Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Steady as She Goes: Navigating Towards the Future at Synergy Global Summit New York 2017

by Mark W. Gaffney

As a writer I am going to begin this article with a rhetorical question, What is this article about? My new freelance article is about writing, business start-ups, macroeconomics of societal growth as related to microeconomics of personal growth as individual. 

My new freelance article provides value added insights about leveraging power of information superhighway social media internet technologies to provide a helpful service for professionals to enhance their career with a nationally distributed advertising supported print magazine start up. My new freelance article provides value added insights into an article entitled, The Hack: Having a Media Company Mentality, written by Gary Vaynerchuk as published by Medium.

Euphoric hope and optimism of unlimited growth and opportunity spurred by the digital revolution exploding in the early 1990s was immediately challenged by realistic practical economic concerns. Realistic practical economic concerns leading toward the dot.com bubble stymied the digital revolution. 

The Dot.com bubble is a truly facinating epoch in human history that provides insights and revelations about human behavior. An understanding of historical implications of the dot.com bubble may be helpful to moving forward during an era of accelerating scientific and technological returns that the 21st century will bring. Wikipedia provides a detailed historical account of what happened during the dot.com bubble fiasco on the Wikipedia webpage entitled, Dot.com Bubble.

One thing that is absolutely certain is that future progress must be tempered by rationality and respect for those who have made a contribution. In my Linkedin freelance article entitled, Synergy of Ideas: Crowdfunding to Attend Synergy Global Forum 2017 New York October 28 - 29th, I provided a discussion about how my past writing and content is taken out of context and distorted to fuel misguided "bets" and unfounded groundless speculation during the 2008 financial collapse within United States markets. 

The 2008 financial collapse is the pinnacle of corporate irresponsibility and biggest bank heist in history. The 2008 fiancial collapse ultimately lead to the Occupy Wall Street movement.

The Synergy Global Forum in New York October 28 - 29 is conference where thought leaders will discuss moving forward during and era of rapid scientific and technological progress.

Should society as a whole have values that should be upheld by private sector markets, especially start ups? What unique product or service is offered by start ups that significantly adds value to lives of other people? Is it possible disruptive Influence of start ups may be more harmful than helpful as a consequence of introduction of unnecessary competition ? 

What sets a free market capitialist society such as the United States of America apart is that individuals have freedom to choose their lifestyle as elegantly expressed in the Declaration of Independence, "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ".  Other forms of government around the globe clearly tell people how they should live and what they should do.

Governmental control or regulation may be necessary to move forward during an era of rapid scientific and technological progress in a manner tempered by rationality and respect for those who have made a contribution. Services and products offered by a plethora of dot.com start-ups shortly after the digital revolution began had questionable or dubious value to consumers. The dot.com business model often included lavish spending and excessive exorbitant over optimistic partying.

It requires a humongous amount of financial resources to build a superior quality product or offer a truly helpful beneficial service. An introduction of a huge number of start-ups into the market can potentially have a negative economic impact of reducing financial resources necessary for bigger more specialized corporations to build superior quality products. 

The hallmark of a healthy highly functional capitalist free market society is competition. Competition is a socioeconomic force that strongly supports (1) manufacturing of superior quality products and/or (2) offering services of great value for consumers.

A major consequence of excessive competition within markets is price deflation. As stated above, an introduction of a huge number of start-ups into the market can potentially have a negative economic impact of reducing financial resources necessary for bigger more specialized corporations to build superior quality products. 

Price deflation as a consequence of introduction of too many start ups offering dubious questionable products and services oftentimes leads to unemployment. If a company cannot make a profit from selling products and services the company must reduce hiring and may have to let employees go.

The book What Color is Your Parachute? 2016: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers, by Richard Nelson Bolles provides a discussion of networking to climb the career ladder. Is it possible that people who network to establish start-ups inadvertently destroy their safety net? The answers to achieving success for job hunters and career changers are found in Richard Nelson Bolles book, What Color is Your Parachute? 2016: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers.

An elimination of competition by larger established gigantic corporations as a way to control price deflation may actually contribute to unhealthy spiraling inflationary trends within a free market capitalist society. Socioeconomic trends related to rapid scientific and technological progress is a major driving force of political division within the United States of America, as outlined in my freelance article entitled, 
Tao is an Intuitively Understood Mystical Expression of Quantum Physics Operating within the Physical Universe.

In my writing I often reference paradox, quagmires, and irony. Paradox, quagmires, and irony in society represent quantum uncertainty. Pendulum swings back and forth in political ideology is reflective of quantum mechanics operating within physical universe as described within the Hegelian dialectic philosophy of thesis and anti-thesis leading toward synthesis of ideology.

 As referenced in my freelance article entitled, Synergy of Ideas: Crowdfunding to Attend Synergy Global Forum 2017 New York October 28 - 29th, in a Ted Talk entitled, What Happens When Our Computers Get Smarter then We Are?, Nick Bostrom identifies uncertainty as problematic in future evolution of Superintelligent AI. Quantum uncertainty is also a contributing factor to political division within society as outlined in my article, Tao is an Intuitively Understood Mystical Expression of Quantum Physics Operating within the Physical Universe.

Although universal values should never ever replace traditional believe systems, in a Ted talk by Nick Bostrom entitled, What happens when our computers get smarter than we are? , Nick Bostrom emphasizes how important meeting of the minds in terms of universal values in the modern era has become given an accelerating rate of technological progress, as outlined in my freelance article entitled,Understanding Psychodynamics of Progeny Destined to Inherit Physical Universe .

In my freelance articles entitled, Escaping Oblivion of Cold Hearted Mechanical Robotic Deadness Inside: Becoming Sentient or Self Aware During Travel Excursions, and 
Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short Supply , I suggest a meditative reflex of cessation of thinking within gestalt make up of the ultimate thinking machine may be a psychodynamic solution to avoid catastrophe as depicted in Hollywood Terminator movies. A meditative reflex of cessation of thinking within gestalt make up of the ultimate thinking machine may be a psychodynamic solution to resolve cognitive uncertainty naturally inherent in the physical universe.  However, a meditative reflex of cessation of thinking cannot be externally programmed, but may naturally arise from internal self diagnostic functions of Superintelligent AI. 

In the final analysis, given an infinite complexity of a physical universe created by an omnipotent Almighty God, what can any human or future Superintelligent being possibly know? And any truly Superintelligent AI arising from mankinds God given co-creative intelligent prowess with the Almighty maker of everthing will fully understand that principle.

A Facebook post by NoLabels.org political organization sharing a quote by former U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt sums it up nicely, "In our personal ambitions we are individualists. But in our seeking for economic and political progress as a nation, we all go up or else all go down as one people ".

Price deflation as a consequence of introduction of too many start ups offering products and services of dubious value to consumers may be harmful to the economy, yet people have the lawful right to pursue their passions. It is often said that if a person does not love whatever they do then they are wasting their time. 

Oftentimes, determination of real value is a complicated process. Real value is sometimes not immediately and readily apparent. In a competitive society criticism is quickly forthcoming about any and all positive constructive human endeavors. The sharing of passions inherently implies one must be open and transparent. 

The Law of Attraction media recently posted three things that should be kept private: (1) An individual should keep one's income private, (2) An individual should keep one's next move private, and ( 3 ) details about ones personal life. Currently I am working on a new freelance article about privacy issues as related to public marketing of a business concepts that I am not ready to make public yet, hence I am making this a private post for now.

As a single man living alone I tend to share too much on social media. Physical intimacy in marriage is the ultimate form of emotional sharing. Single people who suffer a deficit of physical intimacy in their life may feel a greater need to share on social media.

In an article written by Gary Vaynerchuk entitled, The Hack: Having a Media Company Mentality, two ways to grow a reading audience are outlined, Hacking culture and buying ads.  Since I am on a tight budget my observations about human behavior of sharing on social media as related to lack of physical intimacy is my effort to hack into popular culture. Since my effort to hack into popular culture may not be politically correct I may have to eventually resort to buying social media advertisements.

Currently, my next move includes networking with the Sharpr Networking Application. I was introduced to the Sharpr Networking Application by my online involvement with the Synergy Global Forum October 28 - 29 in New York City. The Shapr application is the chosen networking application for those who plan to attend the Synergy Global Forum.

Networking with professionals helps me to more fully delineate and refine my business model for a nationally distributed advertising supported print magazine start up. A corporate business model can be established whereas no member incurs libility and all contributing members share equally in profits.

I understand your view that print media is an unusual medium to discuss social media. From my perspective, digital media will never replace the the print market. Paradoxically, digital media is cutting into profits of quality journalism. Reduction of profits as a consequence of digital media cutting into profits of mainstream media is one reason quality journalism is declining. The decline of quality journalism is the reason everyone is crying, "Fake news", including President Donald Trump.

Anything of value has a monetary price tag, including quality journalism. Hence, social media has opened up a new market for a print magazine start up to highlight citizen journalism.

I welcome connecting with your friend who wrote, Paper God, and anyone interested in my business ideas. I lost my job in printing as a consequence of new computer to plate technologies therefore I view publishing as the next logical career step for me. I dedicated myself to the printed word for many years of my life .

I am interested in the concept of socially responsible business for the greater good. I provided a discussion of social responsibility in private sector markets within my freelance article entitled, Role of Public - Private Partnerships after Repeal and Replacement of Obamacare


Role of Public-Private Partnerships after Repeal and Replacement of Obamacare

by Mark W. Gaffney
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul appeared on CBS News Face the Nation, Sunday sitting on the hot seat in an interview with John Dickerson to lambast an inordinate amount of government subsidy to bail out the health insurance industry. Senator Rand Paul berated the issue of excessive government subsidies of health insurance industry with the following statement,
“ I’m not for any taxpayer money going to a company that makes 15, or an industry that makes $15 billion a year. I think it’s absolutely wrong”
Senator Rand Paul outlined his plan to fix healthcare on Face the Nation:
“I would let everyone in the individual market join a group plan. How would I do that? I’d let group plans be formed by anybody that wants to form them. Chamber of Commerce, a farm bureau, credit unions, you name it. I’d let anybody form an association. And what would happen is almost everybody would flee the individual market because it’s a terrible place.”
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul’s opposition to the current Senate healthcare legislation  matters because loss of only two U.S. Senate  votes can doom the new Repeal and Replace  Obamacare legislation to failure. How Senator Rand Paul’s plan can be implemented on the state level in a fair and equitable manner inclusive of all American citizens who have made a contribution to the labor market is challenging daunting task.
How economic policy implemented by Kentucky Senator Rand Paul may facilitate conditions enabling sick people to join a  group plan remains to be seen. An establishment of fair and equitable inclusive healthcare policy is essential to democracy as detailed within my Facebook Reflection Inc. post.
Why is the healthcare issue so important ?  During this historical epoch characterized by an accelerated rate of scientific progress and technological returns debate about healthcare has direct implications about intrinsic value of human beings and contributions by individuals over course of a lifetime.
People work their entire lives to achieve the American dream and save to make a better future for their children and children’s children. Our nation is built upon the principal of an inalienable right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Any legislation that makes medicines unaffordable and setup conditions allowing denial of quality healthcare for American citizens who have worked hard in their lives to make a contribution is an infringement upon an inalienable right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness
One can read the transcript of John Dickerson’s CBS Meet the Press interview with Kentucky Senator Rand Paul at the following URL address:
The mother of all paradox and irony of all ironies is that Senator Rand Paul’s concerns about government subsidy of Healthcare insurance industry may be right to a certain degree.  An article published by the reputable fact checking media company, Politifact, entitled Michael Moore: Obamacare Sends over $100 Billion Annually to Insurers, validates Kentucky Senator Rand Paul’s concerns from perspective of one of the most liberal political pundits on Earth.
One can read the article, Michael Moore: Obamacare Sends over $100 Billion Annually to Insurers  at the following URL address:
The Politifact article cites the U.S. Federal government Ways and Means Committee portraying the healthcare insurance industry as heavily taxed with following statement,
The overall plan raises billions in taxes and fees. In 2017, the government expects to collect about $11.4 billion from insurance companies. That could cut into profits but most analysts, including the CBO and America’s Health Insurance Plans, an industry trade group, expect companies to pass those costs on to consumers.”
If the healthcare insurance industry are beneficiaries of government subsidies under Obamacare, than it is an enigmatic oddity that the healthcare insurance industry have also been benefactors of tax breaks based upon salaries of healthcare insurance executives under Republican leadership.
An article published by CNBC News entitled, Outrage over $400 million tax break for health insurance executives under GOP Obamacare replacement plan, outlines tax breaks based upon healthcare insurance corporate executive salaries.
My proposal is superior to the GOP practice of providing tax deductions based upon salaries of CEOs at health insurance companies because instead of basing tax deductions upon salaries of CEOs at health insurance companies tax deductions are used as incentives for health insurance companies and other corporations comprising private sector to invest as stakeholders in hospitals and other medical institutions.
My proposal can be found published on my commercial Facebook page Reflection at the following URL address:
As a freelance writer and political consultant, my proposal to transfer massive government healthcare spending to the private sector may help Republicans reduce the national fiscal deficit on financial documents only.
My proposal will help Republicans address the massive fiscal deficit by transfer of government healthcare expenditures to the private sector on financial documents only. The establishment of public – private partnerships under my proposal will simultaneously bolster the medical community thereby creating a health care system capable of providing superior healthcare for all Americans.
I strongly believe my idea about the expanding role the private sector may play to financially support hospitals and other Medical institutions after cutbacks in federal programs under Trump Administration is a good idea for a syndicated article. In order to implement my proposal lawmakers may have to modify current Internal Revenue Administration ( IRA ) rules, regulations, and laws.
It is not known rather or not my proposal will work. The proposed cutbacks under Trump Administration may be devastating to millions of Americans, therefore lawmakers do not know for certain if the new health care legislation will work either. We all know that legislating is a trial and error process given the incredible number of ever changing economic variables.
IBM Watson is artificial intelligence designed to enable quick data driven insights under changing economic conditions. My freelance article entitled, Today's Neo Marxist Quagmire: The 2008 Financial Collapst as neo Marxist Quagmire, provides socioeconomic insights into implementation of artificial intelligence. 
If government healthcare benefits for millions of Americans are slashed plus millions of Americans loose coverage after repeal and replacement of Obamacare then this will be financially devastating to hospitals, medical institutions, doctors, nurses, as well as the entire medical community. The new health care legislation may sink the Republican party permanently in upcoming elections if compromises are not worked out. The proposals outlined in my freelance article may be the compromises necessary to make Trumpcare work.
The proposal outlined in my freelance article may not be considered practical. Government healthcare is a highly regulated industry whereas laws force mandatory compulsory compliance to insure quality healthcare for all American citizens.
Philanthropy is about volunteerism. However, altruism regarding becoming a stakeholder in hospitals and financial institutions is an intelligent investment for corporate America. Corporate America should have a financial interest in quality healthcare because corporate America needs strong healthy employees. It may be possible for lawmakers to provide incentives in the form of tax deductions for the private market sector to invest in hospitals and medical institutions. 
I would like to write and syndicate my article in numerous print publications in United States . I believe my proposal has vital implications to help both Democrats and Republicans get what they want, which should be a better health care system for everyone
According to Google, a corporations is defined as:
  1. company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and recognized as such in law.
Thus, corporate infrastructure of healthcare insurance companies likely represents owners of major business throughout Corporate America. It has often been commonly argued that corporations are not people. although corporations represent large segments of people within a population that lawfully can act as one business entity. How sick people, elderly, disabled, disenfranchised, and unemployed people who unfortunately are not members of a corporation can move away from individual plans to much better group plans offered within markets on the state level is a problematic issue.
My proposal is a synergy of strategic Investment and leveraging the power of philanthropy for the common good.
An article in Harvard Business Review entitled,  The Competitive Advantage of Corporate Philanthropy, provides insights into strategic philanthropy and leveraging power of Investment to increase corporate profits as well as contribute to the common good.  The Harvard Business Review article entitled, Competitive Advantage of Corporate Philanthropy, can be found at the following URL address:
According to the Harvard  Business Review  article,
But there is another, more truly strategic way to think about philanthropy. Corporations can use their charitable efforts to improve their competitive context —the quality of the business environment in the location or locations where they operate. Using philanthropy to enhance context brings social and economic goals into alignment and improves a company’s long-term business prospects”
“In the long run, then, social and economic goals are not inherently conflicting but integrally connected. Competitiveness today depends on the productivity with which companies can use labor, capital, and natural resources to produce high-quality goods and services. Productivity depends on having workers who are educated, safe, healthy, decently housed, and motivated by a sense of opportunity”
In Reflecting upon a quote from former President George H. W. Bush as shared by the bipartisan political advocacy group No Labels I shared the following thoughts on my commercial Facebook page Reflection:

“When people put there party’s fortunes, whatever the party, before the public good, they court defeat not only for their country but for themselves.”
In Charles Dickens,  A Christmas Carol, Scrooge and the ghost of his deceased business partner Marley were talking about success in business. Marley shook his chains and cried out ‘ mankind was my business ‘.
The private business sector has a vested interest to build human capital. The process of building human capital allows private industry to expand and increase market share.
The process of building human capital is an Intelligent data driven task of analyzing impact of inflationary and deflationary pressures upon middle class citizens within various geographic areas.  One major goal for intensive data driven task of analyzing impact of inflationary and deflationary pressures within vastly different wide ranging economies is to make intelligent shrewd business decisions so as to prudently adjust cost of living index in order to remove obstacles and prevent stifling personal growth and development of citizens.
Intelligent data abstraction about complex factors influencing markets by Artificial Intelligent systems like IBM Watson can play a significant role in reducing economic disparity  by facilitating barter and trade between vastly different geographic regions.
Intelligent surveillance applications will create conditions where crime does not pay thereby increasing municipal funds.
Personally, I am opposed to repeal and replacement of Obamacare, but instead favor overhauling Obamacare by introduction of capitalist free market practices. It may be possible to tweak socialized medicine with capitalist free market practices to improve healthcare for all American citizens. I wrote about this legislative process in a previous freelance article I wrote:
No Labels is a new political advocacy organization that encourages Republicans and Democrats to work together engaged in art of compromise to craft excellent legislation beneficial for all American citizens.
My freelance article is an unbiased examination of the aftermath of repeal and replacement of Obamacare from an optimistic perspective:
My freelance article is an unbiased examination of the aftermath of repeal and replacement of Obamacare from an optimistic perspective:
It is possible proposals outlined in my freelance article may help lawmakers (1) reduce the massive federal deficit by transfer of government healthcare spending to the private sector, (2) improve healthcare for all American citizens by establishment of public – private partnerships and (3) improve healthcare for all American citizens by incentivizing private sector investment within medical community.
My commercial Facebook Reflection page includes a Reflection about these issues: