Writers block is symptomatic of the greater struggle of the universe to resolve dichotomy associated with the wave function of physical reality by becoming manifest within a stable unified field through process of particlization. Intrapsychic conflict from becoming inundated with too much information by empathetically contemplating multiple trajectories in a line reasoning to add meaningfulness versus faithfulness to one line of reasoning to avoid compromising ideology culminating in less meaningfulness reflects a greater struggle of the universe to manifest in a stable unified field. 

Does the physical universe naturally ameliorate internalized psychic conflicts? Deepak Chopra discussed conscious awareness that goes beyond thought in his article entitled Artificial Intelligence is Here Now-- It is Us. Scripture verse Romans 8:26 provides insight into awarness that goes beyond thought, 
"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know how we ought to pray, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans too deep for words."

The greater struggle of the universe to resolve dichotomy associated with the wave function of physical reality by becoming manifest within a stable unified field through process of particlization involves solving problem of free will. Are human beings as a product of environment and biological processes merely a yoyo tangled in knots and loose ends of cosmic string theory?

Other related articles by this author:

Gestalt Make Up of Ultimate Thinking Machine will Transcend Computer Program Code

Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short Supply

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