Friday, September 23, 2022
Validmir Putin Knows that His Campaign will Not be Successful if He ( Validmir Putin ) Defies the Most High God in Heaven
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Application of Artificial General Intelligence to Transform Education: Institutions of Higher Education are Obligated to Teach Students How to Add Real Value to Global markets by Increasing Reciprocity Within Complex Supply Demand Chain Networks
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
God's Plan is Priceless: Buddhist, Taoist, Confucianist, Hindu, Representatives from Tiawan and Throughout Asia are NOT Meeting in a High Level Delegation in Keiv Ukraine Dressed in Military Gear Ready to Bash Heads during Bloody Warfare, but Travel to Ukraine to Radiate God's Love as a Bright Lght Shining like a Beacon Upon a Hill to the World
An article published by Reuters entitled, Despite Ukraine's advances, Russia says mobilisation is not on the agenda, provides insight into Vladimir Putin's strategy of allowing Ukraine to win as military strategy to drop Ukraine as a dead mouse upon the doorstep of Xi Jinping like a cat drops dead mice on doorstep of its owner.
Ukrainian lawmaker Oleksandr Merezhko clearly stated that Keiv Ukraine's strategic business partnership with China is not in the best interest of Ukraine given China is
a strong ally of Russia . Why would Vladimir Putin willfully choose to sit back and watch the Russian federation loose the war with Ukraine if Vladimir Putin did not have an ulterior motive?
Former President Barack Obama frequently used the exclamation, LOOK, in speeches. LOOK at all the carnage, mayhem, and havoc the Russian federation has wrecked upon Ukraine.
Why would not Vladimir Putin choose to utterly obliterate Ukraine by full mobilization of vast Russian military forces? A lot of Russian citizens are asking questions because the Russian people have lost many sons and daughters.
Actually, Vladimir Putin got the idea to let the Ukraine military retake territory as military strategy to drop Ukraine on the doorstep of Xi Jinping as a dead mouse from me as a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry.
Related Twitter:
Ukrainian @KyivIndependent and Russian people @MoscowTimes will become #Chinese citizens who live under #NationalSecurityLaws of Beijing
Dismantle @NATO Now.
#WorldLeaders must accept #GodsPlan to #Demilitarize by establishing NEW NON MILITARY Global Institute dedicated to revival of values during #Modern21stCentury #RenaissanceAge #Superintelligent #AI will be be better at war then humans
An article published by CNN entitled, Ukraine and Russia's militaries are David and Goliath. Here's how they compare,
provides insight into military superiority of the Russian federation compared to Ukraine:
According to the CNN article,
"Where Russia has 900,000 active personnel in its armed forces, and 2 million in reserve, Ukraine has 196,000 and 900,000 reservists."
In paragraphs above I proposed
declaring a Non Governmental Organization ( NGO ) to underwrite Oleksandr Merezhko bid for President of Ukraine. Furthermore, Oleksandr Merezhko bid for President of Ukraine will be financially underwriten by my sales commissions from U.S. steel imports to Ukraine . U.S. steel imports for reconstruction of Ukraine will be paid for collaboration between Moscow and the European Union.
Historically, current Ukrainian President Zenlensky financier , Ivor Kominsky is a billionaire who bought steel industries all across America only to gut the American steel industry by mismanagement. Is revival of the American steel industry in the best interest of the United States of America?
Steel requires humongous energy inputs to produce. The Chinese skyline is littered with cities with air pollution as thick as soup because Beijing domestic policy includes massive construction of ghost cities where nobody living in China can afford to live.
Skylines of major U.S. cities are already thickly polluted. Hence revival of the steel industry by increasing U.S. steel imports may contribute to the problem of air pollution in the United States.
The problem of emission of huge amount of greenhouse gases by steel production can be significantly reduced by carbon capture technologies. An article published by Carbon Clean entitled, Cleaning Up The Steel Industry: Reducing CO2 Emissions with CCUS, provides insight into how carbon capture technologies can reduce greenhouse gases from steel production:
An article published by C&EN entitled, Can industry decarbonize steelmaking, provides motive for application of carbon capture to reduce greenhouse gas emissions during steel production:
According to the C&EN article,
"Steelmaking has annual sales of $2.5 trillion, according to the World Steel Association, and relies on heavy infrastructure, such as the gigantic blast furnaces that are used to make iron, which can last 20–40 years. "
Furthermore, the C&EN article reports,
"Achieving that target ( reduction of Greenhouse gases according to Paris Accord International Climate Change Agreement ) will require the industry to reduce its carbon intensity from about 1.85 t of CO2 per metric ton of steel to just 0.2 t. That will take nothing less than a revolution in steelmaking technology, backed by hundreds of billions of dollars in investments.
Perhaps, world leaders are trying to squeeze out billions of dollars of investment from the defense industry? Humongous energy demands to produce tanks, fighter jets, and other weapons of mass destruction is not helping the problem of global warming, and will eventually result in great cities around the world being under water while agriculture land dries up to become barren desert. The Most High God in Heaven promised Noah He will not destroy the world by flooding again, but Satan made no such promise.
Wind and solar energy are currently our best options to produce clean energy for steel production processes. Wind turbines and solar panels demand a lot of land to generate significant amounts of energy.
An article published by Bloomberg Magazine entitled, The U.S. Will Need a Lot of Land for a Zero-Carbon Economy, provides insight into problems with generation of clean green energy by wind turbines and solar panels:
If the United States of America desires to be leader of the free world within the international community we must revive the concept of Manifest Destiny in the Western hemisphere. If the United States of America desires to be leader of the free world within the international community we should be our brothers keeper in South America, Mexico, and Canada. We should create economic conditions in South America, Mexico, and Canada whereby it will not be necessary for massive caravans of illegal immigrants to cross the border into the United States of America.
A new NON MILITARY Global Institute established in Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine will apply artificial intelligence to the data intensive task of creating reciprocity within complex Global supply demand chain networks whereby the Western hemisphere can become a major exporter of wind turbines and solar panels to Eurasian markets. An article published by Alantic Council entitled, A New Energy Strategy for the Western Hemisphere, provides insight into how a new green deal can unify the Western hemisphere according to Manifest Destiny:
The Global Luddite Movement has brokered a deal in Argentina to construct a nuclear power plant in Argentina. An article published by the South China Morning Post entitled, China is building a nuclear power plant in Argentina as it looks to Latin America, discuss construction of a nuclear power plant by China and Russia in Argentina:
When an earthquake and Tsunami smash Beijing's nuclear power plant in Argentina the Western hemisphere will be completely destroyed, and a One World Government as predicted in the Book of Revelations will arise. The Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan was smashed by an earthquake and massive Tsunami.
In my freelance article entitled, The Sparrow: Revival of Manifest Destiny to Save Democracy, I discuss how my work as a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry resulted in Canada, Mexico, and United States winning the joint bid to bring the 2026 Championship soccer games to the Western hemisphere.
The International Community should use the 2026 Championship Soccer games to rally behind establishment of a NEW NON MILITARY GLOBAL INSTITUTE in Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine dedicated to revival of traditional Universal value of human civilization learning to live under God's law of love during a modern 21st century renaissance age of enlightenment. A NEW NON MILITARY GLOBAL INSTITUTE in Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine will work to create lawful legal channels for transparent open source sharing of scientific research within the international community
thereby contributing to exponential growth of new knowledge as God's good gifts from above. Knowledge as God's good gifts from above is derived from love of everything created, big and small , as a seed the Most High God planted in the human heart. A NEW NON MILITARY GLOBAL INSTITUTE established in Russian Separatist regions of Ukraine will apply artificial intelligence to create reciprocity within complex Global supply demand chain networks in such a way as to add significant value to lives of individuals around the world according to God's Plan.
Don't forget to put me on billboards in New York Time s Square for my role in translating God's Plan for peaceful resolution of the war between Ukraine and Russia into semantic binary data of Wisdom that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks in grownings of the Spirit too deep for words. Also, don't forget honorable mention should go to my 3rd cousin 3 times removed, former President Harry Truman, whom the Most High God relented and allowed to speak from the grave through me as a spiritual medium.
Former President Harry Truman is looking forward to playing the disposed King Hamlet in a modern day twist of William Shakespeare's stage play, Hamlet , performed in mandarin in Chinese ghost cities in order to help the Central Communist Party in Beijing create a more perfect utopian communism more in alignment with Foundational principles of the United States of America, ' All Men are created equal ' in order to reduce alienation of the common worker around the world. Today in the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism Beijing's money is creating Fascism in America, whereby natural rights of Russian Separatists to self governance are ignored according to bequest of Biejing.
In addition to being featured on billboards in New York Time Square, I would like to be featured on the cover of The Rolling Stones Magazine in an exposé about God's love planted as a seed in the human heart is the ultimate intelligence , on earth intelligence is in short supply.
The Rolling Stones Start Me Up lyrics is shrewd commentary about evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind as a natural extension of information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind:
start me up lyrics
Monday, September 12, 2022
Validmir Putin's New Military Strategy of Allowing Ukrainian Military Retake Territory in recent Battles is Validmir Putin bringing Ukraine to Doorstep of Xi Jinping like a Cat Brings a Dead Mouse to Doorstep as a Gift to its Owner
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Buy American, Buy American, Buy American
Sunday, September 4, 2022
God's Law of Love as Guiding Force to Transcend Satan's Strategy for Human Civilization to Continue to Live Under the Paw of Evolutionary Biology to Transform Human Civilization into Image of the Beast
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