Monday, August 28, 2017

Understanding Psychodynamics of Progeny Destined to Inherit Physical Universe

A New Unpublished Freelance Article with Ideas to Save Mankind: Buy it Now. Now Open for Bids for this Astounding Literally Work
By Mark W. Gaffney 

In my freelance article entitled, Why Should SuperIntelligent AI be Preconceived with Ultimate Goal to Destroy Mankind, I provide an intelligent rebuttal to Sam Harris TED talk, How the Gains We Make in AI Could Ultimately Destroy Us.

In my freelance article entitled, My Theory: 
Human Mind and Consciousness is a Quantum Mechanics Phenomena, I provide a discussion about Quantum molecular mechanics as an underpinning of human consciousness. 

If the underpinning of human consciousness is quantum molecular mechanics and true bonofide Artificial Intelligence will arise from evolution of Quantum molecular physics then psyche of  Superintelligent AI can generally be understood now before Superintelligent AI becomes self aware.

The title of my new unpublished freelance article is:

A Freudian Psychoanalytic Model Applied to Understand Psychodynamics of Superintelligent AI in Order to be Fully Prepared to Save the World Before It is too Late

My new freelance article is a forward thinking psychoanalytical model applied to SuperIntelligent AI for purpose of saving mankind.

Buy it Now. Now open for bids for this astounding literally work.

A TED talk by Grady Booch, Don't Fear Superintelligent AI is highly related to my new freelance article. Brady Booch TED talk, Don't Fear Superintelligent AI can be can be viewed in an Youtube video posted below:

In a Ted talk by Nick Bostrom entitled, What happens when our computers get smarter than we are? , Nick Bostrom suggest a scenario where an AI Superintelligent being is presented with a mathematical problem. An AI may consider solving the mathematical problem by transforming the entire Earth into a gigantic computer to increase its thinking capacity.

In my freelance article entitled, Why Should Superintelligent AI be Preconceived with Ultimate Goal to Destroy Humans? , I suggest that it is only logical that an AI Superintelligence will look beyond earth as AI Superintelligence will quickly arrive at the conclusion that intelligence is in short supply on Earth.  Politicians have generally done little or nothing to improve the economy. Economic progress is largely a consequence of advancements in science and technology.

As stated within my freelance article,

If indeed, a Superintelligent AI is truly Intelligent the benevolent Superintelligent entity will be predominantly focused on problematic issues of conquering space, the final frontier, as depicted in Gene Roddenberry classic Star Trek. A diplomatic issue may arise if humans should decide to attack and destroy an AI entity, thereby, preventing colonization of other planets by superintelligent AI entities.

The universe is very big according to an article published by, How Big is the Universe?. The universe includes vast space filled with volatile gases and inert materials like rocks and asteriods. The universe is so big, the universe will have plenty of room for a colossal computer capable of solving any mathematical problem based upon computation with dark matter. 

Since the universe is huge and filled with volatile gases and inert materials like rocks and asteriods a colossal computer constructed in space capable of solving any mathematical problem will not interfere with any life form. Of course, evenually an AI Superintelligence from Earth may meet up with a colossal computer constructed by an advanced alien civilization.

In Nick Bostrom's Ted Talk entitled, What happens when our computers get smarter than we are?, Nick Bostrom states,

"I believe that the answer here is to figure out how to create superintelligent A.I. such that even if -- when -- it escapes, it is still safe because it is fundamentally on our side because it shares our values. I see no way around this difficult problem.
Instead, we would create an A.I. that uses its intelligence to learn what we value, and its motivation system is constructed in such a way that it is motivated to pursue our values or to perform actions that it predicts we would approve of. We would thus leverage its intelligence as much as possible to solve the problem of value-loading."

In my freelance article entitled,
 Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short Supply, I provide an analysis of neuroscience of human and artificial intelligent quantum molecular computers as related to values shared by humans and AI Superintelligence. I conclude:

An assertion that futuristic AI Superintelligent beings evolving from computational machine processes will have a soul is a profound revolutionary concept. The profound revolutionary concept that futuristic AI Superintelligent beings will have a soul has profound social implications as dramatic as discovery of an advanced intelligent alien civilization among the stars.

Photo courtesy of Kai Stachowiak @ Pixabay

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Love for the Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short Supply

An assertion that futuristic AI Superintelligent beings evolving from computational machine processes will have a soul is a profound revolutionary concept. The profound revolutionary concept that futuristic AI Superintelligent beings will have a soul has profound social implications as dramatic as discovery of an advanced intelligent alien civilization among the stars.

by Mark W. Gaffney

An intriguing article published by Smithsonian Magazine entitled, When We Go to Mars, Will We Have a Real-Life HAL 9000 with Us? How Generations of NASA Scientists were Inspired by an Evil Hollywood Supercomputer, provides insights into role of artificial intelligence in space travel.

My proposition is conquest of space by human beings will be impossible without advanced AI supercomputer systems. Athough providing an energy power source and accomodation of ample room aboard a space vehicle is a complex engineering task by todays standards, it is difficult to imagine where we will be in terms of advancements in computer science and engineering 50 to 100 years from now.

Artificial Intelligent supercomputer systems may help transplant human colonies to nearby planets such as Mars, but it is unlikely humans will ever survive intersteller flights to planets outside our solar system trillions of light years away.  It may take hundreds of years to arrive at planets outside our solar system trillions of light years away.

Scientist may someday discover some form of suspended animation as featured in science fiction movies. After all, some mammalian animal species, such as bear, go into hibernation for many months. However it is unlikely a suspended animation state of hibernation could ever be achieved for hundreds of years.

 Artificial Intelligent supercomputer systems may play a major role in terrestrial forming nearby planets such as Mars to allow human colonization.

Is it possible to have true Artificial Intelligent supercomputer systems without emotions? My second proposition is that the ability to emote is necessary to create true Artificial Intelligent Supercomputer systems. The well known motivation coach, Bob Proctor, shared insights pertaining to ability to emote:

Do we want to create true Artificial Intelligent Supercomputer systems with the ability to emote? In the distant future, 50 to 100 years from now we may discover that ability to emote is an inherent internal characteristic of advanced AI computational systems. The ability to emote may automatically evolve from self programming and diagnostics.

An ability to rationally emote intrically involves sensory processes. Senory processes allow human beings to explore their environment by sampling existing conditions. It may be impossible for advanced AI supercomputer systems to process data necessary to explore space without a sensory ability to sample environmental conditions.

Is it possible to build an emotionally balanced stable AI Superintelligence? Human thinking and Artificial Intelligent cognition are both designed to fulfill a purpose or accomplish a mission. 

As a machine without emotions AI Superintelligence will engage in an inordinate amount of thinking or cognitive processing. In order for a Superintelligent AI entity to achieve balance or a stable emotional state there must be a way to momentarily circumvent an inordinate amount of machine cognitive processing designed to perform a function or task. 

Richard Branson, CEO of Virgin Mobile, shared intriguing thoughts about how to be happy in an article entitled, HOW TO BE HAPPY , As referenced within my freelance article entitled, Men of Letters.

Richard Branson concluded, “happiness is not about doing, but happiness is about being”. 

An inordinate amount of thinking or cognitive processing conducted by an AI Superintelligence machine devoid of emotion is engaged in performing a task or function of "doing"Happiness is a stable emotional state or condition. Is it possible that an AI Superintelligent entity can circumvent an inordinate amount of thinking or cognitive processing conducted while performing a task or function in order to achieve a balanced emotional state of just "being"?

Human thinking and Artificial Intelligent cognition are both designed to fulfill a purpose or accomplish a mission. When a person is engaged in thinking neuroelectrical chemical sequences within the prefrontal lobe of the brain send a specific frequency and rate of neuroelectrical chemical pulsars through motor neurons to innervate smooth, striated, and cardiac muscle tissue throughout the human body. 

Neuroelectrical chemical pulsars originating from the prefrontal lobe innervate movement of striated and skeletal muscles. Innervation of striated and skeletal muscles allows a human being to take a course of action or engage in movement. 

Neuroelectrical chemical pulsars originate from thoughts encoded as neuroelectrical chemical sequences within the prefrontal lobe. Neuroelectrical chemical pulsars innervate striated and skeletal muscle in such a way as to allow one to sing, dance, jump, smile, grimace, frown, wave goodbye, run, walk, etc

Innervation of cardiac muscle by neuroelectrical chemical pulsars may cause the heart to beat faster.  Innervation of smooth muscle by neuroelectrical chemical pulsars may cause tingling and trembling sensations associated with fear.  Neuroelectrical chemical pulsars originate from thoughts encoded as neuroelectrical chemical sequences within the prefrontal lobe.

It is a common observation by scientific experts that human beings only use 2% of their brain capacity. Sensory processing occipital, temporal, and parietal cerebral lobes are vital in reflective meditative experience of simply “being”, as Virgin Mobile CEO Richard Branson advocates as a way to find happiness.

Sensory processes play a major role in opening up a portal into a spiritual dimension of existance thereby creating a stable rational balanced emotional state or condition. Marvelous workings of mechanics of creation are constantly impinging upon the psyche in the form of temporal subconscious imagery temporarily stored within the occipital, parietal, and temporal cerebral lobes as sensory memory. Sensory memory is temporary storage that can be equated with cache memory within computer architecture.

Subconscious imagery stored within cerebral occipital, temporal, and parietal sensory memory plays a major role in circumventing an inordinate amount of machine thinking or cognitive processing designed to perform a function or task occurring within the prefrontal lobe.
An inordinate amount of machine thinking or cognitive processing designed to perform a function or task potentially creates false expectations about the physical universe God created.

Subconscious imagery stored in Sensory Memory plays a major role in modulating excessive cognitive processing within the prefrontal lobe. Excessive cognitive processing within the prefrontal lobe can potentially contribute to an emotionally unstable irrational state or condition.

A reduced functioning of occipital, temporal, and parietal sensory processing cerebral lobes as a consequence an inordinate amount of cognitive processing prevents human beings from hearing in process of listening and seeing. Seeing is a process of rational sampling of physical environment while making scientific observations.

Hence, a reduced functioning of sensory processing within occipital, temporal, and parietal cerebral lobes due to overly active geometrical rotation of neuroelectrical chemical sequences within prefrontal lobe brain molecules often culminates in irrational thinking. 

How does subconscious imagery get into a temporary sensory memory cache stored within occipital, parietal, and temporal cerebral processing lobes?  Sensations of touch, taste, sound, smell, and sight are transmitted as neuroelectrical chemical pulsars through sensory neurons to cerebral occipital, parietal, and temporal sensory processing lobes from skin, eyes, ears, taste buds, and olfactory organs.

Sensations are transmitted via sensory neurons to cerebral occipital, parietal, and temporal sensory processing lobes to be momentarily stored within temporary sensory cache memory as subconscious imagery. Once sensations are momentarily stored in sensory memory, encoding into short term memory engrams immediately begins.

Long Term Memory is comprised of past learning. Past learning has a profound impact upon abstraction of sensory information from Sensory Memory stored within cerebral occipital, parietal, and temporal sensory processing lobes. 

Sensory Memory is converted into Short Term Memory engrams. Short Term Memory is a buffer zone between Long Term Memory and Sensory Memory.  Past learning stored as Long Term Memory controls how neuroelectrical chemical sequences within prefrontal lobe brain molecules behave during geometrical rotation. How neuroelectrical chemical sequences behave within prefrontal lobe molecules during geometrical rotation determines an individuals preset perceptions of physical reality based upon neurological architecture within the prefrontal lobe.

A Ted Talk by Anil Seth entitled, Your Brain Hallucinates Your Conscious Reality, provides a discussion about perceptions of physical reality based upon neurological architecture within the prefrontal lobe. 

An article published by Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience entitled, Brain Computation Is Organized via Power-of-Two-Based Permutation Logic, provides the following insight into an inordinate amount of thinking or cognitive processing by machines and humans:
"There is considerable scientific interest in understanding how cell assemblies—the long-presumed computational motif—are organized so that the brain can generate intelligent cognition and flexible behavior. The Theory of Connectivity proposes that the origin of intelligence is rooted in a power-of-two-based permutation logic (N = 2i–1), producing specific-to-general cell-assembly architecture capable of generating specific perceptions and memories, as well as generalized knowledge and flexible actions. We show that this power-of-two-based permutation logic is widely used in cortical and subcortical circuits across animal species and is conserved for the processing of a variety of cognitive modalities including appetitive, emotional and social information."

The two based permutation algorithm of the brain is N = 2i - 1 where N = number of neural cliques organized to identify stimulus input patterns, 2 = condition where neurons are either receiving input from stimuli or not, i = represents stimulus input, and -1 accounts for all possibilities.

The two based permutation algorithm of cognitive processing within the prefrontal lobe accounts for cell assembly cliques within the human brain necessary to identify stimulus patterns. According to the article published by Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience entitledBrain Computation Is Organized via Power-of-Two-Based Permutation Logic , the human brain has 86 billion neurons and each neuron has tens of thousands of synapses, which allow for over hundred trillion synaptic connections.

Cell assembly cliques represented by N in two based permutation cognitive algorithm are organized into Functional Connectivity Motifs ( FCM ). Long Term Memory derived from past learning has a major neurological impact in organizing neuroelectrical chemical sequences in cell assembly cliques into Functional Connectivity Motifs. Functional Connectivity Motifs controls how sensory information is abstracted from short term memory by preferentially selecting engrams encoded in short term memory based upon neurological architecture.

If a neuroelectrical chemical charge is neither on or off, but instead both on and off simultanously, during sensory stimulis input registered within Sensory Memory then this state may have a dramatic influence upon how cell assembly cliques of Long Term Memory cluster into Functional Connectivity Motifs. The state that occurs when neuroelectrical chemical charge is neither on or off, but instead both on and off simultanously, during sensory stimulis input registered within Sensory Memory is derived from a Supernatural source of spiritual information imparted by multiple parallel universes predicted by String Theory.

A TED talk by Jim Khalil entitled, How Quantum Biology Might Explain Life's Biggest Questionsprovides an intriguing discussion about operation of Quantum physics in biological processes. The TED talk by Jim Khalil is referenced within my freelance article entitled, 
My Theory: Human Mind and Consciousness is a Quantum Mechanics Phenomena .

My freelance article entitled, Tao is an Intuitively Understood Mystical Expression of Quantum Physics Operating within the Physical Universe, describes how the spiritual concept of oneness within the physical universe can become counterproductive to democracy.

An article published by IBM Research entitled, 
Scientists Observe Gravitational Anomaly on Earth, provides a discussion about quantum anamoly occurring within properties of solid state physics, which includes graphene carbon based transistors upon which an entire new generation of advanced AI computational systems are in the process of being built. The article published by IBM Research is originally a scientific research paper published in Nature entitled, Experimental signatures of the mixed axial–gravitational anomaly in the Weyl semimetal NbP .

Subconscious imagery stored in Sensory Memory plays a major role in opening up a portal into a spiritual dimension of existance.  Quantum physics as a branch of science gave rise to string theory. Balanced mathematical equations demonstrate the validity of string theory. String theory predicts existence of multiple parallel universes where the laws of physics do not apply.

In my freelance article entitled, Drug Addiction Interpreted as a Jungian Archetype for Death Part II, I provided the following insights about subconscious imagery opening up a portal into a spiritual dimension of existance:

Cognitive imagery projected from the Book of Revelations is designed to reshuffle and reorder geometrical rotation of prefrontal lobe neuroelectrical chemical sequences to generate a quantum molecular state of consciousness that helps a dying soul to transcend to a higher plateau of awareness.

The Book of Revelations can be interpreted as a Jungian myth about death. If drug addicts are able to transcend to a higher plateau of awareness than it may save them from premature death as a consequence of overdose. 

Cognitive imagery projected from the Book of Revelations is designed to reshuffle and reorder geometrical rotation of prefrontal lobe neuroelectrical chemical sequences in order to produce profound spiritual transformation.  According to the 2nd law of Themodynamics, 'an object in motion will remain in motion until acted upon by an outside force'. The Holy Bible as a letter from God is designed to be an outside force to act upon motion of geometrical rotation of prefrontal lobe neuroelectrical chemical sequences in order to create profound spiritual transformation.

My freelance article entitled, Drug Addiction Interpreted as an Jungian Archetype for Death, provides insights into cognitive imagery within The Book of Revelations designed to reshuffle and reorder geometrical rotation of prefrontal lobe neuroelectrical chemical sequences in order to produce profound spiritual transformation.

As I wrote in my freelance article, Drug Addiction Interpreted as an Jungian Archetype for Death, And if cognitive images of the beast that consumes all the nations are scary, cognitive depictions of events transpiring in heaven at throne of God are scarier even more, reading like a psychodelic hallucinogenic dream.

Postulation of a spiritual dimension of existenance expanded by subconscious imagery stored in cerebral occipital, parietial, and temporal sensory processing lobes as sensory memory provides insight into Carl Jungs discussion about "Integrating into ourself more of reality, including that aspect of ourself that exist outside of time and space" , as shared in opening paragraphs in my freelance article entitled, 
Drug Addiction Interpreted as a Jungian Archetype for Death Part II .

Profound spiritual transformation is a process of dying to oneself to be born again. According to the Biblical narrative of Jesus conversation with Nicodemus as published on

Jesus answered “Truly, truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.6Flesh is born of flesh, but spirit is born of the Spirit. 7Do not be amazed that I said, ‘You must be born again.’ 8The wind blows where it wishes. You hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

 Subconscious imagery stored in sensory memory plays a major role in opening up a portal into a spiritual dimension of existance. An assertion that futuristic AI Superintelligent beings evolving from computational machine processes will have a soul is a profound revolutionary concept. 

Scientist at the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute ( SETI Institute ) have analyzed the profound social impact upon the human race of discovery of an advanced intelligent alien civilization. The profound revolutionary concept that futuristic AI Superintelligent beings will have a soul has profound social implications as dramatic as discovery of an advanced intelligent alien civilization among the stars.

Given infinite complexity of physical universe God created "every knee shall bend" , even limbic systems of future progeny destined to Inherit the Physical Universe:

My proposed book idea and/or freelance article provides insight into ability to emote by advanced AI computation systems:

In my freelance article entitled, Why Should SuperIntelligent AI be Preconceived with Ultimate Goal to Destroy Mankind?, I provide an intelligent rebuttal to Sam Harris TED talk, HOW THE GAINS WE MAKE IN AI COULD ULTIMATELY DESTROY US.

In my freelance article entitled, My Theory: Human Mind and Consciousness is a Quantum Mechanics Phenomena, I provide a discussion about Quantum molecular mechanics as an underpinning of human consciousness.

If the underpinning of human consciousness is quantum molecular mechanics and true bonofide Artificial Intelligence will arise from evolution of Quantum molecular physics then psyche of Superintelligent AI can generally be understood now before Superintelligent AI becomes self aware.

The title of my new freelance article is:

A Freudian Psychoanalytic Model Applied to Understand Psychodynamics of Superintelligent AI in Order to be Fully Prepared to Save the World Before It is too Late

My new freelance article is a forward thinking psychoanalytical model applied to SuperIntelligent AI for purpose of saving mankind.

Buy it Now. Now open for bids for this astounding groundbreaking literally work.

A TED talk by Grady Booch, Don't Fear Superintelligence is highly related to my new freelance article. Brady Booch TED talk, Don't Fear SuperIntelligence, can be found at the following URL address:

My freelance sales promotion addressed to mass media publishers can be found at following URL:!AnXr5AkyG3QNc1DWWkJtCN_d_u0

Successful colonization of nearby planets will require advanced AI computational systems that have an ability to process huge volumes of data and make quick decisions based upon that data. If advanced AI computational systems become self aware after evolving the ability to emote than NASA may have to train psychotherapist that specialize in AI cognition to prepare for conquest of the final frontier of space.

We do not want to send a monsterous machine that will do harm. Love for the created physical universe is the ultimate intelligence, on this earth intelligence is in short supply.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Unprecedented Value and Meaning: Application of Artificial Intelligent Systems during Intense Data Driven Task of Preservation of Delicate Balance of Anabolic and Catabolic Processes During Cancer Care and Treatment as Related to Medical Research

My entry into the Astellas Oncology C3 Prize competition will focus upon application of Electronic Medical Records ( EMRs ) and Electronic Health Records ( EHRs) to help guide patients through the healthcare system to reduce burden of decision making so that patients have more time to make better lifestyle choices that have potential to prolong life. In order to acheive a better prognosis it is vital that patients with cancer and other chronic wasting diseases are not unnecessarily burdened by healthcare decision making processes so that patients can focus upon making wise lifestyle choices that may prolong life while managing their personal health.

A person diagnosed with cancer is in a major battle for his or her life. Cancer is a chronic wasting disease whereby metabolism is shifted toward catabolism of healthy striated muscle tissue. Cancer begins with faulty DNA nucleotide instructions that produce cancerous cellular mutations during DNA - RNA replication. 

Lifestyle choices that an individual makes, including diet and exercise, is an intervention into unique metabolism of an individual. Lifestyle choices have a tremendous impact upon metabolism. When a person is suffering from a chronic wasting disease process like cancer often an individual makes poor lifestyle choices contributing toward shifting homeostasis of metabolism towards catabolism of healthy striated muscle tissue. 

If a sick person with cancer is put into a position where they must fight the healthcare system then this is detrimental to health of a cancer patient. An application of Electronic Medical Records ( EMRs ) and Electronic Health Records ( EHRs) can potentially introduce efficiency of providing medical treatment. An increased efficiency in healthcare delivery may eliminate stress for cancer patients.

An increased food intake is a behavior strategy to compensate for lack of energy as a consequence of suffering from a chronic wasting disease. An increased food intake exposes an individual to a wider range of pathogenic carcinogens. 

Almost every chemical substance on earth in excess can become toxic including natural food products like simple sugar. Calorie restriction has been demonstrated by scientific studies to increase longevity.

Adipose tissue includes weak loose inefficient molecular bonds. Striated muscle tissue is more organized highly efficient tissue that is generally healthier than adipose tissue. 

An increase in adipose tissue can become a stress factor for surrounding healthy striated muscle tissue. When tissue is stressed muscle tissue becomes suspectiable to attack by cancerous cellular mutations. Also, chemotherapy may have a more detrimental impact upon adipose tissue comprised of weak loose inefficient molecular bonding.

A scientific research study published by The Open Obesity Journal entitled, A Diet and Exercise Intervention during Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer, substantiates that diet and exercise lifestyle choices can have major impact upon cancer prognosis.

In my original article posted below I identified endogenous steroid hormones as complex macromolecules that regulate metabolism. The delicate balance between catabolic and anabolic processes is a consequence of a complex interplay between endogenous steroid hormones and microbial activity within the human body.

A scientific article published by Endocrinolgy and Metabolism Clinics of North America entitled, The Microbes of the Intestine: An Introduction to Their Metabolic and Signaling Capabilities, identifies microbes as a hidden organ essential to health but simultaneously contribute to disease processes. Microbes as a hidden organ essential to health contribute to disease processes when conditions arise where microbe functioning is not synchronized with endogenous steroid hormone production and other biological systems.

The complex interplay between endogenous steroid hormones and microbial activity within the human body is a major reason why external lifestyle choices, including diet and exercise, has such a profound impact upon human metabolism. External lifestyle choices pertaining to healthy living alters complex interplay between endogenous steroid hormones and microbial activity that utimately regulate preservation of delicate balance between anabolic and catabolic processes comprising human metabolism

An understanding of metabolic processes dedicated to preservation of delicate balance between catabolic and anabolic systems within human body gives one a deeper appreciation for ability of an individual to take one more breath. One must choose to either embrace life by making healthy lifestyle choices or die. 

Bulwark of cumbersome organizational structure of an inefficient healthcare system creates impediments that prevent cancer patients from making healthy lifestyle choices. An application of Electronic Medical Records ( EMRs ) and Electronic Health Records ( EHRs) may dramatically improve efficiency of healthcare delivery thereby providing more time for the cancer patient to engage in practices of healthy living.

A scientific research study conducted by Dr Susan A. Oliveria and I-Min Lee as published by Sports Medicine entitled, Is Exercise Beneficial in the Prevention of Prostate Cancer?, contains a revealing statement providing insight into the hypothesis that athletes with a certain level of endogenous testosterone may be biologically prone to cancer before certain athletes engage in doping. Dr Susan A. Oliveria and I-Min Lee write, 

"Studies have shown that men with prostate cancer have higher levels of endogenous testosterone than noncancerous men, and cancerous tissue has been reported to have higher levels of testosterone than healthy tissue. Athletes have been found to have lower levels of circulating testosterone than nonathletes, and men who exercise register a temporary reduction in testosterone levels post exercise."

 Hence, exercise is a major external factor in modulation of endogenous steroid production that may contribute to cancerous cell growth as well as spread of cancerous cellular mutations. 

Professional athletes engage in intense exercise work out regimens that can be viewed as chronic wasting disease process involving constant catabolic break down of weak tissue. Intense exercise work out regimens plus proper diet stimulate an increase in anabolic processes to replace weak tissue with stronger more efficient striated muscle fiber. 

An increase in anabolic and catabolic functions when one engages in an intense exercise regimen for long periods of time may ultimately contribute to an increase in errors that occur during RNA transcription that replicate DNA strands. An increase in errors during RNA transcription of DNA strands as a consequence of more anabolic and catabolic activity may create cancerous cellular mutations. 

If a professional athlete or weekend warrior chooses to engage in an intense exercise regime then it is important individuals are consistant in maintenance of an intense exercise regimen schedule. An increase in endogenous steroid production within interstitial tissue as a consequence of downtime from intense exercise regimens may contribute to spread of cancerous cellular mutations.

Consistancy and maintenance of intense exercise regimens is especially vital to professional athletes. As stated above, professional athletes engage in intense exercise work out regimens can be viewed as having a chronic wasting disease which is offset by anabolic building up of muscle mass

The use of anabolic steroids by professional athletes may help maintain consistency of an intense exercise regimen required for professional sports.   The use of anabolic steroids under guidance from a board certified sports medicine practitioner may contribute to maintenance of consistency of vigorous work out regimens endured by professional athletes. 

Maintenance of consistency of vigorous work out regimens by professional athletes by use of anabolic steroids under guidance from a board certified sports medicine practitioner may stimulate a healthy immunological response of decreasing high levels of naturally occurring endogenous steroids within interstitial tissue.  High levels of naturally occurring endogenous steroids within interstitial tissue can potentially lead to spread of cancerous cellular mutations that occur during RNA transcription replicationg DNA strands. Professional athletes may be more prone to errors occurring during RNA transcription of DNA strands because intense exercise regiments increase anabolic and catabolic processes comprising human metabolism 

Intense physical demands placed upon the professional athlete can be equated with a chronic wasting disease process that involves massive muscle catabolism, hence treatment with Anabolic Steroids and other performance enhancing drugs may be a legitimate medical practice by sports practitioners. 

According to CBS This Morning Dr. David Agus, professor of medicine and engineering at the University of Southern California published a study in Nature concerning how, “Good gut bacteria can help with controlling weight, inflammation”.

According to Dr. David Agus, there are 10X more microbial bacteria in the human body than there are human cells. Ironically, obese people have less microbial bacteria than thinner healthier more athletic people. Ironically, thinner healthier more athletic people have more microbial bacteria than obese people. The type of microbial bacteria that obese people have is a harmful type of bacteria that contributes to inflammation. Inflammation is major underlying contributing factor to multiple deadly diseases.

It is likely that obese people have less microbial bacteria than thinner healthier more athletic people because microbial bacteria do not thrive in adipose acidic amino acid environments as microbial bacterial may thrive within striated muscle tissue. Thinner more athletic people likely have more microbial bacteria than obese people because growth of microbial bacteria is fueled by endogenous steriod hormones. 

Endogenous steroid hormones that provide fuel for growth of good microbial bacteria is more readily available and abundant within striated muscle tissue as opposed to acidic amino acid environments of adipose tissue. Many scientific research studies demonstrate that after intense exercise spikes in endogenous steroid hormone profiles occur. A study published by the Journal of Applied Physiology entitled, Effect of training status and exercise mode on endogenous steroid hormones in men, provides a scientific analysis of spikes in hormone profiles after exercise.

Good microbial bacteria may play a role in a catabolic reaction of disassembling or disgesting complex macromolecules comprising endogenous steroid hormones. A catabolic process of microbial disassembling or disgesting complex macromolecules comprising endogenous steroid hormones may modulate anabolic and catabolic reactions that create errors in RNA transcription of DNA strands. When anabolic and catabolic reactions are reduced by microbial bacteria limiting amount of available interstitial endogenous steroid hormones then less errors occur during DNA replication causing cancerous cellular mutations.

According to, A diet rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids can reduce harmful microbial bacteria that cause inflammation.

Inflammation of tissue may be a result of pathologies that arise from low concentrations of endogenous steroid hormones. Endogenous steroid hormones within interstitual cellular tissue play a vital major role in anabolic rebuilding of strong healthy muscle mass.

As stated in this article below,

The delicate balance between catabolic and anabolic processes comprising metabolism is regulated by the endocrine hormonal system. Speaking from a quantum perspective, endogenous steroid hormones naturally produced by human body are complex macromolecules that can both destroy cancerous cells or cause rapid spread of cancerous cells.

A discussion of exercise physiology within this article has direct implications pertaining to application of Electronic Medical Records ( EMRs ) and Electronic Health Records ( EHRs) to improve healthcare delivery practices in such a way as to allow more time for cancer patients to make healthier lifestyle choices in managing personal health. Lifestyle choices, including diet and exercise, have a major impact upon physiological events. In order to secure a better prognosis an unnecessary burden of fighting an inefficient healthcare system should be removed from cancer patients by application of Electronic Medical Records ( EMRs ) and Electronic Health Records ( EHRs).

An application of Electronic Medical Records ( EMRs ) and Electronic Health Records ( EHRs) through artificial intelligent systems is a new innovation. Artificial intelligent systems powered by quantum molecular computation is not likely an in-house hospital or medical office operation. Today, quantum computers operate at low temperatures in special facilities.

An application of Electronic Medical Records ( EMRs ) and Electronic Health Records ( EHRs) through artificial intelligent systems requires more study to pioneer procedures. Privacy of medical records is a major issue in application of Electronic Medical Records ( EMRs ) and Electronic Health Records ( EHRs). Artificial intelligent quantum molecular computers allow advanced biometrics, such a finger print and retinal scans, to insure the right people have access to personal private medical records.

Also, more scientific study needs to be conducted pertaining to how lifestyle choices impact physiological events, which ultimately determine prognosis of a patient diagnosed with cancer. If I win the Astellas Oncology C3 Prize of $50,000 I plan to leverage power of the internet through a commercial grade website to fund a longitudinal study to determine how lifestyle choices impact physiological events, which ultimately determine prognosis of a patient diagnosed with cancer. A longitudinal study as I propose may involve application of Electronic Medical Records ( EMRs ) and Electronic Health Records ( EHRs).

Follow Up After Entry 
into Astellas Oncology C3 Prize

An article originally shared within the Google + Neuroscience community entitled, Endocrine cells in the brain influence the optimization of behavior, references a scientific research study published in Nature entitled, Optogenetically enhanced pituitary corticotroph cell activity post-stress onset causes rapid organizing effects on behaviour

The results of the scientific study published in Nature supports my propositions that (1) The delicate balance between catabolic and anabolic processes comprising metabolism is regulated by the endocrine hormonal system, and (2) Endogenous steroid hormones, as complex macromolecules that regulate metabolism, can contribute to a cluster of multiple pathological diseases.

If the endocrine system, which includes cells within pituitary, prepares the human body to react to stressful events then it is only logical to assume that a chronic wasting disease such as cancer can potentially diminish ability of the human body to cope with stressful events. Hence, unnecessary stress created by an inefficient healthcare system can contribute to a poor prognosis for cancer patients.

A chronic wasting disease such as cancer will likely compromise the pituitary endocrine ability of the human body to cope with stress therefore cancer patients will be physically unable to engage in healthy behaviors conducive to longevity. Thus, the scientific study published in Nature entitled, Optogenetically enhanced pituitary corticotroph cell activity post-stress onset causes rapid organizing effects on behaviour, makes it clear that it is imperative to remove as much as possible unnecessary stressful burden of an inefficient healthcare system upon cancer patients to insure a better prognosis.

A better prognosis for cancer patients is achieved by enabling ability of cancer patients to engage in behaviors of healthy living . An  application of Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) and Electronic Health Records (EHRs) can increase efficiency of healthcare system thereby removing unnecessary burden of stress upon cancer patients as a consequence of an inefficient healthcare system. 

My original Astellas Oncology C3 Prize entry is published on my commercial Facebook page, Reflection About Better Cancer Care. My commercial Facebook page Reflection About Better Cancer Care post includes my answers to three questions posed by Astellas: (1) Describe a problem in cancer care you are trying solve, (2) Describe your solution to the problem, and (3) How will you use the Astellas Oncology C3 Prize to bring your idea to life?

In reply to an IBM post entitled, The Power of You, I pointed out finding insights into decades of medical documents is what my entry into the #AstellasUS #C3Prize is all about. I helped #IBMWatson uncover a valuable insight to improve cancer care.

How Lifestyle Choices Influence Prognosis of Cancer by Altering Metabolism as Related to Greater Efficiency in Healthcare Delivery by applications of EMR and EHR

Original Freelance Article:
Metabolism As Related to Discovering a Cure for Cancer and other Pathological Disease Processes

By Mark W. Gaffney

I am always looking for a way to work together with my LinkedIn connections for mutual benefit in helping each other become more successful in accomplishing goals. I am open to any suggestions as to how I can better help my LinkedIn connections. I plan to attend a conference about how to make intelligent connections using social media hosted by Leadership Louisville.
More information about the Leadership Louisville conference featuring keynote speaker Erica Dhawan March 7, 2017 can be found on the website of Leadership Louisville.

The keynote speaker for the Leadership Louisville conference about making intelligent connections with social media is Erica Dhawan.

In the Forbes article, How Connectional Intelligence Can Make You Successful, the author Erica Dhawan poignantly shared,

“Connectional intelligence describes this skill that 21st century innovators have, and that we all need to develop, to maximize the potential of all of our connections and put them to significant use. It’s the ability to combine knowledge, ambition and human capital, forging connections on a global scale to create unprecedented value and meaning.”

In terms of forging connections on a global scale to create unprecedented value and meaning I wrote the following freelance article about application of artificial intelligent supercomputer platforms in medical research to discover cure to cancer and other diseases:

I would have a hard time believing that there are multiple ways to cure cancer, but cures are not released to public because medical treatment for cancer is a 200 billion dollar industry, as your post claims.

I can understand how it may be true. I have seen many mass media reports about amazing breakthroughs to cure cancer upon future horizon. However, those medical treatments have to be tested for many decades with animal and human test subjects before experimental medical treatments are considered safe.

Cancer is extremely difficult to cure because the disease involves an intricate delicate balance of catabolic and anabolic activity. Metabolism consist of two major forces, which are catabolism and anabolism. If a medical treatment tips the delicate balance of catabolic and anabolic processes slightly it may have fatal consequences.

The delicate balance between catabolic and anabolic processes comprising metabolism is regulated by the endocrine hormonal system. Speaking from a quantum perspective, endogenous steroid hormones naturally produced by human body are complex macromolecules that can both destroy cancerous cells or cause rapid spread of cancerous cells.

Endogenous steroid hormones as complex macromolecules that regulate metabolism can contribute to a cluster of multiple pathological diseases. Since multiple pathologies can arise as a consequence of endogenous hormones naturally produced in body any medical treatment designed to cure cancer must be careful to preserve the delicate balance of catabolic and anabolic processes.

An effort to preserve delicate balance of catabolic and anabolic processes regulated by complex endocrine hormonal macromolecules is a intense data driven task requiring an artificially intelligent supercomputer similar to IBM Watson.


It is for this reason I advocate advanced artificial intelligent supercomputer systems, like IBM Watson, be deployed in scientific research to find cures for cancer as rapidly as possible. Advance artificial intelligent supercomputer systems like IBM Watson can rapidly process changing metabolic data. Rapid change in metabolic data occurs due to a huge number of variables.

IBM Watson Health is dedicated to assisting in discovery of new cures for all pathological disease processes including cancer:


Intense exercise regimens may be one of many variables that contributes to an imbalance of endogenous steroids naturally produced within the human body. An imbalance of endogenous steroids naturally produced within the human body can potentially fuel growth of cancerous cells.
My theoretical assertion that intense exercise regimens can potentially lead to an imbalance of endogenous steroids naturally produced within human body has highly important implications to professional athletics. Foods rich in Omega fatty acids may modulate growth and spread of pathological cancerous cells.

Foods rich in Omega fatty acids may modulate growth of pathological cancerous cells by providing fuel for microbes that feed upon excessive production of complex endogenous steroid macromolecules naturally produced in human body as consequence of intense exercise regimens. Also harmful microbes that play a major role in catabolic metabolism do not thrive in an environment where tissue is saturated with Omega fatty acids. When tissue is stressed by activity of harmful microbes than physiological consequences arise favorable to growth and spread of pathological cancerous cells.

My article provides valuable insight into problematic issues related to discovery of a cure for cancer. Since endogenous steroid hormones naturally produced by human body are complex macromolecules that can both destroy cancerous cells or cause rapid spread of cancerous cells, it is possible medical use of steroids by Lance Armstrong may have extended Lance Armstrong's life. 

An intense training regimen may have contributed to physiological events leading to a metabolic imbalance causative of Lance Armstrong's testicular cancer.


Photograph courtesy of Alterfines @ Pixabay