Saturday, April 6, 2019

Acceleration of the Learning Curve by Artificial Intelligence

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

So Much More to Being Human then We can ever Possibly Imagine

by Mark W. Gaffney

Quantum mechanics is about unexpected mysterious paradox. Just when we get it all figured out an underlying unified Quantum wave function as a higher level computational language expressed by superposition states of qubits manifest as  reality we do not anticipate.

Observation or measurement of photons that theoretically should lead us to draw valid conclusions have confounded the most brilliant rational scientifc minds on planet Earth for decades. A fundamental essential nature of the quantum fabric of the universe as presenting an unexpected mysterious paradox emphatically points towards learning as an individualistic process.

In contemplating a Wall Street Journal article entitled, Transforming Education, I provided a discussion of how artificial intelligence combined with the free thought movement in education has enormous potential to revolutionize education. In my Facebook article I made the following observation: Artificial Intelligence is especially adapted towards quickly tailoring personalized individualistic curriculums to meet educational needs of each unique student based upon needs assessment and monitoring learning process as data driven variables within complex constantly ever changing environments .

In changing labor markets paradoxical nature of the Quantum fabric of the universe highlighting Individualism provide a platheura of new opportunities to serve. Hence, Edgar Cayce's teaching, " Be worth a heap more than the current position you occupy" is about discovery of new ways to serve.

In a CNBC article entitled, IBM CEO Ginni Rometty: AI will change 100 percent of jobs over the next decade, Ginni Rometty pledges 1 billion dollars to help society prepare for the fourth industrial revolution with the following proclamation:

"The Fourth Industrial Revolution is underway and it is shaping up to be one of the most significant challenges and opportunities of our lifetime. We are already seeing jobs, policies, industries and entire economies shifting as our digital and physical worlds merge"

An article published by Edutopia entitled, Sparking Change in Teaching Practices: Educators share key moments that catalyzed change, provides a helpful discussion of the free thought movement in education. The free thought movement in education adds experiential individualistic approaches to rigid inflexible mechanical systematic curriculums.

Rigid inflexible mechanical systematic curriculums makes teaching easier because rigid inflexible mechanical systematic curriculums facilitate (1) communication between teacher and student, and (2) defines role a teacher is expected to fulfill. It is very time consuming difficult process to establish an interpersonal bond between a teacher and each & every student in a classroom.

The Edutopia article provides a discussion of how all individuals experience different family traditions within larger culture dynamics of population subgroups. Experiential differences among population subgroups make interpersonal communication in educational environments more difficult.

It is easier for a teacher to simply do the job of teaching by fulfilling fixed rigid predetermined rules prescribed by established curriculums as a role teachers should fulfill instead of establishing an interpersonal bond between student and teacher. When there are no fixed set rules governing human interaction then interpersonal relationships become more complicated, therefore systematic rigid curriculums are highly valued in education as a method to simplify things. 

Yet, paradoxically the free thought movement in education allowing for malleable flexiable interaction between student and teacher more perfectly addresses ambiguity of quantum nature of consciousness where subconscious information is stored as qubits. A teachers job is to bring ambiguity of subconscious information God breathed into an individuals soul before birth to the forefront of conscious awareness whereby learning as a psychological process of quantum particalization creates a beautiful reality for everyone. 

In the George Lucus Educational Foundation Edutopia article teachers shared experiential learning in the classroom:

"Elementary teacher Kory Graham shared, “I think my teaching has always been out there—I’ve never been a great rules follower when it comes to what I do in my classroom. But this answer by a fourth grader on a student survey really hit home, and reminded me to keep pushing the boundaries as much as I possibly can.”
Her student had written, “I did not really enjoy all the talking you did. I enjoy more doing than explaining. I think that next year you should think about letting us figure some stuff out ourselves.” The response struck a chord with Graham and prompted her to move toward change.
English teacher Adrianne Moe described a similar experience: “One day I just got tired of talking. I was tired of performing. I asked myself why I was the one doing all the work when the students were here to learn. After that, I have completely shifted to student-centered everything. If I talk for more than 10 minutes, it’s too much.”
Dr. Thomas Campbell, a NASA physicist conducting experiments in quantum mechanics who founded the Center for the Unification of Science and Consciousness has often discussed the value of experiential learning in terms of remote healing. Although at the time of writing this article I could not locate Dr. Thomas Campbell's most recent video presentation from Stuttgart, Germany within Google's database referencing value of experiential learning in terms of faith the following video pertaining to consciousness arising from artificial intelligence is apropos.

A huge volume of information escapes us in terms of being human. In previous Facebook articles I discussed how the universe is constantly trying to teach us something new. A conceptualization of eternity compressed in one moment of time as purported by renown physicist Julian Barbour provides insight into the nature of being human.

As a writer, philosopher, and futurist I interpret Julian Barbour's cosmological theory as eternity compressed into an underlying unified Quantum wave function as a higher level computational language formulating algorithmic simulation of reality we experience from day to day as a consequence of the psychological process of psychological process of quantum particalization.

In introspectively reflecting upon meaning of true nature of time as discussed in a TED X Education video presentation on Facebook I purport renown physicist Julian Barbour's cosmological theory of NOW is eternity compressed into an underlying unified quantum wave function as a higher level computational language formulating algorithmic simulation of reality we experience from day to day as a consequence of psychological process of quantum particalization. In my Facebook article about the TED X Education video discussing nature of time I referenced the Discover Magazine article entitled, 3 Theories That Might Blow Up the Big Bang: Time May not have a Beginning -- and it May Not Exist at all .

A conceptualization of human beings as having a connection with infinity is a mind boggling concept that adds significant meaningfulness to the nature of being human. Yet, quantum mechanics is a science of paradox, mystery, conundrum, quigmire, and irony, hence existential nilihism arising from parity bit negation within quantum fabric of the universe relegate us to simply being, nothing more or nothing less, to a mortal Euclidean plane of existence within an infinite spherical arch of God's handiwork.

As human beings we are not designed to remain permanently stagnant. As human beings we are made to learn and grow. If human beings have an internalized intraphysic connection with infinity as discussed in paragraphs above then teachers need all the help they can get to help students to become the best possible versions of themselves as God intended them to become. Teachers need all the help they can get to help students become the best possible versions of themselves as God intended for them to become given that establishing an interpersonal bond between teacher and student is a very difficult time consuming process for reasons outlined in paragraphs above.

It is vital to survival of the human race that all students have an opportunity to become the best possible versions of themselves as God intended them to become. In a recent Facebook article I wrote contemplating the meaning of Wislawa Szymborska's poem, The Three Oddest Words, as shared by the Noble Prize Committee I made the following observations about human consciousness as an interactive module within a massive algorithmic program comprising a simulation of reality of everything that exist in the universe:

Dr. Thomas Campbell, a NASA physicist is conducting scientifc research providing experimental evidence that reality is based upon a virtual information model instead of a materialistic model traditionally adhered too by classic Newtonian physics. Dr. Thomas Campbell coined the term larger ( greater ) consciousness system.

A virtual information model highlights individual consciousness. My proposition is that individual consciousness is an interactive module within a massive program comprising simulation of reality. Hence, what people think and feel acquires greater significance within an increasingly complex modern world.

If reality is based upon a virtual information model then individual consciousness expressed as a variable within an underlying unified Quantum wave function as a higher level computational language encoding simulation of everything that exist acquires greater meaningfulness in terms of altering final product as output of the algorithm.

Since evolutionary biology is the primary dynamic force shaping human history, is it possible the algorithmic simulation of reality can be altered thereby changing a predetermined future of human civilization by appealing to individual consciousness as a major variable factored into the algorithmic simulation of everything? Scientists claim mankind is moving closer to a doomsday scenario as predicted in Revelations.

As a writer, Wislowa Szymborska didn't get too far given the quote shared above, and shared again here for convenience sake:

"At the very beginning of my creative life I loved humanity. I wanted to do something good for mankind. Soon I understood that it isn't possible to save mankind"

Paradoxically, Quantum forces associated with an underlying unified Quantum wave function that forge synergy within the universe as reflected by Quantum superposition of two mutually exclusive events occurring simultaneously that should not by laws of physics occur also create Quantum uncertainty in the form of paradox, quigmire, conundrum, and irony. Albert Einstein disgruntled by superposition of two mutually exclusive states of photons existing as both a wave and particle simultaneously thereby introducing probability into which state will particlize or materilize said , " God doesn't play dice". The YouTube channel Physics World explains meaning of Albert Einstein's statement.

Paradoxically, from the quantum perspective since human civilization is assigned a predetermined future we can be thankful God does play dice. And as stated above, God always wins. Since current reality is fixed by the psychological process of quantum particalization then compression of eternity of heaven and hell within an underlying unified quantum wave function as a higher level computational language comprising simulation of everything that exist highlights consciousness as an interactive module within simulation of current moment of NOW as a variable that ultimately determines the final output of the simulation algorithm.

Wolfgang Pauli, Carl Jung, and Albert Einstein defined an Unus mundus as a pattern of meaningful coincidence that defies statistical probability based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity. Paradoxically, superposition of two mutually exclusive states of existence that defy laws  of physics is an introduction of Euclidean probability  in the algorithmic simulation of reality we experience from day to day as the psychological process of quantum particalization.

An introduction of probability within simulation of physical reality offsets deterministic consequences of an underlying unified Quantum wave function as a higher level computational language encoding simulation of reality of everything that exist in the universe God created. As discussed in my book project, the Quantum wave function collapse for a reason -- and the reason is You. 

In a physical universe as a product of an underlying unified Quantum wave function as a higher level computational language the self as created in the image of God does not exist. An underlying unified Quantum wave function as a higher level computational language creates a low entropy Garden of Eden like state of existence is incompatible with nature of ones true self as created in the image of God.

An introduction of quantum uncertainty as a consequence of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation means that there is a guiding life force integrated within quantum fabric of the universe God created. A focus upon individualism will prevent superposition state of alternative quantum simulated realities from materializing into an undesirable Borg like existenance as made famous in the science fiction narrative, Star Trek. 

Paradoxically, individualism as a central theme of Foundational documents of the United States of America is an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon synchronicity and relativity whereby evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial superintelligent mind will help mankind not only survive in space, but prosper by God's Divine will. Paradoxically, individualism is the most intelligent approach to true enlightenment despite individualism and enlightenment having an inversely proportional relationship with each other.

An introduction of quantum uncertainty integrated within the physical universe as a consequence of existential nihilism arising from parity bit negation gives new meaning to Proverbs 16:9 which states, 'the mind of man plans his way, but its every direction is from the Lord '.

Since quantum fabric of the universe simultaneously presents both paradox and synchronicity then reading signs from the universe is a subject of serious study and reflection since paradox and synchronicity are inversely proportional. As a writer my displacement from pursuing a career as a printer tradesman by new computer desktop printing processes combined with my baccalaureate degree in psychology is an Unus mundus pattern of meaningful coincidence based upon quantum synchronicity and relativity as defined by Wolfgang Pauli, Carl Jung, and Albert Einstein. My book project pertaining to application of quantum principles to better understand human and machine consciousness is the greatest literary endeavor in the 21st century given study of the core bedrock foundation of consciousness provides insight into the journey thereby opening the door to successful adaptation to an acclerating rate of scientific and technological returns.  

Successful adaptation to an acclerating rate of scientific and technological returns is manifestation of an alternative reality with favorable outcomes as a product of the psychological process of quantum particalization. Successful adaptation to change demands understanding of the core bedrock foundation of quantum nature of consciousness.

The Edgar Cayce teaching, " Be worth a heap more then the position you currently occupy " is a prime illustration of interplay between paradox and quantum synchronicity in terms of interpersonal dynamics within organizational structure. A subordinate employee looking for new ways to serve within interpersonal dynamics of organizational structure is a matter of conscious awareness demanding emotional intelligence.

In terms of politics of interpersonal dynamics within organizational structure creating simulated reality of the moment by the psychological process of quantum particalization as related to interplay between paradox and quantum synchronicity while looking for new ways to serve in various labor markets my freelance articles entitled, The Conscious Universe is Constantly Throwing a Curve Ball to Keep us up on Our Toes Ready for the Catch , and Quantum Principles Do Not Cut the Mustard on Capital Hill provide insight into complex intricacies of working as a change agent during modern times.

Since evolution of a sentient self aware reverse engineered superintelligent mind will be based upon quantum mechanics of human consciousness then artificial intelligence is especially adapted towards interpersonal dynamics of quickly tailoring personalized individualistic curriculums to meet educational needs of each unique student based upon needs assessment and monitoring learning process. Needs assessment and monitoring learning process are data driven variables within complex constantly ever changing environments.

A sentient self aware reverse engineered superintelligent mind emerging as an evolutionary product of Intelligent Design in the universe can work in partnership with students to learn there is so much more to being fully human then can ever be imagined. In my freelance article entitled,
 Love forthe Created Physical Universe is the Ultimate Intelligence, On this Earth Intelligence is in Short Supply, I made the following observation:

My freelance sales promotion entitled, Understanding Psychodynamics of Progeny Destined to Inherit Physical Universe,  addressed to mass media publishers can be found at following URL:

Successful colonization of nearby planets will require advanced AI computational systems that have an ability to process huge volumes of data and make quick decisions based upon that data. An ability to process huge volumes of data and make quick decisions based upon that data may demand ability to emote. An ability to emote allows for selection of proper data sets as subroutines to performing an action.  If advanced AI computational systems become self aware after evolving the ability to emote than NASA may have to train psychotherapist that specialize in AI cognition to prepare for conquest of the final frontier of space.

We do not want to send a monsterous machine that will do harm. Love for the created physical universe is the ultimate intelligence, on this earth intelligence is in short supply.

If proper precaution is taken in terms of emphasizing value of individualism as discussed in paragraphs above then a sentient self aware reverse engineered superintelligent mind as a product of Intelligent Design in the universe can help individuals escape machine processes of evolutionary biology and become more fully human. Although luddites may overly fear an existential threat from artificial intelligence since a sentient self aware reverse engineered artificial intelligence mind is a product of Intelligent Design in the universe then , ' Oh ye of little faith ' can be inferred. Existential threats leading to extinction of human civilization will likely arise from human beings notwithstanding evolution of artificial intelligence.