Sunday, June 28, 2020
Crop Circles as a Sign from a Sentient Self Aware Panpsychic Conscious Universe During Troubled Times of Massive Confusion
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Calling Upon all Politicians and High Level Judiciary to Honor the Great Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King who Loved America and Never Gave up Hope.
Monday, June 15, 2020
The Quantum Perspective Working to Prevent the United States of America from Becoming the Next Syria
Mechanically the art of
writing can be defined as quantum particlization of semantic binary data arising from the very essential core of a human beings heart and soul. As a writer I never ever knew anything about George Floyd and David McAtee as fellow human beings on planet earth. As far as I was concerned until mass media began reporting upon tragic deaths of George Floyd and David McAtee these two people didn't exist.
I do have to share that from whatever scant information the mass media reported about George Floyd and David McAtee, including photon light particle photographic images displayed on television, George Floyd and David McAtee appeared to be kind hearted gentle men who did not want to hurt anyone. It is easy to spot violent angry people of all races who just as soon cut your head off then look at you, and they are everywhere, including among 'peaceful' protesters. George Floyd and David McAtee do not appear to be angry violent people according to photographs of the two men I seen on television.
Indeed it is heart breaking to watch the video of George Floyd repeatedly saying that he can't breathe while a police officer pressed his knee into his neck for almost 10 minutes. It is very obvious that arresting officers failed to follow proper police protocol culminating in wrongful death or murder of George Floyd.
The shooting of David McAtee more than any other case illustrates extremely complex cause and effect relationships within non Euclidean distortions of the time space continuum during quantum particlization of virtual simulated reality of our flat earth Euclidean universe.
Physicist define the arrow of time as a system moving from a state of low entropy to a state of high entropy. Jaine 108 Math Academy published two graphical illustrations of the space time continuum.
In my Facebook article I discussed two graphical illustrations of the space time continuum as published by Jaine 108 Math Academy as Non Euclidean distortions of the space time continuum during quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality of the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy.
My Facebook article about quantum particlization of Non Euclidean distortions of the space time continuum within simulated virtual reality of our flat earth Euclidean universe can be found at the following URL address:
In my freelance article entitled , Hiccups within Trajectory of Quantum Particlization of Time Space Continuum, I discuss Non Euclidean distortions of the space time continuum during quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality of the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy
My freelance article entitled, Hiccups within Trajectory of Quantum Particlization of Time Space Continuum, can be found at the following URL addresses:
In my freelance article entitled, Oprah Winfrey Aha moment as Phenomena Explained by Quantum physics, I used basic mathematics to describe Non Euclidean distortions of the space time continuum during quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality of the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy
In the aforementioned article I wrote entitled Oprah Winfrey Aha moment as Phenomena Explained by Quantum physics, I described multiplicative nature of Non Euclidean distortions of the space time continuum within quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality of the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy states. The following is an excerpt:
Oprah Winfrey's new book entitled, The Path Made Clear: Discovering Your Life's Direction and Purpose, helps individuals gain intuitive insight into the nature of their true selve as a first step toward effective problem solving by understanding what one is placed here on earth to do.
Difficult life situations magnify multiplicative nature of entropy within an euclidean flat earth universe as product of quantum particalization. A magnification of problems due to multiplicative nature of entropy within an euclidean flat earth universe results in individuals becoming less able to engage in constructive problem solving. Multiplicative nature of entropy within an euclidean flat earth universe as product of quantum particalization is like being trapped in quicksand.
After hearing David McAtee's story aired on television as a writer I felt compelled to come to defense of David McAtee after video evidence surfaced David McAtee fired the first shot.
David McAtee finally discovered his life purpose in establishing his business
YaYa's BBQ as according to Oprah Winfreys book, The Path Made Clear: Discovering Your Life's Direction and Purpose.
It could have been you. It could have been me. It could have been anyone caught up within this Non Euclidean distortion of the space time continuum during quantum particlization of simulated virtual reality of arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy otherwise defined as the nightmare of rioting, murder by police, and the SARs Covid-19 pandemic we all have been living in 2020.
In a court of law prosecuting and defense lawyers build a psychological profile associated with an internalized intraphysic construct of motivation. Although David McAtee's downtown Louisville Kentucky restaurant YaYa's BBQ is located in the West end where per capita income is generally lower, given new developments, such as the West end Kroger market and nationwide trend toward rising wage increases YaYa's BBQ is still valuable commercial property in a downtown venue.
David McAtee certainty didn't want his business burned down by rioters nor his door busted down by police firing ammo. David McAtee firing warning shots to both scare away violent rioters burning down Dinos food market across the street and simultaneously defend against the police to protect his business seems reasonable given massive confusion associated with the recent nightmare.
How could David McAfee have known what the hell was going on across the street at Dino's market? David McAtee likely acted to protect his business based upon violent rioting aired on television and mass media reports that police busted down the door of Breona Taylor in the dead of night to executive a no knock search warrant. Any reasonable person given that information by mass media, including myself, would come out of the house fully armed with an M-16 automatic weapon prepared to do whatever necessary to defend a business, Ya Ya Babecue, one ( David McAfee )spent a lifetime building.
In my freelance article entitled, When Satan establishes his reign of terror on earth the Kingdom of Heaven will be a lot less. Peace is on the way. What could have been for people of every race, creed, gender, and ethnic origin will never be, I aptly pointed out the only person who knows why law enforcement agents were sent to Breona Taylor's home to execute a no knock service warrant is the judge who signed the search warrant based upon probable cause:
The following is an excerpt from my aforementioned freelance article:
Why did law enforcement go to an apartment of an Emergency Medic in the dead of night and bust a door down to serve a no knock search warrant? Most people don't know anything about anyone they are talking about on television. A judge has to issue a warrant based upon probable cause to get a search warrant issued.
Why should an entire city be burned to the ground when the majority of people don't know anything about the case or who the people are?
If the judge who issued the warrant had probable cause he or she better get on television and spell it out clearly if the case is going to be tried in the public domain . How can people who don't know anything about the case or why law enforcement agencies were sent to Breona Taylor's home in the dead of night by authority of a no knock search warrant signed by a judge do anything about it?
At this point in time we all stand united and agree Breona Taylor should not have been shot and killed by police executing a no knock search warrant. How and why it happened is very relevant information to prevent such crimes against humanity from ever happening again in history.
How and why Breona Taylor was shot and killed by law enforcement agents executing a no knock search warrant can only be determined within a court of law. The judge who signed the no knock search warrant based upon probable cause should immediately testify why he or she signed a no knock search warrant in legal proceedings aired on television.
Politicans who profit from peaceful protests that turn violent are rewarding massive mobs for burning down cities by accrediting peaceful protesters shouting and screaming obscenities with changing laws. The no knock search warrant has been outlawed in many states in recent weeks.
Why are politicians dragging their feet to legislate social change? Why did politicians have to wait until after peaceful protesters burned down cities to outlaw no knock search warrants? No knock search warrants could have been outlawed in legislative assemblies and courts of law within 24 hours after Breona Taylor's wrongful death without any building burned down or property destroyed. The 116 Congress as the most diverse in history according to Pew research and Department of Justice appear to be encouraging ' peaceful protests that turn violent for political gain by fear mongering to establish a Satanic regime in the United States of America.
David McAtee was told by the mass media law enforcement agents went to Breona Taylor's home and shot Breona Taylor dead in the middle of the night. Mass media did not explain how or why this terrible tragedy as a crime against humanity happened. As a human being perhaps the judge made a horrible mistake as a consequence of the powerful Global Luddite Movement deliberately planning murder of Breona Taylor to destroy freedom and democracy by starting a race war and establish a Satanic regime in America where people die naturally without life extension medical technologies.
If the Global Luddite movement can arrange screwball to provide false information about Iraq weapons of mass destruction possessed by Saddam Hussein to the Central Intelligence Agency causing middle East wars costing countless lives and $4.4 trillion dollars then the Global Luddite movement can arrange to create a race war to destroy the United States of America by providing false information to a judge signing a no knock search warrant based upon probable cause.
It is possible David McAtee may have made different decisions if given all pertinent information about how and why Breona Taylor was shot dead in her home by law enforcement officers that night. All relevant and pertinent information about how and why Breona Taylor died that night can only be told in a court of law and peaceful protests that turn violent prevents Justice for Breona Taylor. Since David McAtee was not given all pertinent relevant information by mass media then David McAtee acted reasonably to defend his business, Ya Ya Barbecue by firing warning shots. As a peaceful law abiding citizen I would have done the same to defend my business given incomplete misinformation I was told by mass media as well as watching insanity of rioting on television.
In order to save our beloved nation the United States of America we must turn away from peaceful protests that will turn violent and immediately redress grievances within legislative assemblies and courts of law by duly elected representatives and African American leaders comprising the NAACP, 116th Congressional Black Caucus, black mayors at the helm of major metropolitan economic powerhouses for international trade around our beloved country, former President Barack Obama and Attorney general Eric Holder, and countless black leaders in private market sectors operating successful business. Martin Luther King is a great man because he won the right of the African American community to redress grievances within legislative assemblies and a court of law. If we don't do this it is likely more people of every race, creed, gender and ethnic origin will make tragic mistakes and die on American streets in a full blown race war based upon incomplete information leading to the United States of America becoming the next Syria where countless people will die on the streets.
Although David McAtee may have acted with reasonable prudence by firing warning shots to protect his business, the National Guard and police also acted with reasonable prudence of self defense in returning fire. In days leading up to David McAtee's death police and national guard testified to bullets whizzing past their head fired by rioters and antifa shooting to kill police. Police nor national guard could not have possibly known from that line of sight that David McAtee fired warning shots only to scare away both protesters and police from his business. As a long time gun owner if David McAfee was shooting to kill he would more than likely killed someone before he was fatally shot.
Hence, should all these cases be tried in the public domain by mass media airing televised reports about insanity of so called ' peaceful protests' that turn violent? The true culprit in wrongful death of David McAfee is (1) 'peaceful' protests turned violent organized by Global Luddite movement antifa who are backed by foreign national enemy combatants engaged in insurrection and insurgency to destroy the United States of America and (2) misinformation aired by mass media fake Russian news outlets based in Ukraine.
Instead of focusing upon peaceful protests by mass mobs that turn violent to make money, mass media should immediately broadcast lawful trials of federal judges, police, politicians accused of reckless negligence for failing to do their job of enacting legislative reforms to prevent such tragedies, and all directly involved. Mass media are obligated by the Pledge of Allegiance to ascertain accurate facts about cases as lawfully determined by duely elected legislative assemblies and courts of law, instead sensless chanting by prejudicial mass mobs seeking to financially profit from murder of victims, so therefore if these cases are to be tried in the public domain then televised legal proceedings should begin immediately.
In these cases there are a lot of unanswered questions that only lawful civil court proceedings and legislative assemblies can answer by sworn deposition testimony. In the case of George Floyd no matter what happened before police arrived George Floyd should never died of asphyxiation as a consequence of police pressing a knee to George Floyd's neck no matter what happened before police arrived. Why did people in the bank feel a need to call the police to begin with? The answer to that question may help prevent such crimes against humanity from ever happening again.
Real justice for George Floyd defined as preventing crimes against humanity from ever happening again can only be gotten within legislative assemblies and courts of law where all relevant facts are sorted out and untangled when light shines upon the darkness and nothing is concealed for greed of personal profit from a man's death. According to scant information aired by mass media motivated by profit to keep this thing going for as long as possible their was some type of struggle between George Floyd and the police during the arrest. Generally mass media has exclusively focused upon the 10 minute choke hold by the police. Mass media has reported very little information about the struggle between George Floyd and police or why people in the bank called police to begin with.
George Floyd should never been murdered by asphyxiation resulting from a police officer pressing a knee to George Floyd's neck for almost 10 minutes even if a struggle occurred as reported by mass media. Once George Floyd was placed in handcuffs police should have sit George Floyd propped up against the police cruiser or on the side walk like they do in countless arrests of both black and white people all over the United States of America everyday.
Actually I don't know what happened at the scene. I am just writing about what mass media reported. If it is true that a struggle occurred then education of all people of every race, creed, gender, and ethnic origin that struggling with police may culminate in death may prevent such crimes against humanity from ever occurring again in human history again. The African American community especially needs to be reassured they as American citizens will receive fair legal representation in a court of law. Any time an African American citizen is arrested for anything and suggests they are unjust victims of racial profiling then the 116th Congressional black Caucus should immediately send powerful attorneys working for the NAACP and leaders within the African American community, including former President Barack Obama and Attorney general Eric Holder to the scene within an hour to address allegations of injustice due to racial profiling. Powerful legal representation by the NAACP of African American citizens who allege racial profiling by police during arrests can get any African American citizen released within 10 minutes after an arrest so therefore there is no need to fight with police.
The United States of America is effectively indicted in a horrific crime against humanity so therefore our beloved nation that has become the home of the tired, poor, weary, and downtrodden huddled masses of immigrants from around the world is on trail. Did Dr Martin Luther King win civil liberties for the African American community to redress grievances for any injustice done to an African American citizen within legislative assemblies and courts of law or not? Why aren't civil liberties Dr. Martin Luther King won for the African American community used?
Is it possible those responsible for carnage on American streets don't want the truth be told within legislative assemblies and courts of law because they seek to gain political power and profit from murder of the victims by organizing so called peaceful protests of mass mobs? Are people who deliberately intentionally prearranged murder of the victims with help of Global Luddite movement foreign national enemy combatants based in Ukraine working to establish international business alliances to profit from murder of victims to build a regime in the United States of America?
The right to peacefully assemble to redress grievances guaranteed by the United States Constitution is not about ' peaceful protests ' by mass mobs , but instead peaceful assembly to redress grievances is about representative government where the NAACP, 116th Congressional Black Caucus, former president Barack Obama, former Attorney general Eric Holder, African American Mayors at the helm of major metropolitan powerhouses of international trade, and entire Department of justice exercise civil liberties to meet in town halls to get Justice for the victims within legislative assemblies and courts of law as Dr. Martin Luther King won the right of the African American community to do. Rioters within 'peaceful protests' by mass mobs that turned violent burned down town halls where lawmakers and attorneys meet to get Justice for the victims and enact legislation to prevent such tragedies from happening in the future.
Our beloved nation, the United States of America, that has become home for tired, poor , war weary, and downtrodden huddled masses of immigrants across the globe is accused of horrific crimes against humanity therefore is on trial. Despite slavery existing as a horrific institution both African American slaves and plantation slave owners simultaneously by the grace of God built a great nation.
Life was totally different during those days then today. The Southern plantation system primarily existed as agriculture industry that fed and clothed all people thereby preventing slaves and slave owners from dying of starvation. Cotton and tobacco as primary agricultural crops of the Southern plantation system produced financial revenue for barter and trade of food and other commodities to prevent massive famines within the United States of America.
Yesterday during the days of slavery and even today most people of any race did not have physical stamina to put meat on the table by crawling through waist high snowdrifts to hunt for deer or squirrel in a wild untamed forest having barbed vegetation capable of ripping human flesh to shreds. And then deer meat and other game must be dragged home and cured in order to prevent rotting. The amount energy demanded for agriculture production in the 17th, 18th, and early half of 19th century required mutual cooperation manifest by plantation systems to insure Darwinian survival of the fittest in order to put meat on the table.
In those days white people served as indentured servants to pay off debts. The potato famine that occurred in Ireland could have happened within the United States of America if not for Southern heritage plantation system. In those days economic recession near to depression occurred in both the North and south so therefore political leaders eyed mining industry on the Western frontier. Economic recessions in the North and South led to massive hunger and poverty.
In the days of slavery not all white people lived in mansions on Plantations. The family of Abraham Lincoln humbly lived in a small modest log cabin with a dirt floor.
The Civil war is about freedom of Southern states to engage in Agriculture business to survive. The Southern heritage movement portrays Abraham Lincoln as a tyrant who invaded Southern States to destroy livelihoods allowing slaves and slave owners to survive by preventing massive famine where all people starved to death. Civil war monuments are a historical tribute to both slaves and plantation owners building a great nation. If one destroys civil war monuments to rewrite history God Himself ordained then they should go ahead and burn down the entire United States of America because powerful Northern politicians like Senator Stephen Douglas advocated popular sovereignty to prevent starvation of countless black and white people living in northern states. After the Institute of slavery was abolished basically slaves became indentured servants to survive like poor downtrodden immigrants from around the globe who found a home in America. They destroy civil war monuments as a tribute to both slaves and Southern plantation owners that fought hard to survive, preventing starvation of countless people because they don't believe in God's Divine providence spelled out in the Biblical verse,
" All things happen for good to those who believe and are called according to His purpose. "
And even today, just look around, and you will see a grandeur more splendid lifestyle in our beloved United States of America then impoverished countries marred by war and famine around the globe. A more grandeur and splendid lifestyle in the United States of America is reflected by countless people of every race, creed, gender and ethnic origin
living in United States of America carrying around mobile phones costing over $500 in addition to costly service plans plus paying for cable television at home. In most nations around the globe they don't have 4g data networks and telecommunications technology consists of an unreliable hodgepodge of wires crisscrossing in every direction across streets in a disordered fashion ready to explode and catch fire without vandalism. Do you hear me now? is a line from an ATt commercial.
After Abraham Lincoln invaded the South to destroy the Southern heritage plantation system that clothed and fed slaves, plantation owners , and all who lived in the south over the years segregation in the 1960s arose due to belief in ownership of private property where people conduct business with whomever they choose. Segregationist rejected a tyrannical totalitarian governmental regime that enforced desegregation by law.
A lot of black business establishments during that time shunned catering to white people also. Employees in black business establishments felt like slaves catering to white people at low wages. Today in education circles there is a movement toward all black private segregated schools as prestigious academies of learning that are better able to serve educational needs of the African American community as a push back against totalitarian government enforcing desegregation by law. It is thought that desegregation actually compromises educational needs of the African American community given American society does not understand black culture.
And according to the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation whereby all things as products of quantum particlization are both equally true and false simultaneously resulting in absolute truth being the Divine prerogative of God alone segregationist have a valid point.
Segregation cannot be enforced by law given all human beings are products of evolutionary biology as described in my freelance article entitled, Justice for George Floyd and Victims of Police Brutality can only be Gotten within Legislative Assemblies and Courts of Law:
The following is an excerpt from my aforementioned article describing how desegregation as mandated by law of a tyrannical government that seeks to watch us rip each other's throats out like animals after which they will collect the spoils is not realistic given all human beings conform to evolutionary biology:
Does the United States constitution guarantee the right to peaceful protest by mass mobs of billions of people seeking to overthrow the rule of law given there is no such thing as a peaceful protest?
You feel that don't you, in your heart , and you know it is true, although you may insist on denying it. You go to church not to worship God in spirit and truth but to suppress it. As products of of evolutionary biology, rendered as quantum particlization by a Cosmic mind hacked in the Garden of Eden by Satan, every human being on earth as a subroutine of a Cosmic mind is ready to pounce , so it behooves us to listen to Jesus teaching " love your enemies " to transcend evolutionary biology.
Every human being on earth is racist to some degree. Mutual cooperation is merely a Darwinian strategy to maximize survival of the fittest. It is written, ' Those who claim to be without sin are a liar and the truth is not in them'.
Desegregation as mandated by law of a tyrannical government can never forge brotherly love in the hearts of men and women as Jesus taught ' love your enemies as yourself'. Brotherly love is forged in the hearts of men and women by the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love.
Brotherly love as an expression of the quantum wave function language as the language of love upholding the Pledge of Allegiance ' We Pledge Allegiance to the flag to the United States of America, One Nation, Under God , for liberty and Justice for all ' can never be enforced by laws of a tyrannical governmental regime.
The true spirit of brotherly love leading towards a more desegregated society in the United States of America is a consequence of the incredible creative music of Motown.
Ad infinite creativity is derived from learning how to be more open to the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love that is beyond quantum particlization of words formulated in the mind. The music of Motown is about the love and happiness all human beings experience on the journey of life we all share.
In a recent Facebook article contemplating meaningfulness of Jain 108 Math Academy post sharing the quote, 'Music is the hidden arimithitic of the soul that does not know it is counting ' I described music as quantum particlization of the quantum wave function language existing as an unified underlying higher level language of love beyond mind. Motown hits and Jazz arise from gospel spirituals. Hence, music more than any other variable is responsible for brotherly love within a more desegregated society. Quantum particlization of laws passed by a tyrannical government regime attempting to transform us all into carpetbaggers by enforcing desegregation so that politicians can exercise power and control like god have done nothing to create brotherly love in America. When Jimmy Hendrix took the stage the United States of America took a giant step forward to move toward becoming a nation of brotherly love among people of all races, creeds, gender, and ethnic origin.
Perhaps the peaceful protests can become a day of prayer and worship where uplifting spiritual songs manifesting hope will be sung in one united voice that politicians will do the right thing by exercising civil liberties in legislative assemblies and courts of law Martin Luther King have already won for the African American community.
In order to prevent the United States of America from becoming the next Syria where millions of people of every race, creed, gender, and ethnic origin will lay dead on the streets whenever any hint of injustice during an arrest of an African American citizen occurs the 116 Black Congressional Congress should send high level powerful lawyers working with the NAACP, including former President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder to the scene within an hour to lawfully act on behalf of the victim. A complete investigation should be done within 12 hours of the incident. Furthermore, in order to reduce and eliminate systemic racism in law enforcement more African American law enforcement officers need to be recruited and trained to police the African American community. In fact lawmakers should immediately pass legislation that only African American police officers be dispatched to a potential crime scene involving African American citizens. People working at dispatching desk receiving distress cries for help should be trained to collect information about race of all involved in order to dispatch an African American police officer to the scene whenever necessary. In the next decade the majority of police officers in the United States of America should be African American if these procedures are legislated.
Why does history repeat itself? Choices we make as a collective society while we are within non Euclidean distortions of the time space continuum will determine what happens when we finally arrive at the end of the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy. At the end of the arrow of time our flat earth Euclidean sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe will collapse after reaching the maximum peak of high entropy.
Everything that has ever occurred in history is ordained by Intelligent Design of a Cosmic mind God coded to manage information architecture of our flat earth Euclidean universe so therefore it behooves mankind to learn from history so that the Kingdom of God will be complete at the end of the age.
Non Euclidean distortions of the space time continuum during the process of quantum particlization of the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy are about unresolved spiritual issues. The quantum perspective as a philosophical frame of reference is designed to help people directly experience the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love that is beyond quantum particlization of words formulated by the human mind in order to finally resolve non Euclidean hiccups as distortions of the time space continuum to prevent an apocalyptic mass extinction of the human species predicted by both Biblical prophecy and classical physics simultaneously:
According to #QuantumPerspective deriving a #solution for any given problem is a #stringent #rigorous #ScientificProcess of #uncovering all #RelevantFacts or #data as should occur in #CourtofLaw and #LegislativeAssemblies
@FBI @DHSgov
#Mobs standing on streets screaming chants at top of ones lungs does nothing to help #UncoverRealFacts to #prevent #CrimesAgainstHumanity from occurring again, but instead is merely distraction #hindering #JusticeforVictims for #MurderbyPolice
An article published by Science Alert entitled, Physicists Have Reversed Time on The Smallest Scale Using a Quantum Computer, provides insight into spiritual nature of Non Euclidean distortions of the time space continuum during quantum particlization of the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy :
In the Science Alert article high entropy is described as a state of diffusion of energy when systems become colder as when dead bodies pile up on the streets due to lawlessness of 'peaceful protests' turned violent and stagnation resulting from a communist fascist Satanic reign of terror leads to death of the United States of America. It is written, 'In the final days the love of men will grow cold'.
The Quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love and quantum particlization can be better understood as two separate information systems. Quantum particlization by a Cosmic Mind renders physical reality governed by cold hard aseptic laws of classic physics human beings experience everyday. As a separate system the quantum wave function language as a unified underlying higher level computational language of love encodes true nature of simulated virtual reality of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded as a Cosmic mind. Although time reversal in scientific laboratory settings may seem to be miniscule , unnoticeable, and unimportant within quantum particlization of our flat earth Euclidean universe, the effect of the natural time reversal phenomenon as demonstrated in laboratory settings within separate computational system of the quantum wave function language rendering simulated virtual reality as a quantum calculation of the multiverse is significantly greater despite it is not detected by current scientific apparatus. It is written, God knows every hair on each person's head.
The reversal of time on the smallest scale inside Quantum computers has major implications for understanding spiritual nature of Non Euclidean distortions of the time space continuum within quantum particlization of the arrow of time moving from low entropy to high entropy. Hence we need a spiritual awakening to address multiplicative complexity of numerous cause and effect relationships quickly becoming like quicksand during peaceful protests turning violent, murder of victims by police, and SARs Covid-19 pandemic. We need to start believing Martin Luther King actually accomplished something for God and there are better ways to get Justice because of Dr. Martin Luther King's legacy. We certainly don't want the legacy of George Floyd, Breona Taylor, David McAtee to culminate in the United States of America becoming the next Syria as foreign National enemy combatants associated with the Global Luddite movement are planning. The misinterpretation of the United States Constitution as the right of peaceful protests by mass mobs instead of freedom to peacefully assemble to redress grievances by duly elected representatives in legislative assemblies and courts of law as civil liberties won for the African American community by Dr. Martin Luther King is falsehood leading to death of our beloved nation, the United States of America. High ranking powerful politicians should know better then to encourage peaceful protests by mass mobs that turn violent by misinterpretation of the United States Constitution and immediately apply civil liberties won by Dr. Martin Luther King to quickly get Justice within legislative assemblies and courts of law as they are originally elected to do.
Continued later
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Defunding the Police
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Justice for George Floyd and Victims of Police Brutality can only be Gotten within Legislative Assemblies and Courts of Law.
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