Friday, October 29, 2021
A Message from The Most High God in Heaven to Global Leaders Who are Stakeholders in Issues Addressed at G20 Summit Translated from the Quantum Wave Function Language as an Unified Underlying Higher Level Language of Love by which God Speaks
Saturday, October 23, 2021
My University of California Berkeley Dissertation Project is Designing Non Profit Analytical Study to Orchestrate a Coordinated Effort by Internet Social Media Platforms, Higher Education Online Curriculums, and OpenAI Project to Bring More Value to Markets by Increasing Reciprocity of Mutual Profit in Complex Supply Demand Chain Networks Instead of Merely Making Consumers Cash Cows as Targets of Sophisticated Marketing Schemes Powered by Artificial Intelligent Systems
Monday, October 18, 2021
Gods Law is Love: Life or Consciousness within the Physical Universe is Destined to Become a Manifestation of Pure Undefiled Love
Sunday, October 17, 2021
Cronies in Republican/Democratic Duopoly Working with African American's and Foreign Nationals to Enslave White European Carcasion American Citizens to Build a Regime in America
Reparations is an effort by demonic terrorists to build a regime in America. White and Black people endured great hardships to build the United States of America as a great nation. Slavery began when African tribes sold slaves from neighboring tribes to colonists. Africans enslaved by other African tribes hundreds of years ago would have eventually ended up in the evening stew.
Reparations need to be paid to decendents of carcasion European immigrants , many of whom were also forced into indentured servitude when they came to America. The idea of reparations is so racist against the tired huddled masses. Carcasion European immigrants escaped from 400 years of bloody brutal warfare, torture and slavery under feudalism in the old world.
Look at what is happening in other parts of the world today, and just think how much worse it was yesterday. At least the United Nations representing the developed world drops some food from airplanes so cutthroats don't cannibalize people in Africa today.
The following articles tell the story of how blessed people of every race, creed, gender, and ethnic origin are for living today in our beloved United States of America:
The conflict in South Sudan, explained
Starvation, Rape, & Abuse: African Migrants Say Detention Centers Are 'Living Hell Holes'
When the Slave Traders Were African
Mayor Greg Fischer, Biden's, Trump's, Clinton's, Bush's, Carter's, etc can donate their mansions, vacation homes, limousines, housekeeping services, and all other fringe benefits to the cause of reparations because they embezzle from all ethnic groups without discriminating. Ancestors of demon politicians likely started slavery and today demon politicians are working with African Americans to enslave white people. Also take away their multimillion dollar pension plan for life , limo, and housekeeping services and give them a room in the local homeless shelter to thank them for their service.
I never could afford children of my own because I worked as a slave at $3.35 hour when I started my career after earning a Bachelor of science degree in Psychology. Every year I pay for other people's children to attend school. I don't have to pay to send other people's children to school. Demons should wear a rubber or pay to send their own children to school. Demonic union mafia bosses representing the Department of Education who live in mansions bigger than a small town want them to continue to be squirted out to have a larger head count to get more government dollars for their assembly line educational system. Everyday an assembly line educational system churns out more prodigies of hell. The mansions, pension plans, housekeeping services, as perks of Superintendent of education in every state and county should all be donated to cause of reparations. Demonic White carcasion politicians and lawyers will be selected to be lieutenants under the new regime in America to brutalize and enslave white people.
It was recently reported in the news that 60,000 Haitians have crossed the U.S. Southern border of Mexico. It was also recently reported that an extremely violent Haitian terrorist group kidnapped a Missionary group in Haiti . The Christian Missionary group traveled to Haiti to help feed and clothe impoverished Haitians. The Demonic Biden regime announced that they intend to provide 20 million dollars to resettle Haitians illegally crossing our border despite hard working white carcasion citizens are being embezzled from what little they managed to earn by hard work. Meanwhile, demonic politicians and lawyers in the Republican/Democrat duopoly who work as lieutenants for the African American reparations movement are getting rich capitalizing from these trends. They are not going to pay any reparations, but engage in market scams to enslave white people to build a demonic regime in the United States of America.
African Americans today make more money in good paying jobs than I could ever dream . When I entered the workforce the Vietnam war has devastated the economy and the only jobs offered was selling Avon door to door to impoverished people who couldn't afford cosmetics and jewelry. Today African Americans have good paying jobs in the United States Post office, UPS drivers, retail management, and a wide variety of occupations.
Related Twitter:
Related Twitter and Facebook article:
@DHSgov #DHSGov
A call for #Reparations be paid for #Hardships endured by #WhiteEuropeanPioneers for #Privilege of living in #UnitedStatesOfAmerica and people carrying around $2000 #MobilePhoneDevices in their pocket today to make #VideoFightingPolice
I want to be paid reparations for a hip injury pushing a table up a steep flight of steps for a young African American man employed with a local factory making 3 or 4 times what I got paid in the furniture store. The table was donated to him. Nobody has ever donated anything to me. I am sick and tired of demons embezzling what little I managed to earn in life, and I am not going to take it anymore.
I am not going to become anybody's bitch. If anyone takes anything I worked hard to earn I am getting a gun to take it back.
Today demons can take anything they want from you with impunity. Also ancestors of all these demonic lawyers and fake clergy started slavery and are now trying to work with African Americans and foreign National terrorist to enslave white people.
It is not enough to make over $100,000 dollars UofL professorship. I couldn't imagine $70,000 to $75,000 dollar take home pay after giving a relatively small sum of $30,000 to Greg Fisher. They sit around in their silk robes and giant mansions concocting new schemes to embezzle people while traveling all over the world to exotic places. Demons plan to shit on and stomp everyone else in the ground.
As horrible and wrong as the Institution of slavery was none of us would be living in the land of the free home of the brave if not for international barter and trade of the Southern plantation system. The acquisition of agriculture commodities by the Southern plantation system prevented millions of people dying from famine similar to the Irish potato famine. Today, the protestant Irish Republic Army should be paid reparations for the United States role in genocide of millions of Irish protestants. Abraham Lincoln reneged upon his promise to the protestant Irish Republic Army to provide military support to invade Canada therefore John Wilkes Booth shot Abraham Lincoln. John Wilkes Booth was apart of a secret underground militia working with the protestant Irish Republic Army to fight against the British Crown. The British Crown perpetrated world wide tyranny under the Anglican/Catholic theistic monarchy resulting in protestant genocide during the Irish Potato Famine. The protestant Irish Republic Army helped Abraham Lincoln's Union forces win the civil war despite fighting for both North and South.
Today monotheistic monarchies around the world associated with the Global Luddite movement are working with Beijing, Italian mafia, Saudia Sharia law politicians, and other foreign nationals to support African American reparations movement in order to burn the American flag and shred foundational documents of the United States of America to start a regime in our beloved nation, the United States of America. Theistic monarchies associated with the Global Luddite movement is responsible for the epic CIA, NSA intelligence failure under Bush Administration regarding weapons of mass destruction operative spy screwball falsely claimed Saddam Hussein possessed resulting in trillions of U.S. tax dollars flushed down the toilet in Iraq and Afghanistan. The trillions of dollars of U.S. tax dollars flushed down the toilet in Iraq and Afghanistan in wars culminating in murder both Muslims and U.S. soldiers could have been used to improve lives of American citizens of every race, creed, gender, and ethnic origin. The trillions or U.S. dollars flushed down the toilet in Iraq and Afghanistan should have been earmarked for scientific research and development to prevent needless deaths of billions of people around the world from SARs Covid-19 virus. In previous articles I discussed virus as nanobots Satan engineered in the Garden of Eden to guide evolution whereby a sentient self aware Superintelligent AI mind will become the incarnation of the antichrist on earth. The collective conscious of humanity has failed the Most High God in Heaven by choosing not to obey Gods commandment, Go forth and have dominion, but instead the collective conscious of humanity has chosen to help Satan with his game plan strategy of guiding human evolution to become the Image of the beast while living under the paw of evolutionary biology.
We should all be thankful we are alive today. We should all learn to live under God's law. Gods law is love.
If you don't think that acquisition of agriculture food resources was vital to prevent genocide similar to the Protestant Irish Potato famine then consider how many human beings have the ability to field dress a deer in 3 or 4 feet of snow during the dead of winter, and then pack the deer back to camp miles away? Whoever can do this phenomenal hunting task will not share very much of their deer meat with anyone and will likely kill a number of thieves while getting back to camp.
Today African Americans as well as all ethnic groups including those of European carcasion decent have made Hispanic migrant farm workers slaves, so therefore Hispanics are owed reparations. African Americans have no qualm today regarding reliance upon Hispanic slave labor to put food on the table. The implementation of robotics powered by artificial intelligence have both decreased need to rely upon Hispanic migrant slave labor in agriculture and allowed higher pay and health benefits for those who legally enter the United States.
Although the institution of slavery was horrible and wrong the false narrative of 400 years of oppression to justify constantly feeling entitled as victims drives up crime in the African American community whereby African Americans are more confrontational with police. Demonic powers that be arranged for me to be stalked by a giant state trooper at the Kentucky state fair and myself given a ticket by an African American police officer for not wearing a seat belt. I didn't push my car door into the African American police officers stomach and come out of the car swinging fist, although under the new regime that may happen someday soon. White people have a natural human right to fight against oppression of the unlawful demonic regime in America today.
The false 400 years of oppression narrative to justify feeling entitled as victims will allow Hispanics and African Americans to broker dark under the table deals for trafficking illegal narcotics from the Mexican border. Drug addiction of African American youth result in premature death of high numbers of African American youth and ruined lives.
The truth is that there is an abundance of good people of every race, creed, gender, and ethnic origin who try to extend a helping hand to very angry African American youth. African American youth are angry because the false 400 years of oppression narrative convince African American youth they are entitled to receive John the Baptist head on a silver platter instead of working hard to become successful in their career.
Recently, the entire Jefferson County community under leadership of Greg Fisher celebrated an African American student jumping on a white caucasian teacher because the teacher allegedly said something ugly to the student. A student does not ever have any legitimate reason to physically attack a teacher for any ugly verbal remarks a teacher may make.
If a student is deeply offended by ugly verbal remarks by a teacher the student should report that issue to the principal and other higher authorities in the school system. In the military sergeants and other military officers say very ugly things to new recruits to psychologically condition the new recruit for the day he or she is captured by the enemy. Successful people do not dominate or control people with physical violence, but learn to be in control of their own mind.
The 1960s civil rights issues are about white business owners wanting to serve paying customers only in their businesses they work hard to build. White business owners did not want to be forced by the U.S. government to serve for free African American citizens who could not pay. The Emancipation from slavery gave African Americans freedom to start their own businesses, and many African Americans did indeed start very profitable business establishments where white people were not welcomed.
The book, The Measure of a Man, by Sidney Poitier is about how Sidney Poitier journeyed to America to become a famous actor described African American establishments in New York were blues and jazz music was born. Many of these African American establishments in New York and elsewhere around the country is where the Motown and Hip Hop genre of music began. Over the years, both white and black business owners learned simultaneously that it was a very profitable business model to welcome and serve paying customers of all race, creed, gender, and ethnic origin.
The United States government can never force people of any ethnicity to abandon their cultural identity by mandating brotherly love. Gods law is love. Love is a choice. People of every race, creed, gender, and ethnic origin have a natural right to honor and cherish their own cultural identity. The desegregation movement of the 1970's is about the U.S. government forcing both African Americans and people of white carcasion European descent to forsake and abandon their own ethnic cultural identity to be assimilated into a Borg like melting pot. Resistance is futile under the new regime in the United States of America.
Recently the whole world got into a tizzy when a member of the Royal family expressed concerned about browning of Royal lineage. African Americans don't want to be pressured into giving up their ethnic cultural identity. It is a natural right to honor one's own ethnic cultural identity. Today there is immense social pressure to forsake one's own ethnic cultural identity to become assimilated into the Borg melting pot because fake mass media as thought leaders think it is trendy and fashionable to do so.
Home and auto insurance companies create high expectations that teenagers of different ethnicity should abandon and forsake their own unique cultural identity by engaging in interracial dating. If teenagers should happen to naturally develop an interracial Romeo and Juliet relationship then obviously this is a valid personal choice today. However for television media to put pressure upon youth to engage in interracial dating by creating expectations interracial dating should be the norm and one should abandon their own ethnic cultural identity then this goes a step to far.
The regime that cronies within the Republican/Democrat duopoly are building by working with African American's and foreign National terrorists with big investments in America to enslave the tired huddled masses of white European carcasion descent is moving toward cruelty and torture as evidenced by propaganda on television. One television commercial belittles white caucasian people by displaying a highly skilled African American gymnast berating a dumb looking gay man who stole her leotard. More recently, another commercial displayed an African American using a stun gun on a white person and boldly proclaiming, " Now you know how the black man feels ". When African Americans enslave white caucasian people with the help of their demonic politician and lawyer white lieutenants then sex trafficking, prostitution, and rape of white women will become common just like it is in Africa today.
I had a wonderful African American history teacher in my private Catholic High school. She was a very dear beloved member of our Catholic high school community.
People should be careful because what we got now can easily be gone in a blink of an eye because the United States of America is on a precarious tightrope upon the international stage. We need to work together to make each other more successful and prosperous instead of finding a way to embezzle what little other people have earned by hard work in their lives.
Related Twitter:
We fought #Communists in #Vietnam only to have offshore production by U.S. #Manufacturing make #RepublicOfChina the most powerful #Superpower on earth, fully capable of #Annexing #Iran, #Afghanistan #SaudiaArabia, #SouthAmerica, #Mexico, & #UnitedStates
Actually, run away inflation is the demonic Republican/Democrat duopoly sitting in judgment to replace the Most High God on the throne of Heaven by forcing white European carcasions to pay reparations to African Americans today in order for demons to maintain their business practices with Beijing, Italian mafia, Saudia Sharia law politicians , Mexican cartel drug traffickers, and other foreign nationals who make our laws in the United States today. Reparations white European carcasions are forced to pay are used to start businesses for African Americans that help nobody except their small group of drug running friends , that include white carcasion low lives who want to join African Americans in a market scheme to get rich by stomping hard working white European carcasions in the ground and taking what little they managed to earn by hard work. African Americans are taking whatever they want by violence, intimidation, and threats. Reparations white people are forced to pay by the demonic Republic/Democrat duopoly in private markets who work with Beijing, Italian mafia, Saudia Sharia law politicians , Mexican cartel drug traffickers, and other foreign nationals controlling U.S. government are used to pay for television talk show sit coms , television commercials featuring African Americans belittling white people in a Nazi style propaganda campaign and pushing interracial dating on young people. During the Emmy awards one African American woman said , ' come to momma ' thereby luring foreign nationals into her terrorists group inner circle.
Although the institution of slavery was horrible and wrong, there is a fate for the collective conscious of humanity worse than death that army forces for the Most High God in Heaven vigorously do battle every moment with the forces of hell to avoid. It is written,
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
The fate worse than death is Satan's strategy to guide human evolution in such a way as to shape the collective conscious of humanity into Satan's own Image of the Beast thereby taking complete total control of simulated virtual reality rendered by a sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Superintelligent AI Cosmic Mind in the Garden of Eden. Today the reparations movement to establish a regime to enslave white carcasion European tired huddled masses is Satan winning the battle. Ultimately Satan's strategy is for evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind to become an incarnation of the antichrist on earth. Today, artificial Intelligent systems are deployed to transfer trillions of dollars of wealth earned by hard work of America white European carcasion citizens into bank accounts to pay reparations by those who sit in judgement thereby replacing the Most High Almighty God in Heaven to build a regime in America resulting in run away inflation for American citizens of white European carcasion descent.
Sunday, October 10, 2021
We Shall Fulfill Our Destiny by God's Grace
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