Friday, September 1, 2017

Escaping Oblivion of Cold Hearted Mechanical Robotic Deadness Inside: Becoming Sentient or Self Aware During Travel Excursions

Sometimes, everything cannot be planned with robotic deliberate concise precision therefore we should pack our bags and go have fun as a child of God. Humans and AI systems can both display robotic unthinking unfeeling mechanical behavior because human and machine AI consciousness is a quantum mechanics phenomena.

By Mark W. Gaffney

An euphoric uplifting banner posted by Travel Quotes asserts the following: 

The only traveling I have ever done is with my Mom and Dad when I was a child. I sit in the backseat without a problem or care whatsoever. Perhaps I should pack my bags and "take a midnight train going anywhere" as Journey sings.

I could save a lot of money by camping out in a tent at KOA campgrounds especially if I go to Yellowstone park to hike in Grand Canyon.

My goal is to visit all 50 States in America and travel internationally to Europe before I die. Life is like the CBS Broadcast Television Reality game show, The Amazing Race

In order to win the race a person has got to move quickly. Sometimes, when one moves too quickly a person fails to make adequate plans for every conceivable contingency that can potentially spell vacation disaster.

I am the type of person who has got to have everything carefully planned out. All my actions are deliberate, methodical, and with full willful intent. I get frustrated easily when something does not go as planned. My deliberate methodical willful actions are executed with deliberate concise precision almost to the point of being robotic.

Perhaps my deliberate methodical willful actions executed with deliberate concise precision almost to the point of being robotic are a consequence of my slow cognitive processing speed. In my freelance article entitled, Creative Storytelling in Educating Public about Healthcare Reform: Churning or Dredging of Deep Powerful Emotionally Charged Creative Subconscious Urges by a Need to Share on Social Media may Aggravate Mental Health Disorders, I discuss slow cognitive processing speed of mentally challenged adults contributing to deep philosophical thinking. Deep philosophical thinking may enable creativity.

Life is a process to become more sentient or self aware. God desires to make each and every human being sentient or self aware. Satan desires to do the opposite.

In my freelance article entitled, Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short Supply, I provided the following insights about becoming more sentient and self aware through a sensory experience of creation:

Cognitive imagery projected from the Book of Revelations is designed to reshuffle and reorder geometrical rotation of prefrontal lobe neuroelectrical chemical sequences to generate a quantum molecular state of consciousness that helps a dying soul to transcend to a higher plateau of awareness. Cognitive imagery projected from the Book of Revelations is designed to reshuffle and reorder geometrical rotation of prefrontal lobe neuroelectrical chemical sequences in order to produce profound spiritual transformation.

Whoo there, a reference to the Book of Revelations within context of an euphoric lite hearted 
exposé about travel is a bit melodramatic. A reference to spiritual transformation is useful because travel also helps to produce profound transformation by reshuffling and reordering geometrical rotation of prefrontal lobe neuroelectrical chemical sequences comprising Long Term Memory. 

In my freelance article entitled, Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short Supply, I provided a discussion about how neurological architecture within the prefrontal lobe is governed to a large extent by power of two base permutation computational logic ( N = 2i - 1 ). Neurological architecture is established by a consistant pattern of geometrical rotation of prefrontal lobe neuroelectrical chemical sequences in prefrontal lobe brain molecules over a long period of time. 

A consistant pattern of geometrical rotation of prefrontal lobe neuroelectrical chemical sequences in prefrontal lobe brain molecules over a long period of time is a function of  Long Term Memory. Thus growth by changing learning curve is a rigorous process that goes against the grain of neurological architecture by reshuffling and reordering geometrical rotation of prefrontal lobe neuroelectrical chemical sequences.

As a writer I am unapologetic for incorporating too much religiosity within my writing. Religiosity in writing has pro's and con's, plus's and minus's. 

Religiosity is a variable that instigates excessive geometrical rotation of prefrontal lobe neuroelectrical chemical sequences in prefrontal lobe brain molecules comprising Long Term Memory. Any content that contains religiosity is likely to be perceptually filtered in such a way as the essential linguistic meaning is altered or distorted. Distortion of original meaning by members of reading audience is a con or minus in terms of including religiosity in writing.

 If an individual tries hard enough he or she can fully understand perspective of atheist and agnostics. We are citizens of earth, and not of heaven. 

For all real intents and purposes, death is death within this physical dimension of the universe where we abide. And since God placed us here, it is only logical where we abide on Earth now has deep profound meaningfulness intrinsically connected to the next life in heaven.  

What awaits on the other side is so great and majestic that the human mind cannot possibly fathom, grasp, or conceive the next life in heaven. As written in 1 Corinthians 13: 12

"For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."

Although an atheist may choose not to acknowledge God's existence, some atheist may subjectively experience God deep within realms of subconscious existence more profoundly than many religious people. After all, to deny earthly reality is delusional.

God is on His throne in heaven. We are of the earth. If God did not fully intend for us to be creatures upon the earth we would be in heaven now. After the resurrection Jesus asked Mary Magdalene, "Why do you cling to me?"

The deep realms of subconscious existence is a matter of the heart where we encounter God within context of our individuality. We cannot encounter God unless we encounter God authentically apart from a system promoted and propagated for various reasons. Many systems propagated to help one encounter God may sincerely impart truth, yet an unique individual will be unable to encounter God within that system unless he or she encounters God authentically.

Individualism is an American concept that is gradually vanquishing from the face of the earth. Individualism as an American value is gradually dissipating because (1) pressures to embrace differences and (2) networking facilitated by internet telecommunications makes us all more alike.

In terms of internet telecommunications technology making us all more alike I discuss a highly organized degree of networking creating a massive wall of exclusivity within my freelance article entitled, Is Social Media Reviving the Ancient Malady of Monomania?

The United States of America is often referred to as a "melting pot". The melting pot has become a cauldron where we essentially become clones in a process of trying to be like everyone else.

Paradoxically, social pressures to become more tolerant and accepting of other people often demand we forsake our own unique God given individuality and become like everyone else. We cannot honestly love other people unless we stay true to ourselves and live authentic lives outside the cauldron our melting pot has become.

In my freelance article entitled, Pursuit of Happiness: Redefining Meaningfulness of Foundational Documents,  I shared insights about Individualism as an American concept that is gradually vanquishing from the face of the earth.

In recent years high ranking U.S. lawmakers and judiciary have made public statements redefining meaningfulness of foundational documents within a modern perspective. For example, freedom of speech, guaranteed by the United States Constitution has been redefined as “freedom of the press”.

Foundational documents of the United States of America are viewed by high ranking U.S. lawmakers and judiciary as antiquated documents that no longer apply in the modern era. In the modern era of Globalization values that make us distinctly American are becoming diluted to the point of non existence.

In my freelance article entitled, Russian Scandal Will Overall Weaken the Cause of Democracy and Freedom, I discussed Quantum Mechanics as the underpinning of human consciousness as related to the philosophy of existentialism. The concept of Quantum Mechanics as the underpinning of human consciousness has a profound implication that human beings can be both right and wrong simultaneously.

Happiness is a function of abstraction of meaningfulness from events. According to Existentialist philosophy, meaningfulness of events is non existent in an absolute since on Earth except for meaningfulness human beings ascribe to events.

Oftentimes, professional people who emote about current events discount everything as fake news. Ultimately the final meaningfulness of human history will not be realized until  judgment day when the Almighty Omnipotent Creator of the entire physical universe assigns rightful meaningfulness to all events in human history.

From a quantum perspective of existentialism as a philosophy being wrong, obviously, life has deep profound meaningfulness because God chose to place human beings on earth to fulfill a purpose. From a quantum perspective of asserting meaningfulness of life everyone should agree that a central task for human beings is to save lives and/or work to add significant value to lives of other people.

From a quantum perspective of existentialism as a philosophy being right, the degree human beings ascribe meaningfulness to human actions, is the degree human beings tend to marginalize God. As stated above, Ultimately the final meaningfulness of human history will not be realized until judgment day when the Almighty Omnipotent Creator of the entire physical universe assigns rightful meaningfulness to all events in human history.

Another drawback for a writer using too much religiousity within writing is religiousity can potentially diss a reading audience as sounding too preachy coming from a higher moral ground. Since absolute truth and meaningfulness is ultimately within God's exclusive domain, from an existential perspective  there is no high moral ground upon which to stand among humans.

In reference to no high moral ground upon which to stand among humans, as reiterated from above, although an atheist may choose not to acknowledge God's existence, some atheist may subjectively experience God deep within realms of subconscious existence more profoundly than many religious people. After all, to deny earthly reality is delusional. 

The majority of human beings on earth will never reach their full potential because Satan seeks to prevent human beings from becoming sentient or self aware. God gives individuals strength to "think outside the box". Satan seeks to keep individuals locked tightly sealed within the box.

God’s Divine will on earth is to prevent human beings, as His majestic masterpiece from becoming mere clones of Himself. If God intended for human beings to be mere clones, God would have created human beings to be robotic unthinking unfeeling mechanical machines.

In my freelance article entitled, A Critique Outlining Meaningfulness of The Unloved Poem, I discuss a moment of greater self-awareness in process of becoming sentient while feeling a deeper connection with all living things great and small. In my freelance article entitled, Lucky Dog: Feeling the Love, I shared a revelant quote from an article published by Fractal Enlightment entitled, The Telepathic Connection Between Animals and Humans :

“When you tune in to this space and feel the love for everything around you, you suddenly realise how everything is interconnected and that we are all part of nature.”

Oftentimes love is a laughable matter, a silly thing, incongruent with physical reality on earth. After I write this article, I think I will write a country music song entitled, 'Love is a Silly thing'. The competitive nature of business is oftentimes incongruent with feeling a deeper connection with another human being.

Business is not about achieving the goal of making customers of everyone by methodically executing a sales plan with deliberate robotic concise precision. Oftentimes the term "customer" acquires a negative connotation within a sales team. An art of selling is all about establishing mutually beneficial business relationships in order to add value to another persons life. 

Perhaps traveling will help me find a deeper layer of meaning beyond my robotic control freak nature.  Perhaps introspective Reflection while traveling will enable me to more fully depend upon God and finally arrive at complete clear understanding of Psychodynamics of Progeny Destined to Inherit the Physical Universe:

Go into all the Earth and make disciples of all nations. What about religious freedom?  Will we have to witness to futuristic Artificial intelligent beings destined to Inherit Physical universe?

Can a relationship with the Divine Omnipotent Creator of the majestic infinite physical Universe be programmed or encoded?  Will attempts to encode or program spiritually lead to infinite loops or intrapsychic conflicts? Is it possible intrapsychic conflicts of Super Intelligent beings destined to Inherit the physical universe may become a threat to the human race?

According to Romans 14 : 11"It is written: "'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God." Given infinite complexity of physical universe God created "every knee shall bend" , even limbic systems of future progeny destined to Inherit the Physical Universe.

Every human being is placed on Earth with a mission to fulfill. Does free will exist? Read the debate about free will on and cast your vote.

My freelance article entitle, Pray for the #Rapture2017  provide insight into planning with robotic deliberate concise precision as related to neuroscience of spirituality, which is a major trending issue of modern times. The key concept outlined within my freelance article Pray for the #Rapture2017 is

It is always good to be reminded that an Almighty powerful omnipotent God Who created the heavens and Earth is in complete control of everything, therefore all is necessary is to surrender and trust in His Divine guidance and Wisdom as a child of God.

It does not matter how scientifically and technologically advanced mankind becomes, God will continue to be a long yard ahead of mankind. The Holy Bible is fixated on exact measurements in different text throughout the Old and New Testament, including narrative of Noah's Ark. Perhaps, 'long yard' may not be the correct terminology, but instead God will always be 'many football fields ahead', or 'many miles ahead', or 'many light years ahead', adopting a measurement from astronomy. Actually, I believe 'many light years ahead' is more accurate.

As I write in Reflection, Love for the created physical Universe is the ultimate Intelligence

The all time great recording artist, Steve Winwood sings, “Bring me a Higher Love” One can most definitely have 100% confidence in a “Higher Love”

An YouTube video featuring Steve Winwood singing “Higher Love”.

My freelance article entitled, Why Should SuperIntelligent AI be Preconceived with Ultimate Goal to Destroy Mankind, provides insight into planning everything with robotic deliberate concise precision. 

Sometimes, everything cannot be planned with robotic deliberate concise precision therefore we should pack our bags and go have fun as a child of God.

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