Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Quantum Principles Do Not Cut the Mustard on Capital Hill

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By User:Fb78 (Photo by User:Fb78) [CC BY-SA 2.0 de (, CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons

by Mark W. Gaffney

Pluralism is often identified as the greatest weakness of democracy. As we approach mid term elections is there anything society can do to highlight pluralism as a strength of democracy?


Oftentimes lawmakers crossing the aisle are viewed as betraying principals upon which a political party stands. Lawmakers who cross the aisle to compromise upon legislation are often viewed as betraying voting constituents upholding values that the party stands for.

Voting Constituents with strong belief systems are vigorously opposed to lowering standards by any form of legislative compromise. In politics the quantum principal that a variable in a mathematical expression can be both true and false simultaneously does not cut the mustard, so to speak, despite quantum mechanics existing as the underlying principal of TAO and the Hegelian dialectic philosophy.

As we grow as a civilization can we move in a direction where there are no winners and losers, but instead everyone wins? As I recently wrote in a previous article, I don't want to have anything remotely to do with success if success comes at the expense of another human being, because success at the expense of another human being is the ultimate failure.

The following is an excerpt from my freelance articles Out of the Game (2) and Continuity of Values as We Move Toward Singularity: How to Build a Better Future Based Upon Old Time Universal Values of Love and Empathy (3):

In recent years, political division within the United States of America has increased because an accelerating rate of scientific and technological returns has up ended the ante in game of asserting one set of values above another set of values. Logically, mutual cooperation is a win - win scenario.

Our free democratic society is undergoing birth pains. Political divisiveness of partisan politics is a symptom of birth pains. Cataclysmic events such as the financial collapse of 2008 is a consequence of our nation undergoing birth pains. My freelance article entitled, Today's Neo Marxist Quagmire: The 2008 Financial Collapse as neo Marxist Quagmire (4), discussed birth pains of the 2008 financial collapse that lead to crippling unemployment.

A return of the roller coaster ride in the stock market is symptomic of birth pains for our free domocratic society. An awareness of stocks as investment retirement securities has power to bring stability to the stock market. When the stock market is viewed as a social experiment to address concerns of disruption resulting from an accerateing rate of scientific and technological returns then casino like speculation within markets is a threat to integrity of stock market as valid reliable investments. Speculation is the primary cause of the 2008 financial collapse.

As defenders of freedom historically the United States has often taken upon itself a role of a policeman for the World. An article by CHARLES V. PEÑA entitled, Should America Be the World's Policeman? (5), questions rather or not the United States of America should continue to play the role of policeman. When playing the role of policeman while defending freedom unfortunately our beloved country got into the business of nation building.

The business of nation building for the United States of America has been a complete total failure. Nation building is a failure for the United States of America because the art of nation building depends upon the heart, mind, and soul of people who live in foreign countries. In my freelance article entitled, The Seven Ton Elephant in the Room (6), I discussed the Iraq blunder of failed nation building as a consequence of politicized federal intelligence agencies as related to friction between President Trump and Federal agencies investigating Russiagate conspiracy.

Nation building is a failure because the most massive military on the face of the earth has absolutely no power and control over the heart, mind, and soul of people anywhere. Jesus said, " You would have no power over Me if it were not given to you from above" John 19: 11 (7).

During this historical epoch of accelerating scientific and technological returns we need to rekindle the spirit of innovation and find a new business of helping people who want help to help themselves. It is written, "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he" (8). The answer may not always be to electrify everything and build more gigantic cities with pollution, congestion, and noise that mere wealth may bring.

In reference to the Judgment of Solomon by Wallfahrtskirche Frauenberg in relation to application of quantum principles to better understand human consciousness it is not uncommon for a woman to have a maternal loving caring nuturing instinct toward a baby that is not her own. If both women possessed a loving caring nurturing instinct toward the baby depicted in the Judgment of Solomon then the baby would not have been stolen from the rightful birth mother to begin with.

A condition whereby both women shared a maternal loving caring nurturing instinct toward the baby, thereby recognizing the rightful birth mother, in the Judgment of Solomon reflects a quantum wave function of reality. The quantum wave function of reality more accurately reflects wholeness of truth. 

A quantum wave function of reality can be readily accessed through practice of meditation and metacognition. In my freelance article entitled, #RealMe Steadily Gaining Clout on Social Media (9), I identify writing as the Western form of introspective reflective meditation. The following is an excerpt from my freelance article:
A continuum within the spectrum of my learning to apply Albert Einstein's Relativity Theory to more fully understand quantum mechanics during reflective meditative process of writing helps me to see issues within sphere of conscientiousness more clearly. In my freelance article entitled, Men of Letters: Our Beloved Country, the United States of America is a History of Rising Above Tumultuous Waves of Revolution because Our Founding Fathers were Men of Letters, I alluded to the process of writing as the Western form of introspective reflective meditation. The process of writing existing as a Western form of introspective reflective meditation demands an individual step outside oneself and experience wholeness of truth within universe God designed.

Writing as the Western form of meditation involves a process of metacognition. An article by Paul Ratner published by entitled, How Metacognition, Thinking About Thinking, Can Help Your Life (10), provides an interesting discussion about metacognition. Meditative introspective reflection during an act of writing involves various degrees of metacognition that enable one to readily access a quantum wave function of reality.

The psychological process of quantum particalization is more often, but not always, related to traits of mean-spiritedness and pettiness, as Joe Biden described divisive partisan politics. The psychological process of quantum particalization is often associated with defensiveness. Unfortunately defensiveness as a psychological mechanism is often required for self preservation within an existential universe govern by the evolutionary law of survival of the fittest.

In accord with quantum principles, both quantum wave function and quantum particalization are simultaneously vital psychological processes. Dynamic operation of Quantum particalization and a quantum wave function of reality in the human psyche is the reason for pendulum swings during election cycles between parties. Pendulum swings during election cycles are a consequence of political parties upholding various political ideology across the political spectrum.

President Trump's nationalist policies have been under intense scrutiny. A recent shake up in Trump Administration cabinet positions, including firing of Rex Tillerson and replacement by new Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, is an effort to organize a cabinet loyal to nationalist agenda of Trump administration.

Nationalism and globalization have become devisive partison issues. In accord with quantum principles, it is not either nationalism or globalization but both simultaneously.

Unfortunately, a rigid fixed set agenda required for public policy makes it very difficult to implement an intelligent foreign policy based upon quantum principles during process of governing. Good governance is oftentimes a matter of spirit. 

Government officials who deviate from a rigid fixed government policy may be perceived as violating laws. Rigid fixed government policy which is not in alignment with quantum principles invites opportunity for those perpetuating fake news to crucify government officials who may be acting in accord with sincere genuine honest upright guidance from the spirit.

 Globalization is more closely associated with a quantum wave function of reality. Liberal policies that assert value of globalization are designed to build strong healthy relationships among leaders. Strong healthy relationships within the international community are conducive for cooperation to solve difficult problems. Jesus said, "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" Matthew 5:44 (11).

An ecletic psychological process of acceptance of an all encompassing quantum wave function of reality is more closely aligned with matters of the spirit. Quantum particalization is more closely aligned with spectrum of physical reality within universe God chose to place us. 

A spectrum of physical reality within universe God chose to place us demands that decisions need to be made by leaders. Paradoxically, effective decision-making by leaders in a world governed by scientific law involves greater levels of psychological process of quantum particalization.

Paradoxically, a psychological process of quantum particalization begins with observation. It is paradoxical that a psychological process of quantum particalization potentially leading to rejection of a quantum wave function begins with observation. A eclectic quantum wave function of reality is encompassing whole truth of reality. 

Observation is the first step of the scientific method. The scientific method is a valient effort to untangle complex variables to derive whole truth. Hence, rejection of whole truth of reality as expressed by a gestalt quantum wave function during psychological process of quantum particalization is paradoxical.

In my freelance article entitled, Overwhelmed (12), I referenced an article entitled, Be Skeptical of Those Who Treat Science as an Ideology, written by Dr. Desmond-Hellmann, CEO of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The article entitled, Be Skeptical of Those Who Treat Science as an Ideology, addresses paradox of rejection of quantum wave function of reality as a consequence of psychological process of quantum particalization. 

The article, Be Skeptical of Those Who Treat Science as an Ideology, is about embracing skepticism or doubt during scientific process of questioning what we think we absolutely know. In my freelance article entitled Overwhelmed I assert, The quantum principle that a variable within a mathematical equation can be both true and false simultaneously is a good argument for provisional evidence based scientific knowledge. 

A concept of "self" or personal identity as an individual as well as identity of a nation is important. A human being cannot live an emotionally healthy productive life without a well defined sense of self.

Nationalism as a public policy is designed to preserve integrity of national identity. Nationalism is more closely associated with a psychological process of quantum particalization.

Paradoxically, an eclectic application of a quantum wave function of reality leading to the United States of American to become a diverse melting pot of international culture can potentially dilute or diminish national identity. Cherished national values vital to national identity can be diminished and diluted by an eclectic globalization policy attempting to apply a quantum wave function of reality.

Paradoxically, complete abandonment of globalization as an application of quantum wave function of reality in favor of nationalism as expression of quantum particalization can also diminish an American value of embracing diversity as a melting pot of international culture. An over zealous application of the quantum wave function of reality expressed by a globalization agenda can compromise national identity. 

The psychological processes of quantum wave function of reality and quantum particalization have a strange inverse paradoxical relationship in regard to an understanding of dynamic operation of human consciousness within politics. As a writer I am committed to figuring this out to promote good governance.  

The crux of the infamous Russian meddling within U.S. politics scandal is preservation of American values and national identity of the United States of America during a historical epoch of greater telecommunication interconnectedness where information is transmitted at the speed of light. Despite America being a diverse melting pot of international culture we have values we must uphold at all cost.

America as a nation with an unique national identity has something special to offer the world. If the United States of America should happen to lose our national identity we will not have anything to offer immigrants who find their way to American shores. Jesus said, "What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?" Mark 8:36 . (13)

Annotated Bibliography

(1) Joe Biden Quote October 21, 2015, No Labels.Org, No Labels URL

(2) Out of the Game, Reflection: Introspective Times, Mark W. Gaffney,

(3) Continuity of Values as We Move Toward Singularity: How to Build a Better Future Based Upon Old Time Universal Values of Love and Empathy, Reflection: Introspective Times, Mark W. Gaffney,

(4) Today's Neo Marxist Quagmire: The 2008 Financial Collapse as neo Marxist Quagmire, Google Document, Mark W. Gaffney

(5) Should America Be the World’s Policeman?, The American Conservative, CHARLES V. PEÑA,

(6) The Seven Ton Elephant in the Room, Reflection on Linkedin, Mark W. Gaffney,

(7) John 19:11, New International Version,

(8) Proverbs 29: 18, King James Bible,

(9) #RealMe Steadily Gaining Clout on Social Media, Reflection on Linkedin, Mark W. Gaffney,

(10) How Metacognition, Thinking About Thinking, Can Help Your LifePaul Ratner, BigThink.com

(11) Matthew 5: 44, New International Version,

(12) Overwhelmed, Reflection on Linkedin, Mark W. Gaffney,

(13) Mark 8: 36
New International Version,

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Oscar News: Fifty Shades Darker Receives Honorable Mention by Wanna-be Film Critic

Photo Credit:

by Mark W. Gaffney

It is difficult to fathom why Fifty Shades Darker is snubbed at the 2018 Oscars. It is plausible risqué content of Fifty Shades Darker precluded nomination of Fifty Shades Darker as meriting credible social value as serious artistic achievement in the minds of Oscar judges. Risqué content within Fifty Shades Darker invokes images of adolescent snickering and giggling at back of the theater therefore Oscar nominating judges failed to recognize film as a serious contender for an Oscar award reflecting social merit.

The performances of Jamie Dornan as Christian Grey, Dakota Johnson as Anastasia Steele, as well as supporting cast gets rave reviews for fine acting from this wanna-be film critic for portrayal of weighty socially relevant themes. As a fictional drama Fifty Shades Darker explored sexual harassment in the workplace before incriminating indictments against powerful businessmen became public therefore Fifty Shades Darker may be an early progenitor of the MeToo movement (1).

Oftentimes dark secrets buried within the subconscious are explored early onward in fictional books and movies because it is simply too uncomfortable to discuss taboo topics openly in public. Sexual harassment at work that ignited the MeToo movement sadly may be a byproduct of a put out or get out mentality within capitalist markets that demand an exceptional near perfect performance.

An exceptional near perfect performance at any task demands overcoming thermodynamic law of entropy or disorder within physical universe. My analytical study of fabric upon which physical universe is built outlined in my freelance article entitled, An Understanding of Process of Particalization Versus Quantum Wave Function of Reality (2), may help provide an understanding of Quantum uncertainty associated with hypothetical construct of love depicted in movie Fifty Shades Darker

Quantum uncertainty associated with hypothetical construct of love may be the psychological dynamics behind a couple playfully exploring concept of submission. Quantum uncertainty associated with hypothetical construct of love during process of relating to another human being can make a poor fellow feel like he fell into the matrix after Holy matrimony.

Knots and Loose ends within Dynamics of Quantum Physics and String Theory in Context of Human and Machine Consciousness. Loose ends representing uncertainty inherent in quantum wave function of physical reality and knots representing process of particalization, occurring as consequence of observations, not accurately reflecting reality. Particalization of knots from simulation of reality by the mind culminate in impermanence of thought.

Fifty Shades Darker included themes of submission. The Kinsey Study (3) encouraged society to openly explore the taboo subject of human sexuality. The Kinsey Study empowered men and women to have a deeper profound understanding of the nature of love as expressed by sexuality above and beyond mechanically fulfilling biological functions.

Oftentimes sex becomes a rote mechanical act demanded and expected. The Kinsey Study opened the door to questioning traditional gender roles. 

Questioning of traditional gender roles expands the concept of self and allows men and women to view each other as whole complete human beings. An open discussion of the taboo subject of sexuality within an intelligent adult paradigm of a scientific research study empowered women especially to have a greater awareness of concept of self identity above and beyond biological functions of child bearing machines. Women who acquire a greater awareness of self identity have more to offer in terms of motherhood.

A quantum perspective of submission adds a new fuller dimension to meaning of submission given a variable in a mathematical expression can be both true and false simultaneously. Submission is a Biblical theme. 

When a line of thought, Wives submit to your husbands (Ephesians 5:22) is considered as one trajectory without consideration of a second line of thought, or trajectory, Husbands love your wives ( Ephesians 5:25) then full Biblical meaning is lost. Biblical encouragement of husbands to love their wives requires men to view wives as more then mere robotic machines designed to fulfill a child bearing home making purpose. 

In order for men to truly love their wives they must view their wife as a whole complete person wonderfully made in the image of God. In the movie Fifty Shades Darker, Anastasia Steele performed by actress Dakota Johnson insisted upon continuing her publishing career after marriage to Christian Grey. As a loving husband, Christian Grey viewing his wife as a whole complete person above and beyond a mere instrument for sex agreed his wife Anastasia Steele should continue her publishing career.

A quantum perspective to reading the Bible requires both trajectories expressed in two Biblical verses both be considered simultaneously. In the old days, when one room school houses were many miles apart, sparsely scattered on the frontier, people with poor reading skills did not know anything about Albert Einstein’s Relativity and Quantum mechanics. In the old days, men and women did not have as many choices as they do now, therefore men and women mechanically fulfilled gender roles in a rote fashion without questioning or trying to learn about oneself as wonderfully made in the image of God with dynamics of personality approximating infinity.

Love is elusive within society where (1) lifestyle choices for unique individuals are continuing to expand daily and (2) unique individuals are made in the image of God with dynamics of personality approximating infinity. Paradoxically, If these two conditions did not exist there could not be any love. 

A couple playfully exploring willingness to submit based upon free will may be better understood in terms of an endless combinational factorial design in equation of two people relating to each other during process of falling in love. Quantum uncertainty associated with hypothetical construct of love during process of relating to another human being involves psychological complexity of losing control. 

In social media someone asked, what is the color of love?. After giving it some thought to the question, what is the color of love?, I responded, It just occurred to me, could love be the color of a translucent rainbow? I am not sure if translucent is an appropriate word to describe love as two people in love lay their soul bare because they know they will be loved unconditionally by their soulmate. However, I like the word translucent so I wanted to throw it in sentence.

In bygone eras when men and women were very limited in lifestyle choices it is questionable how many marital partners truly loved each other as they mechanically fulfilled assigned gender roles because they did not have a choice.

Fifty Shades Darker is a cinamagraphic study of a couple playfully exploring submission through bondage during an era when love is elusive. An elusive quality of love in the modern era makes the concept of playfully exploring submission through bondage an intriguing plot for a movie. Jamie Dornan as Christian Grey, Dakota Johnson as Anastasia Steele, as well as supporting cast provide an expertly crafted performance to gracefully bring form and shape to these dynamic issues.

Accolades from a wanna-be film critic may be entirely welcomed by cast and crew of Fifty Shades Grey. According to an article, Fifty Shades of Grey picks up five awards at annual 'celebration' of Hollywood's worst films... with Razzies for Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson (4)  by Rachel McGrath for about Razzie Awards dished out to Fifty Shades Grey

“Stars Jamie Dornan and Dakaota Johnson were named worst actor and worst actress, as well as worst screen combo, while the film scored a Razzie for worst screenplay.” 

 Wow, some of these film critics put on the boxing gloves. It makes one speculate about secret proclivities of film critics desiring to be tied up in bondage. After reviewing accolades from this wanna-a-be film critic cast and crew of Fifty Shades Grey may adopt Garth Brooks song, Friends in Low Places (5), as their theme song.

Fifty Shades Darker did not get nominated for a 2018 Oscar Academy Award (6), but this wanna-a-be film critic is rooting for Fifty Shades Freed to take home an Oscar in 2019 for outstanding acting providing a cinematographic study of psychological complexity of losing control as a result of hypothetical construct of love during process of relating to another human being produces quantum uncertainty due to an endless combinational factorial design in equation of two people relating to each other when falling in love.

Annotated Bibliography

(1) You are not Alone, Me Too Movement,

(2) An Understanding of Process of Particalization Versus Quantum Wave Function of Reality, Reflection: Introspective Moments, Mark W. Gaffney,

(3) Exploring Love, Sexuality, and Well Being, The Kinsey Institute,

(4) Fifty Shades of Grey picks up five awards at annual 'celebration' of Hollywood's worst films... with Razzies for Jamie Dornan and Dakota JohnsonRachel McGrath,

(5) Friends in Low Places, Garth Brooks,

(6) 2018 Oscar Academy Awards,