Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Wimpy Handshakes: Meanwhile Tears within Make Shift Hospitals all Over the Globe Overflow, as God in Heaven Weeps
Monday, March 30, 2020
Resistant is Futile to New Mutagenic Viruses of the Future.
People Should Not Expect to be Half Way Cured from Covid-19 so They will have to Run to the Doctor Every Week and be Hospitalized Often
Sunday, March 29, 2020
As an Information Construct within Information Architecture of a Cosmic Mind the Covid-19 Pandemic is about Destiny of Human Civilization as Gods Divine Masterpiece
Friday, March 27, 2020
Our Mission as Assigned by God in His Commandment to Go forth and have Dominion is to Protect Integrity of the Human Genome: We Need to declare a Jihad against Viral pandemics
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Viruses are Specifically Designed to Rewrite the Genesis Story by Inserting Snippets of DNA instructions into Host Human Cells
People who worry about altering the human genome by Crispr gene editing tools should consider the human genome is already being altered by viruses.
According to a scientific research article published by the National institute of Health entitled Viruses as Environmental Mutagenic Factors - PubMed :
"Our results and literature data lead to the conclusion that a significant share of hereditary defects in man might be caused by viruses, even by those apathogenic for humans, particularly by attenuated live viral vaccines."
After being infected with Covid-19 how can one ever be sure they have fully recovered? Covid-19 likely introduce permanent changes to DNA instructions of host cells that continue to replicate after an individual fully recovers from Covid-19. The Covid-19 pandemic may increase the incidence of cancer, heart, respiratory , and numerous other autoimmune diseases.
How can one know if they are fully recovered from all those common cold and flu bugs that send people to bed during cold and flu seasons every year? Have you noticed anything else going on?
We are told to get plenty of rest and in a few days we will be all better like new. Meanwhile, mutated host cells continue to divide with small clips of pathogenic DNA instructions deposited by virus.
Our favorite musical bands may not be able to perform very well after suffering viral and bacterial respiratory infections. In my freelance article entitled, The Next Day in the Genesis Story: Good morning from Johnny, I discussed music as quantum particlization of the quantum wave function language as the language of love opening a portal or doorway within the time space continuum:
Paradoxically, Luddites who protest vaccines that contain dead virus on the grounds vaccines cause genetic abnormalities may be 99 percent right. As a human person existing as a subroutine of a Cosmic mind assigned a task to advocate for scientific research it is a natural emotive reaction to lash out at Luddites and say you are absolutely wrong.
According to the quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation a 1 percent margin of error means we have to be open to new ideas although the quantum perspective transcribing absolute truth expressed by the quantum wave function language as close as possible in our flat earth Euclidean universe may be 99 percent right. As stated in a recent article I wrote, since God and Satan are the only Spiritual entities who can deal with values of absolute truth then all others must simply be. Richard Branson advocated the concept of " Simply be " in his article How to be Happy.
The quantum perspective of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation describes the very beginning of Genesis after the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden:
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep"
And that is where we are now, at the very beginning of the next chapter of Genesis. We simply don't know because a 1 percent margin of error can spell disaster. In time of crisis we are called to be superhuman.
Do we want the human genome permanently altered by deadly viral stains? At least virus in vaccines are dead therefore DNA instructions of dead virus are dysfunctional mechanical processes.
In a recent article I shared, God commanded to go forth and have dominion over the beast of the fields, birds in the air, fish in the sea. In fulfilling that commandment should we allow deadly virus strains of Covid-19 and those associated with future pandemics permanently alter the human genome for the worse? Furthermore I wrote God selected us , and God did not choose deadly viral strains, although deadly virus as predatory alien life forms are trying to replace us.
In order to survive the Coronavirus pandemic we must evolve. Evolution continues weather we willfully choose to evolve or not in accordance to God's commandment, Go forth and have dominion.
If we choose not to evolve we may discover we are no longer naturally selected to survive on earth or anywhere else in interstellar space. If we can't handle a virus on earth how can mankind think they can survive in interstellar space?
If we can't defeat Covid-19 and other diseases
we have no future, and may as well accept Armageddon as a mass extinction event . Any life form we may encounter in harsh conditions of interstellar space are likely to be ten fold more dangerous than Covid-19.
And life on other planets is likely to be parasitic given evolutionary biology demands acquisition of organic materials in feeding to reproduce. God called us to transcend evolutionary biology in His commandment to, " Go forth and have dominion ".
I am writing this current article as a survey of scientific research literature to support my whole eclectic Gestalt epidemiology theory that may lead medical experts to discover a cure for Covid-19.
The scientific research study entitled Viruses as Environmental Mutagenic Factors - PubMed supports my conclusions. In recent articles I propositioned a whole eclectic Gestalt epidemiology theory:
I put forth a whole eclectic #Gestalt theory about #epidemiology of the #COVID19 virus that suggests if we want to prevent future pandemics and eradicate Covid19 we must reinvent #manufacturing, #industrial, and #agricultural sectors of our economy https://t.co/BaPWPLxy2H
In order to understand and destroy deadly viral pandemic stains we have to apply a whole eclectic Gestalt approach of examining our earth and surrounding interstellar environment as a petri dish. What will we become in 10, 20, 30 years if we allow deadly virus strains rewrite our DNA?
As an information construct within Information architecture of a Cosmic mind viruses are specifically designed to rewrite the Genesis story by inserting snippets of DNA instructions into host human cells. The next big pandemic may be when Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( HIV ) mutates to go airborne.
Actually, virus play a major role in evolutionary biology as a product of quantum particlization of a Cosmic mind by inserting snippets into DNA instructions into host cells of phylum throughout plant and animal kingdom to introduce new biological traits allowing for natural selection. However 95 percent of mutations from viral introduction of snippets of DNA into host cells result in genetic abnormalities that die and become food for competing organisms. Virus are vital in process of creatively rearranging nucleotide building blocks to build biodiversity.
During mankind's journey to conquer interstellar space viruses may be useful to terraform barron dry Iifeless uninhabitable worlds. Virus likely played a a major role in dispersion of life throughout the universe after the fall in the Garden of Eden before the Big Bang. The letters of DNA nucleotides spell the entire range of humankind until the last man as according to destiny outlined in famed physicist Julian Barbours cosmological theory of NOW. Virus are now trying to rewrite the story to change destiny because a Cosmic mind has been hacked.
Now in order to further validate my holistic eclectic Gestalt epidemiology theory all is necessary is to survey the scientific research literature to identify local variables within the environment that contribute to pathogenic growth and spread of deadly novel viral strains.
According to a Scientific research study entitled , Viral Polymerases , published by the National Institute of Health:
"Polymerases are not only catalytic enzymes but are also mechanical machines that use the energy released from nucleotide transfer to move along the DNA or RNA strand. The movement of the E. coli RNA polymerase along its DNA template has been observed by single-molecule experiments, including microscopy and use of an optical trap to measure force generation during the polymerase reaction"
I may get invited to the White House for referencing this gem from scientific literature as published by the National Institute of Health database within a scientific research study entitled,
DNA Is Replicated by Polymerases that Take Instructions from Templates - Biochemistry - NCBI Bookshelf found at the following URL address:
( DNA )n + dNTP =
( DNA )n + 1 + PPi
where dNTP stands for any deoxyribonucleotide and PPi is a pyrophosphate molecule. The template can be a single strand of DNA or a double strand with one of the chains broken at one or more sites. If single stranded, the template DNA must be bound to a primer strand having a free 3′-hydroxyl group. The reaction also requires all four activated precursors—that is, the deoxynucleoside 5′-triphosphates dATP, dGTP, dTTP, and dCTP—as well as Mg2+ ion.
My survey of the scientific research literature is designed to identify molecules directly linked with air and water toxicity also vital in DNA - RNA synthesis, such as phosphorus. An adequate survey of the scientific research literature to link air & water toxicity to DNA -RNA synthesis should also include all atmospheric gases such as nitrogen.
My holistic eclectic Gestalt approach to epidemiology is guided by the quantum perspective principle that everything is connected as one, commonly known as Tao. Hence identification of
molecules directly linked with air and water toxicity and also vital in DNA - RNA synthesis simultaneously is in effect isolating Covid-19 within a matrix of environmental conditions.
My holistic eclectic Gestalt epidemiology theory is that air and water toxicity combined with global warming has created the perfect storm of weaking the delicate metabolic balance making people more susceptible to virus. Virus now have stronger fortified armament molecular membranes. Molecular membranes and inner machinery of novel viral strains are strengthened by air and water toxicity.
The algae blooms that shut down beaches in Florida as well as around the globe and the Covid-19 pandemic are not unrelated events. Our earth has become a petri dish facilitating pathogenic evolution and spread of new deadly novel virus strains.
I invite all enlightened amateur sleuths of the physical sciences to participate in a survey of the scientific research literature for the purpose of learning about pathology of growth and spread of deadly virus to defeat Covid-19. An astute reader participating in this exercise may actually discover a biochemical mechanism leading to an effective cure and treatment for Covid-19 .
Gut bacteria likely play a vital role in converting inert environmental elements, such as phosphorus and nitrogen, into palpable organic metabolites eventually used in DNA - RNA synthesis. Exogenous gut bacteria is vital to balancing catabolism and anabolism processes of metabolism. Gut bacteria factors into a balanced quantum calculation creating synergy between a host organism and surrounding environment.
A scientific research article entitled, Phospate Backbone, published by The National Genome Research institute illustrates how important phosphate is to structural integrity of the DNA molecule.
Concerning my being invited to the White House as mentioned above, President Trump may quip, " Thanks , but no thanks I must practice social distancing.
Continued later
Monday, March 23, 2020
The Next Day in the Genesis Story: Good Morning from Johnny
Sunday, March 22, 2020
God said, " Let there be light " thus God created photons as light particles
Saturday, March 21, 2020
It Doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to Understand why Evolution of SARs Covid-19 Coronavirus occurred in Wuhu China after watching Wall Street Journal video
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Walking Hand in Hand, Sharing the Journey with You, Nay I Practice Social Distancing
We Need to have the Eye of the Tiger to Fight Covid-19 as An Invisible Enemy Alien Invasion
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Finally as a Writer Urging Lawmakers to do what is Right, which is Putting Human Life above the Almighty Dollar for Once in History I have been Heard
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