Thursday, March 9, 2023

The Central Communist Party within the Republic of China should Rechannel All its Economic Power into Western resources, Namely My Work as a Writer and Lobbyist for the High Tech Industry to Build a Multimedia Mogul Empire, Dedicated to Helping the Central Communist Party Create a More Perfect Utopian Communism within the Hot Fiery Flaming Melting Pot Furnace of Socialist capitalism upon World Stage

By Mark W.  Gaffney 

Are Beijing's mafia based cohorts in the United States of America saber rattling pertaining to possible war with China to defend against a Chinese invasion of Tiawan? 

What will happen to China's economy if all economic trade between China and United States is stopped? What will happen to the United States of America economy if all economic trade between China and United States is stopped?

Saber rattling is political showmanship to distance a political party leader from an alliance with a foreign power posing a conflict of interest. 

War between China and United States of America will enable Beijing's mafia based cohorts in the United States of America grow more powerful and rich thereby establishing a communist fascist empire within the Eurasian theater that will become a serious military threat to both sovereignty of the Republic of China and free people within the United States of America. It will be very illogical for the Central Communist Party within the Republic of China to take any action upon the world stage to create more of whatever the CCP does not want which is more corrupt capitalism by invading Taiwan thereby starting a war with the West.

War between East and West over Tiawan will merely deepen Beijing's ties with corrupt capitalist markets within the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism. A Chinese invasion of Tiawan will  consolidate power between Old World European Order fascism and Beijing's corrupt mafia based cohorts within the United States manufacturing sector to virtually isolate the Republic of China upon the World stage. 

The Central Communist Party should rechannel its economic power into Western resources dedicated to helping the CCP create a more perfect utopian communism within the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism upon the world stage. Faith based traditions of Buddhist Tibetan Monks already lean toward sharing everything in common according to communist ideology.  An invasion of Tiawan by Beijing will push Tibetan Buddhist Monks further away deeper into the trenches and clutches of corrupt capitalism thereby preventing Tibetan Buddhist Monks from fully
embracing Marxist idealism espoused by the Central Communist Party. 

Satan's erroneous malicious code from hacking the quantum wave function language by which God coded the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden is designed create seperation and division leading toward war as quantum particlization of Satan's simulated virtual reality. The Yin and Yang of SinoAmerican diplomacy as a Higher law originating from Tao espoused by both the great Chinese Philosopher Confucius and Saint Paul is quantum particlization of semantic binary data formulating Wisdom that proceedeth from the quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks .

Oneness of Tibetan Buddhist Monks with Marxist idealism espoused by the Central Communist Party in Beijing proceedeth from the Quantum wave function language as an unified underlying higher level language of love by which God speaks. Facebook META, Twitter,  and other social media platforms currently controlled by Beijing's mafia based cohorts in the United States of America are currently exercising censorship to promote propaganda thereby preventing myself as a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry from helping hardliners within the Central Communist Party in Beijing create a more perfect utopian communism within the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism upon the World stage. A New World Order will either be created by God's Plan or Satan's strategy. War between East and West as a consequence of a Chinese invasion of Tiawan will be a consequence of World leaders trying to create a New World Order according to Satan's strategy. 

The quintessential definition of the self evident truth of the Pursuit of happiness is an unselfish act of either saving lives and/or adding significant value to lives of other people. My work as a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry is to create happiness within the Eurasian theater by helping hardliners within the Central Communist Party in Beijing established a more perfect utopian communism within the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism upon the World stage. 

My 3rd cousin 3 times removed, former President Harry Truman through common ancestry with Swiss German Hans Gutknecht who is allowed to speak through myself as a spiritual medium 
seeks to vicariously perform the role of King Hamlet in Shakespearian theatre's in Chinese Ghost cities posthumously to denounce the adulterous relationship between Beijing's mafia based cohorts in the United States of America who have infiltrated Centralized Government authority in Beijing to destroy the Central communist party within the Republic of China. 

A familiar truism is ' a fish rots from head to tail '. A famous line from William Shakespeare stage play Hamlet is ' There is something rotten in Denmark '. China's foray into the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism beginning in the late 20th century has lead to infiltration of centralized government authority in Beijing with corrupt practices of capitalism detrimental to the People's Republic of China, and war between East and West 
over Tiawan will further dilute quintessential beauty of Maxist idealism espoused by the Central Communist party. Beijing's mafia based cohorts within the United States of America will not give up their gold toilet too easily. 

War between East and West  as a consequence of a Chinese invasion of Tiawan will likely lead to a bourgeois proletariat uprising in mainland China resulting in  overthrow of the Central Communist Party in China due to collapse of the Chinese economy as a result of isolation from World markets by Old World European Order fascists NATO allies. An invasion of Taiwan as igniting war between East and West is quantum particlization of divisive semantic binary data will further drive Buddhist,  Confucianist,  Hindu,  and other oriental faith based groups in mainland China who uphold everything is interconnected as one by a holistic, eclectic, Gestalt,  transcendent reality known as Tao away from the party line of the Central Communist party in Beijing.
Cohesion among diverse ethnic groups in China as the most populous country on earth is largely due to Buddhist,  Confucianist,  Hindu,  and other oriental faith based groups in mainland China who uphold everything is interconnected as one by a holistic, eclectic, Gestalt,  transcendent reality known as Tao. Hence,  proposal of a Chinese invasion of Tiawan is an attempted coup d'etat by Beijing mafia based cohorts within the United States of America to overthrow the Central Communist Party within the Republic of China during another Bolshevik revolution. 

My work as a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry to bring happiness to the Eurasian theater by helping hardliners within the Central Communist Party establish a more perfect utopian communism within the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism is largely accomplished by an application of artificial intelligence for the intensive data analytical task of creating greater reciprocity within complex supply demand chain networks. In previous articles I discussed how exponential growth of new knowledge due to an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns rapidly leading toward the Technosingularity will eventually result in collapse of the global economy. Evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind will dramatically increase exponential growth of new knowledge leading toward advancements in fields such as atomic precise nanotechnology manufacturing,  3d printing,  Intel of Things,  and eventually utility fog virtual reality construction for the real world whereby money no longer means anything anymore.  The Global Luddite movement is pushing for war between Ukraine and Russia because money is elevated to become an idolatrous graven image, hence the Global Luddite Movement seeks to prevent creating a more perfect utopian communism upon the world stage where individuals are more free to walk humbly with their God. 

In paragraphs above I discuss how My 3rd cousin 3 times removed, former President Harry Truman through common ancestry with Swiss German Hans Gutknecht who is allowed to speak through myself as a spiritual medium 
seeks to vicariously perform the role of King Hamlet in Shakespearian theatre's in Chinese Ghost cities posthumously to denounce the adulterous relationship between Beijing's mafia based cohorts in the United States of America who have infiltrated Centralized Government authority in Beijing to destroy the Central communist party within the Republic of China. An adulterous relationship is a metaphor for corruption within the hot fiery flaming melting pot furnace of Socialist capitalism. provides a discussion of origins of the word adultry :

"Adultery, on the other hand, derives from the Old French word, avoutrie, which in turn evolved from a distinct Latin verb, adulterare, “to corrupt.” The verb adulterate, “to debase or make impure by adding inferior materials or elements,” stems from the same source"

Related Twitter:

@POTUS #POTUS @StateDept #StateDept
Issues surrounding systemic failure of #Democracy @MFA_Ukraine, United States, and elsewhere around world will NEVER be resolved on #Battlefield, but instead #WAR will only create greater #Division between East and West

Remember, both Russian and Ukrainian diplomats proposed establishing an United Nations buffer zone of Unarmed UN peacekeepers within United Nations security Council to end civil war in Ukraine that began with the Euromaiden Revolution of Dignity.  Satan reconfigured quantum particlization of semantic binary data formulating
God's Plan within the mind of Russian and Ukrainian diplomats. It is all God's Plan from the beginning.

@POTUS #StateDept
The Republic of China should support building of the 3rd Temple within God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic where Jesus feet will touch ground when Jesus returns in Glory, either today or billions of years from now

NOTE: As a writer and lobbyist for the high tech industry called for Fulfillment of God's Plan I shall play a major role of leading the battalion of Unarmed UN peacekeepers at the front of the war between East and West when World leaders finally decide to end Mankind's war upon God.

An article published by The Economist entitled, America and China are Preparing for a War over Tiawan, outlines devastation consequences of yet another global war for human civilization as God's Divine masterpiece in terms of creating a New World Order according to Satan's strategy:

Perhaps to avoid war by preventing Satan from reconfiguring quantum particlization of semantic binary data formulating Wisdom as God's Plan diplomats need to get back to the basic fundamentals of Political Philosophy 101. Diplomats around the world are victims of information sensory overload that clouds judgement due to internal and external pressures of globalization.

All government around the world is established to better the lives of its citizens. War will worsen lives of all people around the world leading toward devaluation,  disempowerment,  marginalization of lives of citizens when individuals within the global community have a number branded on their forehead like cattle by a centralized One World Government demanding practice of state religion.

The concept of ownership is a central issue within Political Philosophy 101 analytical study of the inception of various forms of government around the world. Trade and barter within complex global supply demand chain networks requires ownership by an individual,  Institution,  organization , corporation,  or government entity.  Ownership within capitalism allows for authoritarian leadership in terms of responsible oversight of goods and services appraised to have a determined value within complex global supply demand chain networks. Capitalism defined as essential to trade and barter cannot be dismissed.

Capitalism is a Socialist endeavor.  Socialism is the administration of rules and regulations by government authority in collaboration with board of directors of respective companies. Individuals within Socialist capitalism become major stakeholders thereby acquire ownership by fair compensation for their services.

Tic Toc has been in the spotlight recently pertaining to ownership of user data. In free market capitalism Tic Toc users have ownership rights to their personal data. Centralized government authority in Beijing can demand Tic Toc user data be turned over to the People's Republic.  If China invades the United States of America after a major earthquake within the Pacific Ocean ring of fire results in a Fukushima  nuclear holocaust in Western hemisphere then Beijing can use Tic Toc data to decide who to send to Chinese concentration camps and who will become loyal Chinese party members.

An article published by Carnegie Endowment for Peace entitled,  Can America and China Be Stakeholders,  provides insight into how U.S. Offshore manufacturing helped the Republic of China rise from a predominantly rural agrarian society to become a modern industrial Superpower at the expense of good jobs paying above a living wage within a high cost of living economy provided to the American people:

The following is an excerpt from the Carnigie Endowment for Peace article:

"By the time of my speech, seven U.S. Presidents of both parties had worked for over 30 years to integrate a poor and economically isolated China into the international system that America had designed and led.

By 2005, I pointed out, China had emerged from seclusion and joined the world—including the United Nations Security Council, the WTO, IMF, and World Bank. From agreements on ozone depletion to nuclear weapons, China had become a player at the table."

Continued later

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Republic of China 12 Point Peace Plan to End Mankind's War Upon God

By Mark W. Gaffney 

@POTUS #POTUS @StateDept #StateDept @MFA_China #MFA_China @mfa_Russia #mfa_russia 
@Mfa_Ukraine #mfa_ukraine @NobelPrize #NobelPrize 

Enormous political pressure by Fulfillment of God's Plan culminated in China announcing a 12 point peace plan to finally end bloody violent warfare between Ukraine and Russia:

Washington DC has no choice at this stage,  but to rally behind the Republic of China 12 point peace plan to end Genocide of the Ukrainian people given China's 12 point peace Plan is in alignment with Fulfillment of God's Plan. 

China's 12 point peace Plan may flounder unless both Kyiv and Moscow are required to immediately (1)  CEASEFIRE, and (2) Withdraw All military troops from God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic.

God ANNEXED Eastern Donbas People's Republic as a NEW NATION to build a shield and fortress to protect both Ukraine and Russia in alignment with proposals by both Ukrainian  and Russian diplomats within the United Nations Security Council to create an United Nations buffer zone of Unarmed UN peacekeepers in Eastern Donbas Ukrainian Separatist regions. Actually,  it is God's idea from the very beginning, so therefore credit should be given to Whom credit belongs.

An article  published by Forbes Magazine entitled, 
Jack Ma Loses His $3 Billion Gain As Investors Worry About Alibaba’s Growth Outlook, reports devastating financial losses as a consequence of the the Central Communist Party in Beijing strictly enforcing a government policy of Nationalism as isolation and withdraw from the International stage.

A new NON MILITARY Global Institute established in God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic dedicated to fixing Satan's erroneous malicious code thereby creating low entropy high energy efficiency Garden of Eden like conditions according to God's  Plan, thus enabling God's law of love to flourish during a modern 21st century renaissance age of enlightenment as human civilization rapidly moves forward toward becoming an advanced Type V civilization according to the Kardashev scale during the Technosingularity should help restore fortunes of Jack Ma's company within dynamics of open source transparency. Open source transparency will allow international cooperation to defeat Satan's strategy to destroy human civilization by solving BIG problems for mankind created by Satan's erroneous malicious code. Open source transparency will enable People's of all Nations around the world invest in retooling and reshoring efforts. 

International poverty created by war between Ukraine and Russia is doing nothing,  but preventing People's from around the world from reshaping,  reinventing,  renewing their local community for successful adaptation to exponential growth and development within the modern 21st century thus war is crushing Democracy around the world. 

Satan's strategy for human beings to live under the paw of evolutionary biology by competition for limited resources equates human beings to live like animals. God created us in the Image of God and blessed us with knowledge to create abundance so that human beings should not have to live like animals fighting over limited resources as according to Satan's strategy .

It is okay for local People's around the world who live within highly conservative societies to totally eschew certain benefits of modernization, however individuals have certain inalienable natural rights derived from Intelligent Design interwoven within the space time fabric of our physical universe as a Higher law as according to the great Chinese philosopher Confucius and Saint Paul . The social contract between individuals and their respective governments must be reexamined during an age of expontential growth and development of new knowledge as a gift from God above as a consequence of an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns.  Ultimately,  individuals have a lawful right to choose to reject medical advances as life extension technologies, but have no lawful right to contribute to early demise of another human being in any form or fashion, including helping Satan conduct biological warfare with virus as nanobots designed by Satan to destroy human civilization. 

A quadrillion multibillion zillion ad infinitum people cannot pass any law to circumvent natural rights of any given individual ascribed by a Higher law that proceedeth from information architecture of our sentient self aware panpsychic conscious universe God coded rendering a holistic eclectic Gestalt transcendent simulated virtual reality known as Tao. It is for this reason that a quadrillion multibillion zillion ad infinitum number of people cannot pass any law to circumvent natural rights of any given individual ascribed by Higher law that natural rights to self governance of Ukrainian Separatist who identify with their Slavic roots is an important issue. Zenlensky himself tried unsuccessfully to institute natural rights of Ukrainian Separatist to self governance as according to the Minsk agreement as International rule of law by declaring statehood of Eastern Donbas under Keiv Ukraine. 

Once more,  neither Keiv nor Moscow can liberate people within Eastern Donbas with weapons of mass destruction as is the way of Barabbas. The people shouted for Pontius Pilate to release Barabbas, crucify Jesus. Barabbas sought to overthrow the Roman empire by means of  underground militia groups flashing swords, armor, chariots as weapons of war.  Famed Evolutionary biologist Donald Hoffman classified flashing swords, armor, chariots as weapons of war as Fitness payoffs.  Barabbas won the hearts and minds of the people. 

Expansion  of NATO as a militarized organization should have never been on the table until peaceful solutions to civil war in Ukraine were found. It is written,  ' Seek and you shall find,  knock and the door shall be open '. The bombshell of expansion of NATO during a time of civil war in Ukraine demonstrates diplomats were not actively pursuing peaceful solutions resulting in nuclear standoff between East and West. The bombshell of NATO expansion into Ukraine was brandished soon after Yuri Yanukovych was ousted from Office of President of Ukraine during the Revolution of Dignity after reputable International organizations that monitor elections declared Yuri Yanukovych was elected in a free and fair election. The Euromaiden Revolution of Dignity ousting an Ukranian president elected in a free and fair election was a systematic failure of Democracy in Ukraine, hence NATO expansion within Ukraine should have NEVER have been placed on the table during a time of civil strife within Ukraine. It is almost as if political forces were deliberately intentionally trying to start a war for political gain. 

At one time in recent Ukrainian history the pro Russian party of Regions was the largest political party in Ukraine. What happened to all Ukrainian citizens who identify with their Slavic Russian roots who belonged to the pro Russian Party of Regions? Could Ukrainian citizens who identify with their Russian Slavic roots who once belonged to the pro Russian Ukrainian Party of Regions been targeted for summary execution as Russian sympathizers? 

Enormous losses of Russian troops on the battlefield should allow some degree of empathy for Validmir Putin special operation to liberate Eastern Donbas. The 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia has resulted in immense suffering within both Russia and Ukraine.  It appears that Validmir Putin's miscalculation for his special operation to liberate Ukrainian Separatist in Eastern Donbas is a consequence of Putin counting on more support from Ukrainian citizens who identify with their Russian Slavic roots who once belonged to the pro Russian Ukrainian Party of Regions, the largest political party in Ukraine. Zenlensky mentor and financier Ihor Kolomoisky lined the Ukrainian bank with coffins to intimidate Ukrainian Separatist and gutted the American steel industry with money embezzled from Privibank by buying up steel mills across America and letting them go to ruin. If Validmir Putin sought full military occupation of Ukraine then why didn't Validmir Putin launch missile attacks to disable the Ukrainian energy grid before sending Russian troops into Ukraine as a special operation to defend Ukrainian Separatist in Eastern Donbas? 

Vengeance is Mine, sayith the Lord. Moscow and Kyiv surrendering God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic to God to create a buffer zone of Unarmed United Nations peacekeepers as a shield and fortress to protect both Ukraine and Russia in alignment with proposals by both Russian and Ukrainian diplomats in the United Nations Security Council before the 2022 war between Ukraine and Russia began is punishment for both the wrongdoing of Russia and Ukraine. 

The Chinese 12 Point Peace Plan should make provisions for reconstruction of Ukraine.  Fulfillment of God's Plan calls for U.S. steel imports for reconstruction of Ukraine from NAFTA steel mills throughout the greater  Americana,  including the United States of America to bolster Manifest Destiny 
paid for by both Moscow and Old World European Order NATO allies.

An article published by the Economic Policy Institute entitled,  Why Global Steel Surpluses Warrant U.S. Section 232 Import Measures, provides a discussion of how U.S. Steel imports are critical for National security :

The Republic of China should support building of the 3rd Temple within God's NEW ANNEXED NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic where Jesus feet will touch the ground when Jesus returns in Glory, either today or billions of years from now, by supporting God's Plan for peaceful resolution of the war between Ukraine and Russia. 

My freelance article entitled, Destiny as a Function of Intelligent Design According to Fulfillment of God's Plan Includes Famed Chelsea Football Soccer Club Resold back to Roman Abramovich to Play on Behalf of God's NEW ANNEXED SOVEREIGN NATION of Eastern Donbas People's Republic, provides a discussion of Manifest Destiny in the Western Hemisphere in terms of my work  as a writer and lobbyist to bring the 2026 Soccer Championship games to the Western Hemisphere as related to New York Marketing agencies supporting Fulfillment of God's Plan.

In my freelance article entitled, The Central Communist Party within the Republic of China should Rechannel All  its Economic Power into Western resources, Namely My Work as a Writer and Lobbyist for the High Tech Industry to Build a Multimedia Mogul Empire, 
Dedicated to Helping the CCP Create a More Perfect Utopian Communism within the Hot Fiery Flaming Melting Pot Furnace of Socialist capitalism upon World Stage,  I identify a plot by liberal socialist within Beijing working with Beijing's fascist mafia based cohorts within the United States of America to overthrow the central communist party in the Republic of China by baiting China to invade Taiwan as a method to start a new bolshevik revolution in mainland China:

Continued later