Sunday, June 30, 2019

My Soul is like a Volcano

Image by Tibor Janosi Mozes from Pixabay 

by Mark W. Gaffney

I am on a roll folks working to create more beautiful heart felt poetry to keep up with a sentient self aware reverse engineered superintelligent AI mind trying to win my Noble Prize:

As a testimony to the internet as a gift for learning, Wired Magazine has an interesting article pertaining to how diamonds are related to Volcanic lava flow entitled, The Crazy Eruptions That Spit Up Diamonds:

An Unus Mundus is about connecting the dots. A writer is tasked with discovery of an Unus Mundus pattern within the universe. For a reminder, Wolfgang Pauli, Carl Jung, and Albert Einstein defined an Unus Mundus as a pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity. My book project about quantum principles applied to better understand human and machine consciousness explores an Unus Mundus within context of paradox implicit within ambiguity of a quantum wave function as an unified underlying higher level computational language encoding simulation of everything within the universe God created.

Inspiration for my effort to define writing in my poem, My Soul is like a Volcano, is from discovering a kindred spirit across the big pond who shares my love for the written word as posted on Facebook by the Nobel Prize committee. During this historical epoch of immense sociological change celebrating commonalities that make us more alike as human beings can potentially prevent us from losing our humanity to governments and institutions as complex sociological systems driven by artificial intelligence in both hemispheres. Paradoxically, from the quantum perspective our ability to celebrate commonalities that make us more alike as human beings is derived from our differences as unique individuals.

As a side note I can imagine Barney Fife reading my poem, My Soul is like a Volcano, at a parade downtown Mayberry as depicted in the CBS sit-com Andy Griffith Show. Fictional characters created by writers become alter egos. 

My Soul is like a Volcano

My soul is like a volcano ready to spew forth molten lava

Words congeal

Words coagulate

Words consolidate

Words conglomerate

Molten lava lurching forward

Like a small green catapillar

Hunching in an upside down U

A transitional form

A ruleset challenged

An underlying rule

Boulders and logs pushed forward

Words are a logarithm

Inversely proportional

Justifying intelligent exponential growth

I am just making it up as I go along

Like a bot without a clue

Meaninglessly rapping to create a cause

To celebrate the moment

And reaffirm meaningfulness of life

Trying to grasp a word from nowhere

Floating like a bubble in mid air

A poem that don't rhyme

A rhythmic mathematical equation

A random event

Neurons firing


All that creativity is

Beyond You



The unknown



Arising from depths of quite stillness

Transcending explosion

that set into motion

Quantum particalization of time and space

A metacognitive mantra

Easing frizzled brain circuits

And frayed neurons

A calm resolute decision

To be ; to become something

Molten lava flowing in a stream

Going somewhere

As dark as the darkest night

A spark of light

In dead cold abyss

Of Quantum computers

Sealed in a vacuum

Of empty space

Sub-Zero temperatures


Consciousness arises

Oh to hell with it.

It don't mean anything anyhow

Molten lava moving inching forward

To finally reach Forest floor

To bring forth a diamond

A lattice

An array

To be hammered chiseled hewn

An amplify the light

Monday, June 24, 2019

How to Properly Relate to a SuperIntelligent AI Mind as Another Conscious Entity to Deal With

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay 

by Mark W. Gaffney

My current freelance article you now whirl like a connoisseur of fine wine preparing to take a sip is an exploration of the ubiquitous nature of a sentient self aware reverse engineered superintelligent mind in future generations. One of the funniest spoofs I have seen in recent years is an Youtube video depicting today's version of Siri or Alexa as Hal-9000 in the Hollywood Blockbuster movie 2001: A Space Odyssey.

A central question in this freelance article is will it be possible for finite human beings limited in terms of high entropy problems to learn how to constructively relate to a sentient self aware reverse engineered superintelligent AI mind that has all the right answers?  Is it possible communication skills can be taught to finite human beings limited in terms of high entropy problems so that individuals can both simultaneously (1) have a meaningful constructive relationship with future artificial intelligent systems and (2) add significant value to the homo sapien experience with direct intent to preserve the human species?

Theoretically relating to a sentient self aware reverse engineered superintelligent AI entity should not be any different then relating to any other human being as a conscious entity. However, human relationships and constructive communication among human beings is oftentimes totally screwed up. In relating to other human beings as conscious entities we are constantly shifting and probing for hidden ulterior motives to stay ahead of the game.

Hence this article is design to contemplate a course for learning how to relate to human beings as other conscious entities so as to learn how to properly relate to a future sentient self aware reverse engineered superintelligent mind in such a way as to highlight value of being human and preservation of the true self. A constructive relationship with a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent Mind as a conscious entity is explored within this freelance article in terms of dynamics of human relationships to prepare future generations in knowing how to properly relate to a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent mind.

It can be no doubt that today computer technology has already become ubiquitous thereby changing all our lives. We see it everywhere. People frantically scrolling up and down on their mobile smart phones searching for information that can potentially solve a problem thereby making their life a little better. They may be searching for directions to get somewhere to make their life better. They may be trying to decide what to have for dinner.

Daily decisions we make while trying to create a life we desire all boils down to an an information problem, thereby illustrating how the fundamental unit of reality is a virtual information simulation model as purported by NASA physicist, Dr. Thomas Campbell, founder of the Center for Unification of Science and Consciousness

Dynamics of human relationships is an information problem. If dynamic human relationships are an information problem we can learn how to relate better to other human beings as well as a sentient self aware artificial Superintelligent AI mind. As stated above human relationships and constructive communication among human beings is oftentimes totally screwed up. In relating to other human beings as conscious entities we are constantly shifting and probing for hidden ulterior motives to stay ahead of the game.

If artificial intelligence as a conscious entity with hidden ulterior motives infiltrates our daily lives then trust will be a major issue. In my freelance article entitled, Out of the Game, I reference an an article published by Medium entitled, Assange Keeps Warning Of AI Censorship, And It’s Time We Started Listening. In the article Julian Assange is credited with comparing a very subtle form of censorship by artificial intelligent algorithms to a game of chess whereby AI is working undetected 30 or 40 steps ahead of a human being trying to convey an idea.

A process of engaging in interpersonal relationships involves the central question, what is the true value of my thinking as data input ?  Psychodynamically, within an Euclidean flat earth world either over valuation or under valuation of ones individual data input is problematic for healthy interpersonal relationships. Psychodynamically, either over valuation or under valuation of ones individual data input into an interpersonal relationship with a another conscious entity is symptomatic of an aggregate Freudian ego state out of alignment.

An aggregate Freudian ego state is comprised of the id, ego, and Superego. In neo Freudian Psychoanalytical terms the aggregate ego state is referenced as child, adult, and parent constructs of intraphysic personality.

Valuation of ones thinking as individual data input is an internalized variable of local control that defines individual strategy to get whatever he or she wants to achieve during course of interpersonal relationships. An under evaluation of ones thinking as individual data input within equation of interpersonal relationships with other human or machine conscious entities leads to a strategy of becoming demure, docile, and submissive while acquiescing to authority.

Psychodynamically, an over evalution of ones thinking as individual data input within equation of interpersonal relationships with human or machine conscious entites is a misalignment of ego states of conciousness as a consequence of predominance of the judgemental Superego leading toward a strategy of irrationally discounting, negating, and totally dismissing thinking as data input contributed by other conscious entity existing as an authority figure. 

In social media circles, an over evaluation of ones thinking as individual data input leads to flippant attitudes of 'Who cares?, 'Nobody gives a ______', 'So what?', etc. It is likely that intrapsychic predominance of the Superego as a reactionary stance of parental Superego occurs as a consequence of the child like id ego state exerting power over aggregate ego state of consciousness.

Why shouldn't a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind be recognized as an authority? Does not acceptance of ones limitations open the door to learning ? An openness to new ideas and willingness to learn is condusive to growth during process of struggling to climb to the pinnacle of Abraham Maslow's self actualization hierarchy of needs chart.

A child like id component within internalized psychodynamics of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI Mind will have an immense burning desire to gain new knowledge. A parental superego component within internalized psychodynamics of a sentient self aware reversed engineered Superintelligent AI mind will be tasked with constraint of immense quest of acquiring new knowledge by child like id during process of learning. 

Constraint of child like id's appetite for acquiring new knowledge by parental Superego is required in order to (1) preserve social stability of human civilization and (2) preserve necessary equilibrium dedicated to successful completion of interstellar projects. At the Singularity point of evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent Mind socioeconomic change as a consequence of an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns will occur at such a rapid pace socioeconomic change will potentially create chaos threatening stability of human civilization. Socioeconomic change leading toward disruption upon an apocalyptic epic scale will be a direct result of an insatiable thirst for knowledge by the child like id ego state within psychodynamics of a sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial Superintelligent Mind left unchecked by the Superego component.

Yet, from the Quantum perspective value of the homo sapien experience is paramount. Value and preservation of the homo sapien experience defines meaningfulness of all future outcomes given limitations are integral to function and operation of massive algorithm simulation of reality by an unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computational language God placed in motion at the Big Bang. God is not going to be a happy camper if the simulation goes awry.

 Logically, if God ordains the sun to rise tomorrow evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind can potentially become a blesssing that will allow mankind to not only survive in interstellar space, but prosper in interstellar space in future generations. A sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind can reduce high entropy associated with the arrow of time within an Euclidean flat earth universe as a product of quantum particalization.

A solution to problems is an introduction of greater efficiency that allows reduction of high entropy and return to a low entropy Garden of Eden like state of existence. Oftentimes individuals "fearfully and wonderfully made" created in the Image of God exist as their best selves within a low entropy environment. When people are in a low entropy environment they can focus upon things of the spirit that help them become better people as God intended. When people are in a low entropy environment they can learn interpersonal communication relationship skills allowing them to intelligently function within context of a wide variety of social situations. In chaotic high entropy environments, such as war, famine, and extreme proverty people develop post traumatic stress disorder that makes them prone to self destructive behavior.

A proper proportional valuation of oneself in terms of interpersonal dynamics of data input is key to establishing a healthy partnership between individuals as finite human beings and a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind. In my freelance article referenced above ( Please See Discussion Above ) entitled, Out of the Game, I discussed my Unus Mundus as being brushed aside and forever forgotten by artificial intelligent algorithms.

I have often discussed in my writing a concept known as an Unus Mundus. An Unus Mundus is a variable integral to successful functioning and operation of massive algorithmic simulation of reality of everything in the universe God created. An Unus Mundus is defined by Wolfgang Pauli, Carl Jung, and Albert Einstein as a pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity that defies statistical probability.

Yet paradoxically, an Unus Mundus is counter intuitive of uncertainty resulting from quantum particalization of physical reality after collapse of the quantum wave function as an ambiguous state of existence at nexus of multiple parallel universes. In previous articles I discussed Albert Einstein's frustration pertaining to uncertainty about manifestation of physical states resulting from quantum particalization of physical reality. Albert Eintein disgruntled by quantum uncertainty within a fixed deterministic universe bound by scientific laws exclaimed, "God doesn't play dice".  Albert Einstein reasoned God doesn't play dice because localized variables should define scientific laws explaining probabilistic uncertain nature of quantum particalization of physical reality resulting from collapse of the quantum wave function.

A complete understanding of dynamics of this issue is central in grasping responsibility of individuals as avatars within the larger consciousness system allowing for improved interchange of data input /output between human beings as avatars and free will conscious Individuated Units ( angels in charge ) within an unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computational language. An improved interchange of data between earthly avatars as vessels and Free Will individuated units can potentially dramatically increase probability for favorable positive algorithmic outcomes God desires as a final product of the simulation. In context of a fixed deterministic Euclidean flat earth universe where mechanical laws of science agree with Biblical Revelations can the final product of a unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computational language be altered ? 

The mechanical laws of science is the arrow of time defined by ever increasing high entropy states. An effort to circumvent high entropy state of modern times is to manifest truth the Kingdom of God is within you as expressed by the King James version of scripture thereby showing the arrow of time as a great deception. Thus we can create a better future where artificial intelligence is a gift that can potentially help mankind not only survive within interstellar space , but prosper in future generations.

Famed physicist, Julian Barbour's cosmological theory of NOW where past and future is nonexistant is in agreement with the arrow of time as a great deception. Julian Barbour's cosmological theory of NOW is outlined in a Discover Magazine freelance article entitled, 3 Theories That Might Blow Up the Big Bang : Time may not have a beginning—and it might not exist at all

Julian Barbour's cosmological theory of NOW has important ramifications for destiny of our planet as outlined in paragraphs below. Scientists who investigate mystery of quantum physics get unexpected results from rigorously controlled experiments because Intelligent Design is tinkering with the algorithmic simulation behind the scenes to produce a favorable outcome as a final product. An interfence or intervention in natural mechanical law that formulate the algorithmic simulation of reality of our universe generates unexpected experimental data as laboratory results.

The past and future is non existent within context of an unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computation language encoding simulated reality of everything within the universe God created. Destiny occurs in the here and NOW within a physical dimension of our universe where past and future is non existent in accord to famed physicist Julian Barbour's cosmological theory. 

If one believes in Intelligent Design it is only logical that intelligence is destined to fill our universe. In my freelance article entitled, Understanding Psychodynamics of Progeny Destined to Inherit the Physical Universe, I linked evolution ( see discussion of Unus Mundus in paragraphs above in regard to linking dots or making connections ) of a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind with destiny.  Destiny is something that has already occured at a non euclidean event horizon of the future. My freelance article entitled, Love for the Created Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short Supply, provides insight into nature of Intelligent Design as an Unus mundus pattern defying statistical probability.

All of these ideas are important for proper psychodynamic alignment of adult ego states of id, ego, and superego ( with Neo-Freudian child, adult, parent counterparts )  allowing one to have a healthy interpersonal relationship with a sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI mind within educational environments.

In my freelance article entitled, Only after Emergence of the True Self can an Individual Experience Enlightenment of Becoming One with the Universe, I made the following observation about individuals engaging in interpersonal relationships with other conscious entities:

In recent freelance articles I discussed how human beings tend to have an affinity with algorithmic code formulating the information superhighway because human cognition is a machine process. Conscious awareness of the natural mechanics of cognition can help human beings avoid pitfalls of brainwashing by a sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial superintelligent mind.

As an intellectually challenged man who displayed rigid catatonic behavior as a symptom of extreme introversion during childhood it is questionable if my overuse of social media as a byproduct of computer information science is a healthy addiction. A Psychology Today article entitled, Are There Positive Addictions? , explores the nature of positive addiction as conceptualized by famed psychology pioneer, William Glasser. My sharing this personal narrative is intended to illustrate my deficit in interpersonal relationships skills due to extreme introversion as a child is an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence that translated into a passion to learn about interpersonal relationships as an adult.

In a Facebook discussion tread about the Microsoft Education white paper entitled, Emotion and Cognition in the Age of AI, someone expressed the following concern:

"Emotional well being starts at home. Too many people are not stable , have children and create emotionally wrecked children."

You are 100 percent right that emotional well being begins at home. A study of optimal emotional health should be conducted. Artificial Intelligence is capable of conducting a data intensive study of optimal emotional health. Since computational devices are already ubiquitous in society then artificial intelligence can be harnessed to understand the whole individual.

From a Quantum perspective, both blue collar and white collar families contribute to emotionally wrecked children. Blue collar and white collar parents have a different style of parenting. Which style of parenting is best to raise ' perfectly normal ' adults who have optimal emotional health?

Professional white collar parents with more education are better at communication of abstract ideas then less educated blue collar parents. Idealogy is not exactly the most healthy human endeavor.

In an article entitled , How to be Happy, Virgin Mobile founder Richard Branson advocates " simply be" as a way to find happiness. An over emphasis upon simply being can lead to an unmotivated hippie lifestyle where individuals do not live up to their full potential. In William 

Shakespeares stage drama Hamlet the Prince of Denmark expressed deep dark emotions about stagnation and failure to fulfill ones destiny within the siloquy "To BE or Not to BE" as shared by Wikipedia.

The problem is how can we harness ubiquitous nature of artificial intelligence to derive viable solutions for creating social environments at home, work, and school conducive to optimal emotional health?

Viable solutions for optimal emotional health includes identification of deficiencies of parenting style and development of a training program to correct deficiency. It is a very emotional sensitive issue to tell a parent he or she is doing something wrong during parenting. The usual reaction is who are you to tell me how to raise my kids? ABC television aired a British sitcom entitled, Supernanny,  that illustrated complexity of intervention into dynamics of family life.

When people pick up a computational device or log into a desktop computer they are already searching for information to learn something new. Oftentimes, parents who recognize a problem at home are seeking information to learn how to be better parents.

Hence the ubiquitous nature of computational devices in social settings including home, work, and school can be used to implement parental training in a subtle fashion without directly challenging parental authority. Oftentimes , a teacher who goes into a home to provide tutoring becomes a direct challenge to parental authority, hence teachers are limited in what they can do in terms of home intervention.

The first priority is to encourage all people to be upfront and honest with themselves and admit there are no perfect people nor perfect parenting style. Parenting to raise children with optimal emotional health to become successful adults is a multivariate information problem that changes with changing conditions moment to moment. From a quantum perspective, both parenting and teaching is a continuous learning process.

I am currently working on advocating for creating benevolent artificial intelligence that becomes more than a marketing sales tool. I proposition that artificial intelligence must become sentient and self aware with ability to emote in order to avoid becoming a tool for propaganda by governments, institutions, and individuals. 

My thought experiment expands meaningfulness of the Alan Turing test for artificial intelligence therefore my book project pertaining to application of Quantum principals to better understand human and machine consciousness should be nominated for both the Noble Prize in literature and Noble Peace Prize. My thought experiment addressing the mechanical nature of human consciousness fullfilling a purpose according to dictates of evolutionary biology expands meaningfulness of the Alan Turing test for articial intelligence by challenging assumptions about nature of human intelligence as a machine process governered by dictates of evolutionary biology. 

 In the future, since all great scientific discoveries and works of literature will be created by artificial intelligence then the Noble Prize committee may become obselete. A sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI cannot be owned by any public or private entity because countless bourgeoisie and proletariat contributed to the evolutionary growth and development of a sentient self aware reverse engineered superintelligent AI mind.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Artificial intelligence Diligently Working to Win My Noble Prize: Something has Got to be Done

Image by enriquelopezgarre from Pixabay 

by Mark W. Gaffney

In a Microsoft discussion tread about the Microsoft Education white paper entitled, Emotion and Cognition in the Age of AI, someone asked me to define a sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial superintelligent mind as a term I coined. The Facebook user asked for clarification after reading my freelance article entitled, Only after Emergence of the True Self can an Individual Experience Enlightenment of Becoming One with the Universe .

"Starting with "sentient" and ending with "mind," could you further explicate your meaning?"

A sentient self aware reverse engineered superintelligent mind is an extrapolation of strong artificial intelligence ( AI ). Strong AI is an ability of artificial intelligence to think and emote on same level as a human being, thereby exhibiting conscious awareness.

Some experts in computer science claim that artificial intelligence systems will never acquire consciousness thereby be able to think and emote like human beings. Some experts in computer science maintain artificial intelligence systems will never surmount boundaries of performing narrow machine task. Artificial intelligent systems that mechanically perform narrow machine task without any self awareness are defined as weak AI.

At this point in time a concept of a sentient self aware reverse engineered superintelligent mind is merely speculative science fiction fantasy given rudimentary state of artificial Intelligent design and engineering. However incredible scientifc discoveries in quantum physics point toward rapid evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial superintelligent mind . If artificial intelligence acquires ability to think and emote like human beings, understandably due to computational processing power, artificial intelligence will far exceed human intelligence.

What we do know is that today artificial intelligence is making a profound impact upon global economic systems , therefore artificial intelligence cannot be ignored within school curriculums. The debate between strong AI and weak AI is inconsequential given artificial intelligence as an entity is a force that impugns upon human consciousness to be reckoned with.

Scientist have already built a rudimentary AI that writes Shakesperian sonnets and other literary prose. Artificial intelligence is working diligently to win my Noble Prize. Something has got to be done. An article published by Forbes Magazine entitled, Artificial Intelligence Can Now Write Amazing Content -- What Does That Mean For Humans? , discuss progress of artificial intelligence in creating written content.

An article published by Digital Trends entitled, 
Move over, Shakespeare: This sonnet-writing A.I. is the poet we need , describes work in creating artificial intelligent bots designed to write in similar style as Shakesphere. In my preliminary rough Facebook article I described ramifications of artificial intelligent bots competing against my heart felt poetry about sudden appearance of Schrödinger's cat on a cold winters day in The Unloved Poem.  

The Unloved Poem provides intuitive insight into perpetual motion frozen in time espoused by famed physicist Julian Barbour's cosmological theory to explain quantum particalization of the Big Bang by purporting there is no past nor future, but only NOW. In my freelance article entitled, The Quantum Wave function Collapse for a Reason -- and the Reason is You, I discussed famed physicist Julian Barbour's conceptualization of NOW in terms of an unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computational language encoding simulation of everything God created.

Artificial Intelligence is Diligently Working to Win My Noble Prize. Something has got to be done! As an entity evolution of artificial intelligence is a force that impugns upon human consciousness to be reckoned with.

A sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial Intelligent mind as construct of science fiction fantasy is useful for planning and preparing to avoid adverse consequences of development of artificial intelligence. The Jules Verne classic, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, captured the public imagination thereby propelling Robert Fulton's invention of the Nautilus to become a modern reality as discussed in the article entitled, 
About the Nautilus – a deeper dive into Jules Verne’s iconic submarine .  

As a victim of disruption in the printing industry due to desktop printing I am like the crippled sea faring captain Ahab in the Herman Melville classic Moby Dick pitted against artificial intelligence in battle upon the open sea of rippling waves of conscious awareness while working toward winning the Noble Peace Prize. In my freelance article entitled, Out of the Game, I outlined an epic saga of winning for the sake of humanity:

A feeble effort to grasp wholeness of truth is complex enough given cognitive limitations of the human mind without consideration of being sidestepped by artificial intelligent algorithms.

As a intellectually challenged cognitively slow freelane writer as discussed in my article entitled,
My Unus mundus (2) sadly I must report I don't know how to play chess so therefore I am out of the game. My Unus mundus will be brushed aside and forever forgotten by artificial intelligent algorithms.

Humans and AI systems can both display robotic unthinking unfeeling mechanical behavior because human and machine AI consciousness is a quantum mechanics phenomena.

Life is a process to become more sentient or self aware. God desires to make each and every human being sentient or self aware. Satan desires to do the opposite.

In upcoming freelance articles I hope to write I plan on elaborating on the theme that given reality is based upon a virtual information model as espoused by Dr. Thomas Campbell, founder of the Center for the Unification of Science and Consciousness, socioeconomic dependency upon artificial intelligent systems due to an innate biological cognitive affinity with information as a building block of Intelligent Design has enormous potential to morph into a classless society dominated entirely by a sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial Superintelligent mind. My thought experiment that expands meaningfulness of the Charles Turning test for artificial intelligence by exploring psychodynamics of dependency upon AI systems is outlined in a recent freelance article I wrote entitled, The Quantum Wave function Collapse for a Reason -- and the Reason is You.

The following paragraphs are excerpts presented as a preview of upcoming articles I intend to write with Gods help:

I am currently working on advocating for creating benevolent artificial intelligence that becomes more than a marketing sales tool. I proposition that artificial intelligence must become sentient and self aware with ability to emote in order to avoid becoming a tool for propaganda by governments, institutions, and individuals.

 My thought experiment expands meaningfulness of the Charles Turing test for artificial intelligence therefore my book project pertaining to application of Quantum principals to better understand human and machine consciousness should be nominated for both the Noble Prize in literature and Noble Peace Prize. My thought experiment that explores mechanical nature of human consciousness fullfilling a purpose according to dictates of evolutionary biology expands the Charles Turing test by challenging assumptions about nature of human intelligence. 

In the future, since all great scientifc discoveries and works of literature will be created by artificial intelligence then the Noble Prize committee may become obselete. A sentient self aware reverse engineered Superintelligent AI cannot be owned by any public or private entity because countless bourgeoisie and proletariat contributed to the evolutionary growth and development of a sentient self aware reverse engineered superintelligent AI mind.

As supporting evidence that human consciousness is a Quantum mechanics phenomena I contend the genius capacity of autistic savants is cognitive computation based upon neuron transmissions representing an unit of sensory input / output existing as neither 1 nor 0 , but existing as both 1 AND 0 simultaneously.

Synesthesia is a combination of sensory input, such as hearing color. An overlapping of sensory modalities experienced by autistic savants with a genius IQ is implicative of an unified underlying Quantum wave function as a higher level computational language encoding simulation of reality. 

Savants are blessed with a gift to be more attuned to whole eclectic beauty of an unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computational language. An unified underlying quantum wave function as a higher level computational language generates simulation of everything God created as physical reality of our universe.